I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 695

Chapter 668 Don’t you have any points in your mind?

Indians made important contributions to mathematics. Ancient Indians invented Arabic numerals. Modern Indian mathematicians shined in various branches of mathematics.

After Dr. Adama finished drinking and interacted with the hot girls, not only did he not feel dull and felt his body was hollowed out, but he became more energetic. Every cell is full of fighting power.

People with horses in their names usually have incredible physical strength and energy.

For example, Dumas, he and his friends went to spend time together. After the friends were done, they didn’t even have the strength to speak, but Dumas was able to code words until the next morning and created many literary classics.

Dr. Adama, who is also a horse character, fought until dawn in his dormitory in Oxford, and he thoroughly studied Ou Ye’s manuscript.

“The first twenty-seven pages of her manuscript are undoubtedly used the arguments in my paper. There can be no such coincidence in the world. My paper has been published long ago, and she did not publish anything in the same period. The reported research results. Yes, this is not a coincidence, but a conspiracy! What about Shen Qi’s wife? Even Shen Qi must abide by the professional ethics of a mathematician!”

Adama was indignant. He felt that someone was targeting him, and a powerful foreign group had started to attack him.

“Literature citations? No, you can’t use citations as an excuse to **** my research results!”

A surging passion surged in my chest. Dr. Adama posted a post on arVix and linked his paper in the Annals of Mathematics to this: “I think Professor Ou Yeh’s question about rank greater than or equal to 2. The elaboration part needs further verification. And the parts of rank0 and 1 are undoubtedly valid, because I have already published the argument about this part in the “Annual Journal of Mathematics”, the link is as follows…”

As soon as this post was posted, Adama immediately felt refreshed. No matter how powerful the foreign group is, it cannot stop the voice of justice from ringing through the world!

John Green couldn’t help shaking his head after seeing Adama’s justice post. He thought Adama was a wise mathematics genius. Didn’t he expect this Indian brother to be an idiot?

“Adama, withdraw your post, immediately!” John Green made a strong suggestion.

Adama really shook his head and said, “No, John, I won’t do that.”

“Even if Ou Ye copied your rank 0 and 1 paper, what? She gave a plan with rank greater than or equal to 2 after rank 0 and 1, but you didn’t do it! So Adama, you must immediately withdraw the post. Before the situation expands! Ou Ye, and her husband Shen Qi, are people you can’t afford!” John Green roared excitedly. He thought his logic was fine.

Yes, even if Ou Ye copied your Adama’s rank 0 and 1 paper, what about it?

The most critical step to prove the strong BSD conjecture is the part where the rank is greater than or equal to 2. Don’t worry, at least Ou Ye took the lead in giving the proof scheme that the rank is greater than or equal to 2, but you didn’t do it, my Indian brother!

“So we have to prove that the argument that Ou Ye’s rank is greater than or equal to 2 is not valid.” This is Adama’s logic. He believes that as long as he overturns the part of the proof that Ou Ye’s rank is greater than or equal to 2, he will still be worldwide. The person who contributed the most to the BSD conjecture. In other words, he is still the most promising person to complete the full version of the BSD conjecture proof first.

“Adama, your logical starting point is very problematic. You first deny that Euye’s rank is greater than or equal to 2 is not valid, and then try to prove that it is not valid. And the mathematical idea that Andrew taught us is to first assume that it is valid, and then go To prove it is true, first acknowledge love, and then try to love.”

“Andrew did this when he proved the Taniyama-Shimura Conjecture and Fermat’s Last Theorem, and he became one of the best and most respected mathematicians in the world! Adama, don’t be fooled by inexplicable jealousy. With your wise eyes! I thought that you are Andrew’s best student, and you must never let me and Andrew down!” John Green persuaded him to persuade him, he thought he was very sensible, and he was originally very wise. The sensible Adama seemed to be in a dangerous state.

Fame, status, interests, wealth.

In front of these alluring things, perhaps some people will forget their original intentions, walk into a strange circle, or even lose their way, be perverted, and cause big mistakes.


China, Yan University, Shen Qi Research Center.

The morning of British Greenwich Mean Time, plus 8 hours is the afternoon of Chinese Capital Time.

Shen Qi finished a day’s work and is about to go to the hospital to see his wife after get off work, and then go home to take the baby.

Before shutting down the computer, Shen Qi suddenly felt that there seemed to be a monster on the computer screen, so he entered arXiv and quickly browsed the posts in the math section.

Sure enough, that Indian Adama said so badly that he actually satirized my wife for copying his thesis?

Did not copy, don’t you have any points in your heart?

Shen Qi, a big man at the level, naturally disdains arguing with a small, famous mathematician like Adama.

Shen Qi sent an email to Andrew Wiles: “Dear Andrew, I heard that you are a grandfather again, and I have a cute little granddaughter. I am so happy for you. I think you should check it out on arXiv. , Your student’s mentality seems to be developing in a bad direction. Of course, there is no need to criticize him too much. After all, he is still young, and young people are always a little immature.”

After sending the emails between the bosses, Shen Qi left the center and went to Yanda People’s Hospital.

At the entrance of the hospital, Shen Qi found a group of people with obvious professional characteristics. They were friends in the media industry.

