I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 593

Chapter 569 The world is changing, and the original

A week later, Yan University declared to the public:

“Our school’s Shen Qi mathematics team has made breakthrough research progress in the field of unification of mathematics, and established a local model covering algebraic geometry, partial differential equations, topology, analysis, etc.. A special report is scheduled for next Wednesday in the Yan Great Hall. meeting.”

As soon as the news came out, it immediately attracted strong attention from the academic community, and all parties began to book air tickets to the capital.

After another week, the Mathematics Unified Partial Model Report Meeting was held as scheduled, and the Yan Auditorium was full.

Shen Qi stepped onto the report platform, and the audience burst into applause.

“Dear guests, the topic of today’s report is the unification of mathematics. The unification of mathematics that our team understands is like sentences from different languages. We know that these sentences say one thing. We put them together. Compilation, our goal is to compile a dictionary that translates various mathematical languages.”

“Maybe our setting is not very appropriate. After all, no one has really completed the mathematics unification. After today’s report meeting, we will hold a three-day symposium. If you have any comments and suggestions, you can go to the symposium. Proposed. Below, my colleagues Xu Yang and Zhou Yuan will report on the specific content of the partial model of the unified mathematics.”

Unlike the past, today Shen Qi only talked about the topic overview for a few minutes, and then stepped down.

Xu Yang and Zhou Yuan took the stage in turn, and they demonstrated the core points of the unified partial model of mathematics.

After the report meeting, the Mathematics Office of Yanda Mathematics Academy and Shen Qi Research Center jointly held the “Symposium on Unification of Mathematics and Partial Models”, and mathematics experts at home and abroad actively participated and discussed actively.

Shen Qi handed over the work of the central mathematics room to Zhou Yu’an. Zhou Yu’an was also very helpful. He organized the symposium very well and discussed in-depth strategic ideas for the mathematics unified global model with experts from various parties.

Shen Qi showed up at the forum on the first day for an hour, and then disappeared.

Arrange for Zhou Yu’an to show up and take on important tasks. Shen Qi hopes that Zhou Yu’an can take this good opportunity to accumulate more prestige and popularity in the mathematics world.

A person’s life is very long. At different stages of life, people’s pursuits and goals are different.

Zhou Yuan is eager to win the Philippine Award. He is 31 years old this year, and he still has 9 years to realize his dream.

Shen Qi, who is also 31 years old, has different pursuits in the current stage of life. He came to Weihua Kindergarten in Xicheng to take his daughter home.

Shen Qi’s story has been told for fourteen years.

In 2015, Shen Qi was seventeen years old. He was obsessed with mobile games when he was a sophomore in high school. He became the champion in the S1 season.

This mobile game was announced to be suspended during the S20 season. With the gradual maturity of substituting experiential VR games, mobile games have become playthings for young children.

This year is 2029. The post-80s and post-90s collectively enter the middle-aged and elderly stage, the post-00s enter the young and middle-aged stage, and the boys and girls born after the 10th make their debut.

Mankind is about to enter the 2030s. In the past ten years, many changes have taken place in China and the world.

“One Belt, One Belt” has been verified by time and is undoubtedly the greatest strategic concept in the early 21st century.

In 2023, the launch of the upgraded version of “One Road, One Belt 2.0” has been warmly welcomed by people all over the world, and even South American countries in the southern hemisphere have joined the plan.

China, which was the first to propose “One Road, One Belt”, has completed the transition from “Made in China” to “Created in China”. Loongson processors occupy more than 30% of the international CPU market. Chinese self-owned brand cars occupy a large number of developing countries’ markets. The domestic car ownership exceeds 600 vehicles per thousand people.

In 2024, South Korea and North Korea will form a free economy between South Korea and North Korea, the United States will withdraw its troops from South Korea, and there will be no war in Northeast Asia.

In 2028, the total GDP of the United States is still the world’s first, China ranks second with a slight gap, and the total GDP of the free economies of South Korea and North Korea ranks eighth in the world. The reunification of South Korea and North Korea has entered a critical stage, and the “Greater Republic of Korea” is about to emerge. .

China’s third aircraft carrier formation was completed, and the Chinese navy took full control of the Diaoyu Islands and declared the Diaoyu Islands as China’s sacred and inviolable inherent territory. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs hopes that the Japanese side will exercise restraint and avoid escalation of the conflict.

In the end, China and Japan settled the dispute through peaceful negotiations. Japan recognized that the Diaoyu Islands belonged to China, and China supported Japan to recover the sovereignty of the four northern islands.

For the first time, the number of Chinese immigrants in the Russian Far East has surpassed the Russians. The Russian Far East has become a semi-sinicized region, and China has a significant influence on this region. Russia’s population continues to decline, and its economic influence is very small, resulting in Russia’s control over the Far East and insufficient power.

Slogans such as “The Rise of China” have withdrawn from the stage of history because China has risen.

At the end of the 2020s, China’s strength in the economic, technological, and military fields was already at the forefront of the world. However, China is also facing a serious problem—environmental deterioration.

The area of ​​the Gobi Desert continues to expand, the smog in northern China is getting more and more serious, and the incidence of respiratory diseases is only increasing.

Environmental degradation is a global problem. The glaciers in the north and south poles continue to melt, and sea levels are rising year by year. Some islands in the Pacific and Atlantic have disappeared in the ocean. There are less than a thousand polar bears left and they are on the verge of extinction. They are active in the Antarctic waters. The last yellow-eyed penguin died in January 2028, and the species was declared extinct.

The greenhouse effect is getting worse, air pollution is difficult to cure, natural disasters happen frequently… the earth is sick, and if it continues to be so sick, some species on the earth will continue to die out—even human beings.

The scenes in science fiction films are staged in reality one by one. How long the earth’s ecosystem can last depends on every scientist’s heart.

If the earth cannot hold up, where will humanity go?

The scientists set their sights on space.

The Chinese space station “Tiangong” will officially operate in 2022 and has been operating smoothly in space for 7 years. Galileo and GPS have become purely civilian use in China, and the Chinese military all adopt the Beidou system

The Chang’e series of probes have completed lunar exploration missions for many times. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com China has already possessed the core technical capabilities for manned landing on the moon. The reason why there are no Chinese astronauts landing on the moon is unknown.

Last month, the U.S. manned spacecraft left the Earth to fly to Mars, and the feat of human landing on Mars described in the science fiction “Martian Rescue” is about to become a reality.

“Dad, where are we going?” Shen Nuofei asked curiously at the door of the kindergarten.

“Nuofei, we will go outside to see the stars this holiday season. Do you want to see the stars?” Shen Qi put on a mask on Nuofei. Today’s smog is too serious.

The May Day holiday is approaching, the kindergarten has a one-week holiday, parents have a holiday, children have a holiday, and teachers have the right to enjoy statutory holidays.

Xicheng Weihua Kindergarten assigns non-compulsive homework to parents and children. It is recommended that parents use this holiday to take their children on a parent-child trip, to appreciate the great rivers and mountains of the motherland and to broaden the children’s horizons.

“Look at the stars, okay.” Nuofei said she was very happy. She was born in the capital and grew up in the capital. She has never seen the bright starry sky above the smog.

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