I Make Games To Scare Crying Players

Chapter 129: This VR game is fun!

  Chapter 129 This VR game is fun!

   "Be careful what you say! Nizi!"

   As he spoke, Mr. Zai stepped aside, leaving a space for Huanhuan.

   And a new prompt appeared on the display.

  【You are Jamin Walker, number D-9341. You were originally a B-rank researcher of the Control Bureau, but you were downgraded to a D-rank for researching prohibited items. From then on, you become a humanoid consumable. And Ni’s story begins here.]

   Huanhuan glanced at it, shrugged, jotted down this sentence, and clicked to confirm.

   At this time, Mr. Zai laughed from the sidelines.

   "Get ready to witness the second world, Huanhuan."


  Before she understood what the words meant, the prompt in front of her slowly disappeared.


   There was a menu interface document in front of me, and I was shocked!

  Suddenly, the four options of 'Start Game', 'Settings', 'Collect Items', and 'Exit Game' suddenly disappeared.

  document becomes an ordinary document.

  The table below shook as if it had been hit by something.

  As a result, other tools placed next to the document were also moved due to the vibration.

   Immediately afterwards, there were sounds of struggling and twisting.

  At the same time, an indifferent voice sounded.

  [Dr. Jemin, because you have researched prohibited items without permission. According to the service agreement of Panopticon-19 and the comprehensive trial of the Supreme Council. Your B-rank status will be temporarily revoked and you will be downgraded to D-rank. ]

  [In the meantime, we'll be administering a Class-A amnestic to make you forget all of the research's experimental records. Whether you will restore your B-level identity in the future will depend on your performance under the new memory and identity. ]

  At this time, another male voice sounded.

[asshole! You can't do this! You have no idea what I found! I need to write a report to the Supreme Council! This thing will definitely subvert our entire human life]

   [anesthetized, taken away. ]

[yes! ]

[No! ! you can't this]


  After a heavy blow, the sound disappears and the movement decreases.

  The lens of the screen began to rise slowly.

  The document in front of me is gradually shrinking.

  Everything seemed to come to an abrupt end due to 'anesthesia'.

   Huanhuan was a little taken aback.

  The line just now made her a little confused.

   It seems that the game prompts are played again.

   But this can be regarded as confirming the identity of the protagonist?

  At this time, Mr. Zai shouted loudly.

   "Sure enough, it is seamlessly connected with the menu interface again! The only game can always play new tricks on the menu interface! The last one is the car interior perspective, this time it is the document. But."

   Mr. Zai pondered for a moment, then shook his head.

"To be honest, brothers, the menu interface of "Control Failure" is not as amazing as that of "Mountain in the Sky". After all, the perspective of the car on a hazy rainy day is much more advanced than the camera far away from the document and the sound and movement appearing. Too much! Feeling a bit regressed."

  Huanhuan was a little confused, and the barrage in the live broadcast room also responded to what his cousin said.

   This made her frown a little.

   There is a feeling that I can't get in the conversation.

   Soon, wearing VR, her eyes went dark.

   Then, four words emerged.

  【One month later】

   Huanhuan frowned again.

   The game time has come to a month later?

  Then you won’t explain what happened during this month?

   Before she could think about it carefully, the picture of the game slowly became clear as if she opened her eyes.

   And soon, things unfolded before her eyes.

   This is an incandescent light bulb embedded in the wall.

   Surrounded by snow-white ceilings.

   It looks like it is lying on its back.

  When Huanhuan was looking intently, this perspective suddenly sat up, gasping for breath.

  His body undulates violently, swaying erratically.

   Seems like a nightmare?

  [I. Are you all right? This is the first time? ]

  Seeing this line, both brothers and sisters frowned, not knowing why.

   What does this mean?

   What's all right? What is the first time?

  Having nightmares?

   That degrading nightmare at the beginning?

   Cubs can never guess.

  In the game, the protagonist sighed and stopped talking. Instead, he turned and got out of bed and sat on the edge of the bed.

   Then supported his head with his hands, he seemed a little tired mentally.

   At the same time, a soothing music sounded.

  Combined with the quiet environment at this time, Huanhuan has a comfortable feeling of relaxation.

   "This background music is fine!"

   As soon as the voice fell, the next second, she found that she could move.

  The perspective in the game can also follow her head shaking.


   She was shocked!

   "Fuck! Brother! Come and see! Come and see! This picture is so real, so real!"

   Huanhuan was completely stunned.

  This texture, this environment. It’s so real!

   It is no different from reality!

