I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 625

Chapter 599 Understand the progress of the experimen

The morning sun sprinkled into the laboratory, dyed the curtains gold, and other things in the room turned into silhouettes. Shen Qi stood in the undulating light and shadow, cordial and majestic, wise and calm, handsome and unrestrained.

In the hearts of the three students, Director Shen is so dazzling, Director Shen is like a luminous body, and the light emitted by Director Shen makes them unable to open their eyes.

Unknown birds outside the window were chirping in the morning sun, and the three students in the laboratory shouted, “Morning, Director Shen!”

What a lively and energetic young man, Shen Qi asked with a smile, “Have you eaten it?”

“have eaten.”


The answers of the three students were different, and the groans in their stomachs came and went one after another.

I don’t know when it started. It was just a few months ago. Shen Qi’s audiovisual smell and sixth sense became very keen. He said to the students: “If you eat, you eat, and if you don’t eat, you don’t. Eat. The plan for a day is in the morning. If you haven’t had breakfast, hurry up and eat breakfast.”

The luminous body tutor, Director Shen, is approachable and caring for the people at the grassroots level in daily life. This moved the three students. They put down the beaker and test tube and took off their white coats. Although they were exhausted physically, they were happy mentally.

Shen Qi picked up a white coat at random and asked, “You haven’t slept all night?”

Experiment Dog No. 2 Zhang Weiran answered naturally: “The LPJK1 project is time-critical and task-heavy. Teacher Xiao and Teacher He also stayed up all night. How dare we newcomers be lazy?”

Shen Qi patted Zhang Weiran on the shoulder, and said with concern: “You can’t stay up all night to do experiments, because your body can’t afford it. The body is the capital of scientific research. If you don’t have the capital, what do you use for scientific research?

The inspired Zhang Weiran was so excited: “We are young and can afford it!”

Xia Longxin and Cao Fan expressed their determination not to be left behind: “Yes, yes, yes, yes!”

Shen Qi touched a new type of measuring instrument that was said to have only produced seven sets around the world with great affection, and said: “You have two shifts, and you only have one set of equipment. You can afford it, but you can’t afford it. .”

Three students: “…”

“Instruments and equipment are very sophisticated and expensive. Please cherish it.” Shen Qi touched the control screen of the new measuring instrument to make it enter the sleep and power saving mode, and then said: “You three outstanding doctoral students are personally selected by me. In the next year, you just do experiments and learn professional knowledge and skills with Teacher Xiao and Teacher He. After one year, I will teach you some other things.”


“You go to have breakfast, have a good night’s sleep after dinner, and come back to the laboratory to learn knowledge and skills tomorrow.”

The three students left, and Shen Qi checked the experiment log in the laboratory alone.

In the world’s top laboratories, the experiment log has been electronically informatized. When Shen Qi operates the computer in his office upstairs, he can immediately know the overall progress of the LPJK1 project and the specific details of each topic.

The mainstream status of the electronic experiment log has made the handwritten experiment log disappear in any laboratory of the Shen Qi Research Center. Shen Qi insisted that his experimenters automatically generate the electronic experiment log while supplementing the handwritten experiment log.

In Shen Qi’s view, it is necessary for the experimenters to spend less than half an hour a day to manually write a log. The handwritten log report can better reflect the progressive process of an experimenter’s academic thinking. It is convenient for leaders to inspect and guide work.

Shen Qi read the handwritten experiment log of the receptor blocker research team. The content of the handwritten log is almost the same as the electronic log. Shen Qi is very clear about the experimental progress of the receptor blocker research team.

Shen Qi noticed that there were two kinds of handwriting on the handwritten journal of the receptor blocker research team, one stiff and the other soft. Whether it is stiff or soft, the writers of both types of handwriting are very insightful on professional issues.

The strong handwriting is He Lin, and the soft handwriting is Xiao Ming. In the past year or so, He Lin and Xiao Ming have been members of the receptor blocker research team. You write your journal today and I will write tomorrow, just like the cations in the electrolytic cell are oriented toward the cathode and the anions are oriented. Move towards the anode, cooperate with each other and follow the law.

In the last week, only one kind of handwriting remained in the experimental log of the receptor blocker research team. This kind of handwriting was vigorous and powerful. The word “agent” appeared frequently in the chemical laboratory, the one next to the standing knife. The hook cut through the page, and it seemed to be full of murderous aura.

A girl who wrote such violent handwriting can infer certain personality traits of Dr. He Lin and her recent changes in her mentality.

The unmarried women are all girls. He Lin is thirty-two of the same year as Shen Qi this year and has not yet married.

It is quite normal for people doing scientific research not to get married when they are in their thirties. Of course, unmarried men are also boys.

Analyzed from the resume of the boy, Dr. Xiao Ming, he is an extremely outstanding science and engineering master. He was recommended to the University of Science and Technology of China for his undergraduate degree. In months he will celebrate his thirtieth birthday.

Because of the changes in the international situation, and because overseas wanderers have a red heart dedicated to the country, the Shen Qi Research Center seized the opportunity to enlist a large wave of returned elites.

It is not that sea turtles are necessarily better than turtles, but as far as the scientific research field of medicinal chemistry is concerned, almost all the best laboratories in the world are abroad.

Among the turtles who have worked in top foreign laboratories, one catches one. Why doesn’t Shen Qi catch it? Why don’t I use the ready-made talents cultivated by foreign research institutions who spend a lot of manpower, material and financial resources?

According to Shen Qi’s observation in the past week, that is, this week when Xiao Ming became the leader of the platelet activation research group, the handwritten experiment log of the receptor blocker research group was completed by the group leader He Lin.

In addition to the leader of the blocker research team, He Lin, there are also three members.

After Xiao Ming left the receptor blocker research group, Shen Qi added the newcomer experimental dog No. 3 Cao Fan to He Lin.

The person who writes the experiment log is often not the leader of the research group. He or she is mostly the No. 2 and No. 3 person in the group, and they are migrant workers and migrant girls with certain qualifications and experience.

He Lin contracted their group’s experimental log, which shows that she is a serious and responsible girl who takes her work. It also shows that she has a strong possessive desire, and even the basic work of writing a log must be her own.

Shen Qihui analyzed something with eyes like a torch. When Xiao Ming was in He Lin’s group, the two took turns to write logs. After Xiao Ming left He Lin’s research group, He Lin never let other team members get involved in the experiment log.

“Is this really good?” Shen Qi has a deeper understanding of the girl He Lin.

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