I Make Games To Scare Crying Players

Chapter 106: Enter W-FBC-0087

  Chapter 106 Access W-FBC-0087

  [Give me up! ]

   Under the icy gaze of the leader, another soldier came to the camera and kicked hard.

   Immediately, there was a cry of pain.

   It's the man in the orange dress just now!

  At this moment, in the camera, because of this kick, he put his hands on the table and got up tremblingly.

  It seems that the gun **** just now made him a little dizzy and unable to stand steadily.

  When the players saw this, they couldn't help feeling relieved.

  The first-person live broadcast video made the cold gaze of the team leader just now full of deterrence.

  Even though they were not looking at them, it still made the players nervous.

  Although I recovered quickly, the feeling is still fresh in my memory.

  Most of the players shook their heads, constantly comforting themselves in their hearts. It's just a trick video, don't take it seriously. Don't take it seriously

  In the video, the team leader reached out and touched his ear.

   At this point, the players saw the communication device in his ear.

  [Sorry, doctor, an unexpected situation just delayed your progress. ]

  [Now after our detection, the experiment can continue. Of course, you can also choose to start later. ]

   As soon as the words fell, the voice of the previous doctor sounded.

  [It’s okay, you are doing a good job, I should cooperate with you. ]

  [In this case, then.]

  Dr. was interrupted by another voice before he finished speaking.

   It's the man in orange!

   His tone was flustered, and he directly raised the camera to his face, showing his big face full of tension and fear to the players in front of the screen.

[PhD! look at me! look at me! I've been with the Control Bureau for 3 years! It's just that the operation error has been downgraded! I'm not a real D-Class, there's no need to do such a thing! We can study together, doctor? We can study it together! ]

  Amidst the tense and hurried speech, the doctor's annoyed voice sounded.

  [I just said that we should perform Class-A amnestics first, so it won't be so troublesome. But I am afraid that he will forget his own research. It is really distressing. ]

  Class A Amnestics!

  Players caught a familiar vocabulary again!

   This amnestic that once appeared in "Sky Mountain"!

   Omg, did the Control Bureau have this technology in the 50's! ?


   When did they originate! ?

30 years?

   Or the 20s?

   The players shook their heads and continued watching.

  [D-8432, listen, you better follow the agreement with the Bureau. With my experiment, I will submit your application for reinstatement. If you don't cooperate, then I have no choice but to find someone as smart as you. ]

  As soon as the doctor's voice fell, the players heard a few gunshots to pull the safety, as well as the astonishment of the big face in front of the camera.

  The man in orange turned his head tremblingly, and glanced at the group of soldiers.

   Then turned back again, teeth clenched.

  This vivid expression made the players in front of the screen express their sorrow.

  The acting is really good

  [The knock on the door just now is definitely not simple. I have also studied the anomaly, so I naturally know what the situation is now. Doctor, I really don’t want to go down to me.]


   Following the sound, the orange-clothed man trembled all over.

This is

  The sound of gunfire from behind!


   This is a blatant warning!

  The man in orange clenched his fists tightly, showing a struggling look.

   Finally squeezed out a sentence from clenched teeth.

  [I. Cooperate with you.! I hope you can abide by. My business.! ]

  [Of course, D-8432, I'm glad you realize how critical this is. That's why I didn't clear your memory after thinking about it for a long time. There are not many control bureaus for a smart person like you. ]

  [Now, grab all your tools and go through that door. ]

  The orange-clothed man hesitated for a moment, and reached out to pick up the 75-watt searchlight that could last for 24 hours.

  [Can you tell me what's in it? ]

  Dr. did not answer this question, but spoke to the soldiers.

  [Please open this door for D-8432. ]

   Soon, the leader who received the request nodded.

  He made a gesture, and immediately, all the soldiers raised their guns and aimed at the green-painted door in unison.

  The camera was no longer aimed at the big face of the man in orange, but turned towards the door.

   Then, a soldier stepped forward and held his hand on the doorknob.

