I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 569

Chapter 547 The Past and Present of String Theory an

? Huh!

The emotions of hundreds of guests at the scene were ignited.


The audience in the live broadcast room became more and more active.

In the attention of online and offline, Shen Qi continued his report: “According to Einstein’s general theory of relativity, space and time are stretched under the action of gravity. Then, if the calculation method of quantum mechanics is forcibly applied to general relativity, There will be infinity that cannot be handled by the renormalization method.”

“Look at this set of data. The proton is accelerated to 99.9999999% of the speed of light, so that the resolution reaches one thousandth of a meter.” (1 Beijing = 10 to the 16th power)

“If the experiment is conducted with the LHC 1 Jingbei accelerator, a black hole will be formed… Of course, they did not do this. This is our guess.”

“The foreshadowing of these pages may be elusive for physics beginners, but it is a necessary prerequisite. Next, we usher in the protagonists of this report, string theory, superstring theory, and M theory.”

Shen Qi explained patiently, which was different from his previous reports.

From Riemann’s conjecture to Hodge’s conjecture, and then to the N-S equation, Shen Qi’s report style is the same. After a bunch of formulas, it is your problem that you can’t read and understand. I am only responsible for drawing conclusions.

Today, Shen Qi changed his style. He is more like a patient physics teacher, explaining to students online and offline a physics lesson that is not found in the textbook.

Why does Shen Qi want to do this and live it live?

Of course, it is to attract fans… Oh, no, on the one hand, there are scientific considerations, on the other hand, it is more detailed, which will help colleagues in the physics community to understand his ideas faster and better.

“The core idea of ​​string theory is that elementary particles are not points, but strings with a one-dimensional spatially extended vibrating structure. We can understand open strings as spaghetti and closed strings as macaroni.”

“So, we have now answered the question on page 6 just now, that is, the string can eliminate infinity. In addition, the closed string transmits gravitation. The theoretical basis is shown in the figure. When the closed string vibrates in this way, it becomes a graviton that transmits gravity. It is this graviton, which is the combination of the theory of gravitation and quantum mechanics, which predicts gravitational waves. Gravitational waves have been confirmed. More than a thousand top scientists spent four months analyzing it. This project This gave birth to the Nobel Prize in Physics. Here, we respect the historic contribution made by the professor in the south.”

During the speech, Shen Qi expressed his respect for the seniors in the physics world, and he stood on the shoulders of the seniors. The latecomers got farther and farther and got closer to the ultimate goal of physics.

It is generally recognized in the physics world that string theory was first proposed by the University of Chicago, a Japanese-American physicist Yoichiro Nanbu, in 1970 to propose a set of theoretical basis for its own system.

Interestingly, Nanbu Yoichiro’s 1970 paper on string theory was actually first presented to the public when he published his collection of essays in 1995.

Later, the physics community confirmed what happened to the Southern Professor. He wrote a landmark string theory paper in the spring of 1970, and then invited several physics leaders in the United States to review his paper in a secret room.

The big guys were shocked by Nanbu Yoichiro’s explosive theories, and they all admired, Xiao Nanbu, your writing is so good, and you write quack.

Then Nanfang went to San Francisco to hold a special lecture, until he came to the lecture hall, the Nanfang professor opened the briefcase and suddenly found out, damn, what about my paper?

There was no PPT at the time, because Microsoft had not yet been established, and Nanbu originally planned to read the paper according to it, but the paper was lost.

So based on memory, Professor Nanfang reported his research results on string theory.

Although only a few people have read the southern papers, these few people are physics bigwigs, very influential and authoritative. In addition, Nanbu’s string theory ideas were original at the time. He relied on his good reporting eloquence. Even if he did not find a paper, Nanbu Yoichiro was widely regarded as the founder of string theory at the time.

The physics world is amazing, and the Little South has become the Old South. He won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2008, but the reason for the award is not string theory, but the spontaneous symmetry breaking mechanism of subatomic physics.

Shen Qi continued his report: “Are you confused, did you get involved with gravitational waves? Actually, I didn’t pull it far. We believe that if string theory includes gravity, then this theory is the ultimate fusion of general relativity and quantum mechanics. The unified theory. From the prediction of gravitational waves to the confirmation, it proves that our unified thinking is correct.”

Shen Qi paused temporarily to observe the situation at the scene. He saw all the guests at the scene listening to his lectures attentively.

Since no one has an opinion, let’s continue.

“Superstring theory not only explains bosons with string vibrations, but also explains fermions. This is the difference between superstring theory and string theory.”

“However, as we all know, there is a theoretical loophole in the superstring theory that includes open strings.” Shen Qi looked down at the stage where his theoretical physics team was sitting.

The founders of superstring theory were Schwartz, a professor of physics at Caltech and his French student Nanf. This pair of mentors and apprentices perfected the theory of Raymond, a researcher at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in the United States.

Then Edward Witten entered the field of superstring theory research. In order to study this stuff, he specially invented a set of mathematical methods and won the Fields Medal in an unbelievable way. So the physics world is amazing.

Although Witten is hailed as the first person in superstring theory, his reason for obtaining the promise is not superstring theory.

It’s not that the Nobel Prize Jury has deliberately targeted prejudices on string theory and superstring theory. It’s just that this kind of advanced and pure theory is difficult to be verified by existing equipment.

And at the theoretical level, there are indeed some contradictions in superstring theory that are hard to justify.

Witten is on the scene in the Yan University lecture hall. He is a member of Shen Qi’s team.

For decades, Witten has been trying to perfect the parts of superstring theory and M theory that are difficult to be self-consistent.

It wasn’t until recently that Witten got some new inspiration. His inspiration was confirmed and processed by Shen Qi, and it was made into a PPT format by Shen Qi’s 17 PhDs of physics, which will soon be presented to the world.

“What makes countless physicists who study superstring theory so painful they want to commit suicide is that if the superstring theory is not in the nine-dimensional space, the photon will have mass, and it will contradict the special theory of relativity. That is to say, the result of quantum swing. The superstring theory suffers from a’theoretical disease’ that loses coordination.” In a regretful and sad tone, Shen Qi helplessly stated a stubborn disease that academia cannot solve.

“This…” The physicists at the scene were nervous. We came here all the way, Professor Shen, would you tell us about this?

The netizens in the live broadcast room were so frightened that they did not dare to send out barrage.

Suddenly, Shen Qi’s mental outlook became excited. He raised his arms and shouted, and switched to the next PPT: “Guests, science lovers, next I want to announce an exciting good news. Not long ago, Our team finally solved the “theoretical disease” in superstring theory through mathematical methods! Please look at the big screen, this new mathematical processing method we temporarily call, the Lie group expansion based on the quantum effect calculation method of hybrid superstring theory !”

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