I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 729

Chapter 700 Ah my family

When Shen Qi walked out of the Huahan Research Building, he couldn’t help but glance back at the slogan above the door: “Cure several diseases and benefit all mankind.”

How does Huahan Gene implement the slogan “Cure several diseases and benefit all mankind” or the company philosophy?

Looking back on today’s tour route, Hippocrates, Galen, Visali, Pavlov, Hartwell, Hymens, Landsteiner, Greengard… These western medical scientists represent the past.

Watson, Crick and the double helix structure they discovered represent the present.

And the future…

“Brothers, today is the twenty-sixth of the twelfth lunar lunar month. It is time to pay a New Year’s greetings to everyone in advance. Work is important, and family reunion is more important. We will disband and go back to each family. Work will start on the ninth day of the first lunar month. See you in the next year.” Shen Qi waved and said. The five brothers bid farewell.

“Happy New Year to Director Shen and Happy Chinese New Year.”

Cui Hualin, Du Yuan, Tang Yaxing, and Wu Junqiang left Beijing and returned home, but Han Meng chose to stay.

Shen Qi asked Han Meng: “Why don’t you go back to your hometown?”

“There is no one at home, and the house in my hometown is also sold.”

The single Han Meng calmly stated the truth. Although he was calm, he made Shen Qi feel a little bit sad.

“My wife is pregnant with a second child. I can’t go around during the Spring Festival holiday. I will be in the capital during the whole holiday. I am your current tutor anyway. You will come to my house to eat dumplings in two days. That’s it.”

“That’s not convenient. Director Shen and your family are reunited, so I won’t bother you.”

“Han Meng, this is not a negotiation, but an order.”

“I still don’t go to your house…”

“Han Meng, how dare you defy my orders?”

“Well, yes, boss.”

Han Meng and Shen Qi have not been in contact for a long time, just a few months.

Shen Qi gave Han Meng the impression that he was full of wisdom but approachable, knowledgeable and proficient, heroic and good at making money, courteous corporal and valued family.

From any angle, Shen Qi is a nearly perfect scientist, husband, and father.

What is the gene of Director Shen?

Han Meng has always wanted to know the truth.

For a biological dog like Han Meng who is proficient in professional skills, it is not difficult to obtain Shen Qi’s gene sequencing results.

In the places where Shen Qi works for a long time, such as laboratories, offices, meeting rooms, on the floor, on the table, and on the sofa, can you always find a hair or a small amount of dander in Shen Qi? Shen Qi likes to drink coffee. It is not difficult to extract a sample of Shen Qi’s saliva from the edge of the coffee cup, right?

This operation is quite simple, but no one has ever done it.

No, maybe someone has already done this.

Yan University organizes physical examinations for faculty and staff every year. Director Shen will go for physical examinations, right?

As long as a person goes to the medical examination, he leaves too many DNA samples for the medical examination institution.

The simplest ear, nose and throat examination takes less than a minute, and the cotton swabs used by the medical examiner are covered with your DNA samples.

The theft of citizens’ personal information via the Internet is outdated.

Your name, your ID number, and your bank account number are all superficial articles, which are social passes set by human organizations for you.

Your hair, your skin dandruff, your saliva, these humble existences that are even ignored by yourself, contain your real personal information, which is a life pass set by science for you.

The mysterious boss of Huahan Gene was right that the silicon era is over and we are living in the carbon era.

In fact, we carbon-based organisms have been living in the carbon era, but the previous carbon-based organisms did not master the core technology of manipulating carbon.

On the twenty-sixth of the twelfth lunar month, the taste of the year is getting stronger. Every house is cleaned, and the old and young men, grandma and grandmothers respectfully invite all the gods to show their spirits, to keep the family safe and happy, and look forward to a smooth and prosperous year in the coming year.

Han Meng, a homeless left-behind laboratory worker, uses the laboratory as his home.

Han Meng cleaned the central biological laboratory carefully and found five hairs, which shows that some guys did not strictly abide by the laboratory regulations.

It must be Cui Hualin, who sometimes doesn’t wear headgear and gloves in the laboratory, and he likes to scratch his head.

I scratched a few hairs at a time, and I was bald after a year of scratching.

Han Meng carefully put away five hairs, and then chemically destroyed them.

Although curious, Han Meng still has great professional ethics.

After all, he swore an oath in front of Shen Qi and signed an agreement not to technically spy on the privacy of others without the permission of the organization. We have technology, we understand technology, we can use technology proficiently, but we must abide by organizational discipline.

Organizational discipline is above everything else, scientific laws are above secular conventions, and we are willing to make sacrifices for organization and science when necessary. Based on this principle, Han Meng once again went to Huahan Gene to learn the operation method of XT80 in depth.

