I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

Chapter 1435

: Side Story・The Marriage Under The Sunset Is My Lost Youth

East China Sea, Shields Town, was extremely lively at this time.

The 153 branches of the navy that used to be here are open, with bright lights, red lanterns hanging on both sides of the gate, and firecrackers that have been bombed on the ground.

There are many round tables in the square inside the branch. The second half is sitting with the neighbors of Shields Town, and the first half is sitting with a lot of people dressed in casual clothes. It looks like a heroic spirit, which makes the villagers in Shields Town. They were all whispering about who they were.

Among the people sitting in the first half, there are those with big backs and scars on their foreheads, biting a coiled snake cigar and looking arrogant.

There is a man with arms around his arms and a cigarette in his mouth.

There are those who wear hats without anger and look difficult to get along with.

There are also those who wear blindfolds and scratch their heads lazily.

There was another one who wore brown sunglasses and looked a bit wretched, but at this moment he smiled as kindly as an old father.

Hmm… none of them look like good people.

On the top table in the square, a young man in a martial arts uniform clenched his fists tightly, holding the branch fortress with a red lantern, and there was a big gate with the word ‘hi’, his teeth and blue veins exposed:

“Damn Cullo! How dare you do this, I want to assassinate you, I want to assassinate you!”

“Well, the two are in love, don’t say that.” The old man with brown sunglasses at the same table said with a smile.

“Shut up, of course you’re happy to be your own son, but that’s my sister! My sister!” the man in the martial arts suit shouted.

While roaring like this, the door was opened, and a man and a woman walked out in bright red clothes. The woman was smiling and her eyes were filled with happiness. They served the wine glass lovingly.

The woman took it impatiently, while the man took it in a sluggish manner like a robot.

“Today is a great day!”

A bearded man came running from the side, stood in front of the two, and said loudly: “We see the relationship between Mr. Clow and Miss Lida, and now they are finally married, which also represents the Rusilu family. There will be the end! The Dougreg family has a constant goal to follow, let us celebrate and rejoice!”

“Now, please raise a glass to the newcomer! Take the oath!”

The bearded words made the woman smile even more, and she raised the glass to her mouth, but soon, she saw the same man next to her, and asked in doubt, “Cullo?”


Facing the gradually setting sun ahead, the man slowly raised his wine glass with a dazed expression.

Warning, those beautiful women, this sunset and dusk are like my fallen youth…

I, Rusilu Cullo, thirty-one years old, a Marine.

Today, got married.

a week ago.

A year after the new world government is at sea.

The original Mary Joa, now known as Kaitian City, is still the capital of the world government, because it is located on the red soil continent, dividing the first half of the Great Route and the New World into two halves, and overlooking the four seas, it is an excellent geographical location. Location, for practical reasons, this place has been regarded as the capital.

As for the new name, it is taken from the meaning of opening up the world. The New World government headed by Cullo vowed to rebuild the world and give the people a new life. Its ambition is like opening up the world.

It’s just doing it…it may be a little bit difficult.

In the Pangu Palace, the former power room has been transformed into the office of the new head of the world government.

A man in a black formal suit, a navy cape, and glasses, who seemed to be resourceful, was facing the desk, and the man with the middle parted head who was sitting and biting a cigar reported:

“Mr. Clow, the East Sea Oykot Kingdom sent a report saying that they can hand over their power, but they must ensure their status, and hope to give them a piece of land and let them make their own decisions.”

The person sitting at the desk is the first head of state of the New World Government, the former Admiral of the Navy, known as the ‘savior’ or ‘the world’s first usurper’, Rusilu Cullo.

Listening to the words of the person in front of him, Cullo stopped the hand of processing the documents, twitched his mouth, looked at the person, and said, “Give land? Make your own decisions? What are you doing? Thinking of Tianlong people? Impossible, tell me They didn’t discuss it.”

“But, Mr. Clow…”

Crow said incomprehensibly: “It’s just a small piece of land, we can give them first, let them hand over their power, and it is also feasible to arrest them later on charges, so as not to cause harm to the local people, I checked. , the king of the Oykot Kingdom didn’t do anything out of the ordinary, he was the king recognized by the locals…”

Before he could finish his sentence, Cullo interrupted him, his fingers tickled on the desk, frowning:

“It’s precisely because I haven’t done anything out of the ordinary that I’m so good at talking now. It’s just a verbal notification, not a dispatch of troops. Chloe, let me tell you, if you want a revolution, then be thorough. What does it mean to hand over power first? What’s the point of such deceit, I just want to tell everyone in this sea in an upright manner, I want to make the capital of the feudal nobles and exploiters disappear, disappear in an upright manner, and do not engage in any conspiracy. King? What happened to the king, How many troops does he have? How many generals does he have?!”

“Yes, Mr. Clow, I’ll go down and notify immediately.” Clow stood up straight.

