I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 612 Dragon Dog

After the battle at Ojiangshan, Kamiyagawa gained a lot.

Obtained the fragments of the tail feathers of the sky, the sacred bones of Ibuki Daimyojin, and the legendary demon-slaying swordsman Kiriyasu Tsuna. These can be regarded as gains in Oeyama.

As for the shikigami under his command, the one who benefits the most from this is the Inugami.

The dog swallowed a lot of Ibuki-no-Orochi's flesh and blood, absorbing and plundering a large amount of divine supplies and faith power.

So far, among the flesh and blood eaten by Inugami, the highest-ranking parts come from Acheng Raijin and Ibuki Orochi.

Coincidentally, these two gods are the Dragon God and the Snake God respectively.

In Japanese mythology, dragons and serpents have a close relationship.

After swallowing the flesh and blood of the Dragon God and the Snake God, the Inugami seemed to have changed a little. Although it was still a dog, a single horn appeared vaguely in the center of the skull worn on its head. There is also an obvious smell of dragon and snake.

Kamiyagawa was very interested in Inugami's changes and conducted a detailed physical examination for it directly in Ojiangshan.

He is already quite skilled at examining the bodies of shikigami individually.

Nothing but familiarity.

"In what direction is the dog transforming? A dragon dog?"

Dragon dog.

Not to mention, in Kamiyagawa's now erudite knowledge base of folk customs and ghost stories, we can really find existences similar to this.

But that is a totem beast in Chinese mythology——

King Panhu.

The legendary Panhu is a dragon dog, seven parts like a dog and three parts like a dragon, with a sharp horn on its head.

In addition, it seems that Qilin also has other names such as dragon dog.

"If I could eat the flesh and blood of a dragon and snake god, would the dog's changes become more obvious?"

Kamiya speculated in his mind.

Moreover, if Inugami can really transform into a real dragon dog, will it be suitable for the bones of Ibuki Daimyojin?

"If the dog can accommodate Ibuki's divine skeleton...then he will really become the nominal master of Dajiangshan."

Kamiyagawa uses the name of Inugami to move around the mountains and rivers. If Inugami can really become the lord of this monster city in the end, it will be a bit like a prophecy.

However, it is not urgent for Gouzi to receive the divine bones.

At least we have to wait until it reaches A level.

If the loyal and brave dog really has such an opportunity, Kamiya will help him without hesitation.

Anyway, he is the "Top Emperor" on the Haiguo side. There is not much more, and he is no worse than the Dajiangshan side.

Because there are still various matters to be dealt with in Dajiangshan.

After Kamiyagawa won the battle, he simply continued to stay here.

During this period, Golden Bear Boy was quite peaceful.

Hoshikuma Doji, who had surrendered, went directly to assist Ishime and got busy with the post-disaster reconstruction of Dajiang Mountain.

There are still some monsters in Oeyama who once followed Ishikuma Doji and mastered human construction techniques. It is not difficult to mobilize these ghost stories and cooperate with the manpower and material resources of Takamagahara forces to rebuild and repair Oeyama Castle.

This small group of "architects" will also be useful in the future. They can be directly dispatched to various parts of the sea country and Ainu root land to participate in local construction.

In addition, thanks to the assistance of Mary and the Eight-foot Girl, Crab Princess's recruitment of Dajiangshan's army is also coming to an end.

Speaking of assistance, the eight-foot girl among them might also help a little, but Mary was not interested in doing something like this where she couldn't stay with Kamiyagawa, and she didn't know what to do. Anyway, the two desolate gods were stationed there, and it was enough to give them a deterrent.

Real management matters still have to be done in small cans.

Most of the scattered armies in the great rivers and mountains were replenished into the "Sea Kingdom Standing Army" commanded by Crab Princess.

The remaining small part, according to Kamiyagawa's instructions, was handed over to the management of Golden Bear Boy.

I hope this king can perform well in his new position.

Just spent a busy day like this.

In the afternoon of the next day, the little old man appeared next to Kamiya River and reported the situation on the north side of the palace, which was being watched by one of his clones.

To put it simply, the atmosphere over the collapsed palace seemed to be stabilizing.

Probably, Ibaraki Douji, who brought the dying Ibuki Orochi into the depths of the palace, had already gotten the result.

After receiving this information, Kamiyachuan immediately left for the palace.

Inside the ruined palace, the fog has dissipated. As far as the eye can see, everything is desolate and messy.

After traveling inside for a while, Kamiyagawa came to the familiar Ibuki Daimyojin Shrine.

The barrier at the shrine has naturally long since ceased to exist, and the appearance of the building can finally be seen.

Compared to the palace's outer walls, which were almost completely destroyed in ruins, the Ibuki Daimyojin Shrine inside also shows signs of damage, but is generally in good condition.

