I Make Games To Scare Crying Players

Chapter 5: Changed the protagonist? (two

  Chapter 5 changed the protagonist? (two chapters in one)

   This is a small dark room with a storage box. On the ground, there are fungi growing, as if the house has been swallowed, making the scalp numb.

  The bald doctor, while tying up the man in the hat who was carrying him back, searched for useful items on him, and kept warning him.

  [I want to leave this **** forest! ]

[Did you hear that! ? Little bastard! ]

  [Tell me how to get out, and I will let you go! ]

   Mr. Zai watched the real-time calculation animation of the game intently.

  This is another cutscene demonstration different from the CG broadcast, and it is more in line with the game and the player.

   At this time, he has already discovered that the protagonist he controls is a little different

   As soon as the screen changed, the man in the hat was already tied to the chair, unable to move.

   It seemed that he had been injected with something, and his whole body was weak.

  The bald doctor, standing aside, facing a certain direction, muttered to himself with a blank face.

   [I occasionally hear her voice]

  [She is calling me.]

  [Call me home.]


  Zai Zong noticed that she here uses a female title.

  There is a woman calling the protagonist she manipulates?

   Who is the 'she' referring to?

  At this moment, in Mr. Zai's eyes, this game began to become confusing.

  The next scene shows the bald doctor standing in front of the tied-up man in the hat, yelling.

  [Where is the exit! ? ]

[Where! ? ]

  [Tell me quickly! Where is the exit! ? ]

  As the doctor yelled, the man in the hat also began to struggle, but the rope that bound him was tied so tightly that he could only swing and twist.

  Seeing this, the doctor raised his fist and hit the man in the hat **** the face.

  The game immediately uses the shaking of the screen and sound effects to fully express the sense of impact, which makes you feel that the sense of impact is several times better than that of some action RPG games!

   Immediately afterwards, the doctor punched him again, and the screen shook again.

  As a player, he could feel the strength of these two punches even through the screen. He couldn't help clicking his tongue while watching, and blurted out: "I'm going, it's so fierce."

  The doctor punched twice, trembling violently, gasping for breath.

  But the man in the hat remained silent, saying nothing.

  The doctor didn't hold back anymore, after a short rest, he raised his fist and hit him hard again.

   This punch used all the strength in his body, knocking the man in the hat to the ground and crushing the chair legs.

  Even Mr. Zai was frightened by this punch.

  The protagonist you control is so fierce?

   You won’t beat people to death, will you?

  In the game, the doctor spoke again.

  [If you don’t answer again, I’ll kill you like a dog! ]

   After finishing speaking, he turned and left the room.

  The screen of the game gradually darkened.

  When it appeared again, Mr. Zai was surprised to find that the protagonist of the game changed? ? ?

  It was replaced by the hated man! ?

"Holy shit, isn't this game one with multiple protagonists, multiple main plots, and multiple narrative lines? Producer, you play such a big game, and the requirements for text volume and plot quality are not low, and the game is prone to bugs , is your head so hard...?"

  Under Mr. Cub's operation, the man in the hat broke free from the restraint of the rope, and staggered to his feet.

  [The **** stole my key.]

  As the man in the hat got up, the surrounding environment slowly appeared.

  This is the doctor's house.

   "It seems that the protagonist has really changed. Now you are controlling the man in the hat, and the primary goal is to escape from the doctor's house?"

   Mr. Zai searched the room first, made a bandage according to the prompt, and healed himself.

  Then found that the only door was reinforced and sealed by the doctor.

  If you want to leave the room then, you have to remove the wooden board seal.

  Through the reminder, I made a lock picker, opened the storage box in the room, and found a shovel and a flashlight inside.

   And there is a description below the shovel: a heavy weapon with a wide range.

   Seeing this, Mr. Zai understood.

   It’s an extraordinary time, a shovel is also a weapon, which makes sense, eh!

   "Since it's a weapon, it's reasonable for me to break the door with a shovel, right?"

   Just do what you say, Mr. Zai took the shovel and hit the reinforced door hard!

   "Watch me physically open the door!"


  The loud noise made him feel scared, so loud, why wouldn't it attract a doctor?

   But having a weapon in his hand made him feel at ease.

snort! Don't be afraid when the doctor comes, I can kill him with two shovels!

  Finally, the wooden reinforcement on the door was broken.

   But the shovel is also unusable due to its durability.

   Seeing this, Zai always called the producer to play.

  Give you a weapon that turns out to be just for opening the door.

   Forget it, it’s better to go out now.

  So he pushed open the door, and outside, the lights were bright.

   And the doctor is standing outside the door!

  But the next second, for some unknown reason, there was a click, the lights went out, and the room fell into darkness.

   And the doctor, also disappeared!

