I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 580 The campus is incredible

"Although I could guess that the Devil's Shrine would have problems sooner or later, I didn't expect that it would already have problems..."

Kamiya walked quickly down the mountain path.

The well-meaning wandering ghosts on both sides of the road followed him curiously. After passing the torii gate on the mountain path, they stepped back with a smile and waved goodbye to him.

The conversation with the Guizi mother went very smoothly. Whether it was the power of the Guizi mother or the suggestion of relocating the family, the other party agreed. However, Guizi’s mother made an additional request——

She hopes Kamiyagawa can help her find a Mizuko who escaped from the shrine.

As long as the escaped Shuizi can be found, the ghost mother will fulfill her promise.

The promises given by ghosts are very reliable, and there is no need to worry about the ghost mother going back on her word.

Moreover, just by doing a "finding mission", you can surrender a desert god and a group of water children who look like they can be sent to "child labor" in the Santu River without any blood. It seems to be a good deal.

So Kamiyagawa accepted this commission.

"According to the instructions given by the Ghost Mother, that Shuizi has been on the run for half a month. And the Ghost Mother herself has to control a large number of other resentful Shuizi in the cemetery, making it difficult to escape. At most, she can arrange for the ghosts of those good boys to wander around the surrounding area. Inquiring about the situation... I haven't found it yet, so you have no choice but to entrust it to me?"

"The devil's mother said that the Shuizi who escaped was not a bad boy. Ha, considering her doting personality, I probably can only listen to this sentence."


Considering the large number of water children around the devil mother, their common feature is that they are difficult to convert using flexible means, but not all of them are necessarily malicious and inherently bad. However, the water children carry resentment due to their early death. In addition, they have children's minds, which are chaotic and do not distinguish between good and evil. It is inevitable that their personalities will be distorted.

If you let a water boy move around freely, he will definitely cause trouble.

"Moreover, being able to escape under the nose of the devil's mother means that this water child is probably much stronger than its other companions in the cemetery."

Kamiya continued to climb down the stairs while thinking.

When he reached the bottom of the mountain, his phone rang.

It was a call from the Yamagata Prefecture Countermeasures Office Branch.

"Mr. Kamiya, there have been no Kaidan attacks in the Kitamurayama County area recently... In addition, two days ago, a disappearance of a female high school student occurred in the neighboring Tokai County. An investigation has been opened there, and it has been confirmed that it has nothing to do with Kaidan. .”

After accepting the commission of "finding the escaped Mizuko" from the devil's mother, Kamiya called the countermeasures room of Yamagata Prefecture and asked about the recent situation in Kitamurayama County.

It is easy for a ghost and god disciple who is very popular in the field of spiritual masters to find out this kind of official information.

After the other party confirmed Kamiya's identity, he didn't even ask the reason, and cooperated to contact the subordinate units to confirm the situation.

"Okay, thank you. I will contact you again if necessary."

Kamiya hung up the phone.

There has been no clear ghost attack in Bukmurayama County, but there was a disappearance case recently in the neighboring Baohai County.

According to the report from the Yamagata Prefectural Countermeasures Office, this disappearance case is not a strange incident.

In other words, there is a high probability that Shuizi who escaped has not hurt anyone.

"No matter what, it's better to find that Shuizi quickly."

With this thought in mind, Kamiya arrived at the road at the foot of the mountain, walked back to the waiting ghost car, and summoned the scouts at the same time.

"Little old man, Dashi, let's work."

1 pm.

At the foot of Oishida Mountain in Hokumurayama County.

Three junior high school students in casual clothes met here.

Two boys and one girl.

They are students of Kitayama Middle School, and they are all members of the school news club, headed by the president, Shimazaki Yamazaki.

Today is Saturday, so students naturally do not go to school.

The members of the news agency are preparing the next issue of school news these days.

But there’s not much news worth reporting about a school.

Under Shimazaki's suggestion, they are preparing for the entire big issue this time——

Explore and decipher campus urban legends.

In Japan, it seems that many schools have some urban legends spread around them.

But the content is mostly commonplace.

