I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 669 Siren Head


There was another loud crash.

The huge humanoid creature outside raised its withered and skinny arm, opened and closed its palms to reach through the huge hole in the wall of the office building, as if it wanted to grab the large computer mainframe that was humming softly and operating stably.

But that’s not until it actually captures anything.


Flames erupted from the Inugami's body and he lunged forward with a roar.

The fire around the dog reflected the fog outside into a hot red color, and even the big hand was forced back by it.

Kamiyagawa held the boy Kiriyatsuna in one hand, and picked up the embarrassed Xiao Wu with the other hand. He nimbly moved back a few steps, but his eyes always fell on the huge monster outside: "This thing is ...Siren Head?"

Siren Head, an urban legend originated in the United States.

Although it originated from the American continent on the other side of the ocean, it also has a certain popularity around the world.

The appearance is the same as what Kamiya sees now, a tall and mysterious humanoid creature, famous for the two loudspeaker horns on its head.

In corresponding urban legends, they are generally described as strange creatures with strong voice imitation abilities. It can remember and play back sounds such as news broadcasts, human conversations, sirens and screams.

When imitating humans, there will always be noticeable distortion in the sound since the sound is played through a siren rather than vocal cords or other organic means of producing noise.

A fearsome and skilled predator known for its ability to imitate sounds, Sirenhead is said to lure its prey into preying by imitating sounds.

Furthermore, it does not appear to prey on or harm other animals except humans.

"This computer room seems to have attracted a series of weird stories related to electronics. There are two sirens on the neck of the siren head... so it should be considered a weird story in this category, right?"

Kamiyakawa thought so.

In fact, the siren head appearing outside does not pose any threat to the Kamiya Group.

It feels like it's just the upper reaches of C-level.

After Inugami, who is an Aragami, rushes out, it is enough to deal with it.

There is no need for Mary, the strongest on our side, to take action.

Sure enough, the mist outside was lit up by the sky-high karma fire, and the dog god bit into the body of the siren head. The infiltrating gnawing sound even covered up the piercing sound of the siren. Then, the huge humanoid torso standing outside the office building, as shriveled as a mummy, suddenly collapsed.

"It's okay, it just looks scary."

Kamiyakawa puts Satoru down.

The latter fumbled and grabbed the former's trouser legs and stood up from the ground. He finally realized the gaffe he had just made. He blushed and tried to make amends for himself: "Sir Wu, I wasn't scared...it's just that he is a bigger one." Just scum."

But she just finished speaking——


The siren head whose body outline could no longer be seen outside let out a sharp blast, and the withered and huge palm rose into the air again, grabbing the gap in the wall of the computer room.

Such a violent movement caused a smelly wind to rush into the computer room.


Xiao Wu, who had just regained his composure, was frightened again, and as a conditioned reflex, he squatted on the spot with his head in his hands.

Kamiyakawa glanced at her helplessly and sighed silently.

Why does this guy act like a coward?

But the movements of the siren head were nothing more than struggling and twitching before death.

It grabbed the giant rust-colored hand on the edge of the wall and soon turned into ashes and dissipated.

Kamiyagawa grabbed Satoru's back and lifted her up from the ground: "Don't be afraid... I won't let you go directly to the battlefield in the future."

One thing is that luckily Satoru was picked up from Akihabara in the eternal world a long time ago and placed at home.

Otherwise, with this guy's strength and courage, who knows what he will encounter if he survives alone in a crisis-ridden world.

However, although Satoru is now one of Kamiya's shikigami, there is no need for her to go to the battlefield in the first place.

If you make good use of "future vision", it will be enough for Satoru's shrine to be an integral part of the emotional shrine.

In this way, she has fully utilized her value and made a great contribution to the team.

"I just... I just haven't gotten used to it yet..."

Satoru argued for himself again without confidence, and then Kamiyagawa took his hand and led him to the large computer mainframe that was still running.

"There is no longer any aura of Kaidan around. Satoru, you can now check what's inside this host with peace of mind. Judging from the behavior of the siren head just now, it seems that the electronic Kaitan who was attracted here wants to get what's inside. .”

In the process of Satoru trying to deal with the things in the host.

Hannya, who calmly dealt with those "cursed emails", has wandered back to Kamiya.

