I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 655

Chapter 628 Great scientific ideas are often born in

Lucy took the time to talk about the main points: “Professor Shen, we at GLK are very interested in your LPJK1 project, and we want to cooperate with you.”

“There is a partner for this project. You know which partner is the partner. You know me better than I know you.” Shen Qi stared at Lucy with piercing eyes. She painted smoky makeup and smeared blood red today. The blood-red, red to gaudy lip gloss, the biggest change is that Lucy, who originally had blond curly hair, dyed her hair black and straightened it.

Spicy eyes, Shen Qi rubbed his eyelids. This style of black and straight is not something Lucy can follow if you want to.

Lucy was quite satisfied with her new look. She fiddled with her dyed black hair and said, “I mean, we can cooperate with Obiqi Pharmaceutical.”

“Then you go talk to the business manager of OBB Pharmaceuticals.”

“Professor Shen, don’t you need to be so circumspect?” Lucy found that Shen Qi was very guarded against her. This was not the situation she wanted to see.

The active compound of LPJK1 has just been made, which is a very confidential matter. Lucy is an Englishman. She does not come early or late. Of course, when she visits at this time, Shen Qi will of course be wary: “Lucy, you have 7 minutes and 24 seconds left.”

“Huh…” Lucy couldn’t help taking a deep breath to calm her mood. She felt that today’s Shen Qi had a strong suppressing power, and she was completely two people with the amiable Shen Qi last time.

But think about it, the last time Shen Qi was on behalf of China and the United Kingdom in state-to-state exchanges, with a strong sense of diplomatic rituals.

On diplomatic occasions, Shen Qi will of course be amiable and kind.

Today, Lucy visited the famous scientist Shen Qi alone as a representative of the company. Shen Qi could completely ignore her or arrange for a subordinate to deal with it.

Shen Qi took ten minutes to invite Lucy to drink coffee, which has already given the British woman a lot of face.

Lucy took a sip of coffee, and said: “R anemia is a rare disease. Only by opening the global market can we maximize our benefits. Obagi does not have overseas sales capabilities, and our GLK sales channels are all over the world.”

This sentence finally came to the point.

Shen Qi secretly tore open the sugar packet and poured it into the coffee cup, stirring slowly, as if thinking.

A new drug can be sold in China, not necessarily in the European Union and the United States.

I did animal experiments and clinical trials in China, and I have to do it again in the European Union and the United States.

Globally, the FDA has the most stringent audit standards. Even if compounds are made in accordance with FDA standards in the pre-clinical research phase, they may not be able to pass the FDA audit and enter the US market. This involves many factors, technology, public relations and even luck.

Oberchi Pharmaceuticals obviously does not have any overseas resources. To open up overseas markets, it needs to spend a lot of money and it takes a long time to operate. The development of drugs burns money, and market operations also burn money.

Compared with foreign countries, China’s rare drug protection policy is still being improved. Shen Qi predicted that if the rare drug LPJK1 is only sold in the Chinese market, it will definitely lose money.

Shen Qi’s original intention of doing LPJK1 was to save his wife and other patients who are similar to his wife.

The original intention is correct and stalwart, but in the specific implementation link, it cannot lose money.

The pharmaceutical industry must have sufficient sales and sufficient profits, otherwise the pharmaceutical factory will soon go bankrupt.

Many pharmaceutical companies declared bankruptcy precisely because they failed to develop and sell a new drug.

Therefore, most small and medium-sized pharmaceutical companies have completed animal experiments or clinical phase I, and then sold their compound patents to large pharmaceutical companies, because large pharmaceutical manufacturers have a big business and can afford it.

It seems a good choice to hand over the overseas sales rights of LPJK1 to GLK for operation? Shen Qi said: “Lucy, let’s do this. After the animal experiment, I will arrange for you to discuss the overseas operations of LPJK1 with the person in charge of Obiqi’s business.”

“Waiting for your good news.” Lucy breathed a sigh of relief. This negotiation was actually a bit unconventional. After all, the animal experiment of LPJK1 has not been done yet.

