I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

Chapter 1389

Vol 2 Chapter 1322: Can You See Your Own Death?

At the same time as Cullo stretched out his hand, a large number of weapons in the rear bombed out like a barrage. The bright or dark brilliance covered almost everything in the air, and finally turned into a sharp point in front, like a big sword, rushing straight over. Luffy.

When Luffy was running, he pulled his hands back, and he stared at the barrage of weapons that flew over, his fists turned into afterimages, and went straight to the front.

“Rubber machine gun!”

With armed fists, they beat the incoming weapons. With the sparks from the contact between the weapons and the fists, a large number of weapons were disintegrated, splashing around, and the ground was also pierced by the disintegrating weapons. A road to the sword mound was formed in front of Fei.


Luffy shouted angrily and ran forward, his fists collapsed and flew a large number of weapons, but the number of weapons was obviously too much, and many weapons directly passed Luffy’s fist and hit him.

Seeing this, he jumped together, took a deep breath while taking off, and turned into a huge ball, with a dark armed color on the ball.

“Rubber Rubber Thank You Cannon!”

dong dong dong!

The weapon hit his ball-like body, bounced in the opposite direction, and collided with the incoming weapon.

“Elasticity…it works well.” Clow snorted.

If the elasticity is sufficient, even a sharp weapon will sometimes be shaken apart.

Cullo hooked his fingers in slightly, and the weapon he fired stopped.


A deflected weapon shot straight at Cullo, brushed against his cheek, and a strand of hair fluttered.

It is a company that is a chain company and a power chain. It’s an umbrella company.?/

The balloon deflated and fell to the ground in a normal shape. Luffy raised his head and barked his teeth at the people on the execution platform: “Hee hee!”

Cullo’s eyes sank slightly, “Straw hat, you seem very confident… No one will help you deal with me this time. You really don’t think you can defeat the four emperors and the generals by yourself, right?”


Luffy stomped his feet and stomped heavily on the ground, exhaling a breath from his nose, and shouted, “I will definitely defeat you, incense burner!”

Cullo narrowed his eyes. At this time, a ball of golden light had fallen in the sky and landed on his hand. It was a long strip of gold. The gold gradually untied during the landing, revealing the hilt of the knife.

“Show your might…”

Cullo grabbed the handle of the knife and waved it forward. The remaining gold wrapped around the blade was swept out, and a cloud of gold powder was sprinkled. The blade was exposed, revealing a clear blade.



Almost as soon as he shouted, the body above the execution platform immediately moved, turning into an afterimage and landing like a tiger fluttering.

In the process of slashing down, the blade turned into a blood-red blade with a black back and went straight to the top of Luffy’s head.

Luffy clenched his fist, and that fist also showed a domineering arrogance that flashed a little red light, filling his fist like a stream of light, and punched it directly.


The fists and blades meet, and they stagnate in the center, making a loud noise. There seems to be a thunderbolt shot in the center, and the murderous aura is mixed with the overlord color, which makes the sky above become completely gloomy. In the square, everyone who was fighting was frozen, and their actions were obviously slow. Some of the pirates who were fighting were unable to withstand this momentum, and their eyes fell to the ground.

Crack la la…

At the center of the attack, the surrounding air was shaking, and the gravel on the ground floated up and then collapsed.

Cullo pressed down with Luo Gui, and the blade trembled slightly under the domineering barrier.

Luffy was working hard all over his body, pressing forward a little bit, as if he wanted to suppress Cullo. Although there was a domineering barrier, a hole gradually opened on the surface of his fist.


He suddenly raised his foot and stomped heavily on the ground, and the stone thorn that had just protruded was shattered.

Then, his fist slammed forward, and under the domineering squeeze, the fist pushed onto the blade of the knife, bringing an elastic force, which made Cullo subconsciously lift his arm, and that elastic force bounced his knife up.


At the same time as he bounced off the knife, Luffy shot straight with his fist and hit Cullo directly, but this punch was only in the air. .

Luffy’s pupils shrank, and before the afterimage disappeared completely, his head lowered, only to see an extremely fast, moon-like sword light streaking over his head.

Cullo appeared behind him, maintaining the posture of swinging the knife. When he saw this scene, he turned his wrist and the blade that was slashed horizontally slashed down.

But it seemed that Luffy could sense it early. While he was slashing under the blade, he pulled his footsteps out, dodged directly, jumped in the air with his feet together, and stretched out to kick.

“Rubber Rubber Seal!”

Cullo tilted his head, dodged the stretched feet, and was about to slash the knife, but the legs and feet bent straight away, making a few spins in the air, like a thick twisted rope, unexpectedly thrown come over.

“Rolling Whip!”

The legs that were thrown over happened to be stuck in the neutral position where Clow returned, and hit him in the face.


One hand blocked the whip-like leg, and the elastic force made Cullo’s arm jerked inward, causing his body to retreat a few steps, and the legs that hit him contracted and returned to normal Leg shape, Luffy fell from mid-air, half-squatted on the ground, holding his straw hat and grinning at him.

“Do you see the future?”

Cullo stared at his left hand, the corner of his mouth twitched, and Luo Gui, who was holding in his right hand, swiped away to the outside.

“Then can you see your own death, Straw Hat! Lion, True, Chiakigu!”

Brush brush brush brush!

A large number of slashes glowing black and red with gold borders spread out chaotically, and attacked Luffy in unison. The latter retreated a distance. After struggling to avoid the previous slashes, he found that there was no way to dodge them all. He hugged his arms, the lower half of his face was inside his arms, only those eyes were exposed, and those eyes were obviously shaking.

Bang bang bang!

It was obviously a domineering slash, but after hitting Luffy, it was as if he had slashed on a very elastic object, and was directly carried away by the force.

All the slashes that were swung out were bounced off by Luffy, and only the dull sound of hitting him indicated that this thing was attacked.

It’s just that the effect is there.

“Hehe, I…”

Luffy just raised his head and was about to speak when he suddenly stopped. He foresees a flash of sword flashes in his mind very quickly, but just as his body was about to react, he saw the sword light he had just foreseen, and it really came. .

A breeze clearly blew on his body in this violent slashing bombardment, and a sword light began to appear on his neck.

Luffy’s pupils shrank, and at this moment, he adjusted his posture, so that the sword light was changed from the neck to the shoulder.

The wind blew past, and Cullo’s body appeared behind him. He waved Luo Gui, turned his head sideways, and said in surprise, “It actually escaped my white tiger…”


A large gap opened from Luffy’s shoulder, and blood spurted out.

Chapter 1322 Can you see your own death?

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