I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 634 Visiting Jiguang Temple

Ibaraki Prefecture.

On the driving ghost car, Kamiyagawa told Tsurumi Aoi the reason for the change in blessing:

"You still remember the red and black dress you saw in your dream, right? You said the figure that caught your attention the most was Mary. You have seen her before."

Miss Mary.

When Aoi Tsurumi went to Kamiyagawa to study last week, she had seen this shikigami under the teacher.

My impression is that it is a very powerful and beautiful ghost story.

When Tsurumi met Mari, she was like an exquisite doll, sitting quietly next to Mr. Kamiya.

Tsurumi Aoi still didn't know much about the situation in the teacher's family. She only knew that Miss Mary's status in the teacher's family was the same as that of a housewife.

And when he first met Mary, Tsurumi’s blessing had not yet disappeared.

While she was instinctively afraid of Mary's strong aura, she could also feel a strong attraction from her, just like in the dream.

"Mary herself is an Aragami. Well... this matter is not a secret in the countermeasures room. Her authority is similar to Mahakala, which your family has worshiped for generations. This is probably why her existence attracts your attention."

"Also, you know, Aragami is the boundary between Kaidan and God. Having become Aragami, Kaidan can still break through to a higher level."

Kamiyagawa tried his best to use words that his young apprentice could understand, to pave the way for what happened in the past two days.

Tsurumi Aoi opened her mouth but said nothing.

This girl's mind is sensitive and delicate, and she has already noticed something.

"The Mahakala worshiped by your family for generations is not the true form of this god. Mahakala was born in India, and his identity is also very reasonable in India, right? However, a long time ago, Mahakala had an incarnation. Crossed the ocean and came to Japan with the spread of faith.”

"What I can tell you clearly is that the incarnation of Mahakala has died for some reason, and only a ray of divine consciousness remains in the world. And the power that has protected your family members for generations is inseparable from that ray of divine consciousness. Open a relationship.”

"Because of your appearance, I got in touch with Mahakala's spiritual consciousness and reached a consensus. The specific result is that the legacy of Mahakala's incarnation here will be inherited by Mary, including the blessing and protection on you It’s the same thing.”

Kamiyagawa said this.

It generally explains what happened in the past two days, but ignores how he got in touch with Mahakala's spiritual consciousness and what kind of consensus he reached with that spiritual consciousness.

As for Mary's inheritance of Mahakala's inheritance, there is no harm in telling Tsurumi Aoi.

Next, Kamiyagawa has to go to Yoshikoji Temple to persuade Tsurumi Shinchi to worship Mary. Sooner or later, the Tsurumi family will notice this.

Tsurumi Aoi's brain was working rapidly, but she still couldn't process the information the teacher told her.

Teacher Kamiya said that his Miss Mary inherited the legacy of the gods?

In this case, is she still an Aragami?

Or is it that it has transformed in the direction of gods?

Teacher Kamiya, can you control the gods?

Such appalling things would seem unrealistic to anyone.

But only here in Kamiya River...

He is recognized by everyone as a well-deserved top-level combatant of the Soul Exterminator. In just two years since he appeared in the spirit-expelling industry, he has reached a position that is beyond the reach of everyone.

He has the ability to communicate with ghosts and gods, and his skills also come from an unknown and powerful mysterious ghost.

If it were him, maybe he could really do this?

Tsurumi Aoi, who was sitting in the seat of the ghost car, was in a state of overturning her views and being extremely shocked. At this time, she heard Kamiyagawa next to her add: "Tsurumi, because you are my apprentice, I tell you These things about you, but I still hope you won’t reveal them to others.”

In fact, for Kamiyagawa, what he has told Tsurumi so far is not a big secret.

Everyone in the countermeasures room knew that the disciples of ghosts and gods drove a group of wild gods.

If one of his shikigami really breaks through the shackles of the Aragami and ascends to a higher level...

After the widespread shock in the industry, they will probably choose to accept it.

What else can you do if you don’t accept it?

After all, the disciples of ghosts and gods have performed miracles too many times.

In fact, a small number of people in the countermeasures room have been psychologically prepared for this kind of thing to happen, such as Yukisama Kensuke, who has always endorsed Kamiyagawa.

Therefore, emphasizing to Tsurumi Aoi that this is a secret is more like a trial and test of Kamiyagawa's obedience and loyalty to his young apprentice.

