I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

Chapter 158

Chapter 154: Father, Help!

Bang bang bang!

Everything hit Kaido’s body at once. From a distance, it looked like a few huge lions bit Kaido and engulfed him.

Bang! !

Suddenly, all the weapons exploded and blew away together, and they flew everywhere.

Kaido walked out of the smoke, the body no longer swayed, and his eyes became clear.

This time, he was sobered up.

Kaido looked at Clow in the air and said, “The ability is used well.”


Cullo snorted and fled backwards.

The last trace in his mind that Kaido was water-infused meat by chance disappeared.

This thing, he can’t move.


Kaido saw Clow escape, his fists clenched and roared wildly, the head covered with scales, instantly extended, and turned into a dragon head.


A huge cloud appeared high in the sky, and a few muffled thunders flashed.

Kaido’s arms turned into dragon claws, and the entire huge body became huge and gradually extended. The lower body jumped up, turned directly into a dragon tail, and went straight to Cullo.



A real dragon!

Under the thunder and lightning, Kaido turned into a dragon and flew to Cullo at an extremely fast speed. The huge body seemed to wrap him.

The faucet gradually fell, and the hideous pupils stared at Cullo, showing a trace of interest.

“Nice kid, it’s a pity to be in the navy, do you want to serve me and become Lao Tzu’s subordinate.”

Cullo looked up at the dragon’s eyes and smiled lightly: “I am the navy.”


He swung a knife with a domineering slash, instantly hitting the blue dragon’s head, Kaido was slapped back by this blow, and taking this opportunity, Cullo flew down and flew into the distance.

The slash continued for a while on Kaido’s chin, and then dissipated, and a cloud of gunpowder emerged from his chin. The slash only had a mark, and it healed quickly.

“Little devil!”

Kaido lowered his head, Long Tong stared straight at Cullo in the distance, and when he opened his mouth, a mass of energy gathered.

“Hot breath!”

A huge energy group flew out, and Cullo felt the heat behind him, so he hurriedly avoided it. The energy group almost wiped him and hit the island below.

Bang! !

An island was smashed to pieces by this blow, and the entire island, as well as the lion head on the island and the swords nearby, were all evaporated.

The continent that Cullo had assembled was missing a big hole in the middle.

After the dragon spewed energy, it rolled up in the air and came straight to this side. While flying, he also sprayed ‘heat breath’, and several energy clusters shot directly at Cullo from his mouth one by one. .

Cullo flicked left and right in the air, dodging a high-heat energy ball, reaching out and holding it from time to time, the islands floated, turned into lion heads, and rammed towards Kaido behind him, trying to block Kai. A lot of attacks, but only a few more shots were spit out by Kaido’s ‘heat breath’, which evaporated it.


The dark clouds overhead hit a few more muffled thunders, and a gust of wind descended from the clouds and blew towards Cullo’s side, causing Cullo’s flying body to noticeably stagnate.

Behind, the energy group shot over.

Cullo slashed at the energy ball with a backhand, the energy ball hit the blade, and his body fell straight down.


Cullo’s body fell to the ground again, blocking the energy from retreating continuously, ploughing a straight line of smoke on the ground.

It was not until he retreated about 100 meters that he slammed the energy group with a knife and hit it into the sky, submerging it into the clouds.


There was a muffled sound under the cloudy cloud, followed by rain, mixed with the gust of wind.

The sky became obviously cloudier, and a flash of lightning exploded in the cloud, making the blue dragon in the sky even more terrifying.

“Can the ability play like this?” Clow gritted his teeth and looked at Kaido in the air.

Dragon is able to call the wind and call the rain.

At this level, he couldn’t escape.

“Boom blah blah blah…”

The phone bug in the trouser pocket was still ringing.

There is no way to accept this. Without reinforcements, he is afraid that he will be planted here today.

Clow took out the phone bug and answered it.

“Mosimoxi, Cullo, where are you?” The phone bug, the voice of the yellow monkey rang.

Cullo glanced at Kaido, took a deep breath, and shouted, “Old man, help!”

“Oh~ It seems that the battle is very intense. Did you meet Whitebeard? It’s terrible.” Kizaru’s voice was full of surprise.

How did the old man know that he had met Whitebeard?

But soon, Clow dropped the idea.

Now is not the time to count this.

He said anxiously to the phone bug: “It’s not Whitebeard, it’s Kaido. I’m in the sky now, and I don’t know where the sky is. In short, come and save me. If it’s too late, you can only collect the body for me. .”

The phone bug over there was silent for a while, and then said, “The old man is speeding up, but it will take at least a day to find you.”

call out!

Another hot breath sprayed out.

Clow clenched the blade tightly, and the golden and black slashes flew out from the blade, hitting the heat.

boom! !

The air blasted out a cloud of smoke and dust, swayed a wave of air, and blew the ends of Cullo’s hair.

“One day… OK, then one day!”

Cullo hung up the phone bug, put it away, and looked at the blue dragon flying from the smoke. The blue dragon fell to the ground and changed into the shape of Kaido, glaring at himself.

Clow put Qiushui into the scabbard, put on a juhe situation, and stared at Kaido.

“You have to work hard.”

The one in front of him is different from the golden lion. That guy is already old and his strength has been affected. Although the last one was very domineering, he showed a little shadow of his former peak.

But it’s not the peak after all.

But this one, at this moment, is the real pinnacle.

There is no way to run, Kaido doesn’t care about anything, he can chase himself to the ends of the earth.

I can only try to force it back.

“Little devil, come and kill me!” Kaido roared furiously with wide eyes.

Cullo’s stature is a little lower~www.readwn.com~ The domineering entanglement swept through, and the knife was pulled out in an instant.

“Lion True Chikiri Valley!”

One slash!

Hundreds of domineering slashes smashed towards Kaido indiscriminately, and the ray of light brightened the gloomy sky for a moment.

Kaido’s eyes widened, his fists clenched, neither dodging nor dodging, he slammed into the first slash.


The slash was shattered by his fist.


Kaido’s arms almost turned into afterimages, and his fists landed on the flying slashes. With one punch, the slashes collapsed, and hundreds of slashes shattered under his fist.

After the last slash was shattered by Kaido’s punch, the figure disappeared as soon as he stepped on it, leaving a trace of smoke and dust in place.

He appeared on Clow’s face!

The huge foot had Cullo’s whole-height fist, and he hit the hook and hit Cullo.

boom! !

Qiushui blocked Kaido’s fist, Cullo gritted his teeth, and his body involuntarily retreated. The whole person couldn’t bear the huge impact, and the body slammed by the punch flew straight up.

After Kaido punched, he looked at Cullo, who was shocked by the impact, and his head turned into a dragon’s head.

Cullo, who flew upside down in the air, used his ability to stabilize his body, dodged the two energy groups, and immediately slashed down, collided with the third energy group, igniting a cloud of dust.


At this time, Kaido’s knees were slightly bent, and he shot out like a spring, directly impacting Cullo.

At this time, Cullo, who had just finished the slashing action, also smeared the blade with two fingers, emitting a golden glow.

“Ignorance God’s Romance Profound Truth”

He held the knife in both hands, held it above his head, and chopped it down.

“Blue Dragon!!”

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