I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 554

Chapter 532 On Dao Chaoxian

Shen Qi, the winner of the two promises, wants to recruit a group of talents in the field of theoretical physics and seek common cause.

State support, industry response is overwhelming, and applicants are enthusiastic.

Within a short period of time, hundreds of resumes were collected to the Shen Qi Mathematics Research Center.

The theoretical physics section of the center is composed of two big brothers, Shen Qi and Witten, who are both “Philippines and Nuo”, both of whom are living legends.

Being able to join such a research institution is very attractive to physicists.

Under 40, PhD in Physics or PhD who is about to graduate, published at least one article on SCI as the first author… There are too many applicants who meet these rigid standards.

After the primary selection, the Shen Qi Mathematics and Physics Research Center left one-third of the resumes. The owners of these resumes are excellent scholars.

Good character, politically qualified, and correct ideological attitude… The evaluation criteria of these soft indicators are relatively flexible. After review, the center left 20 resumes.

The preliminary review and review are completed by Shen Qi’s men. The twenty candidates who enter the final PK session will be interviewed by Shen Qi one by one. In the end, half of them will come to the center and become Shen Qi and Witten’s physics assistants.

In the central meeting room, Shen Qi sits with a smile on his face.

The first interviewer is well-groomed and an elite. He introduces himself neither humble nor humble: “Hello Professor Shen, my name is Wade, Wei Xiaobao’s Wei, moral virtue, 35 years old this year, undergraduate at Shuimu University Department of Physics, master and doctor in Oxford, under the tutelage of Professor Jack Bruce. After my Ph.D. I have been working in the UK, mainly researching field theory and topological string theory on the Riemannian surface. I have published nine SCI articles and co-written academic papers with Professor Bruce. One monograph has been published in the UK and India…”

Shen Qi made an apologetic gesture and interrupted the candidate’s standardized self-introduction: “Dr. Wei, let’s talk about the key points. I have already read the content written on the resume.”

Dr. Wei shook his body, a little nervous.

After all, he is a scientific research elite graduated from Oxford. Dr. Wei’s on-the-spot response was quite astute. He quickly recovered his calm and self-confident style. Lang Lang said: “I am politically qualified, I have a proper attitude, honesty and trustworthiness, and I have a heart for my motherland. , During work, never forget to review the core values ​​of socialism, and often warn myself that science knows no borders, but scientists have the motherland.”

“Good point!” Shen Qi laughed with his palms.

Dr. Wei’s body shook again, and this time he shook with ease, finally making Boss Shen happy.

Shen Qi shook hands with Dr. Wei: “Welcome back to the motherland, Dr. Wei, we are colleagues now.”

Dr. Wei was very excited: “In the future, I would like to ask Professor Shen a lot of advice!”

Shen Qi is still satisfied with all aspects of Dr. Wei’s quality. The returnee scholar has achieved fruitful academic achievements and professional counterparts, which meets Shen Qi’s recruitment requirements.

As for the treatment of Dr. Wei, the remuneration is set by the state, anyway, the outstanding scholars who return to the country will not suffer.

The interviewers entered the meeting room one by one, chatting and talking with Shen Qi.

Most of these interviewees have overseas study experience, and many of them are currently working in overseas scientific research institutions and studying for Ph.D.

People are recruited by the country, and the country takes this opportunity to bring a group of outstanding scholars in basic theories back to China for development.

These scholars are very good. Shen Qi originally only had ten people, but eventually he changed his plan and left fifteen people.

The basic physics research team of the center developed overnight. Counting the two veteran employees Sha Dongdong and Dr. Qu who have never gone abroad, 17 physics doctors formed a super strong theoretical research team. They graduated from different The schools in which have received different system training, now they have only one goal, to follow Shen Qi to challenge the century-old problems in physics.

Before the birth of M theory, all subatomic particles were thought to be composed of tiny superstrings.