This shrine is built of rough stone and wood, with vermilion lines outlining the white walls. The roof of the main hall is covered with thick golden straw, which is simple and solemn.

Go through the torii gate.

A huge rope that looks like a strange python is wrapped around the eaves, and rows of white imperial coins in a zigzag shape are hung on it. In the windless environment, this row of royal coins was swaying, which made the atmosphere more solemn.

Kamiyagawa went straight into the main hall, and when he saw Ibaraki Doji, he knelt down quietly in the center of the main hall.

It was still the blood-stained white cloak, with a bright red silk strip wrapped around the waist, and tied into a beautiful big bow on the front of the abdomen.

The hood of the cloak has been put back on Ibaraki Doji's head, showing two bulges of ghost horns, and long white hair hanging from them, tied loosely, hanging from the gap in the hood.

Not only that, the Ghost of Rashomon also put shackles and anklets on his hands and feet again.

The right hand that didn't actually exist was also completely wrapped in a bandage.

The ferocious appearance before was no longer visible on her, and she seemed to have turned back into the delicate and frail "Tribulus Ji".

"Are you here, Inujiro?" Ibaraki Doji was not surprised by Kamiya's arrival, "Maybe I shouldn't call you that, because you are not an inuyou at all."

"Aren't you also Jijiji? Call me Kamiyagawa."

"Okay. How is Dajiangshan outside? Are Star Bear and Golden Bear still alive?"

"Star Bear and Golden Bear are both doing well now. According to our agreement, I will manage this place on my behalf, so Dajiangshan will also be very good."

Ibaraki Doji looked directly at Kamiya with her soft eyes: "You'd better fulfill your promise, otherwise I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost."

In the agreement between Ibaraki and Kamiya, if the latter really takes over everything in Oeyama. Then we must ensure that the ghost clan is treated well, and we must ensure that the country can continue to exist.

This was the last moment the Ghost of Rashomon held on when he was trapped in the Living Fish Hotel.

"You are already a ghost." Kamiyakawa sat down opposite Ibaraki calmly, "Don't worry, I always keep my word. Why don't you tell me about your situation here, Ibuki, or Shuten how's it going?"

"He... survived."

There seemed to be some emotion flashing in Ibaraki's eyes. He couldn't put it into words. It seemed like joy was mixed with melancholy.

As her words fell.

A subtle rustling sound came from behind the ghost of Rashomon.

It was like the sound of smooth scales rubbing against cloth, mixed with the hissing sound of a snake spitting out its seeds.

A slender black snake about one meter long coiled out from behind Ibaraki and wrapped around the left hand of the Rashomon Demon.


The slender black snake put its head on the knuckles of Ibaraki's left hand, raised it slightly, spit out a scarlet letter from its mouth, and stared coldly at the Kamiya River with a pair of red eyes.

Kamiyagawa: "Is this Shuten?"

Ibaraki Doji: "Well...it's the last bit of consciousness he retained."

Shuten, who had transformed into a black snake, no longer had any divinity in his body, and even the aura of ghosts was very weak.

At first glance, it looks like a weak and weird story that is not worth mentioning.

However, Kamiyakawa narrowed his eyes and still saw some clues.

Shuten now seems to be connected to the aura of Ibaraki Doji, relying on Ibaraki's ghost power to support his existence.

No, it's more than that.

If you look at it carefully, there seems to be an aura connection between Ibaraki himself and the Ibuki Daimyojin shrine where he is now.

"You regard yourself as the hub that connects Shuten and this shrine, right?"

"You are really sharp." Ibaraki Doji smiled sadly and did not deny this. "As you can see, I should stay in the shrine for a long time. Until Shuten's consciousness further awakens, finally At least we have to wait until he takes on the form of a ghost again and independently establishes a connection with the shrine.”

"Is that so? My people will restore the palace and take care of the shrine. Occasionally I will come over to see you."

"Want to win over me?" Ibaraki's eyes changed, and this time there was an obvious teasing color.

"No, according to the agreement, you are already mine now, there is no need to win over you."

"Just a vassal!" Ibaraki argued.

"Is there any difference?"

"...Whatever you say, I can refuse your unreasonable request."

"I know, I know. So you can agree to reasonable requests, right? Don't be so grim. After all, I am also the savior of the ghost clan and even the entire country. Now that you are saved, you have to face your benefactor anyway. Act happy, okay?”


Ibaraki Doji snorted coldly and grinned at Kamiya.

But this was not to show off her smile. Under her bright red lips, her sharp teeth were exposed as a warning.

Kamiyagawa didn't care about this either.

I've seen this kind of character a lot.

My sister-in-law at home has such a bad temper, can't I still control her submissively?