Crow looked at Crow like this, curled his lips, leaned back on his chair, and let out a mouthful of smoke, “I didn’t tell you, the new government has to look like a new government, why are you reporting that old government? Change your mind quickly, although you are the chief of staff of the navy now, you can deal with pirates with your mind, but if you want to be promoted to the world government in the future, that mind will not work.”

“Yes, I see, Mr. Clow.”

Crowe lowered his head and twitched the corners of his mouth. You also know that I am the Chief of Staff of the Navy. I am not the Chief of General Staff of the World Government. You call me here every day to deal with things. I am also very helpless. It takes a lot of energy.

But there is no way, who made Cullo his boss all the time. In a former pirate like him, this is his ‘captain’, the captain for a lifetime.

Clow raised his head again: “Mr. Clow, regarding those people’s problems around the world, our education is not so popular, and there are not enough officials, so many places, especially those small island villages, only know that the government has changed. I still don’t know some specific things, we don’t have enough staff, should we directly expand the enrollment?”

Cullo thought for a while, and said: “Those pirates who were persuaded by Cass, use their subjective initiative, since it’s all right, then anyway, let Lu Qi solve it, examine their bottom line, and directly recruit those who are qualified. Put it on such an island to govern, and in addition, the content of the newspaper is serialized with a little story or little knowledge every day to tell the current situation of the world.”

“By the way, let’s start printing the calendar, and get some little knowledge and ideas that can be used on the calendar. Keep it simple, don’t be arrogant, the people can’t understand it, and find something that the people can understand.”

“Yes, Mr. Clow.”

Crow continued: “In addition, there are…”

“Stop, stop, you put together a detailed list of things, and attach your own opinions on how to handle them. It’s best to let Cass take a look. I’ll give you approval for those that can be handled, and I’ll give you opinions to handle those that can’t be handled.”

Chloe stopped Chloe from continuing to ask, and said angrily:

“I’m not omnipotent, you’re almost 100,000 now. Why, if you really think I’m Doraemon, I’ll make mistakes too. It’s the first time everyone has dealt with this kind of thing, and it’s all touching the stone. He, what do you think I feel about you? Now it’s up to me, what will I do when I retire? Have independent thinking, don’t be afraid of making mistakes, after this period of time, the new government is stable, you can do it yourself Do it.”

The new government has ruled for more than a year, and the big and small matters are constantly being handled by him, the “head of state”.

The navy is still busy dealing with the pirates in the New World. Cass has now been promoted to the field marshal, taking two generals, Kuzan and Yi Xiao, to deal with the pirates in the New World.

As for the third general…

Can’t find anyone!

Although it is said that there are general candidates, Taotu Gion, Tea Dolphin Plus, Bai… Haodie Lida, but Cullo himself does not look down on it, there is still a threshold for strength to be a general.

Including Moore, the guy with extremely convenient ability, in Cullo’s eyes, he is still a lot worse than the general. These people can compete with Qiwuhai, and they are still at the top of the Qiwuhai in combat power, but it is really bad to be a general. a little.

They are a new government, a new government that was seized by the navy, so the face of the navy must be taken seriously. If you really want to be a candidate to become a general, if you are defeated, you will be embarrassed. You cannot go wrong at this juncture. .

To guarantee their prestige, Clow must keep the admirals in the navy invincible.

Fortunately, the new and old four emperors have been chopped down by him. As long as they don’t get beat up by the group, there is nothing that can threaten the existence of the naval admiral.

As for the final general candidate, Cullo still prefers the older generation.

But Sakaski has been promoted to the commander-in-chief of the entire army and cannot be easily moved. He cannot go down and be appointed in the Navy again, and Clow is not easy to let him go now.

Now Sakaski is a big killer. After his victory last year, Sakaski ran over to question, Cullo himself hadn’t spoken yet, Cass and Wilbur sang together and lost the “Justice and Faith” that they didn’t even know. , and the “Seven Steps of Justice”, and then Sakaski realized it.

He realized it, and Cullo knew at that time that there were many people who were enlightened by Cass, including Jin and Quinn who escaped from the original three disasters.

But the key is that their temperament is different. This kind of person who is at the top of the sea, with a hot temper and no room for sand in his eyes, once enlightened, it is very scary.

Clow once sent him to deal with a recalcitrant kingdom, and the ending was unexpected. He burned all the nobles and capitalists of that kingdom, along with the **** who spoke for them. havoc.

It made Clow devastated for his ending.

That’s not how things work. They are upright, not violence. There is still a difference between the two.

Regarding this person, Cullo scolded him a few times at the time, and then Sakaski retorted whether he was degenerate and actually spoke for the feudal aristocratic capital. If he degenerates, Sakaski will punish him, even if it is the capital of the capital. No exception.

