I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 76

Chapter 76 Fetch me to see

In the next period of time, Shen Qifen wrote a book and completed more than 100,000 words, including functions, vectors, derivatives, sequence of numbers, solid geometry, plane analytic geometry, probability and statistics and other core knowledge of high school mathematics.

Shen Qi did not include threshold-level knowledge such as    collection and common logic words. This thing is too simple, even for ordinary high school students. With this kind of conceptual common sense, Shen Qi could not give any problem-solving skills.

After compiling the first edition of “High School Mathematics Cheats”, Shen Qi has sorted out the basic mathematics system in his mind. A good brain is not as good as a bad pen. It is also a method of self-learning to turn the ideas in his mind into words. It is an important ability.

High school mathematics includes many branches, such as functions, vectors, derivatives, sequence of numbers, solid geometry, plane analytic geometry, probability and statistics, etc. The basic branches continue to expand, and they are upgraded to calculus, series, number theory, matrix theory, space analytic geometry, etc. More professional knowledge theory.

Learning is a gradual process. In fact, all the courses in high school include a large amount of basic knowledge. After some college students graduated from work, they found that middle school knowledge is the most useful in the public society. Unfortunately, the middle school knowledge is almost forgotten. Professional knowledge is not right, so it’s no wonder that the leader scolds me every day, waste, rubbish, college for nothing? Find a high school student to work more efficiently than you, deduct bonus!

Let knowledge become popular, let science become popular. Shen Qi did not realize that he was engaged in a significant job. His original intention to compile this “high school mathematics secret book” was only to fulfill his promise to his classmates.

It took half a month and a summation of hundreds of thousands of words, printed on the front and back of A4 paper, and bound into a book. A big stone in Shen Qi’s heart fell to the ground. He conceived this secret book from September and was finished on December 12. The beginning of the month.

A painstaking work. After Shen Qi finished writing this cheat book, the experience value of mathematical indicators increased by more than 20 points, and the experience value of Chinese indicators increased by more than 500 points.

Mathematics has reached level 6, and it is very slow to increase the experience value through the daily accumulation mode.

Chinese Level 2. Through high-intensity daily writing exercises, Shen Qi inadvertently increased the experience of Chinese and improved his writing level. Don’t ask for gorgeous rhetoric and prosperous writing, but ask for fluent sentences and fluent writing so that readers can understand, this is the most basic writing requirement.

Chen Xiaoting and Gu Xiaodan played an important role in the drafting of the “High School Mathematics Cheats”. They reported to Shen Qi every day their experience in reading the manuscript. They described which paragraphs were well received and which ones were bad reviews.

The feedback of typical target readers is of reference value for an author, solves the readers’ pain points, and satisfies the unmet needs of the readers. Shen Qi does his best without overthrowing the mainline setting.

According to the immediate feedback from Chen Xiaoting and Gu Xiaodan, Shen Qi made appropriate revisions to the first draft. In short, he felt that what should be done was done, and asked Chen Xiaoting and Gu Xiaodan: “The little secret between the three of us must be done. It’s a secret job, don’t tell other students, especially Teacher Zhang, don’t study this secret book under his nose, you two work harder, and you will study the secret book I wrote when you go home at night.”

In the next half year, Shen Qi plans to expand his knowledge breadth and coverage according to Professor Yan Dasun’s directional suggestions, and appropriately promote other subjects, so as to cultivate some hobbies, cultivate his sentiment, and meet a better self.

In the blink of an eye, it was December’s monthly test. Shen Qi still took the test. He scored 719 points in the test, which is the first in the whole year.

Chen Xiaoting scored 535 points on the test this time, and Gu Xiaodan scored 527 points on the test. The total score and grade ranking of the two have improved compared with the last time.

“I scored 111 points in my math test this time, which is a very good improvement.” Chen Xiaoting was very pleased.

