I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 97

Chapter 97 The mystery in NaCl crystals

“Hey, Shen Qi, don’t lower your head to play with your mobile phone! Is there the most basic table courtesy?” Sun Erxiong glared at Shen Qi. After the speech, he found Shen Qi. He was in the school outsourcing shop to ask Shen Qi to eat buns.

“Professor Sun, you are really awesome, Yun Shen and Great God are all taught by you?” Shen Qi put away the phone and asked. .

“At that time, I was in charge of taking a few basic undergraduate courses for their mathematics students. There were more teachers who taught them, and I was just one of them.” Sun Erxiong said.

Shen Qi: “Arranged for me to meet with Yunshen and Weishen alone. It was rare for them to return home, and I happened to hit them again.”

“In the future, you will have a lot of opportunities to meet Yunwei and Gong Changwei. Don’t worry.” Sun Erxiong said, and asked again after finishing the matter: “When training at the Golden Autumn Camp last year, I suggested that you engage in physics, learn computers, and expand your knowledge. How good are you, come to participate in CPhO? Shen Qi, are you trying to betray the Department of Mathematics?”

“Hey!” Shen Qi slapped his thigh fiercely, and suddenly realized: “Yes, I’m here to participate in the competition! Professor Sun, if you don’t mention this, I almost forgot.”

“That’s it.” Seeing that Shen Qi didn’t seem to be pretending, Sun Erxiong said: “Actually, it’s okay to play gambling games. Then you can prepare for the battle. It’s all here, and you have to get a big prize anyway.”

Shen Qi returned to Yanda’s bedroom, the quadruple room, he has three roommates.

Although this Nanyue Provincial Game Team competes in the name of the province, it is actually played by each high school. The situation is almost similar in other provinces.

Looking at the list of national sports competition training teams in the past ten years, more than half of the national sports competition players come from several provinces, or more than a dozen high schools in these provinces. Now this trend is becoming more and more obvious. Another term for the National Physics Competition for Middle School Students is “the famous national high school competition.”

Similar to the number of competitions, the members of the national training team of the material competition will naturally have a bright future. They are the sweet pastry in the eyes of prestigious universities.

The 12 national finalists of the South Guangdong Provincial Competition Team came from five high schools in the province, including 4 from Huafu, 3 from Special Zone Middle School, 2 from Provincial Real Estate, 2 from Shimen Middle School, and 1 from Nangang No. 2 Middle School.

There are four people in a room, and the four team members of Huafu naturally live in the same dormitory.

South Guangdong Province has the strength to compete with national high schools in terms of competitions is the special zone middle school, which is famous in the province and even the whole country for its subject competition and unique school spirit.

The SAR Middle School is more famous than the University of the District. Although only three people came to the CPhO national finals, they took the elite route. All three were high school students. When they were in high school last year, the three of them participated in the CPhO national finals. To the national award.

Of course, the three people in the Special Zone Middle School also share the same room. There is an extra bed in this dormitory, which is left to Shen Qi.

has not experienced the training mode in the province, so Shen Qi is not very familiar with the three roommates from the middle school of the special zone.

Three roommates know the identity of Shen Qi, IMO full score gold medal player.

The three academic tyrants from the Special Economic Zone are also people who have met the world, and the three of them did not show excessive enthusiasm for Shen Qi, and they were not indifferent.

Everyone gets along with each other friendly and politely, discussing several physics competition questions from time to time, and meeting friends with questions.

Since listening to Yun Wei and Gong Changwei’s speeches, Shen Qi’s heart has not been able to calm down completely.

The Langlands Program is of course awesome. This is a purely mathematical program. Number theory + geometry forms a unified new mathematics rule. Who is qualified and able to formulate the rules? is God.

But it is undeniable that the Langlands Program is a path that has no return. Once you step on this path, you will either become a **** or become a ghost. There is no mentality of getting to the dark, it is best not to study this stuff in depth, it is too difficult to fight alone on this road.

Shen Qi dabbled in physics to leave a way for himself. Mathematics + physics involves a lot of research directions, and there is always a way to survive.

“Shen Qi, you seem to be absent-minded?” Mu Rong asked.

Today is May 2nd, and the theory test of CPhO will be held tomorrow. Mu Rong and Shen Qi are eating in the dining hall of Yan University.

“A little nervous, a little confused.” Shen Qi said.

“You will be nervous and confused?” Mu Rong smiled, and then said with a serious face: “Don’t joke with me, Shen Qi, tomorrow is the race. Why do I think your state is a little abnormal?”

“So tired.” Shen Qi sighed.

“Xueba is like this, I can understand.”

“Heart is tired.”

“Come on, Shen Qi will eat fish to replenish his brain.”

“Before the 19th century, big men such as Gauss, Euler, Riemann, and Cauchy basically completed the research on the mathematical branch of the study. In the 20th century, it belonged to Poincaré, Hilbert, Kolmogorov, and Grotten. Dick and other modern big cows, today in the 21st century, where is our way out? Ah, teacher Mu, tell me, where is the way out?” Shen Qi hugged his head, looking very distressed.

“I’m going…” Mu Rong was speechless for a while, “Shen Qi, this is the reason why your heart is tired?”


“My ghost knows where is the way out for mathematics in the 21st century? As soon as I am a Ph.D. in astrophysics, I am still confused!” Mu Rong asked the sky silently, and reminded Shen Qi solemnly after the matter: “Hey, I will take the exam tomorrow morning. There’s a theoretical problem, I’m begging you Shen Xueba, can you stop your mind and forget mathematics for the time being? You are my only seedling, the only seedling of the whole school!”

“Want to compete in the country, let the flow take its course.”


Mu Rong was very worried. She found that Shen Qi was a little abnormal. She had known it so, so she would not go wandering with her girlfriends these few days. She stared at Shen Qi to see what he did in the past few days and where he went. Who has been in contact with? On the eve of the CPhO national finals, Shen Qi, you talked to me about the new mathematics program. Have you been brainwashed by someone?

On the morning of May 3rd, the CPhO National Judgment Theory Exam will start soon.

From 8:30 to 11:30 is the test time, three hours.

During the May 1st holiday, college students were not in class. Yan University vacated a teaching building for the theoretical examination of the CPhO National Judgment.

8:30, the theory test officially started.

There are eight questions in the theoretical examination paper, all of which are calculation questions. Each question has the same score of 35 points, and the total score of the paper is 280 points.

Shen Qi’s answering progress is not fast To be honest, this test paper is quite difficult.

In the first hour, Shen Qi did two questions.

As for the third question, Shen Qi thought for half an hour without writing.

The stem of the third question is written like this:

“In NaCl crystals, the total interaction energy between ions can be expressed as:


where N is the number of positive and negative ion pairs in the crystal, which is a large integer; r is the distance between adjacent positive and negative ions; e is the electron charge; am, α, and m are constants; the minimum value of Ep is called the binding energy.

Try to find the values ​​of am, α, m. ”

If it is not a physics master, this question may not even be understood.

Following the question, the question maker gave some reference formulas and useful physical constants:


According to Boltzmann statistics, C is a coefficient that characterizes the linear expansion of crystals


The related physical constants are: e=1.6×10^-19C;

Ε0=8.9×10^-12C^2/(Nm^2); k=1.38×10^-23J/K


If you don’t understand the problem, the mathematical formulas and physical constants above are given for nothing.

“This question is solid physics, a very annoying branch.” After reviewing the question for half an hour, Shen Qi finally found an idea.

Solid physics is a branch that studies the physical form, microstructure, use and interaction of microscopic particles in solids.

is a bit tricky.

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