Inugami also climbed back into the computer room along the edge of the wall of the office building, still holding the two sirens wrapped in black wires in his mouth.

The dog let go, placed the two sirens at Kamiyagawa's feet, swung his big fluffy black tail, and gently nudged his master's palm with his hard head.

It looks like Siren Head is breaking the news.

These two sirens are probably ghostly relics or something like that.

I'll accept it first and wait to see if there is any compatibility between Wu and Wu.

Kamiya had just put the siren head's relic materials into the [Mirage Bag] when Satoru, who was operating the host system over there, suddenly exclaimed: "Zhaoyu, you... look at this quickly!"

I saw a ball of bright green transparent light slowly precipitating behind the large computer mainframe that was humming softly.

Strings of strings composed of "0" and "1" are passing quickly through the ball of light.

Kamiyakawa stretched out his hand and touched the green ball of light with a strange sense of technology.

Although this thing is illusory, it has a certain sense of reality after being caught——

[Hello World (no rating for special materials): The divine materials bred in the Internet due to the belief in Denden Palace represent the new divine authority of the Internet. Maybe it will make all the new generation of electronic weird stories flock to it. 】

"Divine material?" Kamiyagawa put [Hello World] into the mirage bag, "I said that the cutting-edge belief system over at Denden Palace might give birth to something strange. I just didn't expect that this thing would not be born. It was over there at Dendenmiya Shrine, but it appeared here."

Hey! It takes no effort at all!

Didn’t Satoru get the second core material he needed to build the shrine?

If Sister Jue can combine [Thinking Core] and [Hello World] to create a cyber shrine.

Then Wu’s name for authority in the future will probably be——

The goddess who controls thoughts on the Internet?

What a new trend!

"I just don't know if Sister Jue's traditional divine craftsmanship can handle and use the 'Internet divine materials' that may have never appeared in the world before..."

But if you don’t know how, you can learn it!

Anyway, Satoru has not become an Aragami yet.

There is still plenty of time to prepare before building her shrine.

During this period, Sister Yijue's learning ability should be able to keep pace with the times and master Internet-related knowledge...right?

The biggest problem is that he often brings Xiao Wu to Gao Tianyuan to provide him with learning help.

The electronic monster commotion caused by [Hello World] was easily quelled by Kamiyagawa.

Subsequently, he asked Wu Tengu to release Miyazato Toshitaka and called the Metropolitan Police Department.

After this riot, the computer room of this IT business outsourcing company was almost destroyed, and even a big hole was smashed into the wall of the office building where it was located.

The losses were not unbearable.

Kamiyagawa's phone call directly changed his personal spirit-removing behavior into a spirit-removing mission as an official spirit-killing master.

Just submit another report later.

Since it is a mission in an official capacity, of course the countermeasures room will be responsible for subsequent compensation-related matters!

In fact, similar situations are also very common in countermeasure room organizations.

In addition to the spiritual masters, the government occasionally encounters sudden supernatural incidents and takes action to resolve them. Such conscientious behavior must of course be fully guaranteed by the organization.

As for compensation.

What compensation?

For an official spiritual exterminator like Kamiyagawa, who is old-fashioned and has a sense of responsibility, it is a selfless contribution if he does not ask for any additional rewards from the countermeasures room.

However, according to the current rules and regulations of the Countermeasures Room, the materials and props collected by the spirit exterminator on the spirit extermination mission must be turned over.

The Countermeasures Room will convert the loot into cash subsidies and contribution points based on the value of the trophies to the individual spiritual master.

But during the conversation between Kamiya and the countermeasures room, the countermeasures room did not inquire about the collection of loot after the incident.

The disciples of ghosts and gods didn't say...that means they didn't.

Both sides are tacit about this.

There is also the appearance of Siren Head and the consequences of its attack on buildings.

When this huge humanoid monster appeared, it was accompanied by thick fog.

Perhaps its terrifying outline cannot be directly seen from the periphery.

However, residents within a certain range near the office building should have heard the piercing sirens that sounded without warning late at night.

How to deal with these matters and whether they will cause unnecessary disturbances are also issues that the countermeasures room must consider.

Kamiyagawa is only responsible for dealing with ghost stories.

He will not participate in these troublesome aftermath tasks.