M theory adds a more mysterious substance called “membrane” to the spectrum of matter that composes subatoms. It is like a physiological membrane, but it has up to 9 dimensions.

The question now is, what is the more basic unit of matter? Does the membrane make up the string or the opposite?

Or there are some more basic material units, but people didn’t think about it?

Does one of these two substances actually exist, or is M-theory just a fascinating brain game?

With these enigmatic questions about the century, the seventeen turtles and turtle doctors in the center will launch a powerful impact on the M theory under the leadership of Shen Qi and Witten.

Witten flew from the United States to the Chinese capital. After he saw Shen Qi, he sighed again and again: “I have been studying superstring theory all my life, and the research achievement that earned me the Nobel Prize in Physics is actually the Navier-Stokes equation. ”

“Life is always full of accidents.” Shen Qi laughed.

Whether he can win awards for his research on superstring theory is no longer important to Witten, because he is already the winner of the promise.

What is left is to prove whether a research topic that a scholar has devoted his life to is the correct proposition.

Shen Qi and Witten two big guys gathered again, and they discussed M theory and superstring theory with the 17 basic physics researchers in the center, trying to find a breakthrough.

There is no doubt that Witten is a leader in superstring theory and the most authoritative expert in this field.

Among the three major research results that set off the first superstring theory revolution, Witten participated in and led two of them, laying a solid foundation for the development of superstring theory.

However, until today, Witten still regrets the first superstring theory revolution.

Because of a problem that existed at that time, until now, Witten could not fully explain it.

“We assume that a stuntman is walking a tightrope. For a stuntman who can only move back and forth along the wire rope, the wire is one-dimensional. Do you have any questions about this assumption?” Witten told his dozen or so Chinese colleagues Speaking of it, an embarrassing expression appeared: “Sorry, I am old and can’t really learn Chinese, so please allow me to communicate with you in English.”

“Just use English, Edward.” Shen Qi said, he knew that Witten could speak a few Chinese words, simple everyday expressions such as “mud”, “thank you”, and “mud is beautiful”.

expecting Witten to expound his superstring theory in Chinese throughout the whole process, which is too difficult for the old man.

“Okay, let’s continue. For the stuntman, the wire rope is one-dimensional, but after we magnified the wire rope ten thousand times, we found that there are ants crawling on its surface. For the tiny ants, the surface of the wire rope It’s two-dimensional.” Witten straightens a rope with his hand He is good at using common objects to describe profound physical phenomena or theories: “It’s just that this second dimension is small and curled, so it has special effects. The actor doesn’t know. In other words, it should have a two-dimensional surface, but it looks like a one-dimensional curve from a distance. Do you have any questions?”

“No.” None of Witten’s Chinese colleagues, including Shen Qi, raised objections.

Because of the direction of space, that is, a part of the dimensionality is too small, the phenomenon that the dimensionality is actually reduced is called “tightening”… This is one of the research results of the first superstring theory revolution.

Eighteen Chinese, one American, everyone can sit together and gather at Yantai University to jointly tackle the most esoteric physics problems. They must be strategically aligned, that is, to recognize the main research of the first superstring theory revolution. Results.

If this general direction cannot form a unified opinion, then there is no need to continue discussing the following matters.

When the first superstring theory revolution was made, Witten believed that if the 9-dimensional superstring theory was tightened to the extra six dimensions, it would become a three-dimensional theory.

In fact, many people questioned or even opposed Witten’s theory at the time, but Witten hit back one by one and refused to accept it. This established his academic status as the first person in superstring theory.

However, the biggest thorn in Witten’s heart is that he cannot explain a very crucial question in his theory, that is, why choose the “Kabila-Qiu Chengtong space” with an absolute Euler number of 6?

Go and ask Professor Qiu Chengtong, he looks innocent, it’s nothing to do with me, I have proven “Kabila-Qiu Chengtong Space” that year, I have never heard of Edward Witten and dimensionality reduction theory.

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