I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 548

Chapter 526 Arrived at the source of the Yellow Rive

In this area, cars are difficult to pass, and the means of transportation for the scientific expedition team are horses and yaks.

The horse is equivalent to a “passenger car”, and the yak is a “truck”.

These dozens of yaks come from different families, and they are not familiar with each other. Under the arrangement of the township leaders, these yaks temporarily formed a transport team.

After being frightened, the yaks became wild and fought with their families as their combat units.


This is the sound of the horns colliding against the horns, resounding across the plateau.

Shen Qi, Xu Zhou and other scientists from the low-altitude areas of the capital have never seen the chaotic scene of the yak herd fighting, and they are at a loss for a while.

Yak is an irreplaceable means of transportation on the plateau. If a few yaks are killed or injured because of a fight, it will cause huge losses that are irreversible to China’s scientific research work.

At this critical moment, only a clear howl was heard, and a rider killed him.

This rider is mighty and majestic. He wears a felt hat on his head, a leather jacket, a shotgun on his shoulder, a leather whip in his hand, and he is dressed as a Tibetan hunter.


The rider slapped the ground and blew a few more rhythmic whistles.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) The rider made a ritual yelling around the herd of yaks.

One thing drops one thing.

After the rider had such a series of moves, the yaks were quiet, and the chaotic situation was controlled.

Shen Qi and Xu Zhou joined forces. This scientific expedition team is dominated by personnel from Yan University, and the University of Geosciences also dispatched relevant professional expedition personnel.

The young Tibetan man who bravely tame yak is called Ngawang. He is the administrator of the Eling Lake-Zhaling Lake Reserve and the guide of this scientific expedition team.

“Brother Ngawang, good skill.” Shen Qi praised the Tibetan guide and asked for tips on taming yak.

Awang taught Shen Qi the bullwhip method and related formulas, which Shen Qimo remembered.

The scientific expedition team rode and drove the cattle all the way west. It was late and set up a tent to rest for the night.

The joint scientific expedition team of    Yan and Didi University came with a mission. Scientists of various disciplines gathered around the campfire to talk at night, and the starry sky on the plateau was extremely bright.

These scientists agree that global warming will worsen the drought and water shortage in Northwest China.

The unreasonable interventions imposed by humans on the ecological environment have been an important reason for the rapid deterioration of the environment in the Sanjiangyuan region in recent decades.

“Man-made disasters require the government to strengthen management. Natural disasters require the joint efforts of those of us who are knowledgeable.” Shen Qi takes yak dung and puts it into the bonfire. The best energy used here is yak dung.

“Yes, if you don’t make up your mind to improve the ecological environment, mankind will be done.” Xu Zhou wrapped his jacket tightly. It is midsummer in July, but the night on the plateau is extremely cold.

Scientists from the capital talked about science, but Ngawang didn’t understand professional knowledge. He patrolled with a shotgun, acting as both a guide and a bodyguard.

“Brother Ngawang, come and sit down.” Shen Qi waved to Ngawang.

Awang walked to the bonfire, he was a little restrained, and he was the least educated in this group.

“Brother Awang, you are most familiar with the plateau. Tell us the story here.” Shen Qi said.

“Digging for gold and cordyceps has made us rich and poor.” Ngawang speaks half-baked Chinese and tells the story of Sanjiangyuan in plain language, supplemented by a Han cadre in Maduo County.

The Sanjiangyuan region is rich in gold and Cordyceps. These two precious resources not only bring wealth to the Sanjiangyuan region, but also cause great damage to the ecological environment here.

During the reign of Ma Bufang, large-scale gold mining began here.

Although the productivity was extremely low at that time, the annual amount of gold included in Ma Bufang’s private vault was more than 40,000 taels.

Ma Bufang’s gold panning unit once dug a huge gold nugget weighing 23 kilograms in Maduo County. Ma Bufang was overjoyed. He thought that auspiciousness had come from the sky, and immediately ordered someone to rush to make a very delicate frame, Chen Fang gold nugget.

This gold nugget has a peculiar shape, like a bulldog roaring to the sky, the brilliant golden light is dazzling, and everyone who sees it is amazing.

How much gold Ma Bufang took with him when he fled is still a mystery.

I heard that when Ma Bufang was in exile, because of carrying too much gold, he indirectly crushed the plane and had to temporarily change his escape plan.

“Too much gold is digging, it is not good, it damages the environment, the water turns yellow, and there is too much sand.” In his simple words, Ngawang expressed his strong desire to protect the environment of Sanjiangyuan.

“Ma Bufang was basically destructive mining at that time. After so many years of mining, it can be seen that the gold reserves here are extremely amazing. However, the price we paid is also huge.” The Maduo County official shook his head and sighed.

Compared with digging for gold, digging cordyceps by non-professionals causes more damage to the Sanjiangyuan area.

A large number of foreigners poured into Sanjiangyuan in the 1990s. They had no experience in identifying and digging cordyceps. They turned the ground to find cordyceps. They often worked for several days, but they didn’t find a single cordyceps, but they turned over a good pasture.

After digging the cordyceps, the outsiders patted their buttocks and left. The local aborigines had nowhere to go, and the local residents and cadres were responsible for all the evil consequences.

The vegetation in the headwaters of the Yellow River has been severely damaged, forming a large area of ​​sandy land, which has also affected the middle and lower reaches. In recent years, landslides and mudslides have emerged endlessly. The country’s annual human, material and financial resources invested in rescue and disaster relief are astronomical so Awang stopped herding sheep. He realized that they can survive only by protecting the environment in their hometown. .

After dawn, the scientific expedition team continued on their way.

Deep into the natural reserve at the source of the Yellow River, there are more and more wetland swamps.

In a small area, there are countless ponds and seas of different sizes and shapes, the large ones are several thousand square meters, and the small ones are only a few square meters.

Shuibo and Haizi look like a mirror inlaid on an emerald-like jade plate in the summer sun. They are connected together like a peacock. The Tibetan compatriots in history call this section of the Yellow River the Peacock River.

“Fortunately, the ecological environment near the source is in good condition.” The scientific expedition team stopped and collected scientific data on climate, hydrology, geology and other aspects of the place.

Suddenly there was a crisp cry in the sky, and everyone looked up, and they were all excited: “Look, black-necked crane!”

A group of big birds hovering in the air, with white wings and black necks, is particularly beautiful.

When Awang saw this bird, he bowed his head, muttering this, and he was reading the scriptures.

The Tibetan people believe in Buddhism and love black-necked cranes very much. They call them “Crane”, “Divine Bird” and “Auspicious Bird”.

Black-necked cranes are endangered species. The scientific research team can meet wild black-necked cranes here. Everyone thinks this is a symbol of auspiciousness.

Shen Qi picked up the camera and shot it at the sky. He brought a high-performance camera to take pictures of these wild black-necked cranes.

Based on the photos of these wild black-necked cranes, plus simple text descriptions, go back to the capital to sort them out, and you can form a zoological essay bulletin.

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