I Just Wanted to Play Gacha Games For the Rest of My Life, But I Reincarnated as an Evil Pair of Tights!

Volume 3 – Chapter 31

Elisa’s scream was so loud, I naturally spun my head to look at her. In that moment I saw two blue flashes. One behind me, and one coming... from my field of vision.

I turned around again, and I saw Tomiko, the real Tomiko. She was standing behind me with a catty grin. She looked somewhat different to what I remembered, unlike the fake, but I was sure it was her.


“With this beautiful collar, all of your skills are sealed, Master-meow!” — the "meow" confirms it!

She stepped in closer and ran her jet-black fingers over my pantyhose-covered thighs. She made runs in the delicate-looking, but indestructible material with her long, sharp fingernails. Impossible!




It wasn’t working!



My title skills as well?!

Elissa approached us and placed her hand on Tomiko’s shoulder, who in turn turned around and hugged her tight, burying her face in Elisa’s chest, and Elissa hugged her back and kissed the top of her head gently, then looked back at me and smiled triumphantly, her sharp teeth glimmering in the setting sun as it broke from behind the clouds and bathed the remains of the village in its orange light.

"You don't know how much trouble we had to go through to get that thing..." Elissa casually noted.

Then, with a flick of her latex-encased hand, Elissa jolted Fumi’s body, as if by remote control. A mass of slug-like creatures slivered from both sides of the wound, from her neck and abdomen and joined into one, before it took on a sling-like shape. Fumi‘s head snapped onto her body and she was whole again, in an instant. The little succubus was grinning with her vicious teeth, and her black eyes were wide with excitement as she ran over to her mother and joined the hug. The three of them were standing together in the middle of the ruined Sovic village, the shadows of their bodies stretched out behind them like long, distorted figures, and they were all looking at me.

“Hero, you fell for our little act... you dumb slut,“ Elissa’s eyes were filled with lust as she stared at me with an intense gaze of desire and anticipation, “Now we’re going to have so much fun together, all of us...” she said with a sultry tone that sent shivers down my spine, her words dripping with dark promises as her tail wrapped itself around her waist and her tentacles writhed and squirmed as if in anticipation, as if they were eager to taste me again, to touch me once again, to consume me, to devour me, to absorb me, to make me one with her, only to dispose of me.

I grabbed at the choker around my neck, but as hard as I tried pulling it off and as much as I could feel the soft fabric bend and twist under the strength of my grip – I could not remove the accessory. It would warp and twist and bend and stretch and morph its shape and yet remain locked in place. I could not cast any spells. My title skills were locked. My abilities and powers were locked. But my strength and speed were still there. My base stats were not sealed away.

I knew I couldn’t win with that alone... against someone like Elissa. I had to run.

“Nowhere to go Hero-meow!“ Tomiko called out mockingly as I was turning away. My body moved on its own and I took a step forward, but my feet wouldn’t move, no matter how hard I struggled. Some kind of flesh wrapped around my legs and arms. It was biting into me, keeping me rooted to the spot. I felt disorientated. It was dark and moist and smelly.

Wait, did Tomiko somehow teleport me while I blinked?!

“How else do you think Demon Lords’ subjugate monsters beyond their level cap, Hero?” a familiar voice, Elissa’s voice, spoke to me from the splotchy darkness. There was no echo here. The sounds got absorbed by the walls of the flesh castle... that I created. Tomiko and Elisa and Fumi were here, the three of them standing over me, while the flesh castle held me down like some piece of furniture on display.

The three of them leered down at me, their eyes shining like those of predators looking at a helpless meal, their bodies shimmering with the slimy sheen of their skins. Elisa’s transparent, black latex clothes glistened and moved and shifted like they were alive. They stood before me like three wicked queens of hell, as if I was their trophy. Tomiko looked the same as ever. Except that the black outfit she was wearing had merged itself to her like a part of herself. It perfectly hugged every contour of her body, like a layer of paint, accentuating every line of muscle, and holding her breasts tight against the force of gravity. She had done her long dark hair in a braid that lay against the pitch-black skin on her shoulders and back, while her eyes were wide, bright, and eager. Fumi was trembling with excitement.

