I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 610 Good luck favors stubborn fools

The Kuzuryu River is no longer peaceful.

The ferocious fight under the water stirred up the undercurrent, and was reflected unabashedly on the river surface.

The turbulent river water rushed wildly, causing huge waves to hit the shore with a shocking sound.

This is the revenge of the little kappa Miyako.

Long before Kamiyagawa sneaked into Oeyama, Miyako brought Oeyama's information back to Dreamland.

After confirming that her good friend Shimai and her favorite paradise market were on guard against this group of youkai forces in Kyoto, the little kappa returned to the vicinity of the Kuzuryu River again.

Miyako’s thoughts are very simple——

Since the blacksmith said that Kawazuru appeared near the Kuzuryu River, she would wait here.

Yamao's troops were originally stationed in the Kuzuryu River area, so Miyako couldn't get too close and could only wander around.

But for some unknown reason, all the garrison troops evacuated after a while.

After confirming that there were really no other strange activities in this area, Miyako took advantage of the situation and entered the water to lurk.

She wanted to at least see her enemy with her own eyes.

As for the complicated changes in the situation in Dajiangshan, this is not within the scope of Miyako's thinking. She is not very good at thinking about things that consume brain power.

Of course, Mimizi missed something.

She didn't expect that Kawazuru had also completed a promotion, and his rating was a big step higher than hers.

The little kappa didn't think about this, she just stubbornly waited in the Kuzuryu River day after day.

Just like her good friend Zimai said, Miyako is a single-minded fool whose brain can only operate on a single thread.

As long as she is determined to do something, she will never give up no matter what.

Then again, because of her contact with Paradise, the current little kappa Miyako can barely be regarded as a believer in Takamagahara's Protestant religion.

After all, it is common to hear the preachers of Krobokuru preach.

In Protestantism, there is a goddess, Miss Mary, who spreads joy and luck and is responsible for anger and punishment.

Miyako sometimes prays to Miss Mary, asking the goddess of luck to bless her to pick up good things while scavenging, and asking the goddess of luck to bless her to avenge the patch-eared dolphins.

Anyway, if you believe in religion and don’t need soul crystals, you should believe in it more or less.

Maybe it’s really the goddess of luck who bless me.

The stubborn little Kappa ushered in her good luck——

Her wait in the Kuzuryu River was not in vain, and she finally waited for her enemy to appear.

When they arrived, Kawazuru was seriously injured and disabled even though he was C-level.

The goddess of fortune is fair, and sometimes good luck favors stubborn fools.

Even if there is only one such opportunity.

The chaotic underwater fight continues.

Sichuan ape bit the turtle shell of the little kappa in one bite.

However, this ape's fangs have been broken and its condition is extremely weak. In addition, Mimiko's hard-shell [Iron Wall Shield] is outstanding among the monsters with the same rating.

So after this bite, only a few messy shallow tooth marks were left on the smooth and hard turtle shell.

Seizing the opportunity to fight, Miyako punched hard.

The small green webbed fist burst out with powerful force. This explosive force was not weakened by the resistance of the water flow. Instead, it was pushed by the water flow and became even faster.


Miyako's fist hit Kawazaru's chest like a torpedo.

The black ape's chest was already collapsed, which was a vulnerable part. The little kappa's punch directly caused a large amount of dark red blood to appear.

The blood mixed with the water and surged up, and the strong smell of blood like rust filled the nostrils of both parties.

Immediately, Sichuan Ape's struggle suddenly weakened...


The waves of the river hit the shore violently, and the pale water waves leaped high, teeth and claws dancing, and it was deafening.

As the last wave subsided, the Kuzuryu River finally became quiet. Only a small area of ​​water near the river bank continued to have a blood-red color rising and spreading.


A wet figure emerged from the shore.

He is small in stature and has light green smooth skin. His face is similar to that of a cat but he has a yellow beak. His hands are like frog webs and he carries a heavy black shell on his back.

Miyako crawled to the shore with some difficulty and lay down on her back, breathing heavily.

"Hiss--it hurts."

The pain in my body was excruciating, as if all the bones in my body were falling apart.

"Why is that smelly monkey so powerful? It's obviously injured like that."

Even if a C-level Kaitan is severely disabled, it is not that easy for Miyako, who is mainly specialized in defense, to defeat the opponent as she has just reached D level.

