I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 697

Chapter 670 3 generations

“Page 404, get it done!”

Shen Qi and Ou Ye wrote the electronic version of the “Proof of Strong BSD Conjecture” together.

Shen Qi thought for a while and wanted to say: “The number 404 is unlucky, add another page.”

Ou Ye nodded and said: “Well, I’ll add, you avoid it.”

Shen Qi smiled and asked, “Evasion? What’s the matter, is it possible that you still held a big move and didn’t let it go?”

“You dodge it for a while, you should care about other subjects. I heard that some subjects are emotionally unstable and even attempt to commit suicide.”

“Is there anything else? Then I’ll find out about the situation.” Shen Qi frowned, and then left Ou Ye’s ward.

Facing the 400-page masterpiece, Ou Yeh felt a lot of emotion. She typed on the keyboard and added a note of thanks at the end of the paper:

“Thanks to my former mentors Gong Changwei and Elon-Linden Strauss. Professor Gong Changwei proved that 2/3 of the elliptic curves satisfy the BSD conjecture, which is of great help to the discussion of this paper. Linden Strauss When I was a Ph.D., the professor taught me the wonderful idea of ​​using elliptic curves to solve number theory problems, and laid the foundation for me to complete this thesis.”

“Academician Deng Ximing, Dean of the Academy of Mathematics of Yan’an University, and Professor Zhou Yuan from the Shenqi Research Center of Yan’an University, for providing support in all aspects for this paper, I am deeply grateful.

“Finally, thank my husband Shen Qi.”

The number of pages of the paper is finalized at 405 pages.

After typing the last strange word, Ou Ye burst into tears.

She has a difficult journey along the way, but fortunately, a few noble people have appeared in her life.

The highly professional mentors Gong Changwei and Elon Linden Strauss have been tolerating her dean of several colleges, Deng Ximing and Deng, Zhou Yuan, who is selflessly dedicated to his brother and wife, and Shen Qi who takes good care of his wife.

These people are the nobles of Ou Ye.

Ou Ye’s words of thanks to Shen Qi have the fewest words.

Jianghu rules, the fewer words, the bigger things, and the deeper the feelings.

Next, I published this heavyweight paper in academic journals.

Shen Qi has arranged that “Proof of Strong BSD Conjecture” will be published by the mathematics journal “Journal of Mathematics” sponsored by the Academy of Sciences.

“Acta Mathematics” is the most authoritative mathematics journal in China. Journal A is the Chinese version and Journal B is the English version.

The number of pages in each issue of “Acta Mathematics” is about 400 450 pages, and 10 12 articles are usually published.

The number of pages of “Proof of Strong BSD Conjecture” is 405 pages. “Acta Mathematica” will be reported in the form of a special issue, which will be published in both English and Chinese.

“The Proof of Strong BSD Conjecture” soon came to the editorial department of “Acta Mathematics” located in the courtyard of the Academy of Sciences, without going through the system submission process, and directly handed over to the editor-in-chief Gu Weiye.

The editor-in-chief Gu is extremely excited. He fully understands the significance and status of the paper “Proof of Strong BSD Conjecture”.

If “Proof of Strong BSD Conjecture” is published in “Acta Mathematica”, it will inevitably increase the number of subscriptions of “Acta Mathematica” exponentially.

The number of subscriptions is one aspect, and the most important thing is academic influence.

“Acta Mathematics” is an SCI journal, the latest IF is 0.726, the highest in the country.

With the help of the “Strong BSD Conjecture Proof”, editor Gu’s ambitious vision, perhaps in the next IF calculation, our “Acta Mathematica” IF is expected to exceed 1.0, thus becoming the most influential mathematics journal in Asia in one fell swoop.

“Lao Qian, “The Proof of Strong BSD Conjecture” will be published in both Chinese and English, and the sooner the better!” The editor-in-chief Gu arranged for his subordinate Lao Qian to do the distribution work, and Lao Qian is the deputy editor of the “Acta Mathematica”.

“Received, I understand! The printing and distribution side has already been arranged, and the manuscript is given to the past and printed out immediately.” The deputy editor-in-chief Lao Qian is willing to act as an errand runner. This kind of thing shouldn’t be done by the deputy editor-in-chief.


The door of the editor-in-chief’s office was pushed open.

A person came in. Although he was more than sixty years old, he had few gray hairs. He was full of energy and strode forward.

“Academician Su, why are you here?” Editor-in-chief Gu and Deputy Editor-in-Chief Qian stood up.