After returning home, Kamiya gave Siren Head's relic to Xiao Wu.

Satoru was really able to accept the power in this material, and she successfully inherited the ability of voice recording and voice imitation from Siren Head.

Although Satoru is a "genius", there is a high probability that after obtaining enough resources, he can attack the Aragami realm with his own talent alone.

But it's always a good thing to absorb one more ghost story relic.

It can further increase her probability of success in being promoted to Aragami.

In the next few days, through the investigation in the countermeasures room, Kamiyagawa roughly knew how [Hello World] was born.

First of all, there has always been a systematic belief in the Diandian Palace.

However, the two gods worshiped by these beliefs, namely the God of Strong Electricity and the God of Weak Electricity, do not actually exist.

The faith accumulated in the Denden Palace in the past seems to have flowed to its parent unit, Falun Temple.

But this flow is not complete. After decades of operation, Diandian Palace has accumulated a huge amount of unowned faith power.

Then there is the situation here in Kyoto.

Many Internet industry companies in Kyoto, as well as electrical appliance-related companies, enshrine the God of Denden Palace. These industry companies regard the God of Strong Electricity and the God of Weak Electricity as their ancestors.

The IT business outsourcing company that gave birth to "Hello World" and its client, that is, the small electrical appliance company that manufactured the Shishan Code System, all once invited shrines from the Denden Palace to be enshrined.

By coincidence, both companies are geographically very close to Arashiyama, where Dendenmiya Shrine is located.

The accumulated faith power at the shrine should have affected the shrines enshrined by the two companies, perhaps forming some kind of channel.

Then, as the small electrical appliance company continued to accumulate a mountain of code, the oracle of the Dendian Palace was input into the system by the power of the shrine.

Over time, a complex system was born that would chant the oracle countless times every time a JOB was run, and could even frequently crash a large computer host.

Subsequently, the system was sent to an IT outsourcing company for processing.

And was accidentally analyzed by the programmer Miyazato Toshitaka.

【Hello World】This unique divine material was born.

As soon as it appeared, its special properties attracted the attention of several electronic monsters, attracting them to fight for it.

After the incident, [Hello World] has been put into the [Mirage Bag] by Kamiyagawa to save it.

The [Mirage Bag] has been upgraded and transformed by the power of "Yehai". The prop materials placed inside will not leak any breath, so there is no need to worry that [Hello World] will attract electronic ghosts again.

However, Kamiya felt that before the Internet divine material was built into the shrine, it would be feasible to use the characteristics of this material and use it as bait to catch some electronic weird stories and throw yourself into a trap.

Those crazy, uncontrollable electronic ghost stories were broken down into soul crystals and materials.

Those who are sensible and docile are packed up and sent to work in the ordinary world.

No loss anyway.

This is roughly what happened.

However, these contents were all added by himself.

The documents about this incident in the Countermeasures Room did not record such details.

For example, the file does not mention the emergence of the Internet divine material [Hello World] at all. It is only speculated based on the incident report submitted by Kamiya: the power of Denden Palace’s belief may have affected the powerful god of electricity in Kyoto. The accumulation of weak electricity gods to a certain extent caused riots in electronic ghost stories.

And after the countermeasures room discovered the problem at the Denden Palace, it also learned the lessons from this time.

The riots caused by the accumulation of ownerless beliefs in the Diandian Palace were indeed dealt with by the disciples of ghosts and gods. It is estimated that there will be peace for a certain period of time in the future.

But who can guarantee whether something similar will happen again next time?

To avoid similar uncontrollable situations, corresponding measures must be taken.

Because the Dendenmiya Shrine belief has been widely spread among the people, especially in specific industries, if we demolish the Dendenmiya now, the effect may not be very good, and it may cause new troubles.

Afterwards, a proposal was made within the organization——

Since the accumulation of faith in Denden Palace will cause trouble, it should be possible for Falun Temple and Denden Palace to cooperate and enshrine an Aragami in the latter who can consume these beliefs and maintain a relatively good relationship with the countermeasures room. Eliminate hidden dangers.

This proposal has been endorsed by many individuals or groups within the organization, including Kamiyagawa, Yukinei Shinkensuke, Juqiong Shrine, Jodo Shinshu Minami Honganji, Yoshikoji, etc. (End of chapter)

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