But in terms of the result, Mimiko still won.

The little kappa will not think about things like "What if the monkey is not injured, I will lose", and he has no fear at all.

It's useless for her to think so much. If she wins, she wins.

After winning the battle and successfully killing Kawazuru, Miyako got some trophies——

The first is the heart of the ape.

The little kappa's last punch hit Kawazuru's chest, directly pinching the beating heart in his chest.

It was with this fatal blow that she won.

However, the moment Kawazuru's heart left his body, it turned into a warm and powerful surge of power and merged into Miyako's arms.

The little kappa now has some knowledge.

Kawazuru's heart may be similar to the small photo she sold to the two imperial sisters last time. It seems to be called a "ghost relic".

There is a strange story about the existence of phase. By absorbing this kind of relic, you can inherit the ability of the relic to produce objects.

As for why Miyako has a compatibility with Kawazu.

Probably because they are all aquatic monsters.

In Japan, kappas and monkeys have always been mortal enemies in folklore. Moreover, in some folk sayings, the two forms will transform into each other. For example, there is a saying that a kappa will turn into a monkey when it gets on the shore, and a monkey will turn into a kappa when it gets into the water.

Maybe even the legend of kappa has a bit of the "water monkey" color in China.

Of course, Miyako couldn't understand this kind of thing. She only knew that absorbing the relic was a good thing.

That's enough.

In the previous battle, the little kappa's left arm seemed to have been broken in the struggle. However, as soon as Kawazu's heart was absorbed, the severe pain in his left arm disappeared and was replaced by the powerful force of the blood. feel.

Therefore, Mimiko probably inherited the strange power of the ape's hands.

In addition to [Kawazu's Heart], the little kappa also got a small pile of soul crystals.

It was all precipitated during the process of the black ape turning into ashes and dissipating.

Being able to squeeze out the maximum amount of soul crystals that can be produced from Kaidan Monogatari's corpse at the moment of his death, and relying on "Kaidan Monogatari" to automatically pick up every single one, is a privilege that Kamiyagawa only has.

Other ghost stories cannot enjoy this special selection.

Miyako carefully collected all the soul crystals before they sank to the bottom of the river bed.

After working in the paradise for so long, the little kappa knew very well that these small gray crystals were difficult to earn, so they must not be wasted.

And then there’s the last piece of loot—

【Kawazu no Shiriko Jade】

What was also produced during the dispersion of the apes was a jet-black spherical jade with a shiny appearance.

After Miyako defeated the enemy, the overall harvest was very good.


The little kappa's yellow beak was half-opened and he continued to breathe heavily.

Those soul crystals and the black jade were scattered on the lawn beside her.

"I won!"

After about half a minute, Miyako sat up from the ground.

She first felt free and happy, as well as extremely relaxed.

The big stone that had been weighing on the little kappa's heart finally rolled down with the death of Kawazu, and rolled onto the deep pool of past memories. It sank deeply, and the heavy weight could no longer be felt.

However, the deep pool called "memory" fell again due to the huge pressure, and the water mist began to rise.

The past of Azuma River, the noisy and carefree daily life with the patch-eared dolphins, as well as the fear and helplessness of being invaded by the Sichuan monkey, filled the heart with the non-existent water vapor.

Gray and wet.

The stirring made my heart feel stuffy and painful.


Miyako finally felt other emotions rising in her chest belatedly.

It was an emotion that had nothing to do with happiness. It filled the chest and spread damply, like an endless rain shower that could never be dried.

The little kappa raised his hand to wipe his eyes in confusion.

"I won! I have always wanted to take revenge... I should be very happy now, and I also got a lot of soul crystals, and... I should... should... ugh …”

As he said this, Miyako's vision gradually became blurred. It was probably because the moist mist in her chest needed an outlet to vent, so it poured out from the corners of her eyes.

As soon as the tears started to flow out, they couldn't be stopped no matter how hard they wiped them away. The tears fell pattering down along the smooth cheeks.

"Did you see it? I won..."

Miyako choked with sobs and shook her shoulders twitchingly.

Then he finally couldn't bear it any longer, raised his head and cried "Wow" loudly.

The little kappa may indeed be a fool, but she is not completely empty-headed.

The wind and waves on the Kuzuryu River were calm, and the river water could not give any response. It just flowed trickling, and the waves gently brushed the shore, and carried the sobs on the shore, whimpering and sobbing into the far distance.