To put it simply, since the death of the new and old four emperors, Sakaski now looks at everyone like a hanged man, holding two books every day as dogma.

Once such a person is not easily used, if he uses it, it must be that the situation has reached a certain extreme.

And the old man…

He claimed that he would not go back when he retired. Now he is the principal of the kindergarten, and he does other part-time jobs when he has nothing to do.

Clow also followed him.

As for the guy named Green Bull, he disappeared after the fight between Mary Joa and Kuzan last time, and no one can find him.

In Kuzan’s words, when they were fighting, Lu Niu himself said that he was also an admiral of the navy, and that the navy himself did not bring him any notice of his betrayal, and he went home after he stopped playing.

At that time, Cullo himself was trapped. If he met the green bull, he would also like to say something. He didn’t know anything. Didn’t he still become the new head of the world government?

But the person is gone, so it’s fine if you can’t find it.

The third is empty first, and is recruiting the Navy vigorously. There can always be a strong man like a smile, or the Navy can cultivate one. Cass can handle this by himself and report it. Clow now handles the header every day. They’re all big, and they don’t have much space to manage.


After spitting out the smoke, Cullo pressed the steam cigar that he had smoked in the ashtray to extinguish, and took out the humidor again. Just looking at the few cigars in the humidor, he clicked his tongue:

“Since I became this broken head of state, I have been pumping this thing much faster than before. Tell William and ask him to send me some more.”

“Yes, Mr. Clow, I’ll call now.”

Cloe nodded in response, turned around and walked out of the office to make a phone call on the other side.

Pangu Palace has reserved an office for Crow, next to Crow, to help him handle things.

As for myself…

What a joke, he is a world head of government, to call a Qiwuhai?

There are not enough manpower now. As the chief of staff of the navy, Crow spends most of his time here. It is not impossible to do some things like serving tea and pouring water. After all, the deputy staff of the navy is Tina, and she can handle some things there. Enough is enough, basically taking over half of the functions of Crow’s naval chief of staff, Crow is familiar with the work of the world government.

And the older generation Chief of Staff Crane, and Sengoku and Karp are now very happy as inspectors in the navy. Speaking of Karp… After the war, Karp gave Clow a punch, and Clow himself did not Resist, after this punch, the matter is over.

The navy and the pirates, in the circumstances at that time, were ultimately incompatible.

Kap knows this better than he does.

After the three of them retired, Cullo didn’t force them to work against work. They were all in their seventies and eighties and almost retired.

Stay on the front line as a person, lest he will be rehired if he can’t retire and retire himself.

Otherwise, with the IQ of the Warring States period, Cullo would definitely handle things better.

“Tsk, I haven’t been to an izakaya for a long time, and I haven’t even had time to take a vacation from this job, **** it!”

Clow shook his head there.

He didn’t know how expensive firewood, rice, oil and salt were when he was not at home. After he took over the job seriously, he realized how heavy the workload was. For a whole year, he didn’t even sleep much, and he opened his eyes every day to deal with affairs.

I don’t know who said that staying up late is to stay up today, and going to bed late is to stay up tomorrow, but the key is that even if he stays up late, he is still dealing with things, and he is still dealing with things when he wakes up. Imperceptible.

If he didn’t think about it, he didn’t even know it had been a year.

Cullo sighed: “Hey, when can I take a break, I want to find a place to drink a little wine… It’s better to have a friend with you.”

But I can only think about it. He can’t get out of his body, let alone other people, and he’s not allowed to get out of his body, because he can’t get out of his own body, and others have time to waste his unbalanced heart. .

Be busy, be busy.

At this moment, Chloe, who was on the phone next door, came in again, worried between his brows: “Mr. Clow, it’s not good…”

“Let’s talk, what’s the matter.” Cullo said he was not surprised.

For such a long time, Crow is ‘not good’ when he has something, and he is used to it.

“It’s really bad this time.”

Crow said: “There is news from the new world that Kuzan seems to have suffered a loss. Now he is trapped and can only call for help.”


This made Cullo stunned, “Kuzan? A loss? Can someone in the ocean make him suffer?”

This is a strange thing, and now there are still people in the ocean who can make Kuzan take the initiative to call.

“The thing is, we found a town on an island in the new world, and at first we just sent the navy to take over, but the navy we sent at the beginning failed, and then we kept sending the navy, from the major to the colonel, to the lieutenant general. , there was no sound, so Kuzan made a trip himself, but now it seems a little tricky.” Crow said

“Losing so many people?”

Clow frowned: “Kuzan also failed?”

“No, no, he just said he was trapped.” Crow shook his head.

“Then let Sakaski take a trip. If one general is not enough, then two. If two are not enough, then three. It is not convenient for me to take action. You have to grasp the majesty of the navy yourself.” Cullo made a decision.

“Yes, I’ll order now, Mr. Crow.” Crow responded and went down to give the order.

