I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 732

Chapter 703 I will take care of you

Scientists such as Shen Qi began to study genes related to IQ.

Shen Nuofi, who is entering the second semester of the first grade, is faced with a choice. She is very likely to leave Class 1 (2) because of her high IQ.

Shen Nuofei didn’t want to leave: “Why, why is this!”

Shen Qi patiently explained: “Nofi, your IQ is 135, and He Kunpeng, who has the second highest IQ in class one (2), has an IQ of 101. Your IQ is much higher than the second in your class. , Your math is very good, so I think you should be able to understand this truth.”

“Do I have to leave Class 1 (2) because of my high IQ?” Shen Nuofei admitted that she had a high IQ, but she just didn’t want to leave Class 1 (2).

Shen Qi asked, “Nofi, tell me, what is the main reason you want to stay in Class One (2)?”

Shen Nuofi said of course: “My best friend, class one (2).”

Shen Qi smiled: “Xu Silin, right? It doesn’t matter whether you are in the first (2) class, and Xu Silin is your good friend. After all, you are still in the second elementary school. Are you not in the same classroom, you are not good friends? Now? If this is the case, the friendship between your two girls can’t stand the test, right?”

“Then what is Xu Silin’s IQ?”

“I don’t know about this, I only know that He Kunpeng is the second highest IQ person in your class.”

“This is not right. Dad, you don’t even know Xu Silin’s IQ. Then how do you know that He Kunpeng is second?”

“This…” Shen Qi was speechless for a while. What he was facing was a girl with an IQ of 135. If there were obvious loopholes in his logic, the girl could refute him in the first place.

The human brain has not been fully developed until the age of 25, because now parents attach importance to early education of children, and the degree of intellectual development of children has advanced.

The probability that a five- or six-year-old child has the IQ of a ten-year-old child is one in fifty thousand.

Five or six-year-old children have an adult’s IQ, and the probability is one in a million.

Shen Nuofei is this one millionth.

Therefore, if Shen Qi wants to convince Shen Nuofi, he needs to be more rigorous logically: “According to my observation, Xu Silin’s IQ is obviously not as good as He Kunpeng.”

“Hmph, a strong word!” Shen Nuofi felt that her IQ had been insulted, she said angrily: “Dad, you said my IQ is the same as an adult, then you just send me to college!”

“Which university did you go to? What university did you go to? You haven’t even worn a red scarf, why did you go to university?” Shen Qi was secretly surprised, Nuofi’s IQ was developed early, and her rebellious period seemed to have arrived early.

“Uhhhhhhh…” Shen Nuofi cried aggrievedly. She finally found a girlfriend of the same age. Because of the difference in IQ, her unreasonable dad had to separate her and her girlfriend forcibly.

“Shen Qi, what are you doing! I made Nuofei cry again!” Ou Ye appeared after taking a bath. She held up her bulging belly, kicked Shen Qi away, and gently comforted her daughter: “Nuofei Don’t cry, let’s stay in class one (2), okay?”

“Yeah!” Shen Nuofei wiped away her tears, mom was the best.

Shen Qi squatted in the corner tearing paper towels. His daughter’s growth rate exceeded his imagination. A genius girl with an IQ of 135, she was hanging around in the first grade. This is not appropriate!

This involves a deeper subject, how to reasonably cultivate talented children who are clearly superior to their peers in all aspects under the current nine-year compulsory education model.

Shen Qi also considered that Shen Nuofei should stop going to elementary school, she doesn’t even need to go to middle school.

Just let Shen Nuofi stay at home, and Shen Qi personally taught her mathematics, physics and chemistry, as well as language, foreign language, geography, history, politics, and computer.

Even sports, Shen Qi can also guide Shen Nuofei, he was a running champion.

In music and other arts, Shen Qi and his wife are not good at it, but it doesn’t matter. They can invite the most professional music teachers, art teachers, and ballet teachers to come to Academician Shen’s villa to teach Shen Nuofi one-on-one.

Father-to-daughter, family disciple education, this may enable Shen Nuofei to become more talented.

But as a last resort, Shen Qi was unwilling to do so, which would make Shen Nuofi out of touch with the outside world.

Shen Qi still hopes that Shen Nuofei can have more contact with outsiders in the school.

A high IQ is very important, as are the children’s personality and the ability to interact with others.

Shen Qi doesn’t want her daughter to become this kind of person with very high IQ but no emotion.

All things considered, Shen Qi and his wife let Nuofei stay in Class One (2).

Shen Qi will not intervene in Nofi’s education for the time being. His educational concept is relatively advanced, even radical. When Nophie’s mental age is mature enough to accept his father’s advanced thoughts, let’s do it again.

Ou Ye is relatively conservative. At this stage, let her mother discipline her daughter.

“Mom, mom, we will have a spring outing tomorrow.”

“I know, my mother was notified in the parent group.”

At the beginning of the spring, the second experimental elementary school organized a spring outing. This was Shen Nuofei’s first spring outing. She was very excited and looked forward to it.

Ou Ye carefully prepared a lunch box for Nofi, and she was very happy to take part in this kind of group activity.

Shen Qi is a tiger father, he is too tiger, forcing Nophie to learn this and that all day long.

Nophie has won the first prize in the fifth grade group of the Spring Festival Cup. Don’t force her as a dad.

Children should play happily with their peers.

“Nuofei, have a nice spring outing.” Ou Ye prepared everything for Nuofei, and she asked Sister Cuiping to send Nuofei to the second elementary school.

Under the leadership of the teacher, the second elementary school students wearing uniform spring uniforms lined up to board the second elementary school spring outing bus.

“Shen Nuofi, here and here!” Xu Silin, who got in the car first, was sitting in the second-row aisle seat, her travel bag resting on the window seat next to her, occupying a seat for her companion.

“I’m coming!”

Shen Nuofei came next to Xu Silin, Xu Silin took her bag away and let Shen Nuofei sit next to her.


The bus starts.

There was a lot of noise in the car The pupils in Class One (2) were all in joy.

This is Shen Nuofei’s first spring outing after studying in elementary school, and also the first time for other students in the class.

Teacher Yang, the head teacher, stood in the front. She said, “Be quiet, everyone. Listen to me. When you get to the park and get off the bus, everyone must abide by discipline and line up to follow Teacher Yang and Teacher Zhou. Don’t mess around. Run, don’t mess around. Don’t throw away trash. Just like we are in school, trash must be sorted and put into the corresponding trash bins… understand?


“Remember the classmates around each of you. When you return in the afternoon, you will also sit in your current seat and take care of your companions. Do you understand?”


Teacher Yang made it clear about the discipline of going out. Xu Silin took Shen Nuofei’s hand and said with a smile: “Shen Nuofei, I remember you, and I will take care of you.”

Shen Nuofei was very happy: “Well, Xu Silin, I will take care of you too!”

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