Dajiangshan City.

After the battle with Ibuki Orochi ended, Kamiya allowed Ibuki Doji to drag Ibuki Orochi's broken body back to the depths of the palace as agreed.

Probably went to the shrine inside.

From the looks of it, Ibaraki seems to want to save Shuten-douji, but exactly how to do it and to what extent he can do it is still unknown.

But even if Shuten could survive, he would definitely not be in the form of a god.

Because the big snake separated out its sacred bones when it was dying——

[The broken divine skeleton of Ibuki Daimyojin]

The trinity of "flesh, spirit and bones" of the gods, flesh and spirit are the carriers of the bones. It is obvious that although Ibuki Orochi is still hanging in one breath, the broken body of the god can no longer carry the bones.

Ibuki's divine skeleton is currently being kept by Kamitani River in the form of a trophy.

As for the flesh and blood that was scattered during the battle, of course it was fed to the Inugami in time.

Not wasting is a good family tradition of the Kamiya family.

Ibaraki Doji seemed to accept his fate.

According to her previous oath, as long as Kamiya takes action to help solve the crisis in Dajiangshan, it will have the right to control Dajiangshan to a certain extent in the future.

It makes sense that the sacred bones of Ibuki Orochi are kept by Kamiya as part of Oeyama.

Moreover, Ibaraki Doji was eager to perform the ritual to save the dying Shuten, and he had no intention of wasting time with Kamiyagawa.

Among the techniques that Ibaraki mastered that could possibly save Shuten, the Ibuki Divine Bone was originally going to be removed.

This is part of the so-called "huge price".

How easy is it to reawaken an S-class god who has lost his mind and bring him back to normal?

If it could be done, then Ainu's Acheng Thunder God would no longer have to wish for death.

Weakening the strength of the ghost of Dajiangshan to the greatest extent, and then using magic to regenerate the remaining consciousness of the ghost king, this is probably the method and process that Ibaraki has mastered.

During the time when Ibaraki entered the depths of the palace, Kamiyagawa was not idle either.

He directly erected a Ruyue platform in Dajiangshan City.

Through the Kisaragi train, members of the Takamagahara forces were brought to the Yokai City, which was currently fragile.

Yes, this is a clear change of power.

Kamiyagawa will seize the opportunity to take over and control Oeyama.

Before the collapsed palace on the north side.

The mermaid princess dragged her thin golden long tail and walked up to Kamiya River, bowed and saluted. Then he began to report on the current situation of the country:

"Master. The casualties in Dajiangshan are currently being counted. As for Xie Ji, she has begun to lead the standing army to initially control the order in various parts of the city..."

"Well done." Kamiya nodded, "What about the military situation in Dajiangshan?"

"The troops composed of ghosts have suffered huge losses in terms of generals and soldiers, and have been unable to form combat effectiveness. It should be affected by the fog you mentioned. As for the non-ghost troops, the number of troops has been reduced by at least half."

Isohime continued to explain unhurriedly.

"Well, was there any resistance in controlling these troops?"

"Because of the assistance of Aragami-sama, there was no obvious resistance."

In the process of controlling Dajiangshan, Kamiya's shikigami all participated and assisted. Not only on Crab Princess' side, even if Iso Princess is active in Oeyama City, Inugami will follow her as a bodyguard throughout the whole process.

Kamiyagawa: "Very good. There are many types of ghost tales in Dajiangshan, and many of them have special skills. Later, I'd like you to do some statistics on the number of surviving ghost tales, and extract those useful ghost tales and disperse them to our own territory, and then use them to The local lords manage it.”

"I understand." The mermaid princess bowed her head obediently.

"Also, after we completely control Ojiangshan, we have to consider rebuilding this place. We are not in a hurry for now. Let's take a look at the situation of Ibaraki-douji and Shuten-douji first..."

Kamiya and Isohime talked calmly about matters in the mountains and rivers.

Then suddenly he heard the rattling of chains and an angry roar coming from behind: "Inujiro, what are you doing!?"

When he turned around, he saw the angry Golden Bear Boy and the somewhat dazed Star Bear Boy walking towards this side.

The two heavenly kings in Dajiangshan were both injured to a certain extent, and because they had inhaled the Ibuki divine mist, their auras were confused and weak, and they were generally in a miserable state. (End of chapter)

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