Sharing secrets with others is one of the best ways to bring the two parties closer together.

When the listener learns some secrets of the confidant, especially when the listener knows that these things have not been mentioned to anyone, the listener will feel his own specialness, and his intimacy with the confidant will immediately increase.

This is "self-confession".

Of course, to achieve this, the listener must be a reliable person.

Like Xiaolu, even though she is usually cute and out-of-the-box, she knows almost everything about Master and is very tight-lipped about others.

Afterwards, if Tsurumi Aoi can keep this secret from others, it means that her nature is reliable. You can try to cultivate her into a loyal "family member" like Xiaolu, and then invest more trust in her. .


Tsurumi Aoi closed her legs, her body trembling slightly, trying to calm down with the breath of Ah Hung that she had just mastered, and her chest rose and fell slightly rhythmically.

The girl was at Kamiya's house just now and was still worried that she would be abandoned.

But now I feel that Kamiyachuan attaches great importance to me.

This sense of importance is more important to her than the secret itself.

She raised her head, and her gloomy eyes became as wet as a stray puppy that had just been picked up: "Teacher, I won't tell anyone else."


Faced with the girl's promise, Kamiyakawa nodded easily.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that he seemed to be using the same tactics he often used on ghost stories on his young apprentice.

And just as effective.

Should I say that I am proficient in human nature, or should I die...

But no matter what, since Tsurumi Aoi has become his disciple, it is still very important whether she is loyal.

As long as Tsurumi is reliable enough, whether it is because of Tsurumi's ability to obtain the Mahakala Divine Bone so smoothly, or because of his commitment to Teacher Akaki, Kamiyagawa will do his best to train and take care of his young apprentice.

After talking to Kamiyagawa, Tsurumi Aoi didn't say much more along the way.

She probably still needs to digest the information she just obtained.

The ghost car soon arrived near Kewei where Jiguang Temple is located.

The temple run by the Tsurumi family for generations is an ancient temple that looks very old. It is somewhat similar to the corresponding temple in Tsuneisei. The modern process of urbanization and changes over time have had little impact on this place.

After getting off the ghost car, Kamiya and Tsurumi entered the gate of the temple.

The courtyard design of Yoshikoji Temple is a typical dry landscape of Zen Buddhism.

Finely raked white sand is spread throughout the courtyard, and classic and unchanging dry landscape elements such as stone groups, stone lanterns, evergreen trees, and moss can be seen everywhere.

The trees, rocks, sky, and land are all decorated with only a few strokes, without any bright vegetation or decoration. The harmony between white sand, green moss and brown stone can be found in the varying shades of color. For example, the fineness of sand and gravel and the roughness of the main stone, the softness of plants and the hardness of stone.

In the eyes of practitioners, these monotonous and silent landscapes are the epitome of oceans, mountains, islands, and waterfalls.

You can really feel the Zen of silence while walking there.

I don’t know if it’s because she grew up under the influence of such an environment and culture. Tsurumi Aoi’s character is like a dry landscape, always restrained and calm.

He is completely different from the lively and boisterous eldest disciple Kanoya, whose every move exudes the youthful vitality of a girl.

Of course, the influence of the living environment is only one aspect. Kamiya feels that the fact that his young apprentice Tsurumi Aoi has a gloomy personality now may be related to her own growth experience.

After entering Yoshikoji Temple, Tsurumi contacted his father again and said to Kamiya apologetically: "Teacher, my father won't be back for about half an hour."

"It's okay, I can wait."

Kamiyagawa also contacted Tsurumi Chinobu before coming to visit.

However, Mr. Tsurumi has an appointment for a religious ceremony today, and it is estimated that he will not be able to return to the temple until around two o'clock in the afternoon.

Kamiya is not in a hurry.

Since Chishin Tsurumi had not returned yet, Aoi Tsurumi, as the eldest lady of the temple, took her master around to visit to pass the time.

They went to the main hall first.

The six-armed Mahakala statue that has been served by the Tsurumi family for generations is enshrined here.

The young apprentice skillfully put incense on the statue, stood in front of the statue and patted his hands three times as usual.

Kamiyagawa followed suit.

The sacred bones of Mahakala have been absorbed by Mary, and the influence of this god on Izumo Tsunei should be completely gone. But Kamitani River has received great help from others. Even if the owner here has "existed in name only", as a guest who comes to visit, he must be treated with at least respect.