"Speaking of which, why can you establish a connection with Ibuki Daimyojin's shrine?" Kamiyagawa changed the topic and looked around at the same time. Through careful observation, he could more clearly feel the solemn atmosphere in the shrine, slowly lingering like a stream. Next to Ibaraki, "What is your relationship with Shuten?"

"He is my brother, half-brother."


This answer was completely unexpected by Kamiyagawa.

"Why are you so surprised? What do you think our relationship is?"

"Uh...it's hard to say."

What is the relationship between Shuten and Ibaraki?

According to the folklore that Kamiyagawa knew, if Ibaraki was a woman, it was said that they would be husband and wife.

If Ibaraki was a male, he would be a subordinate. Of course, there is also a wild theory that the feminine-looking Ibaraki is Shuten's "little surname".

But in various folklore, there is no mention that they may be a brother and sister!

However, my brother seems to have something to say...

No, that's not right!


It’s still unclear whether Ibaraki Doji is a boy or a girl. Maybe Ibaraki and Shuten are still brothers?

Kamiyagawa: "Wait a minute, if Shuten-douji is your brother, then you are all descendants of Yamata-no-Orochi?"

"Otherwise? If not, how can I establish a connection with Ibuki Daimyojin's shrine?" Ibaraki asked, "However, Shuten's mother is also a snake god, but my mother is not. The blood of the snake god in me is Very weak. So, I left Mount Ibuki a long time ago and came to the area near Rashomon. Later, when Shuten came to Oeyama, I followed my brother."

"Wait a minute, isn't your mother a white wild boar?" Kamiyagawa finally thought of something.

"How did you know?"


Regarding the relationship between Shuten and Ibaraki, as well as the connection between Yamata no Orochi and Ibuki Daimyojin, Kamiya finally sorted out the clues.

Regardless of the folk legends or the information provided by the shrine, because they are so old, it is completely difficult to distinguish the true from the false.

To understand the real situation, you still have to listen to the parties involved.

Now I understand that Shuten and Ibaraki belong to the grandson generation of Yamata no Orochi.

There is also Ibuki Daimyojin separated in the middle.

Shuten Douji can be regarded as Ibuki, but not completely.

After Shuten's father, the first generation Ibuki Daimyojin, was beheaded by Waken no Mikoto, Shuten Doji inherited his father's sacred bones and became the second generation of Ibuki. And later he killed Wo Jianming and avenged his father.

Besides, Ibaraki Doji was born from the first generation Ibuki Daimyojin and a female mountain god from the Ibuki Mountains who was originally a white wild boar.

Kamiyagawa had seen information provided by Ifuki Shrine in Shiga Prefecture and Ifuki Shrine in Gifu Prefecture.

It is mentioned at Ifuki Shrine that Ibuki-Okami is a huge white wild boar. This conflicts with the statement provided by Ibuki Shrine that Ibuki Daimyojin is a giant snake god.

And because Kamiyagawa had already seen Ibuki Orochi at that time, he thought that there was a fallacy in the records of Ifuki Shrine.

But now it seems that the records of Ifuki Shrine are not entirely groundless.

There really was a pig god in Ibuki Mountain.

It can only be said that because these deeds of gods thousands of years ago are too long ago and the records are not very detailed, there will inevitably be deviations in the spread to this day. But there are some clues about the past.

"I bet Ibaraki is not a widow."

After listening to Ibaraki Doji's story, Kamiyagawa thought this way.

The black snake entrenched on Ibaraki's left arm seemed to have noticed the strange change in his expression. It was hissing a message and looking at him with a puzzled look.

"Wait, there is one more question." Kamiyagawa now has the last doubt left, "Are you and Shuten Douji brothers or siblings?"

"Huh?" Obvious confusion flashed across Ibaraki's delicate and charming face, as if she was very surprised by this question, but then her expression turned playful again, "Am I a male or a female? This question doesn't matter to you. Is it important?"

"Just curious."

"If you don't want to have anything happen with me, then it doesn't matter if I'm a boy or a girl, right? Kami-dani Sawa-sama?" Ibaraki Doji seemed to have completely changed back to the appearance of Ji Jiji before, "Let's do this, I How about I let you verify it yourself and then cancel our previous agreement?"

Delicate, gentle, and charming.

Ibaraki Doji, who was originally sitting on his knees, leaned forward towards Kamiya, stretched his feet under his hips a little further, and slightly flexed the exposed toes in the front of his white foot socks.

Kamiyakawa raised his hand and pressed the shoulder of the other person who was still close to him: "Ahem, just a reminder, your brother is showing his fangs at us."

Although I really want to give Ibaraki Douji a physical examination.

But if I want to let go of the big country that I have already acquired, that is impossible! (End of chapter)

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