No one can deal with two generals at the same time. Sakaski and Kuzan will not deal with them any more. After all, they are not the same system. One army commander and one navy general are not able to pee into a pot. It is still possible to fight an enemy.

A few days later…

“Mr. Clow!”

Crow hurried into the office, his face was not very good-looking, “Failed!”


Cullo, who was burying his head in processing the documents, raised his head and asked, “What failed?”

Crowe said sternly: “Kuzan, Sakaski, and Inspector Polsalino are all trapped on that island!”


Hearing this, Chloe stood up from the chair and exclaimed: “All three failed?! Impossible!”

There is no such thing in this world!

Even Cullo himself, in the second top battle, gradually killed Blackbeard and the Straw Hat boy one by one.

Three people go together, no one in this world can stop it.

Even if it is fishing, it is impossible to have such a situation.

“It didn’t fail, it was just held back. According to them, it seems that there are endless enemies blocking them and making them unable to move. According to the analysis, there should be an enemy who is secretly controlling, but even General Polsalino , there is no way to find the enemy.” Crow said.

Cullo raised his brows: “Are all three of them okay?”

“Yes, no, but no clue, let them retreat?”

“Fuck back!”

Cullo picked up a cigar and put it in his mouth, and said, “Three generals, running to deal with a person on an unknown island and still have to retreat? What kind of prestige this broke out, even if it really failed, After analyzing why we failed, we can admit failure, but definitely not inexplicable failure!”

He lit a cigar, exhaled smoke, and said, “What the **** is that place, I’ll go there myself, where is the specific place.”

“[Island of Wine], it’s not too far from the country of Wano.”

“Island of Wine? There is such a place, why didn’t I know?” Clow asked with a frown.

If he was close to Wano, he should know.

Chloe rolled her eyes secretly…

What do you know about you? Isn’t he the one to solve a lot of things?

Crow wanted to say that, but this time was really different.

“Mr. Cullo, it’s like this. We just got the information about that town and determined the name of the island. This island should have disappeared 50 years ago. It’s uninhabited. I don’t know why. in our sight.”

“Is that so… Forget it, just go and see, is there a permanent pointer for that island?”

“Yes, Mr. Clow.”

After saying this, Clow left again, and after a while, he took a permanent pointer and handed it to Cullo. Cullo opened the window directly, fluttered, took off from the window, and blasted an air mass in the air, like a meteor. Generally, it flies towards the destination quickly and quickly disappears from Klow’s field of vision.

What a joke!

The three generals, whether they are active or retired, are all generals in strength.

There’s no way to get an island?

How can there be such a strange thing!

Simply unheard of!

But that’s what happened, Cullo didn’t know what was going on, so he had to see with his own eyes what the **** the three middle-aged and old people were doing!

Cullo’s speed is very fast, Mary Joa… Kaitian City was originally in the center of the great route, and after flying for a while, he found his destination.

Two days later, Clow arrived at his destination.

The climate of the new world is more changeable than the first half, violent storms and lightning are common, but in front of Cullo, this kind of natural **** has no way to deal with him.

He stopped at a high altitude at this time, overlooking the shape of a wine-like island below, and narrowed his eyes: “This is the wine island?”

The surrounding wind was blowing violently, the sky was as gloomy as night, and from time to time, purple thunderbolts pierced straight down, making the island look like a demonic realm.

As he descended, he could see the details of the island more clearly. In an area near the center of the island, there were three completely strange areas.

One side is red, exuding high temperature.

A hoarfrost, revealing cold air.

On the other side, there is still smoke and a little yellow light scattered.

Feeling the breath, Cullo frowned and rushed down.


On the island, a laser beam shot straight away, piercing the heads of a group of ghouls in front of them, causing them all to collapse.

Kizaru is raising his fingers, aiming in that direction.


From his side, a ghoul pounced over and directly penetrated the body of the kiwi with its sharp claws, but it only brought a group of rays of light scattered, and those light spots formed the figure of the kiwi in the distance.

He pouted, glanced at the ghoul, and said, “Oh~ it’s so scary.”


A mass of lava blew directly over, blasting the ghoul into slag.

Wearing a military cap and a cape, Sakaski’s fists turned into lava, and his expression was very gloomy.

Around him, a large number of ghouls roared towards him.

“Ice Age!”

It’s just that the group of ghouls just moved, and white frost burst out from the ground, passing over the ghouls, turning the ghouls into ice blocks.

At the other end, Kuzan held down the ground with one hand, hoarfrost attached to his body, looked at the group of icicles, and opened his mouth to spit out a mass of icy breath.

But soon, the ice withered and the ice on the ground all melted away, making the ground miraculously restored to its original state, and more ghouls grew out of the ground, roaring and attacking them.

Kuzan scratched the back of his head and said helplessly: “Ala la, it’s endless… I don’t want to compare, let’s retreat.”

