I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 576

Chapter 553 State Key Laboratory of Electron Positro

“Everything is knowable? If you really prove the law of cause and effect, the aliens will also drive the spacecraft to listen to your report.” Dean Cao said.

“Look forward to that day.” Shen Qi laughed loudly, and the scene described by Dean Cao was quite graphic.

Shen Qi immediately said: “I never said that tomorrow’s physics will be verified by me, maybe it will be completed by our children and grandchildren. Blue is better than blue. One generation is stronger than one. What we have to do is to improve today’s Physics lays a solid theoretical foundation for future generations.”

“You talked awe-inspiringly for a long time. It turned out that you drew a pie, which is a big pie.” Dean Cao took a sip of tea and said, “Leave aside the physics of tomorrow. This Hidden One, I think I can try it. Give it a try, it’s physics today.”

The Hidden 1 defined by Shen Qi is to establish a set of theories describing the difference between the gravity of elementary particles and their typical mass.

In the process of theoretical research, it is necessary to use high-energy physics equipment for experiments.

Both Shen Qi and Dean Cao are insiders. They know that among the eight largest high-energy physics experimental institutions in the world, there is only one experimental institution capable of verifying Hidden Person 1 at this stage, namely the European Nuclear Center.

Shen Qi once said in a public report that the super-equipment LHC of CERN can theoretically realize artificial small black holes by using its existing and the world’s most advanced high-energy physical hardware devices.

It’s just that Western physicists have never done this before.

The LHC is installed in Switzerland and its owners are all Europe.

If the people of Europe are united, then Europe will become very strong. It is difficult to return to the heyday of Europe’s dominance of the world, but it will definitely be stronger than Europe now.

However, the problem is that the European people are not so sincere and united. European countries have their own propositions in the fields of politics, economy, military, science and technology.

“LHC is open to scientists from all over the world, but there are many contradictions in Europe. If Hidden 1 is used to conduct experiments in Europe, I don’t think it is appropriate.” Shen Qi said.

“Agree, so I just said that it is better to upgrade our own high-energy physics equipment. It is better to ask for yourself than to ask for yourself, and to do such a major experiment in Western countries, I always feel a little nervous.” After all, Dean Cao is an elder with rich experience in the world. He often travels to Europe on business, but he always maintains the vigilance that “there are always people trying to harm him.”

Shen Qi: “I talked to Witten before. If the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and Brookhaven National Laboratory in the United States can invest more money, they can do more meaningful things. However, I agree with Cao. Teacher, in your opinion, it is better to ask for yourself. High-energy physics is not the same as other research directions. Which foreign country will sincerely provide us with equipment and experimental venues?”

“Let’s go, go to the Academy of Sciences for a stroll.” Dean Cao took Shen Qi’s hand and went to the Academy of Sciences.

Shen Qi took his laptop and followed Dean Cao to the BEPC area under the Academy of Sciences.

BEPC, the Capital Electron Positron Collider, is one of the world’s eight largest high-energy physics experimental devices.

The establishment of BEPC was personally instructed by Mr. Zhou that year, and was successfully completed under the supervision of Chief Ping.

It can be said that the older generation of leaders’ strategic vision is far-sighted. We have to have the advanced things that Western countries have. This is a very simple truth, although simple is also the highest truth.

BEPC underwent a major renovation between 2004 and 2009, and implemented an upgrade of its high-energy physical devices.

The upgraded BEPC is called BEPC-II, which is the most advanced high-energy physical device being used in our country.

Of course, we also have to admit that although BEPC-II is one of the world’s eight major high-energy physics devices, there is a certain gap between it and the world’s number one European LHC.

The orbit of the LHC is 26.6 kilometers long, while the linear acceleration orbit of BEPC-II and the circular orbit together make it less than 1 kilometers.

“So, we need to upgrade to BEPC-III.” Shen Qi and Dean Cao stood in the lobby of BEPC’s office building, examining the floor plan of BEPC-II.

The staff in the BEPC office building brought tea and handed it respectfully to Shen Qi and Dean Cao.

“The orbit of BEPC-II needs to be lengthened. It can be done in terms of engineering, but it requires money and time.” Dean Cao was lost in thought. He and Shen Qi were blowing air-conditioning, drinking good tea, and talking about the stars and the sea in the central office. , It was a joy to talk.

But when the two got out of the fanatical fantasy state and gradually calmed down, they clearly realized that the upgrade of BEPC-II faced many practical problems.

Shen Qi pointed to a place on the floor plan and said: “The track is one aspect, and other accessories of BEPC also need to be upgraded. For example, this large superconducting magnet detector was advanced technology ten years ago, but now, Its more advanced technology has been born. The FASTER project team of our center is studying a brand-new material and supporting application technology, and it is about to succeed.”

“Yes, Director Shen, congratulations!” Old Cao was both excited and envious. Shen Qi had two elite physics teams under him, one was the theoretical physics research team, and the other was the FASTER project team focused on applied technology research.

Most of the core members of the FASTER project team were transferred from within the Yanda Institute of Property.

After several years of careful training by Shen Qi, the FASTER project team has become more mysterious, and the research results produced by this team have become more and more high-end.

Of course, Lao Cao admired Shen Qi. The members of the FASTER project team were trained by our institute, and they are shining in the Shen Qi Mathematics Research Center.

But it’s nothing. Old Cao is an old party member. He knows that it is Shen Qi’s person or his Dean Cao’s person. Everyone contributes to national scientific research and strives for the realization of the Chinese dream for a lifetime.

“So… can the latest research results of your FASTER project team be applied to BEPC?” Dean Cao has a very flexible mind, and he put forward this idea.

Shen Qi said: “Theoretically speaking, it is possible. I will go back and study it carefully to calculate the matching degree of various parameters.”

At this time, the boss of BEPC came to the two academicians Shen and Cao.

The competent department of BEPC is the State Key Laboratory of the Capital Positron Collider of the Academy of Sciences The boss of this department is Director Hu, who is directly responsible to Dean Bai.

Director Hu has not yet been rated as an academician, but it is said that it is coming soon, either this year or next year.

Academician Reserve Director Hu respects the current academicians Shen Qi and Dean Cao very much. Although Shen Qi and Dean Cao did not hold any positions in the State Key Laboratory of the Capital Positron Collider, they would come whenever they wanted. They both have this privilege.

“Two academicians, do you want to sit in my office and have a cup of tea?” Director Hu asked.

“Don’t drink tea, Lao Hu, you can go ahead. I walked with Academician Shen by myself, just strolled around, and then left.” Dean Cao stared at the BEPC layout and seemed to be thinking about something.

It seems that you two are not just strolling around… Director Hu was suspicious. He asked: “You two have been looking at this layout for a long time. Do you have any new ideas?”

Shen Qi said: “It’s true that I don’t want to lie to Director Hu. President Cao and I think that BEPC-II can be further upgraded? Of course, the two of us don’t count. This requires your consent. President Bai agrees. agree.”

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