  Another soldier stepped towards the back of the camera, as if pushing and shoving, causing the camera to shake staggeringly.

  When they came to the green-painted door, the players in front of the screen became nervous and excited.


   Finally going to enter this door!

  W-FBC-0087 Stairwell. Strange phenomenon. Unknown anomaly

look forward to.

   Really looking forward to it!

  In the mysterious stairwell where so many people are missing, what will be inside! ?

  What will happen to the man in orange clothes! ?

  Will this videotape capture the existence of the one who knocked on the door earlier?

   Players have not forgotten that this video tape was originally a level 4 confidential content!

  Although I don’t know what level 4 is, it should be something serious and confidential!

   The players glanced at the progress bar, hoo~ it’s okay, half of it is not there yet

  In the video, the soldier holding the handle tightly nodded vigorously as if he had received some order.

   Then he looked at the camera sympathetically, as if he was sympathetically looking at the player, and pulled the green-painted door open.

  Accompanied by the creaking sound of friction, the players in front of the screen have not yet carefully seen the environment at the door.

  The camera staggered into the door and fell to the ground.

   Obviously, the man in orange was kicked in.

   Immediately afterwards, there was a loud closing sound and the disappearance of the light behind him.

  Suddenly, the lens was pitch black.

  The only light source, the man in orange, got up in panic.

  Began banging on the door, yelling, wanting to leave.

  Although the players couldn't see it, it was obvious from the sound that they were doing this kind of thing.

  [Please calm down, D-8432. Now, use your searchlight to look around. ]

   These words did not stop the man in orange clothes, but instead made him insult the doctor.

  In addition to the ugly words, he kept questioning why he was chosen and why he was allowed to carry out this experiment.

  He still has family, and children. He can't die in this experiment, he has to go home.

  Then, the abuse gradually turned into pleading.

  I hope that the doctor will be magnanimous, let him live, and let him go home.

   And the doctor, didn't say a word during the whole process.

   It wasn't until the man in orange had a nervous breakdown that he casually repeated what he said just now.

  [D-8432, please use your searchlights to look around. ]

  This sentence made the man in orange completely furious.

  He started growling.

  [Are you so cold-blooded! ? ]

  [For your own experiment, sacrifice others, ignore life! ? ]

  [In order to satisfy his poor desire for research, he did not hesitate to harm the pillar of a family? Don't you think that if you don't trip him up and let this family die, you won't be happy, don't you! ? ]

  [Doctor, don't you realize that life in the Control Bureau has made you look like a heartless humanoid machine! ? Yes, you can't make a mistake, you can't be relegated to a D-Class. You are proud, you are confident. ]

  [But you live like a puppet! You talk about your daily life, how many minutes are reserved for your own entertainment? Do you have anything else to do besides research? ]

  [Now, there is a real person in front of you! He used to be a scientist like you! Moreover, he is also a father and a responsible husband! He is the source of income of a family, the mainstay of life! ]

  [Now, he has become your experimental product! ]

  [Don't you have a little sympathy? Don't you feel sorry for it at all? ]

  [As long as you want, he can be released and return to the family that belongs to him. Doc, did you hear that? PhD! ? ]

  [D-8432, please use your searchlights to look around and don't make me repeat this a third time. ]

[asshole! ! You **** Dogshit! ]

[good! You want to see it! Okay, then let you **** see this. What is this place.? ]

   At this time, the camera is in the shot.

  Because of the searchlight of the man in orange, the players in front of the screen could see it very clearly.

  A downward, dark and bottomless staircase.

   Chapter 2 is here! There is another chapter after get off work in the evening. In addition, in order to end the story of 087 as soon as possible, I will limit each chapter to about 5,000 words, so that it will be over in less than 5 chapters. It's just that the subscription will be a little more expensive, I hope you don't skip the subscription~ Everyone, please add to the group~ Whip me in the group if you have nothing to do!



  (end of this chapter)

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