“The dog bites the red lotus!”

The dog head formed by a mass of lava directly slammed into a group of ghouls, and its canine teeth bit and melted the ghouls.

“Humph! What nonsense!

Sakaski punched and snorted coldly: “If we just retreat like this, won’t the majesty of the navy be lost!”

“Oh~ the majesty of the navy is so terrifying.”

Huang Yuanka glanced at these regenerated ghouls, and said with a smile: “But there is no way to drag it on like this. This island doesn’t seem to be very friendly to us.”

As he said that, he stretched out his index finger, the beam gathered, and he was about to kill the ghoul rushing in front of him.

However, at this moment, the three suddenly felt something, and looked up in unison.


At this moment, there was a strong wind pressure from above, with dense wind blades in the wind pressure, which chopped up those ghouls. The wind pressure was indistinguishable, and it also wrapped the three of them. The fierce wind blade under the wind pressure also chopped up the three of them.

One of them turns into light, and after dispersing, it condenses and then manifests.

One of them turned into magma, and it continuously merged and condensed to form a figure.

One of them turned into ice cubes, and a person grew out of the shattered ice cubes.


Kuzan scratched his head and said, “You’re here too.”

In the sky, a handsome man in a golden formal suit and a justice cape slowly landed. He put the autumn water into the scabbard, looked at the broken ghouls, frowned, and asked:

“What are you doing?”

Kizaru smiled and said, “Oh~ Kuro, as you can see, we are in the game and kill more than anyone else.”

Sakaski said solemnly: “For the time being, this old man ranks first.”

“I’m not talking about this!”

Cullo gritted his teeth and said, “I mean, the three of you, why are you playing games here? It’s been so many days, what are you doing?!”

Three general-level characters were on a mission on a small island, but after so many days, they actually stagnated.

Say it to make people laugh!

What’s the matter, the navy under the control of the New World Government has become so pulled?

“This thing…”

Kuzan came over, pointed to the front, and said, “As you can see.”

Those ghouls that had just been chopped up by the wind blade sank into the earth like nourishment, and then emerged like spring seedlings, densely packed and regrown.

“Huh? Rebirth?”

Cullo was a little stunned at this moment. He looked at the three of them and said, “But even if it’s rebirth… it’s nothing to you.”

“No…there was a little accident.”

As Kuzan said, he walked to Cullo and pressed one hand on the ground, “Anyway, let’s take a look first…Ice Age!”

His one hand was covered with a layer of frost, and it quickly extended down to the ground along the palm of his hand, completely covering the island. Under it, it was turned into a land of ice and snow.

There is absolutely no problem with the general being able to do this.

“Isn’t this done well?”

As soon as Cullo finished speaking, he saw the frost melted quickly, as if it was absorbed by the earth, and the ghouls that had turned into ice also melted with the frost, but soon, the restored earth, The ghoul’s head reappeared, as if it had sprouted, gradually growing into a complete ghoul.

Kuzan shrugged and said: “That’s it, no matter what means we use, we have no way to deal with these ghoul-like guys. Even if we want to destroy this island, there is no way.”

“Like this?”

Clow touched his chin and glanced at the other two.

Sakaski and the old man also nodded, agreeing with Kuzan’s statement.

Frozen, fire, laser attack, no matter what kind of moves, can’t destroy the island, no matter what, the island will always be restored to its original state.

It is completely impossible to say that the three of them cannot destroy an island.

“Really? Is this island so mysterious?”

Cullo glanced at the regenerated ghoul, stretched out his palm, and pressed it directly on the ground.

“It’s completely useless? Or, just a specific…”

He stared at the boy, and pressed his palm heavily, “Lion Might Royal Palace Earth Scroll!”


The earth made a loud noise, and the island was split into several pieces visible to the naked eye, and the few small islands that had just split up split again. Except for the place where the three generals stood, the rest of the island was split so that not even one person could stand. The place.

An entire island was completely torn apart.

Feeling the island being controlled by his ability, Cullo also waited for a while, seeing that there was no sign of recombination on the island, and then said, “Isn’t this okay?”

Kizaru touched his chin, pouted and said in surprise, “Oh~ does it only work on the natural type? The superhuman type can do it? It’s scary.”

“There is something.”

Kuzan looked at the front where the ocean was broken apart and said something.

I saw that after the island was disintegrated, a vortex suddenly appeared in the sea in front of the vortex. In the center of the vortex, there was a small piece of land that rose with the vortex like a high platform. A giant gourd.

“The dog bites the red lotus!”

Without saying a word, Sakaski blasted out the lava with one punch, turning into a ferocious dog’s head and biting directly at the gourd.


The lava fluttered on it, as if it was isolated. It just hung on the surface of the gourd and flowed down continuously, and then the gourd released light, allowing the lava hanging on it to melt into it, as if it was absorbed.