  Fortunately, the flashlight was searched earlier, so it would not be completely invisible.

   But the disappearance of the doctor made him confused.

   How do you say it is also a character that was controlled before, and now it suddenly disappears so strangely? It made him feel a little uncomfortable.

  But when I think that this is a horror game, I feel relieved.

   Horror, anything is possible.

   "But this room is really dark"

   Mr. Cub is exploring in the doctor's house with a flashlight.

  Under the light, he found that the floor of the room was covered with some kind of fungi, and it was uncomfortable to look at it densely.

   And the intertwined roots are like blood vessels, spreading everywhere.

  The whole room actually gave him the illusion of being a creature!

   This is an experience like never before!

   It is very novel!

  However, this house has already been explored once before when controlling the doctor, so now I just change the role to see if I can catch it.

   "Eh? Then what if I go to the room that I couldn't open before? For example, the room where monsters or humans may be locked?"

   Just do what you say, Mr. Zai came to the previous room with a flashlight, clicked the mouse, and a combination lock popped up.

   Obviously, there must be something locked inside, so that the doctor has to put a combination lock on it to be at ease.

   "So now I'm going to find the code in this dark house?"

   Mr. Zai put down the combination lock, and suddenly, a voice came from the room.

  [Who's there? ]

  [Please, let me out! ]

  Zai Zong was taken aback, and frowned.

   "Is the person in the room? I thought it was a monster, and the doctor said, 'It took a lot of effort to lock it in'. It turned out to be another victim, and it turned out to be a perverted doctor."

   "Wait, brother, I'll find the password to rescue you right away!"

  Although the people in the game couldn't hear his words, the strong sense of substitution made him say them.

   "Wait! Radio! The password should be on the radio, right? After all, there are so many channel numbers engraved on it, there may be clues!"

   Mr. Zai came to another room with a flashlight, turned on the radio and checked.

   But still to no avail.

   Indicates that the password is not here on the radio.


   Mr. Zai aimed his gaze at the cabinet by the wall.

  Suddenly, his eyes narrowed slightly.

  Because the position of the cabinet has changed

  He clearly remembered that there was a door next to the wall, and when he manipulated the doctor before, he clearly said 'It's best not to go in now'.

   But now the cabinet blocks the door, why, did the doctor do it?

  What's behind the door?

  Cub came to the cabinet, looked at it, and then pushed it open, revealing the door.

   And at this moment, a strange female voice screamed fiercely, and the ear-piercing sound made him startled, and his hairs suddenly rose! I hurriedly looked around with a flashlight, but there was nothing.

"what sound.?"

   Mr. Zai looked around nervously. In this oppressive atmosphere, the sudden fright made his forehead start to shed cold sweat, but he didn't know it.

  The screeching sound never sounded again, but it had already made Mr. Zai start to be on high alert.

  He carefully opened the door behind the cabinet, and suddenly found that it was actually a temporary operating room!

   Right in the middle is a metal table with straps on it, apparently prepared by someone, or...already used?

   Zai Zong took a look at the room, it was empty but messy, the blankets on the floor were discarded randomly, and there were also large areas of fungi and roots on the walls.

   There is also an old generator, which is silently placed in a corner.

  Cub always walks over and finds that gasoline is needed.

   And he happened to find a storage box in another corner, which contained half a barrel of gasoline and a sturdy table leg that could be used as a weapon.

   "A new weapon to replace the shovel? Better than nothing."

  He picked up the table legs and equipped them.

   Poured all the gasoline into the old generator and turned it on.

   Immediately, the darkness dissipated!

  The room was lit up again.

  At the same time, there was also the unique buzzing noise of the radio.

  Obviously because of the electrification, it started working again.

   Mr. Zai pushed open the door and walked out, intending to continue looking for the password.

   As a result, when he saw something outside, he was startled for a moment.

  There should be a radio, but a person lying on the ground appeared!

  He was completely naked, his head was twisting, and his hands and feet were like machines, moving from time to time.

  A few wires were connected to the abdomen, extending to the wall, and there was a dense intertwined root under his body, like a bed for him to rest on.

   When did this person appear?

  Cub always approached cautiously with doubts, but found that the game reminded him that this is a dead body?

   This person writhing from time to time is actually a corpse! ?

   At the same time, a description appeared below.

  'The corpse's eyes were replaced by two knobs. His mouth was opened wide, making a distorted sound almost as indistinguishable as radio noise'

  Through the description, Mr. Zai understood what the corpse was.

  It turned out to be a radio!

   But why would the radio suddenly turn into a humanoid corpse?

   And this corpse still wriggled from time to time, looking like it was alive?


   Probably not.

  The doctor injected him with some kind of medicine before, could it be the hallucination produced by this medicine?

