I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 736

Chapter 707 Password in password

“As she grows older, Nuofi seems to have formed a set of her own three-view system.” Shen Qi didn’t seem to have disciplined Nuofi during this period, but he paid attention to Nuofi’s bit by bit all the time.

Ou Ye said: “I think children’s subjective wishes should be respected.”

“That’s what I said, but if Nuofei goes to the Chinese Department and writes after graduation and becomes a writer, can you accept it?” Shen Qi asked.

Ou Ye said of course: “Of course it is acceptable. A writer is also a family, no different from a mathematician or a physicist.

Shen Qi shook his head and said: “You can accept it, but I can’t. Write a dead end. Nophie can never go to this dead end.”

Ou Ye also shook his head: “Didn’t agree.”

Shen Qi explained: “I don’t look down on writers or other forms of literary and art workers, nor do I object to Nofi’s learning writing, literature, history, music, and other literary expertise. I mean, Nofi can possess one skill or more. She is skilled, but she will definitely pursue a career related to science in the future. Even if she studies economics and becomes an economist, I can accept it.”

Ou Ye: “In short, your arrangement is that Nophie’s future career must be linked to mathematics, physics and chemistry? Even if it is not directly linked, it must be linked indirectly, such as economics, which is closely related to mathematics?”

Shen Qi nodded very clearly: “To be honest, yes.”

Ou Ye gently stroked his abdomen: “Then what do you plan to do with this in my stomach?”

Shen Qi arranged it plainly: “This cub, it’s best to learn management.”

Ou Ye poked Shen Qi in the chest: “One cub takes over your class in academic discipline, and the other takes over the Shen Zhishan Foundation in management. You are a typical emperor’s thinking.”

Shen Qi also poked Ou Ye’s chest: “Some things must be passed on? If we have a third child, we can train this child in the field of literature and art.”

Ou Ye said decisively: “I can give birth to two at most, and you can do the rest yourself. Haven’t you mastered the in vitro cultivation technology? You can cultivate it yourself and clone 10,000 little Shen Qi.”

Shen Qi smiled: “Forget it, I still prefer traditional methods of operation in terms of inheritance.”

In the laboratory, Shen Qi is doing the most advanced scientific research.

But in him, his spouse and relatives, Shen Qi is very conservative.

The most advanced technology that Shen Qi has mastered is applied to other humans and animals.

Shen Qi Research Center Biological Laboratory.

Han Meng, who has been genetically edited by the most advanced technology, is studying the IQ of rats.

These unedited rats have IQ differences between individuals.

After continuous observation by Han Meng and other experimenters, they divided the rats used for IQ experiments into three groups: smart group, normal group, and dumb group.

In the same T-maze experiment, rats in the smart group were able to get out of the maze after a few attempts.

Rats in the normal group need to try more times, and the number of attempts is three to five times that of rats in the smart group.

Rats in the fool group can never get out of the T maze. They are too stupid, and their effective memory and learning ability are extremely low.

Although the T-maze experiment is simple, it is very classic. This simple and classic experiment proved many academic viewpoints and gave birth to many academic theories.

The research results of animal behaviorists show that the IQ of rats is mainly reflected in memory and learning ability.

The factors that have been proven to affect the IQ of rats are: the size of the hippocampus relative to the entire brain of the rat, the cranial cortex, the prefrontal cortex of the rat brain, and the connections between neurons.

Interestingly, in the case of natural selection, female rats in the smart group will always mate with male rats in the smart group, and their offspring inherit the high IQ of their parents, and they also have excellent performance in the T-maze experiment.

Animal behaviorists and biologists in other branches believe that there must be a biological code that has not been cracked to control the IQ of rats, which makes the behavior of smart rats and dumb rats significantly different.

The SHANK3 gene is one of these codes, to be precise, it is the carrier of one of these codes.

The five biological experimenters in the center have been studying the IQ experiment of rats for some time. The survival of the fittest and natural selection are competing with each other. Smart mice mate with smart mice, and they reproduce smart offspring.

