I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 623

Chapter 597 Those things about experimenting with do

Students all know a truth when they are in graduate school. The influence and ranking of the tutors in the industry are related to the future of the students to a certain extent.

With a great tutor, the benefits he brings to students are not limited to the years of graduate school. Maintaining this teacher-student relationship will also help in the future.

Shen Qi’s influence and ranking are high in the industry. The talents who come to the Shen Qi Research Center are more or less purposeful, fame and fortune, scientific ideals, life value, self-releasing, and so on.

For the scientific research projects approved by Shen Qi, the competent authorities basically approve the establishment and issue scientific research funds.

Most of the talents recommended by Shen Qi have been promoted or commended.

The papers produced by the Shen Qi Research Center can basically be published in well-known journals.

Of course, there are many benefits to staying in the Shenqi Research Center. What the elites have to do is simple: pure research.

Do the scientific research that should be done, and other things will come naturally.

Some people say that with so many scientific research institutions in China and the world, doing scientific research can achieve both fame and fortune, realize their ideals and values, and marry Bai Fumei to the pinnacle of life. Isn’t it a routine operation?

Not always.

Every family has its cupboard.

Therefore, the Shenqi Research Center is known as the mecca of scientific research in China. Whether scientific researchers here can reach the pinnacle of their lives mainly depends on their own academic height and actual contribution.

Faced with Shen Qi’s examination, Xiao Ming said: “I also went from undergraduate to master’s degree to Ph.D. step by step. After the age of twenty, I spend most of my time in the laboratory. Did it.”

“In fact, we all know that there is only one boss in a real sense in a laboratory, and everyone else is an experimental dog serving the boss. There is no doubt that our laboratory and the entire central building have a real sense of The boss is Director Shen. Anyway, they are all serving Director Shen. There is no question of who to fight for. We are all for Director Shen.”

“After my full consideration, I really want to do the subject of platelet activation. Although this subject is very basic, no matter how basic it is, someone has to do it? The progress of the receptor blocker subject is optimistically estimated, at least how much It takes only a few months to get results. Give me a few months, I can make the results of the platelet activation project, and then it will happen to cooperate with the receptor blocker project team, which is very beneficial to the overall progress of LPJK1 . So Director Shen, please approve my request.”

Seeing Xiao Ming eagerly trying to escape from the receptor blocker research team, Shen Qi’s previous guess was confirmed to a certain extent: “Xiao Ming, tell me the truth. Do you have any comments?”

Lao Tang’s full name is Tang Xinan, a returnee from Cambridge. He was the earliest senior who participated in the work of the Central Chemistry Laboratory. He was appointed by Shen Qi as the Deputy Director of the Central Chemistry Laboratory.

He Lin is also a returnee from the UK. Her mentor was Tang Xinan when she was studying in Cambridge.

At the beginning of the LPJK1 project, Shen Qi fully entrusted Tang Xin’an to take charge of this project.

Based on Shen Qi’s strategic deployment and his own understanding of organic synthesis design and chemical drugs, Tang Xinan decomposed LPJK1 into several small topics. Among them, the leader of the highly important blocker research group is He Lin.

Xiao Ming has worked with He Lin in the receptor blocker research group for a year. His attitude at the moment is that he does not want to continue working in the same research group with this woman.

The degree of internationalization of the center’s chemistry room is the highest in the center. These returned chemistry Ph.Ds from various prestigious universities around the world gathered together to hold an internal conference in the center, just like a branch of the International Chemist Annual Conference.

Xiao Ming, who came back from Berkeley, and Tang Xinan and He Lin, who came back from Cambridge, what happened between the three of them?

Although the Shenqi Research Center is an academic sacred place, within the sacred place, there will inevitably be competition and even contradictions between individuals.

Shen Qi is also a returnee. He graduated from the Princeton Department of Mathematics with a Ph.D., and now manages a bunch of PhDs in Chemistry.

“Of course, there are no personal grievances between me, Professor Tang, Dr. He, and every colleague of the center.” Xiao Ming said, “It’s just that I have different opinions in terms of professionalism. And Professor Tang , Dr. He also has their own professional understanding, so I will do platelet activation.”

After a few questions and answers, Shen Qi got the real answer.

Chemistry is an experimental subject, an extremely large experimental subject.

The LPJK1 project involves many branches such as organic synthesis, pharmaceutical principles, and computational chemistry.

There are many genres in the international academia for a single organic synthesis design.

Mathematics can be unified, and the four basic forces of physics are theoretically possible to be unified.

However, in chemistry, Shen Qi believes that even if he reaches the 18th level, it will be difficult to complete the chemistry unified.

The special attributes of the discipline of chemistry are destined to contend for a hundred schools of thought.

Different road non-phase plan.

This should be Xiao Ming’s true desire deep in his heart.

Shen Qi pondered for a moment, and said: “From the overall progress of LPJK1, what you do is really conducive to the efficiency of the entire project, but for you, it is not necessarily good or bad.”

Xiao Ming saw it very openly: “Since there is LPJK1, maybe there will be LPJK2 in the future. This time I will do more basic and more conventional topics, and next time I will do more cutting-edge and more challenging topics. This is normal. no big deal.”

“You are quite enlightened Shen Qi nodded and said, “Well, let me appoint you as the leader of the LPJK1 platelet activation research group. From now on, Xiao Ming, you are responsible for the promotion of the platelet activation project. . I will say hello to Old Tang. After I say hello, you will make a formal transfer of work with Old Tang and He Lin. ”

“Okay, thank you Director Shen!” Xiao Ming’s request was met. He happily left Shen Qi and returned to his office.

For Shen Qi, whether it is Dr. Xiao, Dr. He or other doctors who are doing platelet activation, receptor blockers or other topics, it will not affect the overall progress of the “Wife Health” project.

Because the overall framework of the “Wife Health” project has been set long ago, the only person who can change the framework setting is the boss, namely Shen Qi.

The essence of the returned doctors is to lead high-paid experimental dogs. The experimental dogs can only toss in a local area and cannot shake the core setting of the overall project.

Shen Qi couldn’t help frowning. In a place as holy as the Shen Qi Research Center, as the center continued to grow and develop, some little arrogance and prejudice appeared among the experimental dogs.

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