I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 642

Chapter 616 My View on the Information Paradox of Bl

Many technology-based multinational companies usually raise a group of people. The work of this group of people is to find and read papers all over the world, and obtain information that is valuable to the company from the papers.

The 5G that people are all using comes from a mathematics paper published by a professor in Turkey. The intelligence personnel of the technology company discovered the mathematics paper of the Turkish professor in the vast sea of ​​literature. They purchased the intellectual property rights of the paper through reasonable and legal business transactions and converted the paper into a commercial product.

The BNE company also has a group of highly educated intelligence personnel, and their daily routine is to read various academic journals.

The Shen Qi Research Center has published 98 papers in the past month, all of which have been published in well-known academic journals. Shen Qi and his friends couldn’t keep a low profile, and their strength did not allow them to keep a low profile.

Shen Qi still stayed in the VIP meeting room of the Foreign Reception Building. Under his arrangement, Dr. Lowry from BNE and his team came to the Shen Qi Research Center to visit and exchange.

The person in charge of receiving Lowry and other British people is the FASTER project team leader Tang Yuan. He is now a calf in the field of condensed matter physics.

“Dr. Lowry, welcome.” Tang Yuan was instructed by Shen Qi, and he communicated with the British delegation on behalf of the Applied Physics Team of Shen Qi Research Center.

“Professor Tang, it’s nice to meet you.” Lowry had already found out that Shen Qi was the king of their center, and the professor and researcher Tang Yuan was similar to a minister.

Not much to say, according to international practice, Tang Yuan first took Lowry and others to visit the center condensed matter physics laboratory.

The Condensed Matter Physics Laboratory has not stopped working because of the arrival of foreigners. What should everyone do? Stick to their posts and practice the core values ​​of socialism.

Dr. Lowry was touched by the sincerity and hospitality shown by the Shen Qi Research Center. After all, the laboratory is a heavy place, and people are not allowed to enter.

“It’s huge, it’s great.” This was Dr. Lowry’s first impression of the laboratory.

“First in Asia, third in the world.” Tang Yuan objectively described the global ranking of their laboratory.

In the field of condensed matter physics, the number one laboratory is at MIT, and the second one is in Cambridge. The laboratories of Princeton, Harvard and Dongda are also strong competitors of the Shen Qi Research Center.

In fact, Tang Yuan knew in his heart that Shen Qi’s personal strength and reputation provided a lot of points for their laboratory’s international rankings.

However, the international rules are like this. Without a laboratory with a cadre of scientists, the points ranking will not go up.

Lowry stopped in front of a PEL tester, and their laboratory in the UK also had a device of exactly the same model: “Professor Tang, I have read the papers published by your laboratory about the series of iron-boron-based amorphous alloys. There are eight articles in total. I would like to ask, is the series of articles on iron-boron-based amorphous alloys finished?”

“It’s over temporarily.” Tang Yuan nodded.

The experimenter in the laboratory is doing the finishing work of the iron-boron-based amorphous alloy and making up some data. These supplementary test data can form one or two extra articles on iron-boron-based amorphous alloys.

“The iron-boron-based amorphous alloy material developed in your laboratory has extremely excellent soft magnetic properties and can completely replace traditional silicon steel and permalloy to make transformer cores. You did not list too many of this invention in your paper. Industrial use, but our BNE has made estimates based on your research results. In the power generation industry, if you use your iron-boron-based amorphous alloy material to transform the transformer, the volume and weight will be greatly reduced, and the performance will be greatly improved, which can be reduced Power transmission loss is about 30% 60%. Energy-saving and environmentally friendly baby, baby.” Lowry obviously came prepared. They BNE are engaged in the business of new energy and new materials. All green and environmentally friendly technological inventions are Luo Rui is interested in something.

“The iron-boron-based amorphous alloy is actually a secondary research result of the non-uniformity of the amorphous structure on the nano-micron scale.” Tang Yuan looked at a group of giant photos on the wall. The protagonist in the photo is Shen Qi and the background is Nuo At the Bell Award presentation site, Shen Qi received the promise twice, and his glorious image was hung on the wall, encouraging the latecomers to move forward on the road of science.

One of the reasons why Shen Qi won the promise for the first time was “he proved the non-uniformity of the amorphous structure on the nano-micron scale.”

This can be regarded as one of Shen Qi’s main research results in physics, which is more theoretical.

Based on this theoretical main result, many applied secondary research results have been derived, including a new type of graphene nanocomposite film, iron-boron-based amorphous alloy and so on.

Lowry and other British friends followed Tang Yuan’s gaze and looked at the photo of Shen Qi on the wall, worshipped piously, and then continued to exchange specific academic topics with Tang Yuan.

Tang Yuan took his British friends to the central cafe, and everyone was chatting and laughing while drinking coffee.

On the other site, Shen Qi is still negotiating with the main force of the British academic delegation. At present, he is still talking about physics.

“Professor Shen, your feature article “My Opinions on the Black Hole Information Paradox” published on “Science” can be said to be explosive.” A red-haired white old man said excitedly, talking about the emotions. Actually foaming at the mouth and eyes bursting.

“Academician West, why don’t you sit down and talk?” Shen Qi smiled slightly and made a gesture of asking to sit down.

Academician West is an academician of the Royal Academy of Sciences. He is a theoretical physicist. His PhD supervisor in the United States was the famous Kip Thorne.

Director Nolan’s sci-fi blockbuster “Interstellar”, the scientific adviser he hired was Thorne.

Thorne is one of the well-known contemporary theoretical physicists. He is the winner of the promise. He is now 90 years old and is spending his twilight years in the United States.

According to quantum theory, information will never disappear from the universe, whether it is the movement of particles or the composition of ink particles.

But physicists such as Kip Thorne and Stephen Hawking put forward a hypothesis: What will happen if an encyclopedia is thrown into a black hole?

The answer given by Kip Thorne and Stephen Hawking is: the encyclopedia will disappear in the black hole, and any form of information will disappear in the black hole.

This is undoubtedly a contradiction with quantum theory This is the “black hole information paradox”, one of the unsolved puzzles of physics.

The founder of quantum theory is no longer alive, and the creator of the “black hole information paradox” is now only the dying professor Thorne alive.

Whether it is a supporter of quantum theory or a believer of the “black hole information paradox”, they cannot prove their conjecture experimentally.

After all, in the real universe, no earthlings or detectors invented by earthlings enter the black hole and pass the contents of the black hole out.

What kind of existence is inside the black hole horizon?

The ghost knows!

The quarrel between theoretical physicists seems to be difficult to distinguish.

So what new viewpoints and new insights does Shen Qi’s article “My Opinions on the Black Hole Information Paradox” put forward?

This is why Thorne’s disciple Academician West foamed at the mouth.

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