I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 605 Make a vow to me

Something is definitely not quite right.


A deafening loud noise interrupted the confrontation between Kamiyagawa and Ibaraki Doji.

The terrifying sound that came from nowhere was enough to make the world tremble. The sound penetrated into the strange space that overlapped the basement and the Live Fish Hotel. The sound wave shook and shook. The next second, everything around him fell into a brief dead silence, followed by a tinnitus-like buzzing sound that echoed in the air.

"What did you do!?" Ibaraki's eyes, which were lying on the ground, were blood red, burning with angry flames, like boiling oil being poured on them, hissing in her heart, and every nerve in her body was screaming. This anger trembles.

Those angry eyes want to eat the opponent alive.

Is this another trick?

Tune the tiger away from the mountain?

"Me? I haven't had time to do anything yet."

But even Kamiyagawa himself felt surprised by the sudden change.

"Aba whining! Aba whining!"

At this time, the little old man's body appeared on Kamiya's shoulder and spoke anxiously to his master.

This scout knows how to avoid harm. Normally, he would not even release his clone on a dangerous battlefield, but the situation now is special.

"You said...the snake god broke through the palace in the north? Appeared directly in Dajiangshan City?"

Kamiyagawa understood the report of the little old man.

This was something he didn't expect.

For a moment, Kamiya suspected that he had destroyed the barrier of Ibuki Daimyojin last time with the Ame no Oubari, leaving some hidden dangers that caused the snake god to suddenly escape from trouble.

But the little old man then truthfully recounted the real-time situation observed outside, and quickly rejected this conjecture——

The one who released Shuten Doji's true form was not his own side, nor the ghost clan, but the actions of a suspected third-party force.

Are there any third-party forces in Dajiangshan?

Could it be that Ibaraki is the Japanese warrior I just mentioned?

This Kamiyagawa is a little unhappy. I haven't had time to do anything yet. Why did a third party come out to pick peaches under my nose?

It’s so unruly!

He still took advantage of the opportunity he had to hold back Ibaraki Douji.


Another huge explosion was heard from Dajiangshan City outside and entered the closed battlefield.

Amidst the noise this time, Kamiyakawa really felt a familiar aura, the same feeling that the snake god gave people last time, but in addition, it seemed to be mixed with some other things.

"Dajiangshan seems to be in trouble, but everything now has nothing to do with me." Kamiya confirmed the situation outside, quickly weighed the pros and cons in his mind, and then turned to look at Ibaraki, "Let me reiterate, the Japanese I told you It really doesn’t matter if you build your life, I came from Gaotianyuan.”

"let me out!"

Ibaraki suddenly arched his body and rushed towards Kamiya like a wounded and trapped beast.

This was a desperate charge. Her figure drew a dazzling light path among the chaotic black lines of the hotel. The heavy half of the shackles on her left hand shone with cold light, like the scythe of death.

But it was clearly a simple forward move, but her actions were strange and disrupted by the chaotic hotel space.

In addition, he was surrounded by a group of wild gods.

The attack was destined to be in vain.


A short but fierce sound of metal collision echoed.

Oni's hand waved Onikiri, blocking Ibaraki's blow that was difficult to hit the target, and cracks appeared on the heavy shackles.

"How dare you, how dare you!?"

Ibaraki Doji's breathing was rapid and heavy. Her only left hand was tightly clenched into a fist, her knuckles turning white from excessive exertion. Humiliation and frustration seemed to be going to her head again.

To this day, she still finds it difficult to accept it.

It was difficult to accept that the right arm he had lost was being waved loyally for the enemy in front of him, against himself.

That was originally part of my body!

"Calm down, Ibaraki, your biggest enemy right now is not me." Kamiyakawa sheathed his sword again and shook his head towards Ibaraki Doji.

"I told you to let me out!"

"Then just charge over again. We'll keep fighting like this, and then your empire will be over."

Of course, Kamiya would not tell Ibaraki that the live fish hotel where she was trapped actually had a few minutes left to exist.


The eyes of the Ghost of Rashomon became glazed over, and her left hand was unable to hang down. She made a difficult grunt in her throat, but she did stop attacking again.

