I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 717

Chapter 689 Deep bass, sweet midrange, high pitch

“The genetic modification mentioned by Cui Hualin is risky. This is one aspect. On the other hand, it is difficult to predict what new mutations will be produced when cells divide continuously. As well as the deterioration of the environment, it will also cause disease. For example, cancer. It is a kind of genetic disease, which is caused by the damage of DNA sequence, but more and more causes of cancer are caused by the external environment, not by congenital inheritance. The issues we face are very severe and challenging. Everyone has worked hard. Now, let’s seize the time to complete the first phase of the basic research. After entering the second and third phases of experimental research, I believe we will touch more truths that have never been discovered.” Shen Qi and him The doctoral students of China have in-depth exchanges and active discussions, with only one purpose, to do a good job in this project and solve the unsolved mystery.

Shen Qi hopes to retire before the age of 40, achieve financial freedom, and reach inhuman areas.

This is a career plan.

In terms of family, Shen Qi is eager to have a son, with both children and complete merits.

With the development of biotechnology, the genetic material of zygotes and gametes can now be edited in vitro, fused in the laboratory, and children can be hatched.

Artificial petri dishes have replaced Zi Gong, and this technology has already been realized. Some people have done this.

It’s just that Shen Qi and Ou Ye’s thoughts on inheriting clan generations are relatively traditional. The couple abandoned high-tech methods and relied on artificially setting equations and solving equations.

The couple’s equation assignments during this period did not make any contribution to the inheritance of the family.

In another eight months, IMU will announce the list of Philippine awards once every four years.

Because it proved the BSD conjecture, Ou Yeh hopes to win the Philippine Award when she is thirty-four years old.

She has been invited by the IMU to deliver a one-hour report of the highest standard at the World Mathematicians Conference in Tokyo next August.

At this time, I was pregnant and appeared on the report stage of the World Congress of Mathematicians with my pregnant belly in August next year. This is not appropriate.

Therefore, in the next eight months, Shen Qi and Ou Ye will adopt technical control methods such as divergence series, zeta function, projective geometry, etc., to solve equations under the premise of limited conditions.

However, people are not as good as heaven.

An accident happened.

In projective geometry, it is difficult to control the exact solution of the tracer line equation formed by rotating the curve of the tracer line around the near line.

Ou Ye is pregnant.

According to investigations, Ou Ye was pregnant in November, and the due date will happen in August next year.

“I’m pregnant, I’m pregnant again…”

Ou Ye was also surprised and delighted.

To my surprise, the two top mathematicians worked closely together and could not control the exact solution of the tracer equation.

The happy thing is that the couple are one step closer to their children.

Shen Qi pressed his face to Ou Ye’s abdomen full of paternal love. He quietly listened to the movement in Ou Ye’s abdomen, and his joy was overwhelming: “The second child is with a handle.”

“I hope so.” Ou Ye gently stroked Shen Qi’s head. She also looked forward to the second treasure in her abdomen as a son, and it would be wonderful if Nophie could have a younger brother.

Shen Nuofei has the right to know, and she learned that her mother was pregnant the first time.

“Adults, never respect the opinions of our children.” Shen Nuofei rubbed her abdomen, and she understood a truth, a woman will get pregnant one day, and she will get pregnant twice.

“What’s the matter, Shen Nuofei, your parents are not good to you?” Xu Silin asked with concern.

“Nothing, that’s just…I’m about to have a younger brother or younger sister.” Shen Nuofei said with a complicated expression, and she couldn’t say clearly whether to be happy or to fight.

“That’s it…” Xu Silin was lost in thought. She has an older brother who is more experienced.

“It’s nice to have younger brothers and sisters.” Xu Silin gave her opinion, she tried to soothe Shen Nuofei’s fluctuating emotions.

Under the comfort of her best friend, Shen Nuofei’s mood improved slightly.

The facts are in front of us, my mother is pregnant, and she is definitely going to give birth to a child in some time.

Instead of fighting adults, it is better to comprehensively and in-depth improve your abilities and accomplishments in all aspects.

Whether to continue to be a little princess or become a little maid.

You need to fight for your status in the family.

Shen Nuofei realized when she was in kindergarten that her parents attach great importance to cultivating her knowledge and skills in all aspects.

She is talented and intelligent, and she is also very dedicated to learning all the knowledge taught by her parents.

Humph, it’s time to show your strength in all directions!

Shen Nuofei was high-spirited, and the girl who was ready to move broke out with extremely powerful fighting power.

“Classmates, this is the last music class of this semester. Teacher Ouyang wants to test your learning situation in this semester. Whoever I click on the name of the classmate will stand up, follow my piano tune, and sing half-solo. Minutes.” Ouyang Lili, a beautiful and dignified music teacher, sat in front of the piano in the music classroom, and she presided over the music final exam for class one (2).


“I like singing the most!”

“I can play the harmonica, and I can play more than a hundred tunes!”

“The harmonica is too weak, can you play drums?”

Most of the students in Class One (2) are quite excited. Among them are some musical talents and talented women. They have received formal music enlightenment training in the early education class. Some can play some musical instruments, and some have a sweet voice like an oriole.

The forest is old, and there are all kinds of pupils.

Of course, there are also elementary school students with pentatonic deficiency and no musical cells.

It is the responsibility of Teacher Ouyang to teach students the most basic music knowledge and skills.

Teacher Ouyang thinks what she teaches is pretty good, and the number of students with dysphonia in the class is controlled below one slap.

“He Kunpeng.” Teacher Ouyang named a boy.

He Kunpeng claims to be able to play harmonica and can play more than one hundred tunes.

Teacher Ouyang taught one (2) music class for one semester. She knew which student was strong and which student was scumbag.

He Kunpeng is undoubtedly a (2) music powerhouse, Mr. Ouyang has verified it.

Teacher Ouyang first ordered He Kunpeng, because he wanted He Kunpeng to set a good example.

He Kunpeng stood up, he is not tall, but firm and steady.

Teacher Ouyang played the piano, and the ancient and melodious melody sounded.

He Kunpeng smiled slightly, and then sang loudly: “Let’s swing the sculls the boat pushes the waves away the sea is reflected the beautiful white pagoda surrounded by the green trees and the red walls Ang Ang ”

He Kunpeng sang so well.

The bass is heavy, the midrange is sweet, and the high pitch is accurate.

In a word, it is transparent!

The strong is the strong after all The money He Kunpeng’s parents spent on cultivating their son’s musical talent is not a small sum.

With further guidance from Teacher Ouyang, He Kunpeng has become more and more powerful in music.

“Let’s Dang the Sculls” is an enduring classic song that everyone can sing.

However, it is extremely difficult to sing a surround sound effect with deep bass, sweet midrange, and high pitch.

He Kunpeng did it.

In just half a minute, He Kunpeng’s musical talents were fully revealed.

It can be said to have accumulated a lot of money, and turned into a Peng, with a wings of ninety thousand miles.

It also shows that cultivating children’s music cells requires spending money.

“He Kunpeng’s solo “Let’s Dang the Sculls”, 100 points!” Teacher Ouyang stopped playing music, she clapped her hands, and was very satisfied with He Kunpeng’s performance.

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