I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 593: God’s Consumption and Ghost’s Poison Wine

[Item name: Divine Poison and Ghost Poison Wine]

[Quality: No rating for special props]

[Effect: Special divine wine, no problem for people to drink it, only effective on ghosts and gods. When ghosts and gods drink this wine, their strength will be greatly reduced in a short period of time. ]

[Explanation: The Great Bodhisattva Hachiman gave Minamoto Yorimitsu the sacred wine. With the help of this wine, Yorimitsu killed Shuten Doji, the ghost of the great country. ]

"This wine..."

Kamiyakawa weighed the small pottery cup in his hand.

The spirit-convenient ghost-poisoned wine is a divine wine that exists in legends.

Just like the description of the tool appraisal, according to Japanese legend, it was given to Minamoto no Yorimitsu by Hachiman Daibodhisattva.

Hachiman Bodhisattva, Hachiman Daimyojin, Hachiman God.

It has been widely believed in Japan as the god of bows and arrows and the god of martial arts since ancient times. Many warriors in ancient Japan would fly the flag of this god when they went into battle in order to receive the blessing of the god of martial arts on the battlefield. In addition, he is also considered the patron saint of the Genji clan.

It is said that before Minamoto no Yorimitsu went to the Daisho Mountain, he went to worship at the shrine of Hachiman Kami and received the kami-no-gami poisonous wine from the god.

Then, Minamoto no Yorimitsu and his party disguised themselves as travelers and took advantage of Shuten Doji's alcoholic habit to enter the Oni King's palace and drink with Shuten Doji. Annihilated and beheaded Shuten Doji.

"In a sense, the Kamubiki Poison Liquor can be regarded as a special attack on Shuten Doji. But...how could this thing be in Yamao's mansion?"

Kamiya couldn't figure this out.

Could it be said that it was left over from the time when Minamoto Norimitsu conquered Oeyama?

What a thousand years of aging.

"As described in the legend, this sacred wine derived from the God of Hachiman can weaken the strength of ghosts and gods. It seems to be a very powerful one-time use prop. However, Oeyama has already suffered a loss on the sacred wine. I don’t know if the same move will work a second time.”

"Furthermore, the divine wine was found in Shan Nan's mansion... If the mountain demon didn't have some secret intention to conquer his superiors, then another possibility is that this divine wine, which has harmed all the ghosts in the country, may have been used in turn. Did the ghost clan take advantage of it?"

As for Shenbin Ghost Poison Wine, Kamiya was temporarily undecided on how to use it.

But the divine wine itself is a good thing, so let’s accept it first.

After reviewing and tasting Yamao's collection, Kamiya only selected the ghostly relic that might fit Red Deer, and the Shenbin Ghost Poison Wine.

Of course, the one hundred thousand or so soul crystals and other materials must also be accepted.

It's just a matter of course, don't give it up for free.

Moreover, those unfavored materials may be of some use after they are brought back to the forces of Kamiya.

Shannan's basement has more than one room.

It might be too accurate to say it's a room, it should be an area. The entire underground is divided into two areas.

After leaving the storage room with a lot of food, Kamiya took Zashiki and the little old man to the other side.

The presence here has a faint smell of demons and ghosts, and a strong smell of blood.

There were seven or eight naked or half-naked female ghosts and succubi beside the wall, trapped by heavy iron chains and shackles.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, some banshees trembled and looked frightened.

But what's left is more of a dull expression.

When a figure appeared next to the stone door, the imprisoned banshees only saw three strange monsters, the leader of which was a white monster whose appearance was completely unclear.

The one who came was not a fat mountain man like a meat mountain.


The shackles rubbed and flipped on the ground, and the naked succubi moaned hoarsely.

Seeing this, Kamiya raised his hand to cover Zashiki's eyes.

Fu Bao didn't resist, but the sudden blackness in front of her eyes made her flutter her hands twice like a baby bird, and the dull hair on her head swayed in confusion.

"Children don't watch."

Kamiyakawa narrowed his eyes and glanced at the imprisoned banshees.

They are just weird stories that are weak and not worth paying attention to.

There is no valuable geeky talent.

"These belong to Shan Nan..."

Kamiya thought again of the banshee who appeared on the sedan chair with Shan Nan on the edge of the ring and was eaten directly by Shan Nan.

These are probably Shan Nan's slaves, food... and other things.

Kamiya first asked Zashiki to return the golden ball bell, and then pulled out Ichimonji.

Seeing the strange monster reveal its weapon, the banshees began to whimper and beg on the ground. Kamiya didn't pay attention to their actions, and the blade fell, cutting off all the thick shackles on the banshee's body.

