I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 682

Chapter 655 arrangement

The computer processor runs at high speed, and s is Taylor expanded at s1, and its expansion order is equal to the Hasevey rankr of the elliptic curve.

The rational point on the elliptic curve dances mysteriously under the command of the computer, which seems chaotic, but in fact it is on the beat.

A simple elliptic curve shaped like y2x3axb also has infinitely many rational points, and there are infinitely many such elliptic curves.

The condition of    modular curve was restricted by Zhao Tian and other three students, because in 1999, Kato Kato also proved that all elliptic curves in the field of rational numbers are modular curves.

This is a grand ball between numbers and symbols. The prime number p is on the scene. They spin and jump in the ocean of data, counting the number of rational points on certain elliptic curves, and transforming them into a solution modulo the prime number p. The number is counted. The fastest mobile phone update::

The background color of the computer screen is black, as deep as the depths of the universe. The dancers in the dark are a group of white elves. Under the coercion of ordp, 1ordp#ha, they can hardly control them, their breathing becomes rapid, and their dance steps are dazzling and approaching madness.

Looking at the constantly changing numbers and symbols on the screen, Xiaoyun was fascinated: “This is the beauty of mathematics, this is the power of mathematics, and the mysteries of the universe are hidden here.”

“Yeah.” Zeng Han nodded in agreement.

Checking progress 2.

Even if it is a high-performance computer, the theoretical hypothesis constructed by Ou Ye needs to be verified for a week.

In the eyes of Xiaoyun and Zeng Han, the mathematical world composed of massive elliptic curves and equations has an unparalleled sense of beauty and power.

Maybe it is that the prefrontal cortex nerves are not as developed as those of younger students. Zhao Tian only feels limited beauty and power, and more of it is the brain pain caused by the complicated data processing.

“Don’t you think it’s weird, it’s not Professor Shen who helped and support Ye Zijie, but Teacher Zhou Yuan.” While waiting for the data processing time, Zhao Tian made a digression.

Xiaoyun thought for a while and wanted to say: “Maybe Professor Shen secretly arranged Teacher Zhou to do this?”

Zhao Tian shook his head: “This is illogical, why didn’t Professor Shen come forward by himself? Just imagine, if Professor Shen and Sister Ye Zi jointly prove the conjecture, then the person who won the Fields Medal is Sister Ye Zi, because Professor Shen won the Philippine Award. The rules of the Philippine Prize are different from the Nobel Prize. The Philippine Prize can only be won once.”

Zeng Han retorted: “Your logic is wrong. Do you think Ye Zijie needs Professor Shen to lie down?”

Zhao Tian waved his hands again and again: “Of course Ye Zijie does not need Professor Shen to lie down! I’m just curious, why does Professor Shen care not about guessing so much?”

Xiaoyun said: “Don’t guess the mind of the boss, you may understand it when you become the boss. I personally think that Professor Shen is actually very concerned about Sister Ye Zi’s project, the reason why he deliberately avoided guessing, I don’t want his shadow to appear too much on Sister Ye Zi. Let’s not guess what happened between their husband and wife. The Philippine Award has set a 40-year-old age limit, unless there is another special case of Andrew Wiles’ over-age award. , Otherwise Ye Zijie only has two chances to hit the Philippine Award. She doesn’t say anything, but in her heart she is particularly eager for the Philippine Award.”

Zhao Tian seems to have realized something amazing: “The evaluation of the Philippine Prize is uncertain. Professor Shen may be planning it. He asked Teacher Zhou to also participate in the guess project. Is it a double insurance? Once the guess is proved by us Sister Ye Zi and Teacher Zhou joined hands to fight for the Philippine Award.

Xiaoyun disagrees: “According to the Philippine Award judging practice, if the same conjecture is proved by multiple people, only one person can win the Philippine Award. For example, Fermat’s Last Theorem is actually a pair of Andrew Wiles and Richard Taylor The academic partners proved that the Philippine Prize was finally awarded to Andrew Wiles, and Richard Taylor had to rely on new projects and new research results to win the Philippine Prize.”

Zhao Tian’s expression changed erratic: “So, Teacher Zhou shouldn’t get involved in our project. What if he snatches Ye Zijie’s Philippine award?”

“If Teacher Zhou got the instruction of Professor Shen to intervene in Ye Zijie’s guess project, then I think it is very likely that Teacher Zhou is Professor Shen’s true love.” Xiaoyun was suddenly excited, and she felt that her guess might not be unreliable. , Teacher Zhou has a car, a house, status, and status. He is still not married when he is in his 30s. Why is that?

“I really love a ghost, do you girls know too much about basic writing? How can Teacher Zhou be gay? Even if Teacher Zhou is gay, the upright Professor Shen can never be gay. The country and the people do not allow him to be gay. Man. It’s time for dinner, Zeng Han, you guard, I will go out to eat with Xiaoyun, and wrap up with you.” Zhao Tian took Xiaoyun and left the center to eat out.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter.

The maximum temperature in the capital reached 40 degrees Celsius for several consecutive days. Zhao Tian, ​​Xiaoyun, and Zeng Han had no desire to go out to eat. They ordered takeaways for three meals. Except for sleeping, the three spent their rest of the time at the Shenqi Research Center. In the computer room.

The computer keeps running continuously, humming with the air-conditioning wind.

It is conjectured that the computer check of the proof scheme has entered a key node. Zhou Yuan occasionally comes to the computer room to ask about the situation, while Shen Qi, the director of the Shen Qi Research Center, and the academic leader of this project, Ou Ye, have never been to the computer room in the future.

Ou Ye didn’t come to the computer room because she was in the hospital. Her heart was concerned about the results of the computer check. She communicated with three students on her mobile phone every day Shen Qi didn’t come to the computer room because he was recently. I haven’t even been to the center for a while. Academician Shen’s villa, Yanda People’s Hospital, and kindergarten are the places where Shen Qi has recently appeared.

The highest outdoor temperature in the capital reached 41 degrees Celsius in history. This is the data given by the weather forecast. The Meteorological Observatory issued a red high temperature warning to remind the general public to pay attention to cooling down.

The highest outdoor temperature determined by the physics team of Shen Qi Research Center is 44 degrees Celsius. This is so North. What is the concept of 44 degrees? The dog is hot, the dog is so hot.

In such abnormal hot dog days, the takeaway boy sent an order for at least 15 yuan more.

The three math dogs of Zhao Tian, ​​Xiaoyun, and Zeng Han can save the effort of going downstairs to get takeout. The computer room is full of various foods. The open food packaging bags emit complex smells. The rate of consumption of one pack per hour is rapidly decreasing.

At noon that day, the scorching sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and lightning that was more than five meters wide was constantly refreshing, followed by the sound of rolling thunder. ::

Lightning and thunder, torrential rain, and a week of hellish heat is finally over.

The rain hit the glass of the computer room, and the computer that had been working for a week finally gave the calculation result.

“This is…” Zhao Tian, ​​Xiaoyun, and Zeng Han stared at the screen with wide eyes, excited but puzzled.

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