Then, Kamiya followed Tsurumi Aoi to the cemetery.

The cemetery of Yoshikoji Temple is at the foot of the mountain not far from the temple. It is quite large and filled with tombstones.

The two stopped in front of one of the inconspicuous tombstones.

Kamiya looked at the name on the tombstone: Tsurumi Sakurako.

Tsurumi Aoi: "This is my mother."

The area around Tsurumi Sakurako's tombstone is very clean, someone must have cleaned it regularly.

After lighting a stick of incense for her mother, Tsurumi Aoi sat down beside the tombstone.

It was not good that the atmosphere was always dull. Kamiya began to find a topic with his young apprentice: "What kind of person is your mother?"

"Mom is very strict."

The girl sitting next to the tombstone seemed to finally relax a little:

"My mother used to control everything in the temple. When I was a child, my mother always disciplined me and asked me to follow the rules in the temple. I couldn't speak loudly at home, and I couldn't eat spicy food at home..."

"When I was a child, I would wonder why my mother was always so gentle to other people, but she was so cruel to me."

"I remember when I was still in elementary school, one time, probably out of rebellion, I bought a piece of curry rice and brought it back on my way home from school. Well, it's a spicy food."

"Of course my mother was furious when she saw it. She lectured me, and I cried. I cried and asked her, Lord Mahakala is obviously a god from India, why can't I eat his hometown food in front of the Lord."

Kamiya listened quietly to Tsurumi's story without interrupting.

Needless to say, my little apprentice had a sense of humor when he was still a lolita...

"I still remember my mother's expression at that time." Tsurumi Aoi's gloomy eyebrows relaxed a little, but soon she frowned slightly, "My mother is always very strict about the little things in life, but there is only one thing. Even if I don't do things well, she won't blame me, she just...learns the magic at home."

"My mother probably noticed a long time ago that I don't have the talent in that area. She told me that I still have a lot of time, so I can take my time."

"Later... my mother was gone. So in fact, there wasn't that much time."

"The blessing originally came to my mother, but then it came to me."

"But I'm not a qualified recipient. No matter how hard I try, I won't be able to learn the magic at home. My mother will probably be disappointed in me. After my mother passed away, my father had a hard time, but things at home, I can’t even share it.”

"Although my mother has never said it, I know that she wants me to become a decent spirit slayer. The Tsurumi family should become good spirit slayers, but I can't do it. Even in the face of weak monsters They are all helpless and can only wait for the blessing of protection."

"Even...last night when I couldn't feel the power of blessing, I was very scared and didn't know what to do. I shrank into a ball in fear."

"I hate how cowardly I look now."

Probably because he heard the secret from Kamiyagawa, Tsurumi felt that he should also tell Kamiyagawa something that he rarely told other people.

It was rare that she spoke so much.

The rewardability of self-confession.

"Tsurumi." Kamiyagawa finally spoke, "I can't comfort you by saying that you will be proficient in magic sooner or later. But one thing is for sure, you are very talented in swordsmanship. I don't know how your mother treats you. What are the expectations, but you can definitely achieve it by becoming an excellent spiritual exterminator.”

"But, if you just practice swordsmanship..."

"More than just practicing swordsmanship, haven't you already learned the Breath of Ah Hum? Trust me more, Tsurumi. Not to mention that the power of blessing will return to you sooner or later. Even if you don't have that power, you But he is the apprentice of the disciples of ghosts and gods."

Tsurumi Aoi looked at Kamiya River without speaking, her hair was blown by the passing breeze and fluttered gently.

The cemetery was quiet, only the sparks of incense sticks in front of the tombstones were shining, and the diffused cigarette smoke was rising in twists and turns.

After paying homage to Tsurumi Aoi's mother, Kamiya and his disciples left the cemetery, and Tsurumi Shinchi, the abbot of Yoshikoji Temple, also returned.

The three of them chatted for a while and then went to the reception room of the temple.

In the room, Mr. Kamiya and Mr. Tsurumi were in the host and guest positions respectively, sitting down across the wooden coffee table.

The last person to enter was Tsurumi Aoi. She closed the door, walked to the edge of the Kamiya River and knelt down, facing her father, sitting upright.


The corners of Tsurumi Shinchi's eyes twitched slightly invisibly.

Why did my daughter sit across from me so naturally? (End of chapter)

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