If these rats are put into the wild, the survival rate of smart rats is definitely higher than that of fool rats.

Experiments have proved that apart from mutations, other parts of Darwin’s theory are absolutely correct at present.

Because of environmental influences, is it possible for a foolish mouse to mutate into a smart mouse and pass on the mutant high-quality genes to its offspring?

There is such a possibility.

X-ray irradiation is a relatively common experimental method to induce genetic mutations, but this experimental method is not stable, and Shen Qi’s biological team has not considered X-ray methods.

“Director Shen’s idea is to use gene editing equipment, that is, XT80, to directly edit the SHANK3 gene of rats, as well as mismatch editing, nucleotide excision editing, base excision editing, homologous recombination editing, and non-identical recombination editing. The source end connects the editor… Let’s try one by one, each person is responsible for one or two editing experiments.” Han Meng was promoted to No. 2 in the Biological Laboratory. When Shen Qi was not in the laboratory, Han Meng was the boss.

“Okay, listen to Brother Meng’s arrangement, I will be responsible for the direct editing method.”

“Then I will do the base excision editor.”

“I do……”

The other four experimenters are very supportive of Han Meng, after all, Han Meng is the only genetically modified person in this laboratory.

“Then brothers, don’t say much, let’s do it.”

Han Meng, who had regained his life, became a man invaded by all diseases. His genes were changed, and he realized genetic mutations through artificial methods.

Will it cause new, harmful mutations, and how long will it last?

Han Meng is not clear.

Anyway, he was not dead now, and he was alive and kicking, and it was worthwhile to go to the 18th floor in one breath.

For the rest of his life, Han Meng only wanted to do one thing, to explore the mysteries of biology to the greatest extent, and to crack as many biological codes as possible.

Editing the rat SHANK3 gene is a different project from the modification of the disease-causing gene made by Han Meng.

For example, before Han Meng carried a prostate cancer-causing gene, knock out this faulty gene and inject the healthy gene into Han Meng’s body. It seems that the operation of Tetris is based on a system of pathogenic mechanisms that humans have explored clearly.

Modification of the IQ gene is another matter. Human beings have not explored a set of effective theoretical systems and experimental methods.

Uncultivated land may contain treasures.

The sample Han Meng chose was the normal group of rats. He used the mismatch editing method to try to edit the SHANK3 gene of the normal group of rats.

Including Shen Qi, all members of the Central Biological Laboratory have concluded through experimental observation: Smart mice, ordinary mice, and dumb mice have no difference in their SHANK3 genes at the molecular level.

Since there is no difference in nucleic acid and protein at the molecular level, why can it be concluded that the SHANK3 gene affects the IQ of rats to a certain extent?

The research on this subject can be described as a series of steps, and the new password is hidden in the password.

The most effective and perhaps the most time-consuming way to crack a password is to experiment and keep experimenting.

Han Meng first performed base pair detection between the parent chain and the daughter chain in order to find the special base members of the rat.

The palm-sized new base pair detector is operating efficiently. There are 5 units in the laboratory, one for 5 experimenters.

Five new base pair detectors were also purchased from Huahan Gene , which cost Shen Qi nearly 10 million yuan.

This product is generally worth the price, and you give it a little cell, and it can measure your 3 billion base pairs in the time you eat lunch.

More than 20,000 human genes contain about 3 billion base pairs. The detection objects of Huahan Gene’s new base pair detector include humans, mice, dogs, cats, and monkeys… You can also use this instrument to compare your and The base pairs of bananas, you will find that your genes are 60% the same as that of bananas.

At present, the Biological Laboratory of Shen Qi Research Center has only input but no output.

He has done Han Meng’s genetic modification experiment, but has not formed a paper that can be published.

“I hope this experiment on rats can produce some academic results that can be reported. Director Shen is actually under a lot of pressure, and we have to share the worries for him.” Cui Hualin is also doing base pair testing, Shen Qi He saw how much money he spent in the laboratory during this period of time, and he remembered it in his heart.

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