The smell outside is unmistakable.

The crazy ghost king got out of trouble.

Appearing in this form, the Ghost King of Dajiangshan has no distinction between friend and foe at all. He is likely to destroy the entire Dajiangshan.

If you continue to be trapped here... everything will be over.

"You seem to be a little more awake." Kamiya nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, I'll let you go out to save Dajiangshan, but you have to agree to my conditions. You probably don't want to see Dajiangshan completely destroyed."


"Don't get excited. After all, I am not a member of Dajiangshan. The chaos here has nothing to do with me. It is even a good thing for me. From my perspective, I will interrupt your remaining limbs now and use the chaos to It’s not impossible to kidnap you, and it seems good to really treat you as a slave when the time comes.”

In fact, the crazy snake god escaping from trouble is also a potential threat to Shengu's side.

After all, Dreamland is located in Nara to the south.

If the crazy S-class gods are allowed to operate in the ordinary world, the safety of the paradise cannot be guaranteed.

However, Kamiya still would not say these things in his heart.

"...What do you want?" Ibaraki Doji's sense of shame was not only in his heart, but also permeated his facial features visible to the naked eye.

"It's very simple. According to my observation, both the golden bear and the star bear seem to obey your orders. In other words, you are the talker in the country now——"

Then, Kamiyagawa spoke, word by word, as if he was reading a final verdict aloud.

As he spoke, he stood tall and straight, just standing at the sparse intersection of intersecting black lines, with three colorful colors intertwined on the square mask on his face.

Ferocious, majestic, and sacred.

"Then, make an oath to me, Ibaraki. Make an oath that no ghost or god can break."

Oeyama Castle, outside Inujiro's mansion.

Ibaraki Doji had noticed something was wrong underground in the mansion earlier.

She planned to attack "Inujiro".

Both Golden Bear and Star Bear obeyed her orders and led their men around the mansion, waiting for opportunities.

Once a fight breaks out in the house, they will go to support.

Ibaraki himself, plus two Aragami kings and a group of ghost generals. No matter how hard "Inujiro" fights, he can't create any waves.

This was supposed to be an impossible-to-failure campaign against spies.

The fight in the mansion broke out as expected.

Golden Bear Boy's chains rattled and his eyes were disdainful: "Inujiro really started fighting with Ibaraki-sama. I knew there must be something wrong with that dog demon!"

On the other hand, Star Bear Boy on the side did not speak, but his eyes dimmed, showing a little confusion and frustration.

She would not question Ibaraki's judgment.

In other words, what Xingxiong didn't want to see happened.

Inujiro is really a spy who sneaked into Dajiangshan.

Why is this happening?

That powerful talent, that partner who can drink with him. No matter for Oeyama or Hoshikuma, the appearance of Inujiro should be a joyful thing.

We should be able to become very good friends, just like the stone bears before.

But why is the result like this?

After all, Hoshikuma is still a part of Oeyama. Since Inujiro is indeed an enemy, she will still put aside her personal likes and dislikes and resolutely attack Inujiro.

But then, things developed in a way that neither Golden Bear nor Star Bear could have expected——

In the mansion where fighting aura erupted, countless black chaotic lines spread out.

Black lines outline messy yet clear outlines, messy, gorgeous, and twisted. Like a scrawled, dark, lifeless gongbi painting, it silently and quickly completely covered Inujiro's mansion.

Although Ojiangshan's strange story was surprised, he still tried to break into the mansion.

But the entire house has turned into an incomprehensible space. Stepping into the black line, the damp and moldy smell filled the nostrils. Lights flickered on and off, appearing continuously in four directions, up, down, left, and right, accompanied by an abrupt, constant buzzing noise.

You can also see the burgundy mottled wallpaper constantly pressing in and moving away, the world is spinning.

The ghost stories that rushed into the hotel's affected area seemed at a loss.

They stepped on the black line, only to feel that they were stepping on the wall, on the ceiling, and on the soft carpet like a swamp.

Not to mention entering the underground level to support Ibaraki, they themselves were trapped in the hotel space on the ground and could not escape.

"Is this the method of that dog demon? What a bastard!" The golden bear who stayed outside began to curse.