   It is very possible that since this is a horror game, he didn't stay too long and make up his mind, but went out to continue looking for the password.

  Just as he was about to go to the doctor's office, a harsh voice came from behind him.


  Zai Zong was taken aback.

  This sound. Mixed with strong noise.

   Could it be from that corpse?

  He immediately returned to the previous room and saw that there were no corpses and densely intertwined roots.

  On the ground of the room, there is only one ordinary radio with wires attached!

   At this time, hoarse voices were constantly coming from inside.




   Is this the combination for the lock?

   Sure enough, what I just saw was an illusion!

   Mr. Zai memorized the number, hurried to the locked room, and tried to open it.

  With a crisp clicking sound, the combination lock is unlocked!

   "Fixed! It's really the password!"

   Mr. Zai couldn’t wait to see the people imprisoned inside, so he pushed the door impatiently, only to find

  The door is jammed!

  The line below directly told him to use some violence.

  So he picked up the table leg and swung it towards the door without hesitation!

  With a loud bang, the door finally opened.

   And there was another cry for help from inside.

[help me]

   "Here comes my brother!"

   Mr. Zai entered the house and found that the room was pitch black and he couldn't see his fingers.

  But he didn't care about that much anymore, and leaned directly towards the voice.

  But the next sentence of the person in the room made him vigilant again.

   Just look at the person in the darkness who spoke softly.

  [Come closer]

   Seeing this, Mr. Zai began to wonder if the people in this room belonged to the lawful and good camp.

  My door is open for you, should you come out too?

   Still tempted me to go deeper? What do you want to do?

   "How do I feel this is a trap."

   Feeling bad, Mr. Zai stepped forward cautiously, then stepped forward again, and then...


   There was a loud noise, accompanied by the shaking of the screen, blood splatter, and a cry of pain, Mr. Zai was immediately terrified by the sudden attack.

   Fuck the enemy!

I've been attacked!

  Having rich experience in FPS, he quickly raised the table leg in a panic, and then crazily counterattacked.

  At this time, he didn't care to look carefully at who was opposite.

  Dare to attack me!

   Then you are the enemy!

   See if I can't kill you!

  After swinging down a few sticks, the attacker finally fell to the ground, but instead of crying out in pain, he smiled sinisterly.


  [Now. How do you escape from here.? ]

  [Do you think you can do it by yourself? ]

  As soon as the person in the room finished speaking, Mr. Zai heard a very strange whisper.

   This voice made him very uncomfortable, as if there were many people whispering in his ears, and he panicked.

   And this kind of voice is getting louder and louder.


[Did you hear that? ]

[She is coming]

   As soon as the words fell, the weird female scream that frightened him earlier sounded again!

  The voice moved from far to near, and in just a split second, the howling of that sharp female voice exploded in my ears!

  The entire game screen began to shake continuously, shaking like an earthquake, and the sound of light bulbs breaking in the room came one by one, and there was no light, making the whole house dark again!

  The chaotic murmurs intensified, filling his brain, causing strong auditory pollution, and making Zub, who had never experienced such a thing, sweat profusely and panic.

   "What's going on? What's going on, what happened? Who's coming?"

  Zai Zong was frightened and hurried to the door, trying to close the door, but unexpectedly, there was a sound of a wooden door slamming outside.

   He is familiar with this!

  He knew exactly what that sound was!

   It's exactly the same as the sound of him breaking the door with a shovel!

  No accident, there is something outside, it is about to break in.

   A clear and loud 'bang' sounded.

  The door opened.

   At the same time, an extremely chilling howl also sounded.

   Cubs always know.

   That thing.

   came in.

  Just as he was holding the table legs tightly and preparing to fight, a humanoid shadow crawling on the ground quietly appeared behind him.

  The terrified Zaizong saw this scene unexpectedly, his hairs stood on end in fright, and he even yelled out the dialect of my Diuleilou.

   "What! What! What!"

  Zai always panicked, and his strong desire to escape made him panic in the dark house, completely forgetting that he still had means of attack.

   Soon, he hit the wall, and before he could react, he was rushed up by a human-shaped black shadow. In the next moment, a white light flashed, blood stains appeared, and the game was over, leaving him stunned in front of the computer.

   Watching the screen gradually turn black, a line of writing slowly emerged.

  ‘Thank you for trying the prologue of the Dark Forest Demo, so stay tuned for the full version! If you have any suggestions, please private message me on the contribution website, the individual developer Shuoguang is very grateful! '

  Looking at the words of thanks, Mr. Zai remained silent for a long time.

  It will still be the same after the screen returns to the game menu.

   It wasn't until a while later that he blurted out a curse.

   "Horror game I RNM!"

   Then move the mouse and choose to start the game.

  He is going to prepare material for a new video.

  (end of this chapter)

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