“I got 124 points in the math test and improved by 12 points. It’s a pity that the English test failed. Damn it!” Gu Xiaodan was happy and annoyed. He said to Chen Xiaoting, “Chen Xiaoting, you suppressed the total score in these two mock exams. I, I am very upset.”

“Accept all of this, Gu Xiaodan, this is your destiny.” Chen Xiaoting said in a strange tone, talking and laughing while covering her mouth.

“Damn, Chen Xiaoting, you were taken away by Shen Qi. No, this shouldn’t be my destiny!” Gu Xiaodan raised his head and howled, looking around, “Where is Shen Qi? Do we have to treat him to dinner?” Ok?”

“It’s a must.” Chen Xiaoting looked at the empty desk beside her, and she didn’t know where Shen Qi had gone.

Shen Qi hasn’t shown up for several days, and no one knows what he is up to now except for the December monthly exam.

Shen Qi temporarily forgot the mathematics. He concentrated on conquering the physics knowledge points of sound, wave equation, beat, wave film, harmonics… and so on.

However, it is unforgettable without thinking. The wave equation and string vibration in physics are closely intertwined with mathematics.

Similar to ordinary differential equations, mathematicians created partial differential equations mainly to provide support for physics.

The displacement of the vibrating string is studied as a function of time and as a function of the distance from an end point to a point on the string. Pure physical language cannot explain in depth, so the partial differential equations were fiddled by Euler and D’Alembert. Mathematics Language makes everything simple. In the days of Euler and D’Alembert, most mathematicians were also excellent physicists.

With partial differential equations, the sounds of various shapes of horns, pipe organs, bells, drums and other musical instruments can all be explained by mathematical models.

This is what Shen Qi is studying.

After writing the “High School Mathematics Cheats”, Shen Qi didn’t go to school much anymore. Let’s just talk about physics. Physics teacher Zhao Hongtao talked about college entrance examination physics real questions and various simulation questions every day, which was too boring.

“Teacher Zhao, regarding the propagation of sound in one-dimensional space, I have a few doubts about the one-dimensional wave equation derived after considering small amplitude fluctuations. I would like to ask Mr. Zhao to give me advice.” A few days ago, Shen Qi took the initiative. Ask Teacher Zhao for physics knowledge.

“Shen Qi, let me tell you that you won’t be able to test the wave equation in the college entrance examination. This is the knowledge point of college physics.” Zhao Hongtao persuaded me bitterly, “Shen Qi, have you finished the Physics of the Five-Three Golden Classic? Three Golden Classics, you only scored 290 in the last comprehensive examination. Look, it shows that your knowledge structure still has loopholes.”

Shen Qi: “Last time, I made 10 multiple-choice questions in chemistry and biology. The physics part was all right.”

Zhao Hongtao’s face did not change her face, reflecting the calm demeanor of an old teacher: “Shen Qi, let me tell you that a person’s life is very long. You can do anything at any stage. Now that you have finished the Five-Three Golden Classics, you might as well brush him again. After seven or eight times, the college entrance examination can be summed up in one sentence: Without him, you can only be familiar with it.”

From that day on, Shen Qi never asked Teacher Zhao for advice on physics.

Teachers are not willing to teach students, so how can students learn by themselves?

Shen Qi adjusted the self-study plan. Just set aside one or two hours a day to study mathematics. The focus of study gradually shifted to physics. Chinese, English, biology, and chemistry are also properly taken into account. This winter is relatively cold, and outdoor running is not suitable anymore. , Shen Qi goes to the gym two to three times a week to exercise with equipment to keep his body healthy.

After adjusting the system version to 1.1.0, Shen Qi can accumulate the experience value of each subject through daily practice.