Star Bear was also uneasy.

Are you still underestimating "Inujiro"?

Was such a strange space summoned by "Inujiro"?

So in this black line space, the invisible place, Ibaraki-sama... what is her situation?

Originally Hoshikuma believed that Ibaraki could defeat "Inujiro".

But now she was a little suspicious.

"Inujiro" is he stronger than Ibaraki-sama?

Could he be Japanese Jianming himself?

But something even more surprising to Star Bear and Golden Bear is yet to come——


The palace in the north of Dajiangshan collapsed, with bricks and wood flying everywhere.

A huge snake tail like a mountain peak swept out from it, thick black scales flashed, steel-hard and dark, closely arranged, shining with a cold metallic luster.

The snake's tail swept across the buildings on the north side of Dajiangshan City, and the red and white lanterns suspended in the air crashed down, quickly igniting the ruins of the buildings.

The furious roars of the giant beasts came from the depths of the collapsed palace, mixed with thick smoke, dust, and strange and shrill wails from all over the city.

"That's Shuten-sama? But...how could it be?"

Xing Xiong's eyes suddenly dilated, and there was no trace of drunkenness on her body at this moment.

Sober and terrified.

"Onmara is cleaning up over there in the palace... No, no, is this also done by Inujiro? What on earth has he done! He released Shuten-sama!?" The golden bear's roar rang in his ears.

At this moment, it seemed that even the battle in Inujiro's mansion seemed irrelevant.

Within the palace, the figure of the snake god emerged and took hold, and the entire city became torn to pieces due to the appearance of this monster.

Those scales with the luster of obsidian pierced the sky, blocking out the sky and rumbling high above the heads of the ghosts such as the Golden Bear and the Star Bear, and shimmering strangely in the sky-high firelight and black smoke.

The sacred snake has only one tail, and part of the end has been cut off, and the wound looks fresh.

But from the middle part of the snake's body, extending towards the head, it is divided into six parts.

It's like this big snake has one tail and six heads.

And where the head should have been, it was tightly wrapped into a ball with black scales, revealing human organs——

Eyes, ears, mouth, nose.

Each organ occupies the position of a snake head, and six fleshy pillars covered with smooth scales below it are entangled with each other, twisting and swinging, staggering up and down.

"That's not Shuten-sama...not exactly."

Xing Xiong had such a judgment in his heart.

The true body of the Dajiangshan Ghost King is a complete big snake, and now this monster with six heads should not be their king.

The Snake God's body has the aura of Shuten, but it seems to be mixed with other things.

However, it is still unclear what was mixed in.

The snake god was entrenched in the half-ruined palace, and most of its body could not be seen clearly. The dark flesh and blood scales blended with the palace, and the two seemed to be integrated into one.


The snake god rushed out from the large mouth of the "head" independently, making an ear-splitting roar. The ghost clan guarding the city gate and the ghosts on the Central Axis Street who had no time to escape were crushed to pieces in this irresistible charge.

Flesh and blood exploded all over the sky, and the central axis street was plowed into a passage of flesh and blood.

The mouth was raised with a roar, and thick gray mist spurted out from the independent mouth, spreading towards all parts of Dajiangshan City.

That kind of divine mist is like poisonous wine to the current ghost clan. Even star bears and golden bears will be eroded if they move in the fog.

"Stop...stop Him!"

Xingxiong was no longer sure whether the monster that rushed out of the palace was still their king.

However, we cannot continue like this.

It cannot be left unchecked.

Otherwise, the entire ghost clan and even the entire country will be destroyed.

Hua Hua——

The sound of the iron chains colliding sounded, and the Golden Bear Boy had already rushed towards the palace.

Star Bear Doji also followed, and her eyes became even darker.

At the moment when he was trying to block the car and prevent the former king from continuing to destroy the country, he thought of Inujiro again.

Did he do all this too?

He wants to use Lord Shuten to destroy the entire country?

Did he originally plan to use all possible means to eliminate us all?

Although it is not clear how he accomplished this, but...

It turns out that in Inujiro's eyes, the ghost clan is also so unbearable. (End of chapter)

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