What about the 13th step of the stairs, the Hanako in the toilet, the unplayed piano in the music classroom, the Beethoven sculpture with moving eyes, etc.

Students in Beishan Middle School occasionally tell strange stories of this type.

However, the strange stories they tell usually focus on the abandoned old school buildings.

This brings up the situation of Beishan Middle School.

This national high school has two campuses. The old one is located in Oishida Mountain and was abandoned more than 20 years ago. The new campus is located in the center of the town which is convenient in all aspects.

When the students of Beishan Middle School talk about ghost stories, they always start with -

"Let me tell you, more than twenty years ago, when the old school building was not abandoned..."

The old campus has become dilapidated due to abandonment and neglect.

It has a mysterious quality of its own, and it seems natural that the place where all kinds of strange stories are told is set there.

Moreover, there is a saying among the students of Beishan Middle School that the old school building was abandoned because it was haunted.

However, Shimazaki Okaji specially conducted research and consulted some local information for this news topic of "Campus Ghost Stories". What is certain is that this rumored statement is actually just groundless.

The old school building was abandoned simply because of normal administrative planning.

In addition, Shimazaki didn't think that any supernatural events would really happen when he went to the old school building to collect materials. How could those old ghost stories be true?

His original intention was to go there and take some photos, and then discuss in a news feature how the school's mainstream media came into being.

Well, it can be regarded as a scientific report that dispels strange legends.

From this perspective, this news feature is quite interesting.

Shimazaki Okaji held a Sony A7 camera in his hand: "Everyone is here, let's go? While it's still early, after exploring the old school building, I'll treat you to dinner."

"Wait a minute, Bando-kun hasn't come here yet." Chinatsu Hamaka, a girl in the team, waved her hand.

"Bando? Oh, you seemed to have mentioned that he would come too."

"Yes, I made an agreement with him yesterday when school was over."

The Bando mentioned by Chinatsu Hamanaka is also another student of Kitayama Middle School and is not a member of the news agency.

President Shimazaki also recently got to know each other through Hamaka.

It seemed that he was a boy who was one level below them and had not been seen much in school before.

I have the impression that he is a rather sinister person, and his face is paralyzed. He always has no expression on his face and speaks very little. There are so many people in the school, and it is normal for a student with such a personality to remain unknown.

I just don’t understand how Hamaka got to know each other.

"Hamanaka, have you made an appointment with that Bando? Why hasn't he come over yet? Is he not coming?" Another boy in the team, Kayo Abe, spoke up.

"No, we agreed."

"Then you give him a call?"

"Ah...I, I actually don't have Bando-kun's contact information."


"Yes! Yes, we just met not long ago." The girl's voice became softer, and her cheeks turned slightly red.

"Then how did you get to know each other?"

"We meet often in the library these days."

"I said, Hamaka, you don't like that Bando, do you? It's obvious that we just met him not long ago."

"No... no!" the girl argued with a blushing face, but did not forget to add, "I'm telling you, although Bando-kun doesn't like to talk, he is actually a very good person, so don't bully him for a while."

"Okay, okay, okay."

The other two boys winked and laughed.

After waiting for a few more minutes, a well-proportioned boy came over from the other side of the road.

"Bando!" Hamaka raised his hand to greet the other party.

Bando came closer and said solemnly: "Hamanaka-senpai. Also Shimazaki-senpai and Abe-senpai, good afternoon."

All three responded in turn.

Shimazaki looked at Bando. Although today was a holiday, he was still meticulously wearing the winter uniform of Kitayama Middle School, and he still had that poker face that was basically expressionless.

He is indeed a bit of a strange person.

But Shimazaki didn't pay much attention to it, as his personality was quite friendly.

"Then let's go to the old school building now."

With everyone present, the students of Beishan Middle School began to march towards the old school building.

An abandoned campus located at the foot of Oishida Mountain, the former site of Kitayama Middle School.

This was once a vibrant place, but it has been abandoned for many years and is now enveloped in an atmosphere of desolation. The buildings are dilapidated, the walls are covered with moss and vines, and the bleak greenery is eating away at the entire campus.

Several students pushed open the rusty iron door and stepped inside.