Cullo was stunned for a moment, but he was not completely stunned, because the big gourd occupying the high platform had undergone a transformation.

The huge gourd split from the center, radiating light, gradually revealing to the outside, those lights turned into three primary colors that flickered continuously, and then combined into black, rushing out.


The turbulent sea water turned into a frozen state at this moment, freezing all the surrounding sea areas, forming a land of black ice.


Kuzan raised his eyebrows, looked at the ice covered under his feet, scratched his head and said in surprise, “Ala la… It’s amazing.”

In the large gourd that was separated, a tall human figure appeared.

It’s not a human, it looks like a monkey, with thick hair all over its body, like a fur tribe, but it has two horns on its head, its lower lip has fangs that turn out, and a tail is wagging behind its buttocks. It also has a small gourd in its hand. As it moves, it puts the gourd to its mouth, takes a few sips, as if drinking, and then roars loudly:

“You… broke into my territory!”

In the roar, his open mouth directly gathered a mass of black light and burst out, running straight towards Cullo in the air.

Cullo was obviously stunned by the sudden laser, but he quickly reacted, subconsciously drawing the knife, and the black light collided with the black light.


In addition to the crisp sound, black lasers scattered from Qiushui’s black knives, blasting on the ice surface like a meteor, blowing the ice surface to a pulp.

Cullo stared blankly at the humanoid creature that looked like a combination of ghosts and monkeys, and said in surprise: “Laser? Frozen?”

“Damn it, is it the culprit…”

Sakaski folded his arms and said solemnly: “That kind of breath, Polsalino’s laser and Kuzan’s freezing, um… are our strength.”

How rich their combat experience is, from this short shot, they can see why.

Cullo snorted: “No wonder your attack on this island is useless, this guy can absorb the power of nature? Hey, what’s your background?”


The monkey stood up, his left hand floated up, the gourd on the back of his hand entered his mouth again, and took a few mouthfuls.

“none of your business!”

After he finished speaking, he released his left hand and punched out his right hand. This time, he shot out a mass of black lava material full of high temperature, forming the appearance of a monkey head roaring directly in the air, covering the sky above the four of them.

Kuzan jumped up, and two ice thorns appeared in his hand connected to the monkey head lava, and a layer of frost instantly covered it, turning it into ice, and fell heavily on the ice.

His body fell, and he also landed on the ice. He scratched his head and said, “A la la, it looks like this is really the case.”

The monkey showed his anger and said, “Human beings are all low-level creatures, and they dare to come to my ghost family’s residence and destroy my sleep…”



Crow looked at it for a while, except for the horns, it didn’t look like Kaido’s race at all.

I saw the monkey stretched out the gourd, the mouth of the gourd was tilted, and from the small gourd, water flowed out, and the water exuded an unusual aroma of wine, and they could smell it from a distance.

“Then be one of my dreams.”

Following the monkey’s words, the ice surface covered by the wine was covered with a layer of black gas. In the black gas, those ghouls grew out of the ice as if they had sprouted, making low-pitched roars, berserk and insane. His eyes were fixed on the four of them.

“Oh~ Did it do all the anomalies on the island before? It’s scary.” Kizaru touched his chin and pouted.

Countless ghouls appeared, but the three did not do anything.

They are old experience, they already know that the natural attack is useless, and this monkey also used their natural attack, which shows that they naturally know something.

The old man looked up at Cullo and said, “Cullo, you can solve it.”

“It’s just me…”

Cullo looked at the group of ghouls and said, “Natural attacks will be absorbed by the monkey, but physical attacks should be useless, otherwise I can’t split the island, then…”

With his fingers, he turned the autumn water into the scabbard, and his whole body disappeared directly in the air. He saw a black light appear in the neck of the ghoul, and appeared in front of the monkey in an instant, and the black light appeared on the monkey’s neck. superior.


A gap was cut in the monkey’s thick neck, and blood spurted out. It subconsciously covered its neck, and the blood flowed out from the gaps between its fingers, causing it to look horrified and look behind.

From behind it, Cullo appeared in the air, Qiushui hung on the scabbard, and said coldly: “Duo Brahma…”

Chi Chi Chi!

The heads of those ghouls were cut off from their necks, and they fell to the ground after losing their ability to move. They were quickly absorbed by the ice and disappeared.

“Oh? It seems that it will disappear after being attacked beyond the limit, no matter what means.”

Cullo turned his head, looked at the monkey whose wound on his neck was gradually healing, and asked, “Animal type? It’s not an ordinary animal type, isn’t it phantom beast?”

Except for the animal system, no one has such strong resilience.

But that can absorb the power of nature, indicating that this thing is not an ordinary animal system.

“It’s so noisy, what animals are not animals, I am the ghost king of Jiu Island – Jiu Tun!”