The center’s first gene editing equipment supplier has locked Huahan Gene, and this should not change.

“Gong Qu, my leader has reached an verbal agreement with your field. After the Spring Festival, our center will pay the deposit and go through the formal business procurement process. While purchasing the XT80 main equipment, we also want to ask you for some accessories. Of course, the price of the accessories will also be calculated, and it is impossible for you to give it away.” The engineer who Han Meng matched was named Qu, and Mr. Qu is responsible for teaching customers to use XT80 proficiently.

The backbone of Huahan Gene’s business is quite young, and Mr. Qu is in his early thirties. He has an amazing annual salary. He is also a single nobleman, and his life is quite moist.

“What accessories do you want?” Qu Gong asked.

Han Meng said: “A full set of human health genes.”

“Hey, it seems that your engineering volume is not small, that set of XT80 is not enough, I estimate that your project is half done, and the life of a set of XT80 will be reached.”

“Let’s do it first, and I will ask you to buy a set when the lifespan is over.”

“No problem. After signing the official contract, we will copy a set of human health genes to you. Correct it. There should be two sets, one set for men and one set for women. Is it enough?”

“Enough, thanks to Qu Gong.”

“We want to thank you, and thank you Yanda laboratory for choosing Huahan Gene. Han Gong, let’s go on, you see, I am now setting the XT80 targeting mode to inject healthy genes into this liver cancer mutation gene… As you can see, there is no off-target effect. This is where the XT80 is awesome… If you have used ART-A2, you will find that ART-A2 is actually risky. I got my PhD in Germany. I have been a postdoctoral fellow at ART’s headquarters in Germany for two years. I am quite familiar with ART’s products, and I will not speak unfoundedly.

“I have stayed in Germany for seven years, and I still know the country and the nation. Although there are some flaws in ART’s cutting-edge products, it is undeniable that the German nation has a scientific research spirit. This country is rich in science and the people also respect it. Science god…you know, the Germans are very perverted when they are crazy. The two world wars were initiated by the Germans. If their heads of state… were far away, let’s go back to XT80. In addition to in vivo gene therapy, We can also set the in vitro gene therapy mode, adjust the parameter mode to C, take a chorionic sample, insert a carbon fiber catheter into the mother’s body, obtain a small amount of fetal cells from the placenta, analyze chromosomal lesions, and then give a treatment plan…”

“Gong Qu, isn’t this C mode just to do gene therapy on mature humans? Get cells from the fetus in the mother, and the fetus has to grow up to at least four weeks, right?”

“Is there a problem, Han Gong?”

“Oh, no problem, please go on, Gong Qu.”

“Okay, let’s continue… The data processing will take ten minutes. Han Gong is really professional. You can learn such complicated operations as XT80.”

“XT80 is really awesome, by the way, who is the inventor of XT80?”

“Our boss invented it.”

“Your boss is awesome.”

Han Meng deeply realized that within Huahan Gene, their boss is everywhere, but the dragon is not seen at the end.

Han Meng, who has a strong learning ability, quickly mastered the operating principles of XT80, a multifunctional device that can do both in vitro gene therapy and in vivo gene therapy. The operating principles and methods are relatively complex, which is normal and acceptable to customers.

If Party A does not take a holiday, Party B must accompany it.

Gong Qu stayed with Han Meng for two days. When Han Meng did not come on the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, Gong Qu was still a little disappointed.

At noon on the twenty-eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, Han Meng came to Academician Shen’s villa with a gift.

The villa of Academician Shen was decorated with lights, red lanterns hung high, bright balloons fluttered, the handwriting on the couplets was vigorous and powerful, and the glass was stuck with inverted blessings.

This is home This is what a home to celebrate the Spring Festival, what a happy family.

Han Meng suddenly became happy too. Shen Qi had no blood relationship with him, but he was better than relatives.

Han Meng shouted outside the villa: “Director Shen, I’m here!”

A little girl’s voice came from inside the door: “Big fool, ring the doorbell!”

“Your family is too advanced, why didn’t I find the doorbell?”

“Big fool, the doorbell is on the door!”

“Oh, this is the doorbell? I thought it was a root sign! This kind of setting is quite novel, for fear of customers finding it.”

Han Meng, who had just arrived, finally found the doorbell of the Shen family, and the door opened just a second before he was about to ring the doorbell.

“Big brother, the Spring Festival is good, congratulations on getting rich, and bring the red envelope!” The little girl who opened the door smiled and greeted the New Year. Her lively and lovely appearance and festive and peaceful dress made the taste of the New Year even stronger.

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