I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 78

Chapter 78 Secretly Observing

Experimental building, at the back door of Physics Laboratory No.1.

Shen Qi stood outside the back door, observing secretly through the glass embedded in the door.

In the physics laboratory, on the wall are the heads of scientists such as Newton, Kepler, Faraday, Watt, etc., and four big characters hung above the blackboard: knowing and doing are one.

The layout of the laboratory is different from that of the classroom in the teaching building. The desks are replaced by long experimental benches. A dozen students sit behind the experimental benches. On each experimental bench are placed some instruments and props, such as balances, vernier calipers, small balls, Crash test equipment, timers, heavy hammers, etc.

But no one was operating any experimental equipment. The students lifted their cheeks or condensed their eyebrows, staring at the blackboard in front of them, with pens and paper in front of them.

drew a schematic diagram of a water wave on the blackboard, with chalk writing:

“Water wave is not a simple transverse wave or longitudinal wave strictly speaking, because the water motion on the surface is neither perpendicular nor parallel to the wave speed direction, but the superposition of the two.”

“When the water is deep enough, each point on the surface moves in a circular motion. Set the amplitude to A, the wavelength to λ, and the period to T.”

“Assuming that A<<λ, the reference frame moving with the waveform sees a steady flow velocity, then what is the velocity of the highest point and the lowest point of the wave?”

“Without considering surface tension and friction loss, set the density of water as ρ, the acceleration of gravity as g, and consider the conservation of energy. Please prove that the wavelength and period satisfy the relationship: λ=gT^2/2π.”

Obviously, what is written on the blackboard is a physics problem.

The physics problem is quite verbose, and there are a lot of text descriptions.

The first question is not difficult. The flow velocity u-v and u+v at the highest and lowest points have been written on the blackboard.

The proof of the second question has not been written yet.

On the side of the blackboard, a young woman is standing by the window. She wears rimless glasses and puts one hand on the window sill, looking out the window.

Shen Qi, who was secretly observing at the back door of the classroom, had a preliminary judgment. This woman should be the teacher of the sports team, and more than a dozen students, including Lin Xingyu, are team members. The female teacher gave a physics problem to the team members. This is what Lin Xingyu calls training?

In Shen Qi’s impression, physics, chemistry, and biology discipline competitions should include experimental links, which are purely problem-solving. What is the difference with math competition? It’s nothing more than a different question type.

Shen Qi continued to observe in secret that this female teacher of the competition team is not very old. It is possible between 25 and 35 years old. There are not many female teachers leading the competition, let’s see how strong she is.

The female teacher turned to face the off-stage team members, and snapped a crisp finger: “Who came on stage to write the proof process of the second question?”

Lin Xingyu raised his hand.

“Okay, Lin Xingyu came to the stage to prove it.” said the female teacher.

Lin Xingyu came to the stage and squeaked out the proof process with chalk:


After simplification:



After Lin Xingyu finished writing, he looked at the female teacher.


The female teacher snapped her fingers again: “Smart.”

Lin Xingyu was very encouraged: “Thank you, Teacher Mu, for your affirmation.”

Oh, teacher Mu. Shen Qi learned the surname of the female teacher of the Wujing team. Where did Teacher Mu come out of this? Why didn’t I remember it? Then I thought about it. In the past six months or so, I have been competing in several competitions at home and abroad, and I went to the Yanda Jinqiu Camp for training. I haven’t come to the school much recently, and the personnel changes in the school are normal.

Lin Xingyu happily returned to his seat, and looked at Teacher Mu with admiration. He also looked at Shen Qi with the same expression just now.

Teacher Mu looked like an educated person. She was wearing glasses and capable short hair, and then asked again:

“There is a submarine that uses electromagnetic propulsion instead of propellers. Water flows through the propulsion pipe, regardless of the viscous and viscous resistance between the water flow in the pipe and the pipe wall and water.”

“There is a rectangular parallelepiped area in the pipeline. The cross-sectional area of ​​this area is the same as that of the water inlet. The size is a×b×c. The superconducting magnet generates a stable magnetic field B. Along the direction b, there is a piece on the upper and lower sides. The a×b size electrode enters the DC power supply.”

“Assuming that the current exists only in this rectangular parallelepiped region and is uniform, the steady-state current is I, the seawater density is ρ1, and the seawater resistance is ρ.”

“Assuming that the submarine inlet pressure is p1 after steady flow, the outlet pressure is p2, the inlet area is S1=b×c, and the outlet area is s2.”

“1. After finding a stable flow, take the submarine as the reference frame, and the flow velocity v1 and v2 of the inlet and outlet.”

“2. Calculate the power of the DC power supply after steady flow.”

Teacher Mu’s chalk font is strong and powerful, and her hand is fast. Finally, she drew a schematic diagram of the structure of the submarine propeller and finished the question.

“This question is adapted from the physics test of a college entrance examination in Eastern Zhejiang Province. I will give you 10 minutes to think and draft.” After Mr. Mu finished speaking, he walked to the front door of Physics Laboratory No.

Shen Qi is reviewing the problem outside the back door. This problem is not difficult. It needs to be comprehensively used. There are many physics knowledge points. Electricity, electromagnetics, mechanics, energy and momentum have to be collected and solved by using pure high school physics knowledge. There is no problem with this question.

For most people, UU reading www.uukanshu.com high school career is the most erudite stage of their life, whether they have good memory, quick reaction, quick thinking, all kinds of knowledge little princes, little queens of problem solving are not uncommon.

There are generally two trends after graduating from high school, becoming more knowledgeable and cutting-edge, or becoming mediocre.

The former is less and the latter is more.

Youth is short and precious.

why not pretend to be young.

There is no such shop in this village.

Years are not forgiving, pretending to fight day and night.

The characteristic of physics problems is that ideas dominate everything, supplemented by necessary calculations. In terms of the amount of calculation, most branches of physics cannot be compared with mathematics.

But only relying on pure mathematical calculation ability, without understanding the many formulas and principles of physics, it is difficult to make a difference in physics. Ou Ye can only major in mathematics for calculations like Ou Ye, while Shen Qi can double xiu.

In a very short period of time, Shen Qi has mentally calculated the first question of this submarine problem, and the amount of calculation is not large.

At this time, Teacher Mu walked out from the front door of the physics laboratory. As soon as she went out, she found a boy outside the back door sneaking into the laboratory.

Teacher Mu kept quiet, she went downstairs from the corridor near the front door, walked to the end of the 2nd floor and then went up to the 3rd floor again, gently rounding back behind Shen Qi.

Shen Qi, who devoted himself to the second question on the submarine question of the aspirational calculation, did not notice, but a female teacher stood behind him.

“Is it interesting?” Teacher Mu said softly behind Shen Qi.

“It doesn’t mean…huh?” Shen Qi suddenly turned back, fucking, is this teacher Mu a ghost, why is there no sound when he walks?

Teacher Mu looked closely at Shen Qi, and after a while he said: “IMO perfect score champion Shen Qi, why eavesdrop on my physics class?”

“Hello, Teacher Mu, I’m just passing by.” Shen Qi quickly recovered his composure.

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