"Everyone leave."


The banshees were still at a loss.

"I said, leave. Before I change my mind."

Kamiyakawa turned over the letter in his hand, and the cold sword light swayed in the dim underground prison.

At this time, the female monsters felt like they were being amnesty and rushed out.

"So if you are a ghost general in the country, you can really send out female ghosts and succubi... But why didn't you send them to me?"

Kamiya slowly put away Ichimonji.

After dealing with the situation in Yamao's basement, Kamiya returned to the ground of the mansion.

"Aba whined."

As soon as they arrived near the courtyard, the little old man gave an early warning.


Kamiya narrowed his pupils and looked around.

There are monsters watching here, and there are more than one.

I don’t know if they are from Golden Bear Doji or Star Bear Doji, or maybe they are both.

"As expected, you still don't trust me."

However, the monsters who were watching the house hid outside the house and did not come in.

"I didn't feel any sense of prying eyes when I was underground just now. The little old man's anti-reconnaissance ability is still trustworthy. If the kings' spies don't enter the house, then the underground may be used."

Kamiyakawa wondered whether he should erect a shrine under the Yamao residence again.

In this way, it will be more convenient to enter and exit the country, and it will not easily arouse the suspicion of the kings.

From the perspective of the heavenly kings, Kamiya's return to the living world to rest and recuperate is like "staying in the house and not coming out". He is still in the big country, which means he is still under control.

After all, who would have thought that he could freely enter and leave the inner and outer world?

"Originally, I wanted to expel the wood spirit and the ghosts who carried the sedan chair together. But since the King of Heaven's people are watching... we have driven away those banshees, and then we have also driven out the other ghosts who originally belonged to Shan Nan. If we leave, it may arouse some suspicion, and maybe the spies who are following us will come in and search the mansion. The level of trust between us is already very fragile."

Kamiya thought like this and decided to leave the wood spirits and the bearers behind first.

The wood spirits seem to be quite peaceful at the moment, and they only stay in the courtyard.

And I think these elves are quite interesting, and they can also play horns.

When the two armies were fighting, the musicians were not killed.

It's good for charging.

As for those bearers, they have no sense.

So it won't cause any trouble.

In the great rivers and mountains, sane ghosts have a certain "right to ghost tales", while those without sane status are almost the same as domestic animals.

Either they are labor slaves or they are food for other monsters.

Unlike the Kamiya River side, as long as you work, you will be rewarded. Even the sane Shikijiro people have the opportunity to obtain resources, and then special individuals like "Shikijiro Twenty" emerge from them.

After calmly retracting his gaze from observing the surroundings, Kamiya took the little old man and left the mansion directly without preparing another sedan.

Scouts are his companions who are in front of the country.

Including Zashiki, who had appeared in front of those banshees just now.

Zashiki and the little old man themselves are not the kind of weird people who would cause an uproar when they appear. Anyway, as long as the Aragami shikigami don't show up, the two kings probably won't care too much.

It makes sense for a powerful alien monster to have a few companions around him, right?

I took the scouts and pretended to walk around Dajiangshan City for a long time, but nothing worth mentioning happened during this period.

Furthermore, Kamiya paid close attention to the situation in the palace to the north.

It's heavily guarded there, and the outside is guarded by a group of big ghosts. If Kamiya wants to go in now, it's not easy to infiltrate, so he probably has to attack by force.

As for the little old man's outer body, it was forced by the powerful ghost power in the palace to make it difficult to get close.

"The best situation is to have good dealings with the kings... I mean, have good dealings with Hoshikuma Doji. Then find a logical opportunity to enter the palace."

After going around in circles, staying in Ojiangshan City for a long time as a "curious stranger", Kamiya returned to Yamao's mansion.

The situation in the house was the same as it was before he left, and there was no sign of intrusion from the Heavenly King's eyes peeping around.

The wood spirits just stayed in the courtyard.

Kamiya walked around to the bedroom. After entering the room, he could no longer feel the prying eyes around him.

"Little old man, please stay alert in the room and let me know if anything happens."

After giving such an order, Kamiya re-entered the basement. There he opened the Gao Tian Yuan Shen Tong and withdrew from the ordinary world.

Back to reality, all Kamiya needs to do is simply rest.

The main focus recently must be on the big country.

As shikigami built more and more shrines, they themselves also possessed some "inhuman" characteristics. They could work with high intensity and load, and could stay in the ordinary world for a long time without any problems.

And some things in reality are also helped by the clever Wenche Demon Concubine.

Don't worry too much.