There were so many things that felt wrong here, I couldn’t even process through all of it. I need a way out of this trap.

“Why are you doing this?” I choked out through clenched teeth. Something deep down inside screamed at me in protest of my hubris. How was that possible when I’ve already died so many times and haven’t learnt my lesson? When did I become so used to this feeling? How could I have been so careless to have allowed this?

Elissa stepped forward from the shadows, her latex-adorned feet pressing on the fleshy floor like she was walking over a pile of corpses.

She leaned over me... and whispered... “I’m going to rape you, Hero. I’m going to rape you for all eternity... or for however long it takes for you to be mine again. Please enjoy it!”, she winked as I felt something hot nearby, the sound of ripping tights, then the searing sensation of something large and heavy ramming into and inside my anus.

I screamed out in pain. There was no one in this world who loved me. This was my punishment.

I wanted to call out for help, but there were only these three, and I was their plaything.

I lost control of myself entirely, thrashing about, trying in vain to break the shackles of Elissa’s bindings that held me in place, my muscles rippling underneath my now slime-covered dress, my flat chest shaking beneath Elisa’s skintight latex fabric as she moved up and down on top of my body with every violent stroke of her thrust. Each thrust causing me immense pain. The feeling of something massive forcing itself through me. My intestines stretched beyond their limits and my organs were torn apart, causing me excruciating pain. I could feel Elissa’s cock stretching me open wider than ever before as it relentlessly penetrated me. With every movement she made with her body, it sent shockwaves of pain throughout my body, and with every beat, she thrust deeper.

The other were busy as well; Fumi and Tomiko were both standing over me with their breasts pressed against my face. The little succubi now stood nude aside for her tail that was waving back and forth. Long rubber gloves that stretched all the way to the bottom of her armpits covered her hands. Her black hair had fallen down across her shoulder, framing a cute expression plastered upon a monster.

“Mommy, can I borrow one of yours?” Fumi asked Elissa in a coy voice.

“S-sure, ah ah, ah-FUCK… so good… Oh, OH, go … right ahead… have one,“ replied Elissa through her orgasmic haze. A tentacle emerged from behind her shoulder and wrapped itself around the succubus‘ crotch. Then it began to pulsate and throb, and after only moments, an enormous bulge formed in the tentacles. It was being pumped into and expanding Fumi’s pussy while a massive erection sprouted from her clitoris and grew larger by the second, until it looked exactly like a replica of Elissa’s girthy rod of flesh and sinew.

“Daddy!” Fumi squealed excitedly and jumped atop of me and shoved her cock straight into my mouth with no hesitation whatsoever! It was thick and slimy in a rubbery way, with an odd texture that had a potent scent, like a mix of oil and bleach. It made my head dizzy almost immediately as the thing kept on penetrating my throat.

“Why does Master have that little thing down there-meow?” I could make out Tomiko asking.

I don’t know how I could even hear anything in between the sounds that emanated from Fumi and Elissa thrusting their dicks in and out of my body, wringing moan after moan of anguish from me. Their groans of delight and the wet sounds of my body being abused. All the sounds were reverberating through my body. I felt like I was about to be crushed.

“It seems Master is not as manly and powerful as before-meow? Master already looks like a girl, so why not make another hole for me? I learned a bit of this stuff from my old master, so sure! Meow!!“ Tomiko replied to her own question as her tail rose and stiffened and turned hard and flat and sharp—like a knife or some sort of spear. I was still staring into her dark eyes in confusion as she plunged the blade inside and into the bottom of my stomach and started cutting downwards. A fresh wound and extra pain to join with that which was assaulting me at that very moment. Fumi and Elissa’s thick shafts did not pause, and pushed and prodded themselves deeper into me… then began thrusting faster, filling every corner of my stomach with pain. Their thrusts were uncoordinated, and the two massive phalluses would often collide against one another in my abdomen, bursting out of the opening Tomiko cut. It was agonising.