After the end of the year, January, Shen Qi’s subject indicators are:

Mathematics Level 6 (42/150,000)

Physics Level 3 (612/5000)

Language Level 2 (562/3000)

English Level 2 (312/3000)

Chemistry Level 2 (289/3000)

Biology Level 2 (201/3000)

Sports Level 2 (199/3000)

History Level 1 (0/1000)

Geography Level 1 (0/1000)

Politics Level 1 (0/1000)

Balance Xueba points: 42113 points

There was also a monthly test in January. Shen Qi continued to participate in the monthly test, with a total score of 716, which was 3 points lower than the monthly test in December, and still ranked first in the whole year.

Shen Qi got perfect scores in both mathematics and science in this monthly test, and his Chinese test is also good, with a score of 141. But my English was so abnormal that I got a score of 125 on the test.

The overall ranking of Chen Xiaoting and Gu Xiaodan continued to improve. Chen Xiaoting scored 551 points in the test. Gu Xiaodan was suppressed by Chen Xiaoting for three consecutive months, and he scored 549 points in the test.

The overall level of the two is actually similar. Chen Xiaoting’s Chinese and English are better, Gu Xiaodan’s theory is better, and mathematics is basically a tie.

The rankings of Chen Xiaoting and Gu Xiaodan rushed upwards, attracting the attention of the head teacher Zhang Wanbang.

Compared with the results of Chen Xiaoting and Gu Xiaodan in the three monthly examinations in November, December, and January, Zhang Wanbang found that their main increase came from one subject—mathematics.

Chen Xiaoting: November total score 520, Mathematics 101; December total score 535, Mathematics 111; January total score 551, Mathematics 125.

Gu Xiaodan: November total score 518, mathematics 112; December total score 527, mathematics 124; January total score 549, mathematics 129.

“Chen Xiaoting, Gu Xiaodan, you two come to my office.” Zhang Wanbang dropped a word and left the classroom in Class 2 of Senior Three.

Chen Xiaoting and Gu Xiaodan came to Zhang Wanbang’s office tremblingly.

“Say, why have your math scores improved significantly in the past few months?” Zhang Wanbang was straightforward with a serious expression.

“Teacher Zhang, we study mathematics assiduously, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is worthy of our heart.” Gu Xiaodan replied.

“Yeah.” Chen Xiaoting nodded.

“Tell the truth!” Zhang Wanbang scolded.

“Teacher Zhang, you taught well!” Gu Xiaodan was startled, and instinctively raised his hands.

“Really?” Zhang Wanbang snorted and found out the math test papers of Gu Xiaodan and Chen Xiaoting.

“In this mock test in January, you two have the same idea of ​​answering the last question. I haven’t taught you such a problem-solving method, but this method is reasonable and does not exceed the outline. The last big question, we 2 Only three people in the class got a perfect score of 15 points, you two, and Shen Qi.” Zhang Wanbang scrutinized Gu Xiaodan and Chen Xiaoting coldly.

“No, no, no, teacher Zhang, you misunderstood, we didn’t copy Shen Qi’s test papers!” Gu Xiaodan shouted injustice.

Chen Xiaoting was a little nervous. She took a safety measure, not saying a word, keeping silent.


Zhang Wanbang slapped the desktop: “I hate students lying to me the most!”

Gu Xiaodan admitted: “Actually, we have worshipped Shen Qi as our teacher. It has been two or three months. He has written a…”

“Gu Xiaodan!” Chen Xiaoting, who had only said one “um” after entering the office, was angry. She stared at Gu Xiaodan, very disappointed and angry.

“Chen Xiaoting, you go back to the classroom first.” Zhang Wanbang waved his hand and let Chen Xiaoting go first.

Chen Xiaoting walked to the door of the office, glanced back at Gu Xiaodan, her lips squirmed, and her lips meant: “Traitor.”

Gu Xiaodan recruited, all recruited, Teacher Zhang, Shen Qi is also kind, you must not beat him and scold him, any punishment comes at me.

Zhang Wanbang did not continue to blame, he said: “Gu Xiaodan, what mathematical secrets you said, bring it to me.”

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