I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

Chapter 14

Chapter 14: I’M Not, My… Yes, It’S Me


“I…my big gun!”

On Bharati’s battle platform, Click looked at the shattered big gun in horror, “What did you do?!”

“I punched him five times.” Luffy said with a smile.

“Hey, Clow, the one in the straw hat…”

Lida, who was watching the battle with a telescope not far away, said in surprise.

“Well, domineering, but it should be released unconsciously.” Clow nodded.

After all, he was trained by Karp since he was a child, and his physical fitness has reached the standard, but he just can’t guide him.


Clow, who had just finished self-closing, asked curiously, “Mr. Clow, was the black on your knife just now domineering? What kind of power is that?”

“Well, armed color, knowledgeable color, and overlord color that only talent can have, I will teach you how to guide you later, and your quality should be enough.”

Chloe glanced at Chloe and said so.

“Fly, fly, Crick fly!”

Lida suddenly cheered.

In the air, Luffy stretched his palms back and hit Klick’s chest with a forceful blow.

“Eraser Bazooka!”

boom! !

Klick’s golden armor shattered, and the whole person flew back, just falling on the deck of the patrol ship.

“Cough, haha, I’m fine, I’m fine!”

Klick spat out two mouthfuls of blood, stood up and laughed.

Then he found out where he was.

“Navy? Hahaha, great, passed out. Hey, you guys, shoot at Bharati and kill that straw hat boy!”

Click was a little surprised at first, but when he saw that the navy had fainted everywhere, he was relieved and shouted at the three great gods.

A lazy navy chick, a kid, and a bespectacled butler-like guy.

This uncle can strangle them with one hand!

“As long as I grab this warship, I can sneak into the naval base and get more warships, hahaha, the big fleet is up again!”

Lida threw the apple core into the sea and looked at Crick with a mentally retarded look.

“You fool.”

“Stay away from him, it will be contagious.”

Clow touched Lida’s little head.

“Hey, can’t you hear me? I still see my Uncle Crick, I’m too scared to move!”

Klick didn’t move when he saw everyone, and laughed.

“that is…”

Zhep, who was not far away, saw that Klick had fallen into the warship, and immediately said to Luffy: “Hey, kid, hurry up. Sanji, don’t hesitate, hurry up.”

“Why, old man, I’m not leaving!”

“If you don’t go, you won’t be able to go.”

Zhep looked solemn: “In that warship, there are naval powerhouses who can compete with Hawkeye.”

Others didn’t pay attention, but he noticed that there was a strong aura in the warship colliding, and then Hawkeye left the warship, obviously there were strong men in the warship.

“Hey, with glasses, you shoot me!”

Click pointed at Crow and said loudly.


Crow pointed to himself, full of doubts.

It’s like you’re the only one wearing glasses.

“Want to die!”

Click picked up a gun and walked towards Chloe, “I’ll let you shoot!”

“Silent step.”

The scabbard fell off in place, and Crow flashed behind Click in an instant.

puff! !

Five large bloodstains with deep visible bone appeared on Klick’s back, and his eyes rolled over and he fell down.

Crow pushed his glasses and kicked Click a few more times in disgust.

“I’m Captain Crow, I don’t wear glasses!”

Even if Clow bullies me, I can’t beat him.

Even if Hawkeye ignores me, I still can’t beat him.

Lida…but she didn’t dare to fight.

But why are you!

The navy gradually woke up, and when Clow used his murderous intent, he kept his strength, and it was almost the same when he fainted.

“Warrant Officer Clow, that eagle-eyed man, is he gone?”

Cass woke up and found that there was no Mihawk, so he couldn’t help asking.

“Oh, he was forced away by Crow, Crow, please explain.”

Clow shouted to Clow and ignored Cass.

This hot-blooded idiot, if entangled too much, there will be accidents.

If it wasn’t for him, he would still be enjoying himself in the branch.

“I’m not, my… yes, it’s me.”

Chloe was still confused at first, but under Chloe’s eyes, his face became solemn, and he said, “Hawkeye was forced away by me.”

“Sure enough, it’s Mr. Clow. When I fainted just now, I seem to have heard Mr. Clow’s name.”

“I heard it too, Hawkeye said that Mr. Crowe is qualified to hit his throne.”

“The throne of the world’s greatest swordsman, that must be very powerful.”

Cass tearfully said: “Mr. Crow has not joined the navy, just for us to force the world’s largest swordsman, you are a noble person like Warrant Officer Cullo!”

Looking at the excited navy, Crow swallowed.

He felt that the black suit on his body was probably not going to fade.

When the boat entered the vicinity of Bharati, Lida cheered and jumped off the boat impatiently, “Bharati, food, Bharati!”

Suddenly, a crowd of people appeared from nearby.

The ghost man Ajin was holding a cane in both hands, and there was blood on the corner of his mouth, “Give us the leader, the navy!”

“Huh? You haven’t left yet.”

Lida asked curiously, “I’ve given you time, why don’t you leave?”

“Miss Lida, be careful, they are pirates!”

Seeing that the pirates seemed to surround Lida, the navy shouted anxiously, and descended the rope ladders very quickly one by one.

“Little girl, I’m sorry.”

When Ah Jin saw this trend, he made up his mind and ran towards Lida.

This person should be an important person, tie her up and change the leader!

Akin quickly rushed to Lida, grabbed her with one hand, and yelled at the navy: “If you want her, take the leader…”

Before he finished speaking, his body suddenly softened and he collapsed.

“No… no strength.”

Ajin stretched out his hand struggling, “I, Chief, I’m sorry.”

Lida looked down at him and said, “Twelve million, ‘Ghost Man’ Ajin, another bounty. Hey, Cullo, I caught this, remember to give me half.”

Hearing this, Cullo raised a black line on his forehead, and couldn’t help shouting: “What do you think I want money for! I still want half of it, your conscience!”

Seeing that the eyelids of Chloe, who hadn’t gotten off the boat, jumped, he thought that Lida was very powerful against Hawkeye’s slash, but what was going on in this strange situation.

That was the ghost Ajin. He had heard of his reputation a long time ago, so he touched Lida, but he didn’t have the strength.

“Able? It’s terrible.” Crow murmured.

In addition to the ghost Ajin, there is also the ‘Iron Wall’ Baru, a man with shields all over his body, with a bounty of 8 million baileys.

Ajin lost his strength inexplicably, and Balu fainted before, and the rest was easy to solve. The navy got off the ship and immediately surrounded the pirates, escorting them one by one onto the ship.

“Sorry, guest, Bharati has just been attacked and needs to be repaired, why don’t you come again next time?”

The chef who looked like Popeye smiled and blocked Lida’s way out of time.

“Eh? But I’m hungry. I’ve heard the name Bharati for a long time, but now I can’t eat it?” Lida looked disappointed.

“You can eat, Bharati never refuses hungry people, little girl, come in.”

Jepra opened Popeye and smiled at Lida: “In order to thank your navy for catching the pirates, Barati provides you with food for free.”

Are you serious, old man?

Cullo, who had just come over, was stunned for a moment, then ecstatic.

“Old man, you have to acknowledge your account. If it’s not free, I’ll arrest you!”

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