After waking up from the big bed in the master bedroom, Kamiya went to the bathroom to take a shower.

He entered the ordinary world last night, and it was already the dusk of the next day when he came out.

When he left the room, he saw Kuuchang holding a rag and a small wooden basin on his head, standing in the corridor at the door.


"Go in, thank you for your hard work, Guchang."

With the permission of the owner of the house, Shushu entered the room holding the wooden basin.

Lord Kamiya has slept all day and all night, and he wants to help with some simple tidying up of the mattress in the master bedroom.

Keeping your home clean and tidy so that everyone can have a comfortable living environment is a top priority for Rat.

Passing by the study door.

The door to the study room was closed tightly, but Satoru's voice could be heard coming from inside: "Humph! After all, I am the amazing Lady Mary!"

At this point, that kid must be playing tricks on the live broadcast again.

Kamiya didn't go in to disturb her work and went straight downstairs.

In the corridor on the first floor, you can smell the aroma of food, and there is a ping-pong-pong sound in the kitchen. You can hear the collision of spatulas, the sound of water running from the faucet, the sound of the stove burning...

Kamiya took a deep breath.

"It smells pretty good."

Although working behind enemy lines in the mountains and rivers is quite interesting and exciting, it turns out that in reality, home can give him a better sense of belonging.

It seems that just by standing like this, I can feel my whole body being charged.

"Master! You are back!"

After a while, Luyewu Fengfeng rushed out of the kitchen, looking very excited.

This girl has a keen sense of smell derived from the incense magic, so she must have come here by smelling it.


"How is it, how is it? Are things going well in Dajiangshan?" Lu Yewu wiped his face with a hand stained with water, his eyes twitching.

Xiaolu is the only living person who knows what Kamiya is doing in the eternal world.

After all, he is a disciple who lives under one roof and can be completely trusted.

"Not bad." Kamiya patted Xiaolu on the head, "I am now the ghost general of Dajiangshan."

"Oh! As expected of Master! Wait...?"

Kanoya's twinkling eyes became a little dull.

Didn't it mean that the expansion of the country threatened Master's eternal power, so Master went there to find out?

How come at the end of one day, Master went to find another job in what seemed to be a hostile camp?

"That's part of the plan."

Kamiya didn't explain too much to his apprentice, and he didn't plan to stay too long when he returned to reality this time.

Just take a rest, and then seize the time to cooperate with the scout clones of Dajiangshan to re-erect a sacred coffin underground under Shannan's mansion.

"Master said yes."

Xiaolu didn't worry too much.

Master must have a reason for doing this!

"Master, you have been to the other world for a day and a night. Are you hungry? Sister Wenche and I have prepared dinner. Do you want to eat together?" Lu Yewu changed the subject.

Because when Kamiya was active in Dajiangshan, Prajna was always attached to him.

Xiaolu has to take care of the food problem at home.

Therefore, Xiaolu, who returned home from training, and Bunche Yafei, who returned home from work, made dinner together.

"Is there anything convenient to eat? I have to go out again."

"Rice ball!" Xiaolu raised his index finger, "I just made a tuna rice ball."

"Okay, that's it." Kamiya nodded, took out something from the [Mirage Cloth Bag], and handed it to his apprentice, "Take this."

"Master, what is this?"

Kanoya lowered his head and looked at the extra things in his hands in confusion.

It was a bunch of animal hair with mixed colors, and the smell was a bit unusual.

"It's a relic left behind by a monster named 'Ama'. It might be suitable for Red Deer."

This relic is the one Kamiyagawa picked out from Yamao's private collection——

Ah Mang, a traditional Japanese folk tale.

People generally describe this kind of monster as a "dog-faced human body".

It is said that once a person is possessed by the monster "Ama", he will become busy inexplicably and never stop for a moment. But it looks like he is busy and tired, but in fact he has no idea what he is busy with.

Just doing meaningless and useless work.

But even so, once they calm down, the person affected by Ah Mang will feel as if they have done something wrong and be full of guilt.

That kind of meaningless hurried labor will bring an inexplicable sense of peace to those involved.

In the past, the Japanese believed that hard work and thrift were an absolute virtue that did not need to be debated. However, in real life in modern society, there is another indisputable fact: people face anxiety and uneasiness in their hearts when facing survival, their own desires, and the future.

This sense of anxiety and uneasiness drives people to be busy in the high-pressure modern society.

If the monster "Amaung" was not too famous, modern society might be suitable for it to be active.

In short, Ah Mang is a very strange little monster, and may be compatible with the equally strange red deer.

Busyness makes people blind, and red deer makes people stupid. (End of chapter)

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