I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 571

Chapter 549 From trial and error to being arranged

? An animation was shown on the big screen. Five figures of the same shape were holding different weapons. They formed a circle and ran in a clockwise direction. The five villains kept a fixed distance between them and ran in circles at the same speed.

The five little men began to accelerate, they ran faster and faster, brandishing their swords, guns, swords and forks.

There is a dynamic data in the upper right corner of the screen, v=0.000001c0……v=0.0001c0……v=0.001c0……

“C0 represents the speed of light, v represents the running speed of the villain.” Shen Qi explained simultaneously.

As the value of v gets closer and closer to the speed of light, the figures of the five villains gradually blur, and a band of light gradually emerges.

When v=0.99999999……99c0, which is infinitely close to the speed of light, an epic BGM sounded on the scene, which is Beethoven’s “Destiny”.

The whole song “Destiny” is very long. The climax part of the last movement is selected here. The music is sonorous and powerful, with a strong sense of struggle.

The visual effect of the PPT is very beautiful, and what attracts physicists is the ideological connotation of the Shen Qi team embodied in the cool PPT.

Every scholar who studies physics has imagined some surreal things in his mind, such as the singularity inside a black hole, the nature of space above nine dimensions, or time travel.

Hundreds of scholars in the lecture hall stood up spontaneously, their expressions were highly unified, they were silent, and they were fanatical.

In the music with a strong sense of ritual, they once again opened up their fantasy.

Shen Qijing stood in a corner of the stage, letting the PPT demonstrate automatically. Today’s hidden protagonist seems to be this PPT.

The five villains in the PPT disappeared when approaching the speed of light infinitely, and a black vortex appeared in the center of the light belt.

Something emerged from the black whirlpool, and the guests held their breath.

This thing resembles a person, a god, and a devil. He has a human face, black rocky skin, golden wings, and six arms.

It is unclear whether the existence emerging from the vortex is a deity or a great demon. This guy has six arms and a pair of wings, and a weapon in each hand.

Xiaobai, a doctoral student at the Yanda University of Science and Technology, was extremely shocked. He muttered to himself: “This PPT must be outsourced to an animation demonstration by an advertising company…”

The netizens in the live broadcast room exclaimed: “This PPT is so amazing!”

“This is watching a movie! The visual effects and BGM are too powerful!”

“It was arranged, it was arranged by Professor Shen!”

“This is a new fan, right?”

“Look for a serial number!”

Some people admire it, some call Six Six Six, and others pay attention to the key points in the PPT.

The six arms of the gods and demons that emerged from the vortex held six weapons, namely knives, spears, swords, halberds, forks, and a conch that was both true and illusory.

Through the previous animation demonstration, many people have noticed that knives, spears, swords, halberds, and forks are the weapons of the five villains before they disappear. These five weapons represent Type I superstring theory, Type IIA superstring theory, Type IIB superstring theory, hybrid A, hybrid B.

Shen Qi just explained that the five theories contained in Theory M are like five clones of a martial arts master.

When the five clones reached an infinitely close to the speed of light, they converged into their true body, the six-armed **** and demon.

Why is it not ten arms but six arms, why not five heads but one head, why is there a conch out of thin air, and what is the synthesis path of the wings? Does this phenomenon follow the law of conservation of mass?

There is no need to entangle these details. After all, Shen Qi’s conjecture is based on high-dimensional theory.

Amateur science enthusiasts whose thinking stays in three-dimensional space can only watch the excitement now, while professional physicists have entered a deeper level of thinking.

The conch held by the six-armed monster on the big screen is magnified. Among the many immortals and monsters at home and abroad, is there a monster that uses conch as a weapon?

Myths and legends are not important, what is important is this conch.

This is not an ordinary barbecued conch, but a unique academic conch.

The conch has a twisted spiral shape. After zooming in, physicists and science enthusiasts discovered that it is not a physical conch, but a complex tree network composed of many numbers, letters, and symbols.

