I Live Forever in Memory

Page 78

"That's right! That's how it should be!" Mallo looked at Li Lin's figure with some admiration. "These 'meat eaters' deserve to die!"

Ani also turned his head and took a deep look at Li Lin. After a long time, he said softly, "...Mallo, are you sure he won't become the new 'meat eater'."

Note 1: The original text of Master Jin's "Deer and Ding Ji" is as follows:

"When all the girls saw Wei Xiaobao being held hostage by him, they were all frightened and didn't know what to do. Princess Jianning cursed loudly: "What are you, how dare you be so rude?Drop the knife quickly! "The wind snorted and ignored it. He once accompanied Wei Xiaobao to escort her to Yunnan to get married. He knew the princess and did not dare to contradict her.

The princess was even more furious when she saw that he ignored him. Except for the Queen Mother, the Emperor, Wei Xiaobao, and Su Quan, she paid no attention to anyone else in the world. The head fell in the wind.If it were another woman, he would have kicked her down already.But it was the emperor's royal sister and the princess with golden branches and jade leaves who came with the knife. All he wanted was to make merits and promotions and serve the royal family. How could he dare to offend the princess?Just dodge for now.

The princess scolded: "You stinky son of a bitch, stand still and don't move! I want to chop off your head, why are you stinking around, always telling me that I can't hit? I'll tell the emperor's brother, put You have been slashed with a thousand swords!"

In the midst of the wind, I was taken aback, thinking that this woman can say it, she can do it, she and the emperor are brothers and sisters, and she is just a little military officer with sesame and mung beans, how can she beat the princess?However, to follow her instructions, hold her stinky head steady, and let Her Royal Highness's precious hand-held knife cut it, it seems that it is always difficult to obey. (Shuang'er later took the opportunity to rescue Wei Xiaobao and shot Fengjizhong to death.)

To quote the evaluation of writer Zhang Jiawei:

Such a hidden book, hidden from Wei Xiaobao, the most outstanding spy in Jin Yong's novels.No one can get rid of him, only the most useless Princess Jianning.It wasn't Jianning who got him, but the word "Princess".

Of course, it's not the word princess. In the end, it's nothing more than one word: official.

Linghu Chong is handsome, Xiao Feng is resolute, Guo Jing is thick, and Yang Guo is willing to die for love.So these people are the protagonists, and if they have no desires, they are just right.

In the wind, he is also calm, intelligent, and decisive.In this way, Wei Xiaobao can be deceived, Chen Jinnan can be deceived, and all the characters in the book can be ignorant. The perfect spy, who can handle Wei Xiaobao, a big spy, is Mission Impossible himself.

But ah, when I became an official, I had the habit of officialdom and the desire of officialdom, so even Princess Jianning, who was a big straw bag, had no way to deal with it.This is Jin Yong's most ironic episode.

"If it were another woman, he would have kicked her down already... I am just a little military officer with sesame seeds and mung beans, how can I beat the princess?"

This absurd statement, carefully scrutinized.An official word, how many heroes and heroes have been killed through the ages?

(Extracurricular reading haha, don't mind everyone, but the author thinks that Mr. Jin's level is really high, so he couldn't help posting it.)

Chapter 057: Funeral

The whole thing took two days to solve. After all, not only the robber was involved, but also a captain who had been in the military police regiment for eight years.His exposure to colluding with robbers also alarmed many people.

However, the sub-group leader kept it clean. There was only Walter’s affairs in the ledger, and there was no word from the sub-group leader at all. Obviously, he didn’t participate in it himself, and just let Walter do it.In this way, he won't be linked if something goes wrong, and Li Lin can't do anything about it.

In addition, when Li Lin and his party went back, they were already ordered to arrest them. However, because there is practical evidence, and this evidence has been invited by many people on the way back, it has even been seen by reporters who have heard the news. .So the captain's behavior is already a sure-fire crime.

So the sub-group leader had to report the matter, and added some of his own opinions, but the above reply was beyond his expectations.

Originally, he thought that even if the captain died without proof, the person was definitely not killed by a robber.It was Li Lin's hand under the mastermind.Even if he doesn't hold the recruits under him accountable, Li Lin must at least be relieved of his post.

However, the reply he expected did not come, and the reply that Nair gave him was to remain the same, as if nothing was wrong.This is obviously strange.And Nair specifically indicated in his reply that he had the reference of President Zackley, so the sub-group leader also guessed in his heart: Could it be that Li Lin and President Zachary have friendship?

If there is such a relationship, then he really can't touch Li Lin.Not only can't move, but try to have a good relationship with him...

So, there is the invitation letter in Li Lin's hand at this moment.

"The Strassman family cordially invites you: Mr. Lilyn Kafka to the banquet tomorrow at 3 pm. Please wear formal attire and look forward to your arrival. - Elliot G. Strassman "

"The Strassman family?!" Marlow, who was in the same dormitory, also saw this invitation, and looked very surprised.

"You know this family?"

Although Li Lin knows some of the main lines of the plot, the rest is basically ignorant of the inner world.

There are not many families who appear in the comics, and most of them have been taken by Facebook.But in this "reality", there are hundreds of families in the walls. These guys are no longer a series of numbers in the comics, but real ones - they often ride horses and carts on the street to the military police. It's these guys who are bothering them.

"Of course I do!" Mallo took a breath and looked at the gilded invitation, his eyes a little hot, "He is the chairman of the Marlian Chamber of Commerce, and Marlian is the largest chamber of commerce in our Stobbes district!"

"Tell me the details."


Mallo organized the following language: "This chamber of commerce used to be specialized in buying and selling things, selling things from Maria's Wall to Sheena's Wall, earning a high price difference! But... Maria's Wall has fallen. After that, the business of their chamber of commerce has shrunk a lot, but they are still very rich, but I don't know how to make it."


"Also, the Marlian Chamber of Commerce is one of the largest taxpayers in the Stobes district, so in many things, the gendarmerie will give them a 'convenience' for the Chamber of Commerce."

Li Lin understood what this meant, and glanced at him curiously: "Mallo, you and I are recruits at the same time? You are so familiar with these things."

"Uh..." He scratched his head: "I usually know about it occasionally. After all, if you want to climb up, you will have to deal with these people in the future." He said, looking at Li Lin enviously: "But Li Lin, with your words, you have already received their active invitation!"

"Is there anything to be happy about, there is no good banquet."

"Don't say that, it's good to know some families, so that they will support you in the future." He suddenly remembered something as he said, "By the way, 3 o'clock in the afternoon seems to be... Baker and Wilson's funeral."



As a soldier, you can be buried in a soldier's tomb after death.Of course, if family members have objections, they can also take them away and bury them.

The two people who died this time, Wilson had no relatives and no reason, but Baker had both parents and a seven- or eight-year-old younger brother.At this moment, the parents have arrived, tears are streaming down the tomb, and the little boy is standing aside, staring blankly at the stone with his brother's name written on it, as if he can't accept this.

"poor thing……"

The recruits on the side couldn't help but feel the same way. Several people thought in their hearts, if they were killed this time, their parents would be like this.

"That group of robbers is so hateful!"

"It's all Walter's fault..."

"Of course! That guy doesn't need it!"

"By the way, isn't the captain here yet?"

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