"Fortunately, I came in the afternoon. I wouldn't have dared to come here at night." Anbe looked around at the condition of the old school building and smacked his lips.

Although it was afternoon and the sun was shining brightly, the depressing and desolate atmosphere inside the abandoned campus still made people feel a little uncomfortable.

"It's a deserted area after all. Who would choose to come here at night?" Shimazaki took the words, raised his camera and took a few photos of the school building, then looked at Hamaka, "Hamanaka, we have to sort it out. Did you bring the incredible stories to be explored?"

"Yes." Hamaka took out a notebook from his bag, "Let me take a look. The first thing is the Beethoven statue in the sculpture room."

It can also be regarded as a classic campus ghost story.

And classic sometimes means old-fashioned.

In other words, the eyes of the Beethoven statue in the sculpture room will move on their own. No matter where you go, you will find that the statue is staring at you strangely.

Several students entered the old school building and found the sculpture classroom by referring to the old house sign.

After rummaging through some dusty sculptures for a while, I actually found a bust of Beethoven.

They placed the statue in the center of the classroom, and Shimazaki took several photos with the camera from various angles.

The statue was dead from beginning to end, and the direction in which its eyes looked remained unchanged.

Look, a strange legend is easily solved.

Won’t there be content to write about in the news reports after I return?

"Although I came with the mentality that nothing would happen, but nothing really happened, I was a little disappointed. Why?" Abe joked in a half-joking tone.

"If it really moves, you will probably run very fast." Hamanaka checked in his notebook, "However, humanoid things are indeed prone to such weird stories. I will write a report later. You can also start from this aspect. According to folklore, human-shaped things are more likely to be possessed by ghosts, which can lead to strange things. In scientific terms, it is the uncanny valley effect. Another incredible thing we are going to explore on this trip The weird story about the 'moving mannequin' is almost the same."

"Human-shaped things tend to attract ghosts. I've heard this saying before." Shimazaki put away the camera and nodded.

"Hey, don't mention things like ghosts and monsters here, right? Keep our original intention and talk about science first." Abe waved his hands repeatedly.

Several students laughed easily.

While chatting and laughing, Shimazaki glanced at Bando.

The boy still stood next to Hamaka with a straight face and said nothing, not knowing what he was thinking.

Such a boring, boring person.

Just like the sculptures here.

Because it was a good start, the students worked hard to explore other incredible stories.

There are about seven strange stories spread around the old school building.

Next, they went to the music room.

The piano that claims to play itself is silent.

So, take photos.

Went to the gym again.

It is said that when there is no one in the stadium, the sound of hitting the ball can be heard.

But after exploring, there is still nothing abnormal there.

So, take another photo.

Shimazaki: "What's next? What's next?"

Hamaka: "Let me see, there are thirteen steps."

The thirteenth step.

It is also a classic campus ghost story, which seems to be found in many schools.

The saying at Beishan Middle School is——

The staircase next to the physics classroom in the old school building originally had twelve steps, but if you count the steps while going up and down, there will be one extra step in the original twelve steps. And those extra steps will probably contain corpses.

Anyone who steps on the thirteenth step will be dragged into hell.

Several students found the physics classroom and first counted the steps. Then Kayo Abe smiled and shook his head: "What? The number of steps doesn't even match. The steps here are obviously fifteen."

But in the spirit of the News Agency, where everyone comes and breaks the weird stories, the students still plan to do something.

In case there is nothing to write about when I go back.

Kayo Abe walked the steps, and Shimazaki himself took the photos.

"Then I'll start."

"Stand a little further, yes, the light is better here. Let's go, I'm ready."







Kayo Abe deliberately slowed down his movements and counted a number every time he took a step.

Only his voice and tiny footsteps echoed in the stair corridor covered with dust and cobwebs.



Soon he reached the top of the stairs.

There is only the last step left in front of us.

Sure enough, there is no extra first level at all.

Anbe, who was still a little nervous at first, relaxed a little and took the final step.




"Eh?" Anbe was suddenly stunned when he reached the top.

Just now...were there more footsteps?

As Abe stopped moving, no sound could be heard in the silent corridor.

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