I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 576 Taking out the box

Kanoya squatted down and looked at the dark red box up and down: "Master, could this box be the one from Akimichi's house?"

As soon as Xiaolu and Ms. Shiomi arrived at the Akimichi hotel, they went to look for the box that could summon a train in the utility room, but they couldn't find it.

Later, I heard from Akimichi's father that he hadn't had time to deal with it yet.

Originally, both Kanoya and Ms. Shiomi thought that the box disappeared because the train was canceled.

But that doesn't seem to be the case now.

"That's it. After you finish treating the train, I will go... Well, I mean, I will send Obara to take away this box as soon as possible." Kamiya nodded.

"Oh, okay."

Kanoya said to his heart that Sister Ohara stayed with him afterwards, so there was no time to get the box first.

Master must have picked up the box himself.

However, the master seems to want to maintain the setting of "as a master, I really didn't go to Hakkoda myself. You took the train yourself, and you did very well independently."

After all, everything I said before has been said.

Maybe he wanted to show that he didn't dote on and worry about his apprentice so much?

But this is not another kind of doting.

Moreover, judging from the current situation, Kanoya knew that Kamiya had personally gone to Hakkoda once, and Kamiyakawa also knew that Xiaolu knew this, but for Kamiya's face, the two masters and apprentices tacitly understood it.

"But, Master, is this thing dangerous? Why do you pick everything up at home?" Lu Yeya subconsciously moved a little away from the dark red box, "Oh... I mean, why did you let Sister Ohara take it away?" Did you pick this up?"



Kamiya raised his hand and tapped his apprentice on the head.

"What do you have to be afraid of? You killed all the trains summoned by this box with your own hands."

"Yeah... that's right." Luyeya kept squatting and raised his hand to rub his head, "But, Master, what exactly is this box?"

"Get the box."


What's this?

Why does the name sound so cute?

"It's not a bird, it's a [child] [take]."

In Japanese pronunciation, the pronunciation of "Zitu" is similar to that of "小鸟".

And because the word "Ziqi" is too uncommon and not many people know its meaning, most people will think of it as a "bird box" when they hear the name of this box.

Later, rumors also appeared in folk communication, and the Zitue Box gradually got another name like "Bird Box".

As for the true meaning of "Zi Chu", "Zi" refers to "child", and "Zi" means "to kill".

Killing is a kind of evil magic that causes people to die painfully through curses.

That is the art of curse killing.

From this, the meaning of the self-pickup box becomes obvious.

"An evil thing that curses children? So, Akimichi's father opened it and it was fine, but Akimichi opened it and attracted the train?"

Xiaolu probably understood something, and silently moved from the front of the box to behind Kamiya.

She feels that she is now 15 years old and has to go to the pediatrician for medical treatment, so she should still be in the category of a child.

"It can be understood this way. Generally speaking, the curse-killing effect of the Ziqi box will be reflected on women and children, and adult men are relatively difficult to be affected. However, this set of boxes is not complete now. When it is complete and the effect is full At that time, perhaps any living creature within a radius of thousands of miles or even further will be directly cursed to death by it, and no grass will grow, without exception."

"Hey! Is it really okay to put such a scary thing in our home?"

"It's incomplete, don't worry. The details were told to me after the appraisal. I brought this box to her before. She said that this set of boxes was once a top-notch curse."


Master, if you say this, I will be even more worried, okay?

Kamiyagawa: "But everything that was once contained in this set of boxes is no longer there, and has been opened before - I mean, it was opened long before Akimichi and his daughter. The curse inside has expired, but the remaining The box can still be regarded as a very powerful prop material. After all, it has sealed a top-level curse and is now a top-level curse container. So, don’t worry."

"...Master, you finished what you said in one breath, it's true." Kanoya, who was huddled behind Kamiya, poked his head out again, "But, what does 'what's inside' mean? Anything other than a curse." ?"

"Well, those 'things' that make curses."

Regarding how the sub-box was made, this was naturally what Sister Kaku told Kamiyagawa——

First, the female animal blood must be poured into the prefabricated box.

