I Live Forever in Memory

Page 14

"Great! I can finally go back!"

"I can finally see my child..."

"Thanks to the Empire! Thank you His Majesty the King!"

"Thank you for coming to rescue us!"

Everyone was so happy that they were almost crazy, and their attitude towards Li Lin changed from being on guard just now to being respectful.Even if he is just a child, in the eyes of everyone at this moment, he is the most noble existence here and now.

"The hope of survival..."

Li Lin looked at the crowd, and the original lifeless spirit immediately became vigorous after he got hope.The power of human psychological suggestion is really powerful.

However, this psychological hint is the key to everyone's survival!

What Zhili was attached to the king?What special legionnaire?What battle is over?It's all Li Lin's nonsense!

The purpose is to create a hope for everyone to survive, so that they can struggle and persevere.And everyone burst out with strength and united, so Li Lin can also survive with this strength.

"I'm Lilyn Kafka, remember my name. Come, I'll take you home!"

With a big wave of Li Lin's hand, the people behind him shouted loudly, followed behind him, turned around and headed towards the wall.

Thousands of people walked all the way, and Li Lin kept observing the surroundings with his binoculars. Several times he found the trail of the giant, and then he immediately led everyone around.

For example, if the giant is on the left, go right; if it is on the right, go left; if it is in front, go left and right.

In short, a group of unarmed ordinary people, the strategy of dealing with giants is to avoid.Not to mention them, even the soldiers of the Survey Corps riding on horses and equipped with three-dimensional mobile devices, their strategy for dealing with giants is to use flares to mark their positions and then avoid them.

So, under this warning, he walked for more than an hour without encountering the giant.And this also made everyone trust Li Linlai and regard him as a spiritual pillar.


At this moment, a person suddenly fell down, and everyone let out a burst of exclamations. Li Lin looked over and found that it was a middle-aged woman, lying on the ground motionless at the moment.

"What's up with her?!"

Li Lin immediately ran over to check. A man in his 40s covered his face and said in pain, "She...has no energy, and hasn't eaten for two days..."


Hearing this, Li Lin was silent for a while, took out a black bread from his backpack, and took out a bottle of water, "Feed her down a little bit."

Everyone saw that the food and water were bright, but then dimmed again.

They could see Zhou Ran's backpack, which was very small. Even if it was full of bread, there would be at most a dozen or so, which could not satisfy so many people.What's more, they didn't dare to think about it. After all, the two young people who had thought about it before had turned into corpses and slept on this plain.

Food and water entered her stomach, and the woman's complexion improved visibly, but she certainly wouldn't be able to wake up for a while.

Seeing this, Li Lin frowned and asked everyone, "Are you all hungry? You haven't eaten in a few days?"

"I haven't eaten for three days..."

"Me too for three days."

"I ate my last ration yesterday."

"I haven't eaten for two days."

Everyone gave the answer in a hurry, Li Lin listened with a faint sigh of relief.

Fortunately, at most I haven't eaten for three days, which is acceptable.But also to the brink of danger.If we go further, I am afraid that more people will fall down, and there is not enough food in Li Lin's backpack at all.

He thought about it and asked, "Do you want to go back alive?"

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing why they asked that.Of course, who doesn't want to go back alive?

"I know the answer is yes." Li Lin continued: "However, going back alive is not something that can be done by one or two people. It takes everyone's efforts and strength, superimposed, everyone is for me and everyone is for everyone. Only then can we go back. That’s why…” His eyes swept over everyone, “If you still have food on your body, I hope I can take it out and share it with you. Because if other people are too hungry to move, even if you are full, you won’t be able to move. It will only become the ration of giants. On the contrary, if the ration is equally distributed to everyone, everyone may starve, but they are all powerful enough to act.”


After Li Lin finished speaking, everyone fell silent.

Those who had finished their rations were naturally on his side, and it was the majority of them.Those who haven't finished eating, although they are dissatisfied at the moment, but... do they have the right to refuse?

Li Lin's words sounded like they were negotiating, but can they really refuse?

In that case, let alone Li Lin's powerful strength, those starving people standing beside him would beat them to the ground and rob them of their rations.

In this case, the minority can only obey the majority...

Li Lin thought to himself, and immediately saw those who still had food take out and put them on the ground.The other starving people's eyes lit up when they saw it, but no one dared to move.

"Come one by one."

Li Lin said that the food is divided equally, each person can only receive a small portion, and two bites are finished.But anyway, in this way, everyone has some physical strength.

All are mildly hungry or a few are full, and most are severely starved.

Needless to say which of the two is better, in this case, it is obvious that the former is more able to ensure the high survival rate of the group.

Of course, some of those who brought out the food must have some troubles, but there is no way, Li Lin can't think about their mood.

It took more than half an hour for everyone to share their rations, and everyone had some energy, and then continued to walk.

While walking, Li Lin thought: From the beach to the wall, there are hundreds of kilometers at least, and the walking speed of this group of people is probably only five or six kilometers per hour.In this way, even if you walk ten hours a day, it will take two full days to reach the wall.

However, this algorithm is undoubtedly too ideal. First of all, the food problem still exists, and if you walk for a day at this intensity, you will be hungry and unable to walk.Secondly, there is the threat of giants, which is the most serious.

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