People finally discovered the mystery hidden in the academic conch, which includes Newton’s law, Kepler’s law, Coulomb’s law, Maxwell’s equation, relativity, quantum field theory, N-S equation, string theory, superstring theory, M theory…

“This is… this conch is actually the skeleton of the entire physics constructed by physics formulas and equations!” Xiaobai was both shocked and excited. Today Professor Shen’s report was very exciting. In the final stage of the report, Shen The professor threw a new concept beyond M-theory and enough to cause earthquakes in the physics world!


Hundreds of physicists on the scene exclaimed, it is really a wave of unrest, one after another, high chao again and again! The visual and sound effects of this PPT are super gorgeous, and the hidden academic ideas in it are even more exciting.

After the fanaticism, the scholars tended to be quiet. They suppressed many emotions in their hearts, just want to hear Shen Qi’s further explanation with their own ears.

“Actually, the content layout of today’s report meeting is a bit jumpy.” Shen Qi smiled and said: “I spent a lot of time explaining string theory and superstring theory, and finally such a conch was brought out. Everyone would not think that My report logic is messy, right?”

Everyone at the scene: “No!”

Shen Qi continued: “That’s good, thank you. In the final analysis, the ultimate goal of string theory, superstring theory, and M theory is to form a unified physical theory system, so as to truly explain the universe and help mankind to further explore the mysteries of the universe. Until the emergence of this conch, the content of our report has been rigorously calculated and analyzed. We have used new mathematical framework calculation methods to completely solve the stubborn illness in superstring theory.”

“Of course, there is still a problem to be solved between proving the superstring theory of the six-dimensional Kabila conjecture and perfecting the five theories in the M theory. We will skip this question for now and boldly predict the five in the M theory. Theories are meaningful. They belong to the real body under certain conditions. This real body is on the upper layer of the conch, not far from the ultimate goal of physics.”

“We have built this conch-shaped physics framework. We hope that physics can enter a new research mode, that is, from trial and error mode to rehearsal mode.” Shen Qi looked at his watch and he had been speaking for four consecutive hours. At the end of the report meeting, he finally threw out his explosive physics conjecture.

Since the birth of physics, physicists have been using trial-and-error mode to study and explore physics, that is, I don’t know whether the proposition I am studying is the correct proposition. After a series of efforts, I will prove that it is the correct proposition. Will continue to follow this line of thought to enter deeper research fields.

If it is a false proposition, then it proves that this road is unworkable, and I have to give up all efforts on this research road, choose a new research road, and carry out new research work.

Until now, physicists have been doing trial and error in this way. They follow a fixed mindset, put forward hypotheses, prove hypotheses, and if the hypotheses are correct, then move on. If it is wrong, then change to a new path.

Today, Shen Qi presented a new conjecture, he described the past, present, and future of the entire physics.

If Shen Qi’s conjecture is accepted by the world , then physicists will no longer try and make mistakes, but follow a designed route to fill in the remaining holes in physics in a planned way.

Shen Qi’s conjecture can be summed up in one sentence: from random trial and error to qualitative change of being arranged.

So the question is, what is the top pit in the physics skeleton designed by Shen Qi—that is, this conch? This pit represents the ultimate destination of physics.

The physicists once again looked at this conch, how beautiful and magnificent it is. It is based on the classical theory of Newtonian mechanics and electromagnetics. It continues to spiral upward in Einstein’s theoretical system. Superstring theory and M theory are arranged on the spiral main line. The NS equation looks more like an important branch line in the high-level part of.

Following this logic, the pits above M-theory entered the field of vision of the scholars. They stared with round eyes, and they were surprised to find that the pits above M-theory were named by Shen Qi as…the physics of tomorrow.

And between M Theory and “Physics of Tomorrow”, there is a hidden pit. You can’t see any physical formulas or textual expressions that represent the hidden pit. You only know that there is such a pit.

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