Entering the hospital, at the entrance of the inpatient building, there are more reporters, both Chinese and foreign reporters.

Professor Qu led a group of nurses and security guards to stop in front of the reporter, he shouted: “This is the hospital, the patients need to be quiet! Please leave quickly, thank you for your cooperation!”

The reporters did not want to leave: “Doctor Qu, three minutes is enough for us! We want to interview Professor Ou Ye!”

Professor Qu stood up, and a man who became a Guan Wanfu could not help him: “Don’t think that we who are doctors do not understand mathematics. Her rank is greater than or equal to 2 has not been recognized by the mathematics community. It is meaningless for you to interview her now! Don’t affect the normal order of our hospital, everyone, hurry up! Look, Shen Qi is here, and the same is true for your interview with Shen Qi. I will give you five minutes to interview Shen Qi, and leave after the interview!”

Hey, you are so bad old man, so bad!

Shen Qi’s position was exposed by his teammates. He couldn’t escape anyway, so he simply accepted the reporter’s interview.

The reporters flocked to Shen Qi and asked: “Academician Shen, it is said that your wife, Professor Ou Ye, completed the manuscript of the BSD conjecture during her stay in Yanda People’s Hospital?”

Shen Qi nodded and said, “Yes, I hope she gets good academic results, and I hope she is healthy.”

The reporter asked: “Academician Shen, have you participated in the BSD Conjecture Project?”

Shen Qi shook his head: “This edition of Ou Yeh’s manuscript was completed by her with three students from the Yanda University School. In the process of demonstrating the BSD conjecture, I paid attention but did not participate in the specific details. After all, Ou Ye is my wife. Of course, I keep paying attention to the scientific research projects she is doing.”

Reporter: “As the most authoritative mathematician in the world, do you think Professor Ou’s version of the BSD conjecture proof scheme is valid?”

Shen Qi: “Considering the rules of avoiding suspicion, I shouldn’t be a reviewer for Ou Ye. But I believe that she is one of the best female mathematicians today, and I hope her plan can be recognized by the international mathematics community. ”

Reporter: “Academician Shen, what do you think of the remarks made by Dr. Adama of the University of Oxford? If you haven’t read it, let me tell you briefly. Dr. Adama declared that the first 27 pages of Professor Ou Ye’s manuscript are related to The paper he published a few months ago is extremely similar.”

Shen Qi said indifferently: “As far as I know, Dr. Adama’s thesis has not been published before Ou Ye completed the phased results of rank 0 and 1. In other words, before Ou Ye completed the phased results of rank 0 and 1, She has not read Dr. Adama’s paper. Evidence? What I said, isn’t it evidence?”

Reporter: “The last question, how is Professor Ou Ye’s recovery?”

Shen Qi: “Professor Ou, don’t cough anymore! Thank you for your concern, thank you, let’s stop here, please give the patients a quiet convalescent environment.”

“Thank you Academician Shen for accepting our interview.”

“I wish Professor Ou a speedy recovery.”

Chinese and foreign reporters got the news materials they wanted from Shen Qi, and then they scattered with the wind.

Shen Qi and Professor Qu walked into the inpatient building together. Professor Qu was very excited: “I didn’t talk nonsense just now. I really understand mathematics. In recent days, I have been following news reports on the Ouye version of the BSD conjecture proof. Shen Qi, you Tell me the truth, do you think Ou Ye can succeed?”

Shen Qi smiled: “She has succeeded.”

“Cow!” Professor Qu clapped his hands in praise, and said: “Ou Yeh completed the proof of the BSD conjecture during the hospital stay in an unhealthy state. This is amazing! Just imagine, if Ou Ye is healthy, then she will be even better. No! You couple are too fierce, Shen Nuofei inherited your excellent genes, her future is very worth looking forward to I heard that Nuofei entered the second elementary school pomegranate math class, look, She is only 5 years old and she is so awesome! Four of the seven millennium problems have been solved by your couple, plus the Poincaré conjecture done by Perelman, then only the Yang-Mills theory and the P pair are left. There is a NP problem, then the problem comes. After Shen Nuofei grows up, she is afraid that she will be useless as a hero…” Professor Qu was worried about the Shen Qi family of three.

Shen Qi has a long-term view: “Mathematics in the future will definitely be different from mathematics now. Natural sciences in the future will probably change. I believe that one generation is stronger than one generation. As the post-80s and post-90s get older, The post-00s will surely take up the heavy burden. I predict that when Nofi’s generation of 20s enters the academic golden age, the whole world will tremble, and the science at that time will definitely surpass the limit of our current imagination. So it will be left to later. There is a lot of room for the player to play. We don’t have to worry that the generation of Nofi’s generation of 20s will not be useful in the future. Let’s not go too far, after all, the imagination is not enough. Let’s talk about the present, Lao Qu, triazaoctene What is the average data for the clinical trials of Susu?”

Professor Qu said: “At present, the average data of the entire test group is still OK. The effect of this medicine on your Ou Ye is beyond our expectations. You are right, ours. Imagination is not enough. Don’t talk about things decades later, even many of the current topics have surpassed my imagination.”

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