It can be any animal, but not human.

And it is best to use larger animals, because in the first step of making the box, it needs to be filled with animal blood and left to stand for a week. During this period, the blood cannot dry up, so the demand for blood is very high.

After completing the first step, the next step is the ceremony and placing the body part of the "indirected" child into the box.

The so-called "Jianyin" should originally be an agricultural term.

It means "to get rid of the weeds".

If a farmer's crop seedlings are too close together, they will compete with each other for nutrients, and the final result will be dead seedlings.

At this time, the poor-growing seedlings inside must be pulled out to ensure that the remaining seedlings can thrive.

The motto for making a child's box refers to "parents killing their children."

In Japan in the old days, especially during periods of famine and epidemics, "indirect cases" often occurred among the people at the bottom.

When the adults in the family don't have enough to eat, the children born have no hope of being fed. Babies born at this time are likely to be "indirected".

It is also possible that when a child was just born in the family, it was still possible to ensure that the family could barely fill their stomachs. However, when the child grew older and was six or seven years old and was not yet able to participate in the labor force, something unexpected happened to the family and the child was lost. Regarding the conditions for raising children, adults may also choose to "introvert" children at this time.

In short, it is just like the original meaning of the word "Jianyin".

In a special period, if the survival of adults who can participate in labor is threatened, then the children who consume "nutrients" in the family will be regarded as "bastards" and become sacrifices to ensure that the labor force can survive.

This kind of thing is unimaginable in modern times, but in old Japan, it actually happened.

It even happened as a matter of course.

The children who died due to "accidental temptation" are the materials needed for Zi to retrieve the box.

A part of the child's body will be sealed in the child's box and solidified into a curse.

Generally speaking, the fingers that lead to the corpse of a child are sealed in the child's box, but this set found in Akimichi's house is quite special. The specific contents are written on the bottom of the box.

In addition, a single child's organ placed in a single box is called a "letter".

Two children are "two letters", and depending on the number of children, it can be "seven letters" by analogy.

The greater the number, the stronger the curse effect.

However, "seven seals" is not the limit. The top curse master can store the body organs of eight children in a single box, which is called "eight seals".

"Bakai" is the most powerful box-retrieval method. Not only can it instantly kill women and children who are close to the box, but the same applies to adult men and other living creatures. As long as they get close, they will be cursed to death.

"Then how many letters are there in this box?" Lu Yewu felt a little horrified, but then he realized something was wrong, "Master, you said that the box is a single box, but is it a set?"

"Yes, a set. There are seventy-seven boxes in this set, large and small, corresponding to all the organs in the human body except the brain. I have confirmed that in these seventy-seven boxes, There were two octavos, four sevens, six sixes, nine fives, eleven fours, thirteen threes, fifteen twos, and seventeen onees.”

Seventy-seven men took out boxes, each took a part of a human body organ, and connected them together to form a set.

It is estimated that the curse master who originally made this set of boxes wanted to make a complete set, so he did not take the fingers, but different body parts.

In the box of the whole set, there are two of the strongest "octavo".

As many as 255 children were used to make this set of curse boxes.

"Then when this box was first made..." Xiaolu's pupils were shocked.

"Probably once it is sacrificed, it will be thousands of miles away." Kamiya shook his head, "I checked the information on Hakkoda. In the Obatazawa area on the outskirts of Hakkoda, there was a residential area nearby in the old records, called Obatazawa. …”

Xiaobinze probably means a stream flowing through the fir forest, hence its name.

But today, this area no longer exists, and its name has been removed from official records in Aomori Prefecture.

According to folklore, at the entrance to this mysteriously disappeared area, there is a decayed torii gate and a stone that looks very much like a skull, with the words "Those who enter from here are not guaranteed to be safe." After entering, you will see ruined houses everywhere, as well as horrific bloodstains...

Kamiya took out his cell phone and pulled out an urban legend and handed it to Kanoya.

