I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 578

Chapter 555 Strong Nofi

? Regardless of whether it is a high-ranking official, a rich man or a great scientist, their children have to go to kindergarten.

Shen Nuofei is two years old. Whether she wants it or not, Shen Qi decides to send her daughter to kindergarten. Ou Ye voted for it this time.

Like most ordinary parents, Shen Qi and Ou Ye inspected the most prestigious kindergartens in the capital.

Shen Nuofei is the hope of the whole family, the hope of the whole village. Shen Nuofei must be arranged to go to the best kindergarten in the capital to receive the best enlightenment education.

Public kindergartens rely on household registration, and private kindergartens rely on financial resources. The essence of resolving the hukou problem is to own a school district housing. After all, whether children are studying in an excellent public or private kindergarten, it is a test of the depth of their parents’ wealth.

Hukou and financial resources are not a problem for Shen Qi and his wife. After a detailed investigation, the couple arranged for Shen Nuofi to attend Xicheng Weihua Kindergarten, which is a high-end private kindergarten that is widely circulated in Shen Qi’s circle.

Shen Nuofei’s admission day.

In the morning, Shen Nuofei was dressed up beautifully by her mother, with a white dress, red shoes, a lollipop in her left hand and a lollipop in her right hand.

“Nofi is so beautiful, you are the most beautiful little princess in the world.” Ou Ye was very satisfied with her masterpiece. She couldn’t help kissing her daughter, her maternal love was beyond words.

“Hmm!” Shen Nuofei giggled very happy. It is a woman’s nature to love beauty, and a two-year-old woman is no exception.

“Go Nuofi, go to the amusement park.” Shen Qi picked up Shen Nuofi and walked out of the villa gate.

“Awesome!” Shen Nuofei couldn’t find Beibei happily. She hadn’t been to an amusement park for a month. Because she was overweight, even her most beloved lollipop, Shen Nuofei, was restricted by her parents for only one week. Can eat one.

Aunt Cuiping drove Shen Qi’s Mercedes-Benz, picked up Shen Qi’s family of three, and drove away from the academician’s villa.

Perhaps the busiest person in this villa is Aunt Cuiping. She buys groceries and cooks, and she cleans… such a big villa, the workload of cleaning is extremely heavy.

In order to transport Shen Nuofi to and from kindergarten, Aunt Cuiping learned to drive.

Shen Qi and Ou Ye have scientific research tasks, so Aunt Cuiping will be responsible for the work of picking up Shen Nuofei in the future.

Benz has left Haidian and entered the Xicheng area.

Shen Nuofei, who has been smiling all the time, looked out the window, her expression turned suspicious and solemn: “You lie to me, this is not the way to the amusement park!”

The scientist’s daughter is really smart, and Shen Qi explained: “Nuofei, we are going to the newly opened amusement park.”

“Really?” Shen Nuofei remained vigilant, believing and suspicious.

“Of course it’s true, when did Dad fool you?”

“Dad lie to me every day.”

“…” Shen Qi is speechless, I am a scammer in your mind?

Ou Ye snickered. Looking around the world, there is only one person who can make Shen Qi dumb eat coptis, and that is Shen Nuofei.

“Mom is the best. Mom doesn’t lie to me.” Shen Nuofi likes her the most. Her mother dressed her beautifully and she gave her two lollipops at once. Only her mother is the best in the world.

“Nuofei is awesome.” Ou Ye felt unparalleled happiness, but he was also a little guilty. My child, my mother actually lied to you too.

If Shen Qi and his wife told their daughter in advance, go and go to kindergarten!

Nophie must be rolling all over the floor and playing tricks and never go out.

As a last resort, the couple could only coax Nophie and said to go to the amusement park.

Ten minutes later, they arrived at the gate of Weihua Kindergarten in Xicheng.

There were many luxury cars parked at the door. Some children waved goodbye to their parents and entered the school. Some children cried and burst into tears.

Kindergarten is a sacred place for human beings to receive enlightenment education. Some people are laughing here, some are crying here, and life is condensed.

In this situation, even a cute BB can see that this is definitely not an amusement park.

What’s more, Shen Nuofei is naturally smart.

No kid will cry in the amusement park. Shen Nuofei was stunned on the spot, her hand holding the lollipop trembling slightly, and her big eyes were filled with deceived panic and anger.

The Shen Qi and his wife had already anticipated the scene when the lie was exposed, and they had an emergency plan.

However, Shen Nuofi did not cry as much as her parents expected. She didn’t say a word and was very quiet and abnormal.

This may be the tranquility before the storm.

No matter what, it’s time to tell the truth. Shen Qi took out the children’s favorite small white bottle of lactic acid bacteria drink from Ou Ye’s bag. The sweet and sour, refreshing and charming taste makes the children unable to refuse, the more they drink, the more addicted they are. .

“Drink, Nuofei, go to kindergarten after drinking, Nuofei is the best, and Nuofei is the best.” Shen Qi never pleased anyone, except his baby daughter.

Nophie’s nose was sore, but she was strong enough to hold back and did not cry.

The baby was not easy to live, and the cruel reality made Shen Nuofi mature. She drank a small white bottle of lactic acid bacteria drink humiliatingly, and never shed a tear from beginning to end.

Ou Ye couldn’t bear it anymore, and the baby cried and made a lot of noise. She thought it was normal.

It’s weird if the baby is not noisy or noisy.

Ou Ye was even a little panicked, the baby wouldn’t be scared to be stupid, right?

“Hmph, just go up.” Shen Nuofi finally spoke, showing a super fierce expression.

Now or never.

Shen Qi hurriedly hugged Shen Nuofei and got off the car. Today, she finally took Nuofei into the kindergarten by coaxing.

In the early days when children first entered the kindergarten, most of them were resisted.

As long as you pass this level, over time, children will fall in love with kindergarten.

Aunt Cuiping went to find a parking space to park, and Shen Qi and his wife led Nuofei into the park.

The head of the kindergarten personally greeted Shen Qi’s family of three.

“Welcome to Academician Shen, and welcome to Professor Ou.” The principal is an amiable middle-aged woman. She gently patted her palm with a smile, and warmly welcomed today’s protagonist: “Welcome to our little friend Nophie!”

“There is Teacher Lao Qin Shen Qi respects the principal of Qin very much. He does scientific research and also teaches. Shen Qi engages in cutting-edge scientific research and higher education, and cultivates the talents of the motherland’s scientific research front. Qin. The principal is responsible for enlightenment education and cultivating the future flowers of the motherland.

They are all workers on the educational front. Of course, Shen Qi respects the principal of Qin Yuan. His daughters will receive systematic and all-round enlightenment education under the cultivation of the principal of Qin’s team.

Perhaps the kindergarten is not as scary as imagined. The decoration here is warm and cheerful, and the strangers are all kind and kind, which relaxes Shen Nuofei’s vigilance.

Shen Nuofei was arranged to enter a small class, and her school career began.

There are other children in the small class, and they play games under the leadership of the teacher.

It is said to be playing games, but it is actually entertaining. This kind of game incorporates letters such as ABC into it.

“Nuofei must be good, my mother and I are leaving.” Shen Qi repeatedly told Nuofei before leaving. ()

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