Tomiko kept eviscerating my insides and slicing her tail through what I guessed would have been my bladder, a cut which made the most pain shoot up in me, before stopping right at the entrance to what was my last vestiges of the remains of a male organ, my urethra. Being proximate to the forces assaulting my anus, my testicles were already obliterated. The tail plunged through it and into the canal. It split into two pieces and expanded in two ways inside my member. Up towards the area behind the bladder and down into my perineum and anus and the rest of me below that point, from my pelvis to the space above where a vagina would have been, had I been a woman? The pulling and ripping of flesh in unimaginable ways continued. My vision blurred as blood was pouring from the gaping wound in between my legs. I was losing consciousness as my insides were being stretched and pulled apart by whatever monstrosity was trying to invade my insides and rework me into whatever they desired. I didn’t know why I could still feel the pain. Why wasn’t my body shutting down? Was it because I was so high level?!

As if it couldn’t get worse, I felt my whole being washed in a sticky miasma as Fumi and Elissa simultaneously ejaculated. A thick viscous fluid was filling up my airways as Fumi’s cock continued pulsating and pumping it deep down my oesophagus, and down the entirety of my throat and the lining of the inside of the cut in me. Elissa’s load filled every corner, nook and crevice of my lower body, from my anus, to where ever it ended, all the way to the newly made vaginal canal Tomiko had finished sculpting out of my flesh, where the combined cum-stream had exploded from me like a fountain, covering everyone in steamy goo mixed with blood and chunks of my intensties.

I could feel the liquid pooling under the skin of my chest. My nipples ripping off from their base to be replaced by fleshy bags as a pair of nodules burst out of me, swelling up my entire upper body to the point where I could not longer breathe. Just when my lungs finally collapsed, Elissa’s massive penis finally struck at my heart and I blacked out for a split second. All the organs in my lower abdomen ruptured at once in an incredible burst of energy as Elissa’s and Fumi’s cocks pumped the last of its fluids in an explosive eruption of ecstasy, spilling in loads all over the flesh carpet.

There was nothing for a split second. For a split second, there was nothing but an eerie silence that broke when a bright white light filled my head, blinding my sight completely until the pain subsided and everything returned to the darkness again. My heart pounded heavily in my ears with a loud, rhythmic sound that reverberated around the room.

“Don’t worry... you can’t die here, Hero...” someone said.

I lost consciousness, but received no respite from the void. There were no breaks in this horror movie. I regained consciousness almost instantly, feeling the old guild girls forcefully inserting their fists into my openings and wriggling their fingers in their newly created spaces carved out of me. They were squeezing their digits around my internal organs.

“She’s just so much fun!”

“I love the feeling of pushing around her womb with my fingers!”

“I’m going to stick my entire leg in her ass next time!”

Every time I woke from a split-second of darkness, I would never be alone. Or left untouched.

Elisa who would re-arrange my organs with the violence she called “love”.

Or her children, who would gang-rape me in an enormous indecent pile for what seemed like days at a time.

... The worst were the shape-shifters, who frequently disguised themselves as rescuers, only to violently rape me.

… The guild girls who would use me for street-relief in their warped ways.

…Tomiko, the betrayer, who would continue her “work” on me, as if I was a high-school passion project.

They would set the beasts, even Sparkles (a name I now resented from the bottom of my heart), loose on me for entertainment.

Those groups would sometimes work together, sometimes it would only be one... and those were the worst. The extremes of their depravity only showed themselves when alone, without prying eyes, as to their genuine desires. I wouldn’t write what went on even if I had to die on the spot as a punishment. It was too great to bear to think about in any detail. It was a veritable hell of the most gruesome and foul kind, and there were days when I’d wish I could kill myself a million times than stay in that place any longer or look at those faces even once more.

The cycle would start over again with my inevitable rebirth and re-casting into that same world. No sleep, no rest, no respite. Only a disconnected string of thoughts kept whatever remained of my personality together.


The other Demon Lords were nowhere to be seen.

Had they perished?

Has Elissa killed them?

Or was she merely keeping me as her dirty-little secret in the confined of the flesh castle?

I felt myself being moved around sometimes by a slimy tunnel of the fleshy walls, as if out of sight, only to be dropped into another nightmare.