The monkey named Jiutun raised his arm, and the gourd poured a few sips into his mouth, and then opened his mouth, blasting the thunder directly from his mouth, and scattered several quick hits to Cullo.


Cullo was stunned, his figure flashed, and the thunder flew forward through his afterimage, and Cullo appeared higher in the sky, overlooking the horned monkey.

“Is there any thunder that occasionally falls from the sky? It seems that it can be absorbed naturally. Those three really don’t work for you. Plus you didn’t come forward, no wonder it took so long.”

Who could have imagined that the most important people were actually hidden inside the island, otherwise, the three old guys could just use their domineering arrogance to open up the island, instead of playing there more than killing ghouls.


“That gourd thing can create a ghoul-like existence. Although it doesn’t look like it’s threatening, but in terms of strength, it can be compared to the average navy soldier, and it can still be reborn…”

Cullo snorted and cursed at Jiu Tun: “Where did you come from, what are you doing hiding here, ruling the world?!”

“I don’t have that kind of interest!”

Jiutun took another sip of wine, his expression suddenly gloomy: “But since it disturbs my sleep and destroys my residence, then I will go to the sea, spread terror, and remind you humans of fear!”

“Oh? That’s really amazing. You can walk out of here alive first.”

Clow?? Didn’t take what this guy said seriously, and spread fear? Even if the abilities of the three over there are not very useful, pure domineering and physical skills can deal with him.

This guy looks like an Eudemons, but aside from his abilities…it doesn’t seem to be anything special.


Cullo let out a breath and said, “I don’t have time to play any fighting games with you, I’m very busy, do you know how complicated it is to deal with the whole world, and play tricks for Lao Tzu every day? , what is the fear, I will let you know now, what is the fear given to you by the society!”

No need for Luo Gui, Cullo just pulled out the autumn water, held it with both hands, and the absolute airspace burst out from its body, and then overlapped on the blade. A blood-colored ribbon was printed in the blade, turning the blade into a golden light.

“Ignorance God’s Romance Profound Truth…”


Cullo’s figure flashed, and before the monkey could react, he stabbed his knife to the center of the monkey, until the golden blade was about to fall on the gourd he was pouring into his mouth, the monkey was stubborn. Shrinking, an inexplicable force surged around his body, as if he wanted to dodge away.

At least, he took away the gourd.


The golden light fell, brushed away from the center of the monkey, and shot out a ball of golden light from the top of the head to the bottom.


Cullo maintained the posture of holding the knife in both hands and squatting down, raised his eyes, and said: “Have you felt it, the whisper of the wind of death.”

The power just now, although it is impossible to dodge, it will not be as full as it is now. In Cullo’s expectation, if this guy can dodge, he will slash from its shoulders. The result is the same, but The on-the-spot reaction is different, and it is not bad to be able to have evasive actions under his speed.

But instead of hiding, he moved the gourd away.

After the knife was stabbed, Cullo swung the blade, then straightened up and asked, “This gourd is very important?”

Jiu Tun swayed, glanced at the gourd that he was struggling to move away, gritted his teeth and said angrily, “It’s none of your business!”

After he finished speaking, he was stunned for a moment. After his body trembled for a while, the center of his body began to turn into fly ash, which gradually spread outward, from up and down his chest, to his neck, chin, cheeks… and the pair of them were full of resentment, but Some nostalgic, staring at the eyes of the gourd that has fallen on the ice.

Cullo raised his eyebrows, and as the fly ash scattered, he bent down to pick up the gourd, shook it, and felt a heavy shaking.

In the mouth of the gourd, there is an unusual aroma of wine.

“Good wine…”

Cullo sighed, “I haven’t smelled such a fragrance for a long time.”

“Ala la, is this resolved?”

Kuzan came over, scratched his head and said, “It’s still very fast, as expected of you, Cullo.”

“Come on!”

Cullo rolled his eyes and scolded: “If you three were serious, you would have found him long ago, killed him and returned to life! What a joke, the three generals before and after the navy, whether you retired or not, a small island will do it. Not sure? You guys are having a good time, what about the face of the navy, don’t you care?!”

Needless to say, Kuzan and the old man, Sakaski estimated that they were provoked by them, and as a result, he was only able to fight those ghouls there.

Kuzan smiled and said: “Well, don’t worry about it, don’t you take this opportunity to come out at a rare relaxing moment? It’s not that there is no harvest, this island… the island of wine, I know a little.”

“what do you know?”

“Ah, I was traveling around when I left the Navy. I’ve heard of this place. Fifty years ago, it was a famous brewing island, but it was destroyed because of other people’s coveting, but since then , there is no one here, and there is no news coming out, but let’s see now…”

Kuzan touched his chin and glanced at the spot that had turned into fly ash, “Maybe the people who landed here have become that kind of ghoul, and that monkey… um, the winemaking craftsmanship of the Wine Island, It seems to have something to do with monkeys.”