   Fuck, is there such a game in the world! ?

   "Okay, okay, look at you who have never seen the world. Be restrained, and don't embarrass me in the live broadcast room."

   Mr. Zai opened his mouth lazily, but was not shocked by this stunning and detailed picture.

   As for Huanhuan, although she knew that what she was seeing was a game, this scene could beat all the games she had played before!

   The details are amazing!

  The wall texture, scratches, and cement debris on it can be seen clearly.

   There is also this floor tile, which is smooth enough to reflect the figure of the protagonist!

  The folds of this bed are also true, just as real as the folds on my own bed without a quilt!

  Cousin usually plays this kind of game!

Oh My God!

  At this time, Mr. Zai spoke again.

   "Okay, don't act like a person in a ravine. Look at your surroundings first, and at least understand where you are, idiot."

   "Got it!"

  The excited Huanhuan immediately manipulated the remote sensing handle and began to survey the environment around her.

   Then I realized that it was a small and dark room like a prison.

  Behind him was the simple bed that he had just climbed out of.

   In front of you is a thick partition without table corners that is integrated with the wall.

   On the side, there are sinks and toilets.

   Looking to the side, it is a thick metal gate.

  There is no lock or keyhole on it.

   Obviously, it cannot be opened from the inside.

   But no matter how you look at it, this place is a prison cell!

   Could it be that the so-called D-class personnel are prisoners?

   "Wait a minute, little idiot, do you see if there is something on that partition table, it seems to be a file? A file or a file?"

   Mr. Zai observed very carefully, and through Huanhuan's perspective, he saw what could be investigated.

  The latter also looked at the table and found a document on it.

  So immediately stepped forward and tried to reach for it.

   Then in the game, a hand wearing an orange sleeve was also stretched out.

  This action immediately made Huanhuan's eyes shine.

  She waved her hand, and the protagonist of the game followed suit.

  She shook her hand, and the protagonist of the game followed suit.

  She looked down and saw her lower body in orange pants and shoes.

  She even squatted down, reached out to touch her shoes, and touched the ground.

  Although there is no feedback, this degree of body freedom really makes Huanhuan, who has never played VR games, as excited as opening a door to a new world.

   "Haha, bro, look, this game is so fun, whatever moves I make, what moves inside will follow."

   Mr. Cub:

   "I have become a man, hahaha, I have become a man, bro~"

   Mr. Zai: (covers his face and sighs)

   "Can this take off my pants? I'll try."

   "Wait, wait, wait!! You idiot! There are so many people, don't mess around!"

  Zai Zong stepped forward as a little chestnut, Huanhuan snorted, pursed his lips, and looked unhappy.

   "I'm just too excited. This game has a high degree of freedom. He can do whatever I do. I've never played a game like this before!"

   "Okay, let's get down to business and see what's written in that document."

  Huanhuan curled her lips, stretched out her hand, pressed the button on the remote sensing handle, and picked up the file on the desktop.

   Soon, a piece of paper appeared in front of her.

   The content above, in brief overview, means:

  You are a D-class personnel, your number is D-9341, please remember this number, it is your second name.

  Your task is highly confidential. Before work, no one will disclose the content of the work to you, and you cannot ask.

  When you finish your work, if it goes well, you can resume your freedom and return to society.

   If the job doesn't go well, it will be back to where you are standing now until the next job comes.

  After reading the contents of the document, Huanhuan and Mr. Zai frowned together rarely.

  The former frowned because it was clearly stated at the beginning of the game that the protagonist seemed to be a downgraded doctor.

   And it is also clearly reminded that D-class personnel are humanoid consumables.

   For her who is still a senior in high school, this is a bit of a sensory shock, which is surprising.

   But cub always frowns, it doesn't seem simple.

  Because judging from the "Mountain in the Sky", "Stairwell" short film, and the CG trailer of "Control Failure", D-class personnel have no human rights, they are just humanoid mice.

   And life is not guaranteed, and you will die at any time.

  Why is it written on this document that they can 'return to society'?

  Could it be that D-level personnel are also divided into three, six, and nine grades?

   Those who are more capable can leave this identity and return to society after finishing their work?

  Zai always doesn't know clearly, and he is not sure.

  Just as he was guessing, a steady male voice sounded from outside the door.

  [Control Center, this is Agent Ulgrin. Request to open cell 3-11, he will participate in W-FBC-0173 experiments, over. ]

   In the early stage, I wanted to write more joyful, not as serious as the stairwell.



  (end of this chapter)

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