Academician Su Wenxie stood upside down with sword eyebrows, and shouted: “You two are here, doing a great job!”

“I…we didn’t do anything? It’s just our daily work.” Editor-in-chief Gu and Deputy Editor-in-chief Qian were afraid and respectful of Academician Su Wenxie. Academician Su suddenly came here to attack, which made Gu and Qian a little nervous.

After Academician Su Wenxie was a famous mathematician, his ancestor, Academician Su, was one of the founders of modern Chinese mathematics.

Academician Su almost single-handedly supported the Department of Mathematics of Zhejiang University. He is an epic-level mathematics magnate in China.

Epic bosses usually bring their own system. Wherever the boss goes, where does the system follow.

For the subject of mathematics, the system is particularly important. After Academician Su was transferred to Fudan, the Department of Mathematics of Zhejiang University was greatly injured, and the Department of Mathematics of Fudan rose strongly.

Academician Lao Su is an academician, his students are also academicians, and the students of his students are also academicians.

Academician Su trained a total of eight academicians for the new China, plus himself, he is known as three generations of nine academicians in history. These academicians include outstanding mathematicians such as Gu Chaohao, Li Daqian, and Hu Hesheng.

Academician Su Wenxie is a descendant of Academician Lao Su, but not a student of Academician Lao Su.

The influence of Academician Lao Su in East China is so great that his descendants also live under his aura.

Academician Su Wenxie left East China very early. He went north to study mathematics and went to the mysterious normal college in Paris to obtain a doctorate in mathematics.

Academician Su Wenxie is the descendant of the epic tycoon of Chinese mathematics. Editor-in-chief Gu and Deputy Editor-in-chief Qian respect Academician Su Wenxie.

Gen Masamiao Hong’s academician Su Wenxie inherited an epic bloodline. Not only did he come from a famous family for three generations, he was also very strong in mathematics.

As a member of the editorial board of Acta Mathematica, Academician Su Wenxie does not frequent the editorial office of Acta Mathematica.

To evaluate whether an academic journal is strong, don’t just look at the editor-in-chief of the journal.

The real bosses of academic journals are often hidden in the editorial board.

Gu Weiye, the editor-in-chief of Acta Mathematica, is a professional mathematician with a small reputation in the industry.

And the editorial board of Acta Mathematica has gathered 5 academicians of the Academy of Sciences, and Academician Su Wenxie is one of them.

broke into the editor-in-chief’s office today. Academician Su Wenxie must have a reason: “A manuscript of a paper is issued without review by a reviewer?”

“This…” Editor Gu knows that the “a paper” referred to by Academician Su Wenxie specifically refers to that paper, and it must be the “Proof of Strong BSD Conjecture”.

Academician Su Wenxie has a pure pedigree, extraordinary professional strength, and strong principle. This is the reason why editor Gu and deputy editor Qian admire him.

Editor Gu explained: “Academician Su, under normal circumstances, every valuable academic paper must of course go through the review process. But Strong BSD Conjecture Proof” this paper, Our editorial department feels that we can do special things. This is what Academician Shen and Professor Ou mean.”

Academician Su Wenxie, who also serves as the director of the Institute of Mathematics of Shuimu University, was furious: “Shen Qi is an academician, am I not?”

“No, no, no, don’t get me wrong, Academician Su!” Editor Gu broke out in a cold sweat. Whether it is Academician Shen or Academician Su, he is a bigwig that he can’t afford to provoke.

“State-owned and national laws, there are rules, no rules, and no circle! Gu Weiye, you editor-in-chief, it’s improper!” Academician Su Wenxie slapped the table and cursed.

“I…” Gu Wei’s owner made up a wretched bag, and he could only beep quietly, not loudly.

When you enter the world of mathematics, you will realize that in this winner-takes-all industry, the big guys can do whatever they want, while the little guys must remember: stand upright when being beaten.

After academician Su Wenxie finished cursing, he suddenly asked: “When will the paper of wife Shen Qi be published?”

“I…you…” Gu Weiye and the old Qian looked at each other. In front of the inexplicable Academician Su, they felt that their IQs needed to be recharged.

Academician Su Wenxie said: “Ou Ye is from Yan University, Shen Qi is also from Yan University, and Deng Ximing from Yan University is not suitable for the interpretation of “Proof of Strong BSD Conjecture”. The interpretation of “Proof of Strong BSD Conjecture” will be handled by my Mizuki team.”

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