“I don’t have time to listen to stories!”

Cullo rolled his eyes and floated with the wine gourd, “Okay, don’t wait here, go back and deal with things, and when I haven’t been here, the three of you can’t solve this kind of thing, then let me do this. The head of the world government will deal with it, and it will be shameful to say it out! As for the wine… I took it away, it is a trophy after all, it smells good, it should be quite fragrant. ”


After he finished speaking, he flew straight up into the air and flew into the distance without stopping at all, and he seemed to be very busy.


Kuzan scratched his head and said regretfully: “I heard that the wine from the Wine Island used to be very delicious, and I heard that the energy is also very strong. It’s a pity…”

Two days later, Cullo flew back to Kaitian City, and without resting for a while, he was dragged by the heavy business and obediently went to deal with the documents.

“One by one can’t do anything! How can Lao Tzu and you group of insects together make a good sea!”

While cursing, Clow pushed a thick stack of documents to Clow, who was waiting in front, “Go, handle these according to my opinion, and then pass it on to Cass, you all see how I deal with it, Learn more!”

“Yes, Mr. Clow, then you rest early.”

Cloe pushed down his glasses and left with the document in his arms.

Cullo pouted, leaned back subconsciously, moved down to find a comfortable position to sit down, turned his head and looked out of the window, where it was getting dark at some point, from here you can see the round in the sky A large moon with a disc.


“Cosmic pirates? There really is such a thing, I always thought it was a joke, but the combat power is quite average. If I remember correctly, Enilu is on the moon, let him be there. Just wait, if he comes down one day, it means that the cosmic pirates still have some strength.”

Cullo murmured a few words, opened the humidor on the table and took out a cigar, but he suddenly thought of something, picked up the gourd on the table, and opened the stopper on it.

“It’s so fragrant…”

Cullo licked his lips, brought the gourd close to his mouth, and gulped it hard.


Swallowing his throat, Cullo’s eyes shone brightly, and his face turned red.

“The strength is also very strong, but it is not spicy, it is very sweet, and it feels warm when you enter the stomach. It’s a good wine!”

He leaned back on the chair halfway, staring at the moon outside the window, drinking one sip after another.

Gradually, his eyelids were trembling, and as his body stagnated, he fell asleep with the wine gourd in his hand.

In this place, it is safe and nothing will happen.

And the continuous processing of affairs is really frustrating.

Good wine fell asleep, so before he knew it, he fell asleep.

It’s just that before I slept for a long time, a small figure appeared sneakily at the door.

Bai Mao cocked his nose, as if he was smelling something. He got closer to the sleeping Cullo, and then his eyes lit up and he saw the source of the aroma.

“Damn Clow!”

Lida stretched out her hand and snatched the wine gourd, bared her teeth and said, “You actually enjoy it secretly behind my back, how can you eat something so delicious on your own!”

She smelled the gourd, her eyes became crescents with a smile, and then she put the wine gourd into her mouth.

“Drink up for you!”

“ton ton ton ton—”

Lida akimbo with one hand and the gourd in the other, drinking with her back to the moonlight outside the window.

Between swallowing, her face gradually turned red.


The wine gourd without the liquor was thrown to the ground by her, and Lida was dazed at this moment, her face was flushed, and her figure swayed.

“Damn, I’m so dizzy. It’s alcohol, but it’s delicious. Hey, Cullo, where did you get it.”

She wanted to reach out and shake the sleeping Cullo~www.readwn.com~, but her body was too small, and the shaking couldn’t touch her.

This exposed the blue veins on Lida’s forehead, and then her body skyrocketed, turning into a young girl’s posture, grabbing Cullo’s collar, “Hey, get up! You idiot!”


The person who fell asleep leaning on the chair just waved his hand subconsciously, knocking off Lida’s hand that grabbed him, his body moved, and he continued to fall asleep.

“Damn guy!”

Lida swayed for a while, grabbed Clow’s body again, picked him up, and dragged his body inside.

“Today, let me show you how my old lady is… amazing!”

Under the moonlight, the figures of the two gradually disappeared from the office. As the door in the inner room was closed, the moonlight seemed to move up, leaving the view from the window.

The sky suddenly began to rain, until dawn, the showers began to rest.


There were screams in the room.

Cullo held hands and looked at his tears, speechless.

Where did you wake up tonight?

Even if there are thousands of styles, who else can I tell you?

My youth!

So many beautiful ladies in the sea!

my bright future!

In Shields Town, Clow gritted his teeth and stared at the sky a few times, then drank the wine from the wine cup in one breath.

Lida giggled and drank the wine from the wine cup at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, the people present burst into applause and applause.

Crow pursed his lips, finally sighed, and looked at Lida softly.

Forget it, it’s good…

I, Rusilu Cullo, thirty-one years old, a Marine.

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