I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 580

Chapter 557 A legend in the kindergarten world

“Nuofei looks happy in kindergarten?” Shen Qi didn’t believe it. He recalled the vague footage of going to kindergarten, crying cramps a few days ago, and gradually adjusted to kindergarten life after about two weeks. Show the courage that a man should have and face the bleak life.

“Um…” Ou Ye took out his mobile phone and took a memorable photo of Nophie’s first day of kindergarten through the glass.

In the small class, Teacher Yan was sweating profusely and was a little anxious, but she was still smiling and coaxing a little boy.

Teacher Yan’s left hand small bowl, right hand small spoon, shrimp and celery mixed in the rice.

Teacher Yan half-kneeled in front of the little boy, and persuaded with all his heart: “Yiming is a man. A man can’t skip meals.”

Liu Yiming, who has been on a hunger strike since noon, insisted on his last stubbornness. He remained silent and refused to eat.

Teacher Yan panicked. Liu Yiming was very abnormal today. The clever and clever boy changed his personality.

Children are the jewels of the parents. Now parents are very worried about their children. Even during working hours, some parents will send messages to the kindergarten teachers in the unit. Have you eaten them? Have you taken a nap? Teacher XX, my baby does not eat meat with a little fat, nor does he like to eat green vegetables, but I still ask the teacher to guide the baby appropriately. The baby has to eat some green vegetables, which is troublesome for the teacher.

99.99% of parents would ask their babies that night, what did you learn in kindergarten today, what games did you play, and what food did you eat? Is the teacher treating you well, and how are you playing with other children?

If Liu Yiming doesn’t eat, can Teacher Yan not panic?

The kindergarten teacher took the children well and made them happy. The parents must be smiling and thank you again and again.

If a child suffers even the slightest grievance or even abuse in the kindergarten, how would the parents feel?

“Yiming, good, okay?” Teacher Yan glanced at the clock on the wall, and there was about half an hour before Liu Yiming’s parents came to pick up the child.

Liu Yiming did not resist, fight, or eat. Obviously, this three-year-old child was very worried and did not think about eating or drinking.

The main reasons for men’s trouble sleeping and eating are nothing more than career, money, and women.

What caused Liu Yiming’s children to be so extreme? This requires further observation.

At this time, Shen Nuofi came to Teacher Yan and said: “Teacher, I’m hungry.”

Those who can be kindergarten teachers have great love and patience. Teacher Yan said: “Nofi, you just ate an hour ago. It is not a snack. You have eaten four meals today. The nutrition is enough. Oh. Nophie, you go play with toys by yourself, okay?”

“Okay.” Nophie is also a well-behaved and obedient girl.

Before playing with toys, Nophie kindly said to Liu Yiming: “If you don’t eat, you will die.”

Liu Yiming clenched his small fist, his original white face flushed with overexcitement, and his body was shaking violently, as if he had suffered a huge blow that ordinary people could not imagine.

Teacher Yan’s heart was tight, she seemed to have discovered the reason for Liu Yiming’s abnormal behavior.

The long-simmering negative emotions finally broke out, and Liu Yiming cried loudly. He cried several times today. The tears have dried up, and only the screams are heard.

Teacher Yan’s head is big, and she wants to cry, but she must be strong, after all, she is a teacher, and she can only use a smile as a protective color in her heart.

On the corridor outside the small class, Shen Qi and his wife witnessed all this with their own eyes.

“You just said in the car that Nophie would be bullied? Eating four meals a day, I think Nophie looks pretty good. Unhappy girls don’t have the appetite to eat.” Shen Qi said.

“Nuofei eats too much. In the morning at home, she also ate two vegetarian sandwiches.” Before Ou Ye came, she was worried that she would cry and make trouble and not adapt to the unfamiliar environment. She is also worried now that she is worried that her weight will continue Exceeded.

“Wife, I mean, it seems that Nophie is bullying other children…” Shen Qi originally thought that he knew his daughter well, and every father thought he knew his little quilted jacket very well.

As the daughter grows older, the old fathers will gradually and helplessly discover that the daughter has changed, and her mind becomes more and more difficult to figure out.

Because Liu Yiming’s crying was too loud, the kindergarten teacher’s support team quickly arrived in the small class.

The chaotic situation of the small class was controlled to a certain extent, Liu Yiming stopped crying, but still refused to eat.

Teacher Yan, who was experiencing a major crisis in his career, saw Shen Qi and his wife who were secretly observing outside the door.

The sweaty teacher Yan came to Shen Qi and his wife. She had a thousand words in her heart, and finally only said one sentence: “Nophie from your family is doing a great job.”

Shen Qi and his wife have already witnessed the performance of Nuofi.

Ou Ye shook hands with Teacher Yan. She was grateful: “Thank you, Teacher Yan. From now on, Nophie will take care of you.”

“Professor Ou is polite, this is what I should do.” Teacher Yan said heartily, your family Nuofei managed to take care of herself on the first day of kindergarten. Shen Nuofei can be described as an elite among children and a legend in the kindergarten world. .

Shen Qi did not forget a few words of praise: “In short, I am very grateful to Teacher Yan and all the faculty and staff of Xicheng Weihua Kindergarten for taking care and educating our family, including the other children. The children are the future of the motherland. Workers are the most noble.”

“Academician Shen has been awarded.” Teacher Yan was ashamed.

“Nuofei, go, go home.” At this moment, Shen Qi beckoned to Nuofei, indicating that it was time to go home.

“Huh!” Nuofei turned her head and didn’t want to see Shen Qi’s face, she was still angry with her father.

“Our girl, love and hate are distinct.” Ou Ye laughed, and then called out in a voice full of maternal love: “Nofi, go, go home.”

“Okay.” Nuofei Dongdongdong ran to her mother, she hugged her mother’s thigh, looking like a little bird in need of parental care.

“Say goodbye to Teacher Yan.” Ou Ye taught her daughter to be polite outside.

Nophie waved his fleshy little hand: “Bye bye, Teacher Yan Well, yes, bye Nophie, see you tomorrow.” Teacher Yan sighed, and Nophie finally left. Teacher Yan has about ten minutes left for Liu Yiming to return to his normal state.

Shen Qi drove home, with Ou Ye and Nophie sitting in the back row.

Generally speaking, Shen Nuofei’s first day in kindergarten started in tangled and ended in a steady state.

As parents, Shen Qi and Ou Ye certainly have a lot to ask Nuofi.

“Nofi, the first day in kindergarten, did you think it was fun?” It was Ou Ye who spoke first.

“It’s so fun!” The children are innocent, and Nuofei once said that she thinks it is fun, and that is really fun.

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