But was she hiding me from them?


What little I knew... it was that Ao was no longer.

Elissa took joy in reminding me.

Cause of demise? Never revealed. Ao... I miss you, Ao…


Eventually, the collar... the cursed choker deteriorated, but what remained in its place was a black band just as effective, tattooed on the perimeter of my neck.

A reminder of my lost power.


My hair, already white, became even paler.

My eyes, which I would only see in the reflections of those slime-covered monsters which ravaged me, turned an ashen, hollow blue.


No shred of my clothing, my tights... nothing remained as my naked body was displayed and abused to its full extent every moment and at any angle possible.

A tubular protrusion of the flesh castle regularly fed fluids into my mouth.


It became so numb that its ability to even speak was lost and my mind was a fog of madness where it could no longer remember what it felt to have the slightest control of its life or who it was in the first place.

Memories of who it once used to be became a blur, a hazy mess that only tortured the broken mind more as it watched lifetimes of torture.

It did not differ from hearing a static noise on a radio station playing over the background noise of a nuclear reactor, day in, day out.


With time, the pale skin of its arms and legs turned black, with a gradient switching to the porcelain white of the torso. It resembled less a girl, more a living sex toy. Designed and carved into the shape of the desires of those who took delight in taking the innocence of the innocent.


All it could feel was pain, for it was pure good as deemed by the system, and could not partake in consuming itself.


Forever lost and ever forgotten. Even those who tormented it no longer knew what it originally was to them.








The Emperor’s Grand Secret - The Hero.

The Hero knew they had to find the Lost Goddess to defeat the Demon Lords. Or was it the Lost God?

The White Dragon and the Living Tree had bet on what the Lost Deity looked like and thought the Deity looked feminine. But now, as the Goddess sat in this nightmarish dungeon, shackled by a wall of flesh, she looked exactly like a pretty little doll, her limbs charred into darkness. Her neck embroidered with an elaborate ring of black ink.

She possessed an ethereal beauty that was beyond the word ‘beautiful’, the Hero thought, though the Empire would say the most beautiful of all was the Hero herself.

They had little time. Jadeillustris dominus Imperatoris, The Hero, used that which had been the mark of her destiny, the Golden Sword, to cut the Goddess free. The edge of the blade burning away the filthy flesh keeping Her imprisoned, but leaving Her most precious body unharmed.

Jade, as her party and friends called her, felt indecent for seeing the Goddess unclothed, but the urgency of the situation did not allow her to make the preparations before carrying the Goddess off to safety.

The Hero quickly wrapped the Goddess in her gold-embroidered white cloak. It had a purifying property which did away with the foul stench sullying the Goddess’s body.

The primary force was assaulting the floating island while it was already weakened from an attack from powerful monsters, but this was merely a diversion. The actual goal had always been the rescue of the Goddess.

Ever since she had met the corrupted dragon and the evil living tree, cleansed them of their curse and made them her friends, the Hero always wanted to meet the Goddess.

For fourteen years she heard many a tale from the White Dragon and the Living Tree of a beautiful and loving girl... or boy — it always changed in the stories — with long white hair and shining blue eyes and a smile which could turn your knees into jelly with just one glance. An angelic presence that would make the air seem as if made of liquid sugar by merely existing.

The Hero herself was a maiden of high virtue. The daughter of the Emperor. The sole heir to the Empire’s throne and the only hope the world had against the evil demon lords. But she couldn’t resist being enthralled by the thought of meeting this angel of light in her dreams, as the trio embarked on the journey towards her ultimate liberation.

One after another, legendary figures, powerful heroes in their own right, mystics, sacred beasts and even the spirits joined the three, drawn in by Jade’s aura of purity and undefeated strength handed down directly by the Goddesses themselves. They grew in number until they were of such size the Adventurer’s Guild handed over all their operations to them.

But all of that mattered little. For in her arms (as she effortlessly blasted through the wall of the twisted demon lord’s castle and sailed through the air), rested a vestige of the Goddesses in the flesh - the Lost Goddess of Hopeful Despair. And She was so adorable…

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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