It is said that three young men and women once got lost while driving in the mountains of Aomori Prefecture. I came across an old and mottled torii gate deep in the mountains. There were two large rocks under the torii gate, one of which looked a bit like a skull.

The young man driving the car suddenly remembered the legend that "the torii gate enshrined in the skull-shaped rock is the entrance to Kosugizawa."

Out of curiosity, two young men and a girl traveling with them entered Kosugi Ze to explore.

After walking a hundred meters along the torii, an open space and four dilapidated houses appeared in front of the three people. When they walked into one of them, they found a large amount of brown dried blood on the wall.

The men suddenly felt a chill running down their backs.

The girl also screamed: "There is definitely something wrong here, it seems like someone is looking at us and laughing!"

After the three people ran out of the house in panic, they felt an extremely terrifying feeling, as if they were surrounded by many "people". They rushed towards the car, but they couldn't get out of the fir forest like a ghost wall.

We only walked about a hundred meters from the torii gate, so there was no reason why we would get lost.

Afterwards, the girl, who ran slower and got separated from her male friends, successfully found the car.

When she inserted the key and tried to start the car and call for help, the start failed and the car did not respond at all.

She was so anxious that she almost cried, and kept trying to start the car, and just then——

Boom! Boom!

The sound of knocking on the glass came from the windshield. She looked up and saw that the windshield and the doors and windows surrounding the car were filled with red hands, trying to break the window and get in...

"Hmm...Master, I feel like this is more like a created story. It also has the 'final girl' plot that is often found in horror stories."

Kanoya handed the phone back to Kamiyagawa.

After all, this girl had gone through the equally weird Songze Village alone, and had just escaped from the train, so her mental quality was not weak.

Compared with this kind of urban legend, the real background of the production of the sub-box made her more emotionally unstable, but it was not because of fear, but because of the way in which this evil cursed object was made, she felt chilled.

"The story does have traces of creation. But people will create horror stories based on Xiao Binze, which means that this place itself is weird. I checked the information in the countermeasure room and found that Xiao Binze did exist, and on the night a hundred years ago Disappeared in between. It was not because of natural disasters, wars or famines, but it disappeared so mysteriously. After that, no living creatures could come out of that area, and even the exorcists at that time could not get close to it. Light Judging from the information in the countermeasures room, no one knows what happened in that area."

"That is to say, Master, you suspect that this set is used to pick up the box..."

"Well, maybe a hundred years ago, this set of box-retrieving curses killed all living creatures in the Xiaobinze area and turned it into a dead place. As time goes by, the curse sealed in this set of boxes slowly dissipates, and the curse kills all living creatures in the Xiaobinze area. The ability disappeared, and the box left Xiaobinze for some reason and appeared in other areas of Hakkoda."

"Then who put the box into Akimichi's house? Someone wanted to harm their family?"

Kamiya shook his head: "I feel that the box appears more like following the train. The Maki paintings on the box are the same as those on the train wooden carriage. After the curse in this thing dissipated, it was probably possessed by a train. Maybe it was once possessed by a train. It was the ghost of the train ten years ago. Your friend opened the box, activated something, and then completely summoned the current train."

"Oh... Then, Master, what do you plan to do with this thing?"

"I will build a shrine for your Prajna Master."


"This set of boxes has been used to seal the top level of terrifying curses that can instantly wipe out all living beings in an area. Even if the curse inside has expired over a long period of time, the box itself has been exposed to the curse for so long, and it is still a top-level curse container. Prajna absorbed it. Behind Fang Xiang's mask, there is the ability to curse. Satoru has already confirmed that this thing is suitable for splitting into core materials to build a shrine for her."

"Is that so? But Master, why do you want me to say so much?" Xiaolu was confused, "I can't help you build a shrine."

"Why don't you want it? Isn't this your trophy?"


Nominally speaking, the train is managed by Kanoya.

This set of pickup boxes once belonged to the train, but now they belong to the deer.

Although Kamiya took the box away first to prevent the countermeasures room in Aomori from making a profit, but...

This is a temporary way for parents to help their children take care of their belongings.

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