I Live Forever in Memory

Page 63

After all, his appearance is very characteristic, with black hair and black eyes, and a soft face.This kind of oriental appearance is still very rare in the wall.Coupled with the uniform of the military police regiment on him, it is strange that others do not recognize it.

All the way around, Li Lin had to break through the encirclement by saying that he was "on the job".

He thought to himself: This is great, so many people remember me, so as long as I don't get killed by the same guy twice, I'll be resurrected more often.

After crossing the main road, it took a long time to come to the second street.

Compared with the main road before, this street is obviously much more depressed and decadent.The houses on both sides were dilapidated and dilapidated, and even many pedestrians on the road were in rags with fierce faces.

Li Lin looked forward and saw the fellow students he was patrolling—all of them were nervous, as if they were afraid that these passersby would suddenly attack them.And this kind of worry is not without reason, after all, it is not far from the "underground street".

No, it should be "underground passage" to be more precise.In the main underground street, the place where people live is actually under the inner wall of the royal capital, not here.There are only passages leading in all directions in the underground of this Stobes district.However, there may also be many crimes hidden in these passages, so even if the military police did not see the criminals running inside, they would not go down to investigate.

Otherwise, if he died inside, no one would know, and no one would investigate the matter.

Just like "Kenny the Throat Cutter", he killed hundreds of military police, but nothing happened, and he became the immediate boss of the most elite military police.

It can be seen from this that the government does not care about the life and death of these military police, and the military police are not fools, so they naturally turn a blind eye to those prisoners with high risk.The best you can catch, it doesn't matter if you can't catch it.In any case, it is the attitude of "the people do not raise officials and do not investigate".

However, this is better.

Li Lin thought to himself: Because of this, there are so many criminals hidden in the walls of Xina.And these people are also the capital he uses to emerge.

One day in the future, the criminal finally recalled the terror of being dominated by the gendarmerie and the humiliation of being locked up in prison.

Criminals, your days are over.To ask why, because I am here.

Chapter 047: The Duties of the Military Police

In the dormitory, Christa lit an oil lamp and watched with a newspaper at the table.Ymir on the bed beside him was lying on his side, leaning on his head with one hand, and his slender eyes looked at the girl who was fighting at night.

"Hey, Krista, didn't you read it during the day?" Ymir said, "Are you reading some homework? You have to review it again."


Krista obviously didn't listen carefully, nodded perfunctorily, and focused all her attention on the newspaper.

Their Survey Corps is not a place that is isolated from the world, and naturally they can read the newspapers.So yesterday everyone was shocked when they saw the newspaper that Li Lin was received by the king.What surprised them even more was that the latter actually participated in the recapture of the Wall of Maria!

They knew how cruel that battle was, but Li Lin never mentioned it to them, which was really strange.After all, if someone else can come back in this battle, it must be a big talk.

However, this also explains why Li Lin is not in the top ten and can still enter the military police regiment. It turned out that he was specially recruited because of this incident.

"Okay, go to sleep, we have to train tomorrow." Ymir lay down.

Krista gave a "yes" and folded the newspaper and put it away.Then he lay down on his bed.As soon as his head touched the pillow, a strong sense of exhaustion swept through his body.

After a day's training, these recruits are indeed a bit unbearable - different from the training corps, the survey corps has a much more intensive training, and because the recruits will also participate in the survey outside the wall a month later, so their training is even more difficult. Work overtime.

When the physical training reaches the limit, the theoretical combat knowledge is changed immediately. After the theory is completed, the physical strength is restored and the combat training starts again.All in all, there is hardly any time to rest throughout the day.And these days will last for a month, so you can imagine how much the recruits complained.

Christa thought: I wanted to take advantage of one day a week off to see how Li Lin was doing, but now it seems that I have no time.

She thought pessimistically.

Earlier, Colonel Erwin said that the death rate of recruits was 3%, which meant that in the investigation outside the wall a month later, he might also die outside.I'll never see him that way... but he should be safe in the gendarmerie and not in any danger.

That's good... Christa thought, closed her eyes and slowly fell asleep.


early morning.

"Get up and get ready for work."

Li Lin said while wearing his clothes, and several people in the same dormitory also followed after hearing the sound, and they were all dressed up after a while.

He took the people out, and several female soldiers had already come outside, and when they saw Li Lin, they all saluted.Only Ani glanced at him lightly, as if he didn't care about you.

"All stand."

Li Lin said that the so-called "official and university level crushing people" is no joke.Even if he is only a team captain now, the recruits dare not disobey him.Otherwise, you will suffer.

After all, the whole system is like this. If your recruits can challenge the squad leader, wouldn't the squad leader be able to challenge the squad leader?The captain will challenge the sub-team leader?The sub-group leader challenges the group leader?

This is messed up.Therefore, what is implemented in the army within the wall is the absolute obedience doctrine of "soldiers take obedience to orders as their vocation".

"We also met each other yesterday. If nothing else happens, we will always fight side by side in the future. Therefore, there is no need to be cautious and polite. Doing your job well is the most important thing."

"Captain Li Lin, what are we going to do?"

Li Lin glanced at the questioner and said, "We are military police, and our duty is to protect the lives and property of the residents. Therefore, those thieves, robbers, and murderers are all our enemies, and it is our job to eliminate and arrest them. "


After hearing this, everyone looked at each other in dismay. Obviously, there was a lot of criticism in their hearts, but they didn't dare to say it.

"I'm going to get some information now, you stand by where you are." Li Lin said.

He knew that these guys were dissatisfied, and that was normal.After all, the purpose of most people coming to the Military Police Corps is to enjoy happiness, that is, to do nothing to pay white-collar wages, and to be a rice bug.So at this moment, his workaholic attitude made them a little at a loss.

At this moment, as soon as he left, everyone immediately whispered.

"It seems that our Captain Li Lin loves his work." A gray-haired girl said to Marlow beside him, "It's really weird."

"Xiqi, what are you talking about!" Mallo glared at her with dissatisfaction when he heard the words. His relationship with Li Lin in the past two days has made him agree with the latter, because unlike others, Li Lin will not laugh at his ideals. Instead, he encouraged him to do it down-to-earth.

"Li Lin is also for our own good." Mallo said, "If we catch more prisoners, the credit will definitely rise faster!"

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