I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 651

Chapter 624 Hospital visit

While Ou Ye was studying mathematical problems, Shen Qi visited the Yanda People’s Hospital.

Regardless of working days or holidays, the top three hospitals are always a busy place. The doctor is busy, and the patient is also busy.

Shen Qi’s friend, Professor Qu from the Yan University Medical School, focuses on the research of anemia. Professor Qu and several students are doing research on a rare anemia drug.

Type r anemia is a rare disease. There are only 14 clinical trial patients selected by Professor Qu’s research group.

These patients received subcutaneous injections and oral treatments, four weeks as a course of treatment.

Shen Qi noticed that the fourteen patients with type r anemia were very thin, pale, and lack of energy. Among them, the oldest was 66 years old and the youngest was only 16.

The oral medicine taken by the patient is a capsule, which is sold by the international pharmaceutical giant glk.

This kind of capsule is already on the market, and Ou Ye is taking this medicine. The expensive one is dying. Fortunately, it is covered by medical insurance.

The subject of Professor Qu’s research group is to study the mechanism of the capsule produced by glk in the treatment of type r anemia. They have performed the third course of treatment for these 14 patients.

“Old Qu, how?” Shen Qi asked with concern.

“Some progress.” Professor Qu handed Shen Qi a document and said: “You can wait for me for a while, or you can talk to the patient. I’ll wash my hands.”

Shen Qi took the file: “Go ahead.”

It is very necessary for doctors to wash their hands, one is to protect themselves, and the other is to protect patients.

Professor Qu is a medical expert who mainly does scientific research. He has long since stopped operating on the operating table.

But people who study medicine have a habit of washing their hands, washing hands constantly. There are almost no hairs on the backs of the hands of medical practitioners, and they are all bald.

Shen Qi looked through the documents in Professor Qu’s office. What Lao Qu just said was “some progress” for Shen Qi. The research on the mechanism of the glk capsule produced by Lao Qu’s research team has made progress, but type r anemia is true. The cause of the disease is still in the exploratory stage.

Most of the symptoms of type r anemia patients are similar, but their causes are various, including genetic mutations, medications, immune diseases, etc. etc.

What is certain at present is that type r anemia is not a congenital genetic disease, and it is very different from thalassemia and Fanconi anemia.

To develop a drug, the first step is to find the target, then compound synthesis, pharmacokinetic analysis, and follow-up clinical trials.

Ou Ye suffers from this type of r anemia, and Shen Qi has already figured out the cause of her illness.

Ou Ye is because of her immune disease that caused type r anemia during the onset of the disease. This is a blessing in misfortune.

Fortunately, there are no genetic mutations in Ou Ye, and diseases caused by genetic mutations can be passed on to offspring.

Shen Qi quickly read the data records of 14 patients during the three courses of treatment. The data showed that the type r anemia capsule produced by glk still has a certain effect, and it can be said that it is the best type r anemia drug in the world.

The word “best” should be enclosed in quotation marks. “Best” is relative. This capsule can only relieve the condition, but cannot cure it.

Shen Qi is the person who has the most say. His wife has been taking this imported medicine for a long time, and he can’t cure the disease if he doesn’t eat it. It’s painful even if he lives, and he doesn’t dare to die.

But we should not give up hope, at least Shen Qi did not give up hope.

Shen Qi put on a white coat, left the office, and went to the ward.

According to the data, the cause of the two-bed patient is somewhat similar to that of Ou Ye.

The second-bed patient is a 47-year-old man who runs a pig farm and raises hundreds of pigs. The so-called terrestrial pigs are not raised in captivity but free-range.

Of course, the meat quality of the ground pig is better than the captive pig, and the price is more expensive. The owner of the pig farm used to be very beautiful. He held a long whip and commanded the pigs, galloping across the wilderness, and a wealthy side.

Since suffering from type r anemia, this zigzag boss has suffered physically and mentally. The burly man of more than two hundred catties now has less than one hundred catties. You can hardly imagine what he has experienced.

Shen Qi’s white coat pocket is full of pens. He puts on a pair of non-prescription black-framed glasses and walks to the boss’s bed with the folder, confident and professional looking like an attending physician:” Zhang Dahu, after three courses of treatment, the proliferation and differentiation of T and B lymphocytes have been promoted, and cytokines and immune molecules have been stimulated to a certain extent. In other words, your condition has been controlled. This is good news. How are you feeling these days?”

The vast majority of patients do not understand the medical terminology of the doctor, nor do they understand the words written by the doctor.

This is not important. What is important is that the doctor says that you are still saved, and that is good news.

Zhang Dahu looked at Shen Qi questioningly: “Where’s Doctor Qu? Are you a newcomer? No, you are not an intern, which doctor are you?”

“My name is Shen, I graduated with a Ph.D. I am Professor Qu’s assistant.” Shen Qi introduced himself.

“Hello, Doctor Shen.” Zhang Dahu forced a grudging smile. He didn’t know Shen Qi who was wearing glasses.

“Hey, I’m sick. Injections and medicines don’t work anymore. I have to have a blood transfusion! But you don’t allow me to have a blood transfusion. You said that blood transfusion is not allowed during the course of treatment. Dr. Shen, what cells and molecules are you talking about? I don’t understand at all. I’m a pig farmer and a big boss. You ask me how I’m feeling recently? No, very bad, especially bad! I want a blood transfusion!” Zhang Dahu patient said, suddenly excited. When she got up, her pale complexion showed a sickly blood red.

Shen Qi wrote something on the recording paper and then patiently persuaded: “Your disease is best treated with oral medicine or injection medicine. Please trust our professionalism.”

Zhang Dahu’s physical condition is extremely weak. After he was excited, he became very tired. He said weakly, “Actually, I am still very grateful to you. Before I came to your hospital, I couldn’t even get out of bed. Now I can at least stroll around in the hospital. Walk around. I just can’t figure it out, my elders, how can I get anemia? Or is it a rare anemia.”

“Your immune system has some problems. Maybe you were busy with work before and you didn’t notice it. Immune system diseases have a certain chance to cause r-type anemia during the course of the disease. This is the main reason why you have this rare disease. All in all, I hope that you will actively cooperate with the treatment. New target drugs are also being developed. It is very hopeful that r-type anemia will be completely cured, and the hope will not be too long.”

“Doctor Shen, I believe in you, I believe in you Yanda People’s Hospital. But I really want to be discharged, my mother-in-law, she doesn’t know how to raise pigs. I am panicked and empty when I can’t see my pigs.”

“Lao Zhang, I understand your professional ambition very well, but with your current physical condition, you have to rest at home after you leave the hospital. So just like that, actively cooperate with our full course of treatment. Health is the basic guarantee for everything else. Https://)

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