Shen Qi sent Lucy to the entrance of the center building, and he kindly reminded him: “Lucy, you dyed your hair black and straightened it. This style is not suitable for you. Let’s go back to your original golden curly hair. .”

“Oh, this is so sad, I did this look for a whole day!” Lucy was hit hard. Hair style is more important to her than business.

Under normal circumstances, only the compounds that have been tested on animals will attract the attention of pharmaceutical predators. Compounds that have not passed animal experiments are of no value, and it is unknown whether more than two dozen active compounds of LPJK1 can pass animal experiments.

After all, Shen Qi is the winner of the Philippine Award and the winner of the promise. His name is the golden sign, giving Lucy confidence.

Anyway, Lucy’s initiative did not cost a penny of GLK, the coffee was still requested by Shen Qi, she drank two cups, a cup of mocha and a cup of latte.

After drinking, with the consent of Shen Qi, Lucy also took away the customized coffee cup that was not available on the market and was made of metal and glass materials and was full of high-tech elements. It was printed with Shen Qi’s quotation: “Great scientific ideas are often born in coffee shops.”

After sending Lucy away, Shen Qi immediately arranged to apply for patents for more than twenty active compounds of LPJK1.

Originally, this work was done during animal experiments. For those active compounds that cause significant side effects or even death in experimental animals, there is no need to apply for patents.

Now, Shen Qi is very vigilant. While cooperating with foreign parties, he must also be vigilant.

The last time Shen Qi took Lucy to visit their laboratory, today Shen Qi only asked Lucy to drink coffee in the central coffee shop, and at most he sent her a customized coffee cup, nothing more.

Shen Qi arranged for a general to go for patent registration: “He Lin, the experimental work of your group will stop first. What you have to do now is to go to the Patent Office. The product patents and intermediates of more than 20 active compounds of LPJK1 Patents, synthesis method patents, and combination patents are all registered. While running the domestic patent office, you also apply for the PCT. You should be familiar with this operation.”

PCT stands for International Patent Application. This organization has more than 100 member states. He Lin smiled: “Director Shen has a strong desire to survive, is he so insecure?”

“He Lin, you have studied in a capitalist country. You know the essence of capitalism. In order to get the most benefit, they do everything they can to do. You must not be harmful, and you must be defensive. Speed, speed, this matter is busy When it’s over, everyone will have a vacation, and I will take you to relax outdoors and engage in team building activities.”

Shen Qi was broken for the LPJK1 project, and his dear wife was not idle either.

Ou Ye led three students to strengthen the research of BSD conjecture.

One teacher and three students are all Buddhas. They do not apply for scientific research funding, nor do they submit projects to the country. Ouye paid his own money to carry out research on the subject of strong BSD conjecture.

Compared with the research and development of extremely expensive drugs, purely theoretical research on mathematics does not cost much.

A few computers, a few white boards, a few boxes of A4 paper, a few boxes of pens, a few cups of coffee, a few bottles of boiled water, a few takeaways, all the equipment and materials that cost money.

Xiaoyun said in a tone of recitation of the text: “Professor Shen’s exposition in “History of Number Theory” is wonderful: To prove the BSD conjecture, first you have to be familiar with the Hassell conjecture, and then you have to prove Gu Shan yourself- Shimura conjecture, use Wiles’ method to prove. When you do this step, you are not far from proving Fermat’s Last Theorem, so please continue to use Andrew Wiles’ elliptic curve method to prove Fermat’s Last Theorem.”

“If you prove Fermat’s Last Theorem, please continue to read the following content, otherwise please skip to the next chapter. The following content is, please use the Riemann zeta function mode to extend L(E, s) In order to give an answer function for any complex number s. In order to facilitate your better understanding of the content of this chapter, I suggest you read another book written by myself, “The Proof of the Riemann Conjecture”.”

“Xiaoyun, don’t tell me you can recite “History of Number Theory” in full? That book has hundreds of pages!” Of course, Zhao Tian has also read “History of Number Theory” written by Shen Qi, which is an undergraduate of Yanda University School of Mathematics. The optional textbook for students is also a compulsory textbook for the Princeton Department of Mathematics.

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