I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 564

Chapter 542 I seem to have found a way to solve the

“Wife and children are not around, do you miss it?” Shen Qi understands Xi Zhengyu’s feelings because they are all men with wives and children.

“Hey.” Xi Zhengyu sighed, looking rather distressed.

“When the child gets older, take the mother and daughter to the United States?” Shen Qi asked.

Xi Zhengyu: “Hey.”

Shen Qi: “Brother, don’t ah, ah, have you encountered any difficulties? With such excellent conditions as you, a Ph.D. from MIT, a senior talent in the chemical field, and a leader in research and development projects in pharmaceutical companies, brought family members to the United States. , There shouldn’t be any difficulties.”

Xi Zhengyu said: “My husband does not want my wife and children to come to the United States. He said that the United States is chaotic, and shootings happen frequently, and the campus is not immune.”

“It turns out that the old man can’t pass this test.” Shen Qi felt pity for the same illness. He said with emotion: “My old man didn’t allow my wife to come to the United States back then.”

“Is there anything else?” Xi Zhengyu was a little surprised, and then asked curiously: “What happened later?”

Shen Qi: “Later I told my old husband that my wife… was still a girlfriend at the time. She was an adult. She went wherever she wanted. You have no right to interfere with her freedom.”

“This… such a fierce operation?” Xi Zhengyu was dumbfounded.

“That must be fierce, not counseled. Once you have been counseled in front of the old man for a day, you will have to admit it every day.” Shen Qi has rich experience in fighting against the old man.

“What then? Your old husband is leaning on you?”

“Then my girlfriend forcibly flew to the United States to reunite with me. Then we got married and had a baby and lived a happy life.”

“Awesome.” Xi Zhengyu admired Shen Qi more, but he had no confidence in himself: “The big scientist is awesome after all, and he has enough confidence. I am a research and development dog and cannot be compared with Professor Shen.”

“At that time I was reading a Ph.D. I hadn’t become a big scientist yet.”

Encouraged by Shen Qi, Xi Zhengyu seemed to become brave: “Okay, I decided to learn from Professor Shen!”

Xi Zhengyu learned a lot from Shen Qi. He suddenly thought of a question: “Professor Shen, you and your wife will eventually return to China.”

“Yes, my husband wants us to go back to China for development. After all, we still need to respect and understand each other.”

“This…” Xi Zhengyu was suddenly discouraged, fighting back and forth, and the final winner was the old man.

“Actually, you can also consider returning to China for development. The project is endless, and the wife and children are irreplaceable.” At the end of the conversation, Shen Qi gave Xi Zhengyu a compromise proposal.

After finishing his trip to Washington, Shen Qi returned to Princeton and, according to the plan, communicated with his American counterparts on several academic projects.

Shen Qi’s trip to the United States started in a friendly atmosphere and ended in a peaceful atmosphere.

Previously, the relevant leaders had concerns and worried that Shen Qi would go to the United States to make extravagances.

Everything went well for Shen Qi in the United States, and he took the flight back to China safely.

A group of people in the Physics Room, Yanda University, Shen Qi Research Center for Mathematics and Physics, talked in front of the blackboard.

“Ordinary numbers, such as 2, can be multiplied any number of times. 2 times 2 is equal to 4, 2 times 2 and then times 2 is equal to 8. You can keep multiplying, and the number will become bigger and bigger. There are cases where the intermediate result is 0 and cannot be calculated. However, we all know that this is ordinary mathematics, and in the world of high-end mathematics, this common sense may not apply. In other words, the same number can be multiplied continuously. The result is 0.” Sha Dongdong stood in front of the blackboard, and he slammed the blackboard, which was full of mathematical and physical symbols and equations.

“Lao Sha, let’s talk about the important point! Everyone here, who doesn’t understand that hyperspace is a space in which a Grassmann number can also be used as a coordinate?” Dr. Wei, who came back from Oxford, unbuttoned the top button of his shirt, blushing.

“What are you rushing, old Wei!” Sha Dongdong gave Dr. Wei a blank look.

“Efficiency, efficiency! Talk about the point, don’t talk about it!” Dr. Wei stared at the symbols on the blackboard, the core of which was an equation?aFg=1/2Cabce^2kg^bbg^cc.

The author of this equation is Shen Qi.

Shen Qi wrote this formula a few months ago, saying that in order to perfect the M theory, we should first reasonably prove that the Kabila-Qiu Chengtong space with the absolute value of Euler number 6 is the correct proposition.

To prove why the Kabila-Qiu Chengtong space with the absolute value of Euler’s number 6 is simply chosen, this equation should be solved first.

As for how to solve the equation, Shen Qi did not give a detailed plan. He only left one sentence: “You 17 outstanding talents are all elites in theoretical physics. I will solve all the problems by myself. This is not appropriate. ?”

So the returnee elites and the local turtle elites united. They spent several months studying the equation left by Shen Qi, working day and night, forgetting to sleep and eat.

At the beginning of the strategy, everyone cooperated sincerely, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

A few months have passed, and the solution of the equation is not even visible. Everyone can’t help but feel a little anxious.

Of course, the salaries of the 17 PhDs in physics add up, which is equivalent to the funding for a key scientific research project.

No results can be achieved, Boss Shen is back, and he is definitely going to kill someone!

“Cough cough.” In the corner of the physics room, an old man coughed twice.

The old man is Edward Witten, a technical consultant hired by the center.

Not long ago, Witten and Shen Qi went to Sweden to receive the Novo Medal. Then Shen Qi traveled around Europe and then went to the United States for academic exchanges.

Witten flew from Sweden to Hong Kong. After spending some time in Hong Kong, he came to the capital Dr. Wei switched to English and translated the content of his discussion with Sha Dongdong with Witten.

Chinese scholars communicate in Chinese. Because of the existence of Witten, the translation work is performed by Dr. Wei, the 6th best in English.

“You continue without translating.” Witten waved his hand and motioned to Dr. Wei to ignore him, he understood. Even if he doesn’t fully understand Chinese, Nobel Prize winner Witten has the ability to understand.

“Oh, okay.” Dr. Wei respected Witten very much. He turned to Sha Dongdong and said: “Hurry up, Lao Sha, tell me your core point of view, Big Witten is already a bit impatient.”

“Hey, good old Wei, you bully me that I don’t understand English, right? Although I didn’t go to study abroad, but I still have a level six level in English.” Sha Dongdong can feel from Wei Teng’s tone and expression, Wei Teng is not impatient, but has a kind of insight into everything.

Dr. Wei: “Speed, speed!”

Sha Dongdong rolled up his sleeves, looked at Witten, and said: “Based on the quantum effect calculation method proposed by Director Shen and the algorithm framework made by Professor Witten, I seem to have found a way to solve the equation…”

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