I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 18

The commercial street full of sunset is spacious and clean.

The smell of takoyaki and crepes filled the air.

This commercial street is closer to Hualing High School. After school, you can often see high school students wearing student uniforms in this activity.

A clothing store on the side of the road.

Four high school girls came out from the door.

The three walked in front, talking and laughing, and the one followed at a distance, silent.

The three girls in front are very well dressed. Beautiful light makeup was applied on the face, and beautiful decorations such as necklaces, rings, and earrings were worn.

As for the one following behind, her makeup technique is a little immature, and her appearance is also ordinary. A pair of slightly rustic black round-frame glasses occupies most of her face.

The girl's name is Sayuri Ishino.

Most people's first impression when they see Ishino is the earphone-like instrument on her ears.

It was a hearing aid.

Sayuri Ishino has a relatively serious hearing problem, which is congenital. Without the help of equipment, she cannot hear the sounds around her clearly.

Living and studying with a hearing aid since she was a child made her look special among children of the same age.

No one has it, only she has it.

That would be too abrupt, too out of place, wouldn't it?


A girl named Sha Hui was walking in front, so she turned around and called her loudly.

"Yes." Shi Ye responded, and immediately took two small steps forward.

The hearing aid on her left ear had a slight electric sound.

In the past two days, this hearing aid occasionally has such a situation, which is probably caused by aging parts or poor internal contact.

When you have time, maybe you should go to the hospital for an examination.

"Sayuri, my boyfriend plans to come to the school for a test of courage next Wednesday night. Go to the third floor of the teaching building on the west side, the women's toilet where Hanako is said to appear, do you want to join us?"

When Sha Hui said this, the "H" shaped pendant on her chest was dazzling.

"That, I..."

Ishino himself didn't want to go.

A campus with no one at night, a toilet that is said to be haunted.

This kind of thing is scary no matter how you think about it, right?

But she didn't know how to refuse, after all, it was an invitation offered by Sha Hui.

Kawano Shahui, she is the most popular girl in the class, and the other two girls who play with her are similar.

Ordinary, even a bit rustic Sayuri Ishino followed them, just like a dusty, dirty little dog following behind a pet dog with bright fur.

Obtrusive and out of gregarious.

But even a humble little dog is eager for a friend.

As long as you can be friends with Sa Hui and the others, you will be like them, right?

Become a popular girl, receive a love letter in the shoe cabinet, and hear a confession by the artificial lake.

Girls who are in adolescence, who would not yearn for these?

"Come together, Sha Hui's boyfriend will bring the handsome guy in their class." The remaining two girls yelled to chime in.

In fact, the so-called test of courage is just like this.

Who really cares if someone is more daring in a test of guts?

Will not.

Adolescent boys and girls just want to go to places that are said to be scary and spooky with the opposite sex in the name of testing their courage.

In the terrifying and hormone-filled atmosphere, there is reason to hold hands, hug, and even use the influence of the suspension bridge effect to have mutual affection.

"Actually, I..." Sayuri was still hesitating.

"Xiao Baihe, if you don't come, we will be very lonely." Sha Hui interrupted her words with a smile.

"Yes, yes." The other two girls were also enthusiastic.

"Then I... I will come." Sayuri Ishino finally agreed while biting her lip.

There is still no way to refuse Sha Hui and the others.

Seeing Ishino nodding, the girls all laughed.

The rays of the sun gathered, and the four high school girls walked towards home facing the dim light.

It was still Kawano Shahui and the three who were in front, talking and laughing all the way.

Wearing a hearing aid, Sayuri Ishino followed behind, like a gray puppy.

Obtrusive and out of gregarious.


early morning.

Weird world.

The northern area of ​​the Hualing School, the periphery of the teaching building.

Kamiyagawa held the [Blooded Hatchet] and tiptoed towards a single headless DK with his back turned to him.

In the few days after getting the Duocheng Noble Phantasm, Shen Guchuan has almost figured out the habits of the Xiqi boys in the school.

Although these monsters don't have eyes or even heads, they have similar visual field judgments.

Simply put, approaching them from the front has a different effect than sneaking up on them from behind.

From the front, at a distance of about ten meters, you will be noticed by the Xiqi boys.

But if you go through the back door, as long as your movements are gentle enough and your posture is low enough, you can get close to a position three steps away without being noticed.


The lonely headless DK was crying with a vocal organ hidden in an unknown part of his body.

Crying and crying, she finally became aware of the strangeness directly behind.

Just at the moment it was about to turn around.

Kamiyagawa, who was already close to the limit distance, suddenly exploded!

With the help of the improved body coordination ability from the training [Nodachi Self-Showing Flow], Kamiyagawa held the handle of the hatchet tightly with both hands, and stabbed forward with one stride!

The gleaming blood-stained knife tip pierced the skin, sank into Boy Xiqi's lower back, and hit the kidney directly!

A weapon effect called [Kidney Slam] that brings massive extra damage!


The empty cranial cavity of Xiqi Boy let out a small mournful cry, twisted and turned into light gray smoke, which dissipated without a trace.

As if it never existed.

[Kill Xiqi boy and get 2 soul crystals! ]

A text prompt pops up on the phone.

This is a one-hit kill!

"The blood-stained hatchet, the god of the novice stage!"

Kamiyagawa withdrew his knife with a little satisfaction, and looked for the next single target.

In fact, as early as the second day after getting the [Blooded Hatchet], an excellent weapon, Kamiyagawa excitedly boarded the game to test the damage——

He first took a hatchet and went to find the headless JK in the cherry blossom forest, and continued a fair 1v1.

This solo was very successful.

A hatchet is not a wooden stick, every slash can cut into the meat.

Although the short hatchet is far from the Nodachi in terms of length, Kamiyagawa has not fully exerted his proficient [Nodachi Self-Display Style] strength.

But it can be regarded as usable. After being scratched four or five times by the headless JK, he completed the killing of this old enemy.

After winning the lottery, he even had the energy to single out two headless high school students who were singled out, and harvested a total of 6 soul crystals.

In the end, in the fourth match, because of lack of physical strength and vitality, he lost with hatred and went offline in shame.

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