I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 550

Chapter 528 Birch reaction, Dodge reaction and Shen

When Shen Nuofei was a few months old, she learned to roll over and crawl, and she would call her mom and dad.

As the saying goes, there are seven teeth and eight teeth. Now the children are well nourished, and Shen Nuofei has teeth in three or four months.

One-year-old Shen Nuofei has learned to walk, but this girl is naughty and can walk clearly, but she insists on her father to hold her when she goes out.

Shen Qi finished today’s work and went out to breathe with her daughter.

“Nofi, you are forty catties, which is equivalent to taking a bag of rice for a walk every day, my dear daughter, can you come down and walk for a while by yourself?” Shen Qi said to her daughter, trying to put her down.

“Hug!” Shen Nuofi grabbed Shen Qi’s clothes and refused to go to the ground.

Shen Nuofi can understand many sentences, and can use simple words such as “dad”, “mother” and “hug”.

Nowadays, young parents have a higher and higher level of knowledge and education, and they pay more and more attention to early education for their children.

In most families with decent economic conditions, parents will give their children systematic early education when they are very young.

It is difficult for ordinary parents to know everything and understand everything, and various early education classes are booming.

Shen Qi understands a lot of knowledge. During his time as a dad, he personally guided Shen Nuofei to learn all kinds of knowledge.

Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Chinese and English calendar, astronomy and geography, sports, Shen Qi can teach many things, all of which are at the professional level or above. There is no problem in guiding a one-year-old baby girl.

Only the art aspect, Shen Qi is not professional enough. He wants to teach Shen Nuofi piano, ballet, and belly dance. Unfortunately, his level in these fields of art is limited.

Shen Qi spends half of the day as a dad and the other half as a professor.

The latest report on the animal experiment of C01C by Obech Pharmaceuticals was sent to Shen Qi, and it is now progressing to the dog experiment.

Experimental reports show that the vomiting reaction of dogs after taking C01C is quite serious.

There is a diaphragm between the two stomachs of the mouse, which prevents the mouse from burping or vomiting.

Dogs, cats, monkeys and other animal mammals are particularly sensitive to vomiting. They will vomit when they eat food that makes them uncomfortable.

Vomiting is actually a kind of protection for living organisms. Animals that do not vomit are easily poisoned.

After taking C01C, the dog vomited to the point of being irresistible, which attracted Shen Qi’s attention.

C01C contains an active substance and must be tested for vomiting.

Vomiting reaction is one of the milder side effects of drugs, and it is a type of side effect that is allowed to pass the review.

But C01C’s vomiting reaction on dogs is too sensitive, which makes Shen Qi worry.

The purpose of animal experiments is to observe whether animals have severe allergies, teratogenicity or even death. Drugs that cannot pass animal experiments must not be administered to humans. Such drugs are not eligible to enter the clinical stage.

Animal experiments usually last for one year, and almost 30% of new drugs fail in animal experiments.

The R&D department of Obiqi Pharmaceutical is actually at Yanda University. Shen Qi convened Laoyan and Cheng Haonan to re-examine the C01C synthetic route design, structural analysis, laboratory testing and other data.

“Is there something wrong with C01C’s animal experiment?” Old Yan asked.

Shen Qi nodded and said: “Yes, C01C has more serious side effects on experimental dogs. One experimental dog suffered from vomiting so severely that it was unbearable and was put to death by the experimenter. So we need to improve C01C.”

The laboratory team of a new chemical drug usually consists of about ten chemists and two or three biological researchers.

Shen Qi’s drug research and development team consists of three people, Lao Yan and Cheng Haonan are chemists, and Shen Qi fills in the remaining holes.

Shen Qi can certainly recruit some newcomers, but the C01C project is quite special. C01C was initially synthesized by Shen Qi’s team in the Yanda laboratory, and later sold its patent development rights to Obiqi Pharmaceutical at the market price.

As far as the C01C project is concerned, Shen Qi doesn’t want too many people to participate in the research and development work, so he can only work harder by himself.

“In fact, this is the way to make new products. Constant verification and continuous improvement. I conducted some new analyses based on the pharmacokinetic data of experimental dogs. C01C contains a longer conjugated side chain with poor flexibility. In the above, the reduction of the double bond of the side chain can increase the activity of the compound. The changes in several letters and numbers in the molecular structure are reflected in in vivo experiments, and sometimes produce huge difference in effect.” Shen Qi talked about his right Ideas to improve the nature of C01C.

Cheng Haonan understood what Shen Qi meant, and he asked: “In other words, the synthesis route of C01C, except for the first step, need to be redesigned for all other steps?”

“Yes, its core is still benzothiazinone, and we have adjusted and optimized its side chain. In order to facilitate the distinction, we internally call the optimized compound of C01C this time as C01C-2.” Shen Qi arranged Upon completion of the mission, in Nangang, Obech Pharmaceuticals continues to promote C01C animal experiments. After the dog experiments are completed, monkey experiments will be carried out.

In the capital, Shen Qi, Lao Yan, and Cheng Haonan simultaneously carried out the optimization work of C01C-2. The focus of the work was to adjust the structure of the side chain of the benzothiazinone core in the laboratory, and finally obtain the ideal new compound. This new compound can be understood as a derivative of CO1C.

In the synthesis experiment of C01C-2, Shen Qi and the others found a problem. After reducing the double bond of the longer conjugated side chain, the yield of the intermediate obtained could not exceed 1% in any case.

is only a few tenths of a percent yield, and I have to make a woolen yarn.

“That’s not right, the yield using Burch’s reduction reaction is only 0.52%?” Old Yan was confused.

In organic synthesis, the application of attachment and disconnection of functional groups is widely used by chemists. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

The first goal of the reverse synthesis of C01C-2 is to remove the side chain, but it is not easy to break directly, so Shen Qi and the others adopted a three-membered ring first, and then added one or two appendages to the large ring to strengthen the entire molecule. Active, the side chain can be broken.

Up to this point, the response was very smooth, and it was executed in full accordance with Shen Qi’s settings.

However, the intermediate was finally obtained by the Birch reduction reaction, and the yield was only 0.52%.

Birch reduction reaction refers to an organic reduction reaction in which an aromatic ring is reduced to 1,4-cyclohexadiene with sodium and alcohol in liquid ammonia.

This reaction was first published by the Australian chemist Burch in 1944, and it has since been widely used in chemical, pharmaceutical and other industries and laboratory research and development.

Old Yan’s tried-and-tested Birch reduction reaction is still very useful in the synthesis experiment of C01C, but it actually failed in the optimization experiment of C01C-2?

Shen Qi made a decision that he no longer believed in the magical effect of Birch’s reaction: “The Birch’s reaction doesn’t work anymore, then let’s try Dodge’s reaction.”

“Is there a Dodge reaction?” Lao Yan and Cheng Haonan racked their brains to search the brain database. Among the many organic name responses, it seems that there is really no Dodge reaction.

“There’s none?”

“Have it?”

“Let’s invent a Dodge reaction, forcibly insert functional groups with hydrogen bond donors and acceptors, and then use the Birch reaction to reduce.” Shen Qi wrote and drew on the draft paper, with new ideas.

“Don’t respond to Dodge, if there is such a reaction that Boss Shen imagined, according to international practice, it should be named Shen Qi reaction, right?”

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