I Make Games To Scare Crying Players

Chapter 54: A new game from Techgame

  Chapter 54 A New Game of Jiyou

   Bloody scientist?

   Everyone looked at each other, and it was obvious that there was a trace of astonishment in their eyes.

   "What kind of game is it?"

  A voice sounded from the crowd, full of curiosity.

   "Cosmic space theme."

   Yang Ying responded.

  He has not chosen to start the game, but clicked on a PPT document.

  He knew that Mr. An called people from other groups over to watch it together.

  The purpose is to let him explain some game settings and gameplay to the whole group, so that they can have a reference.

  At the same time, it also allows them to give their opinions to improve their own games.

  At this time, another person in the crowd also asked.

   "Then the art of this game should be very grand, after all, it takes place in outer space. What kind of space station, alien scenery, cosmic scenery, spectacular planets, etc. are quite attractive."

  Suddenly, this sentence made the people in the conference room start whispering.

  I feel that this game seems to be very interesting in terms of subject matter.

  But Yang Ying shook his head.

   "The company has limited funds, so the money has to be spent wisely. The alien scenery and space stations you mentioned will not be realized."

"Indeed, the game takes place in the universe. But considering the time cost, we don't plan to make dynamic universe scenes, but just use textures directly. Then make a spaceship and let players move in it. The universe The grandeur of the game is different from the focus of the game, so it’s not going to do that.”

   "However, it is really easy to get bored of letting players move in the spaceship from beginning to end. So in terms of gameplay, we have optimized it and tried to make the spaceship as fresh and interesting as possible."

  Yang Ying opened the conceptual design drawing of the spaceship and began to explain the plot.

"We plan to put the plot background of the game on the loading interface in the form of text, so that players can read it by themselves when reading the article. After all, if it is made into animation, it is impossible to show the cause of the game's events with a few pictures .According to my estimation, it would take a 30-minute animated short film to explain the cause of the game."

"And the current players are very impetuous. Few of them have the patience to watch the opening animation of the FPS. They usually skip it and go directly to the game to kill the enemy. I don't know about other types of games, but for shooting games, most people will Do this. This is also due to the fact that the current shooting games have no plot, and players can’t stand it.”

   "So after discussion, we settled for the next best thing, and put the storyline of the cause of the event on the picture loading interface, let the players see it by themselves, and then start to experience the game."

  Hearing this explanation, the people in the meeting room looked different.

  Everyone has different ideas in their hearts.

   But this is the decision of other groups, and they can't say anything.

   Simply watch the game demo first.

   After Yang Ying showed everyone the design of the spaceship, he finally started the game.

  As he clicked Start, and after loading, the screen appeared.

   What caught everyone's eyes was rows of sleeping cabins.

  Then, as if the sleeping cabins had received some order, they all opened the transparent covers.

  However, the person lying inside remained motionless, and the life indicator on the side also remained unchanged.

   Obviously dead.

  But one of them opened his eyes at this moment.

  The next second, the scene changed to the first person.

  Yang Ying moved the mouse, and the interface moved accordingly, indicating that it was ready to be manipulated.

"Let me briefly talk about the plot. The time will take place in the future in 2050. A manned spacecraft will send a group of blue star scientists to the space station on Jupiter to participate in scientific research. But during the voyage, they were hijacked by aliens. All the scientists were also unplugged from their life transfer devices. Among them, only our protagonist survived because of his good physical fitness. At this time, as a scientific researcher, he discovered that the entire ship was aliens, and tried to follow The spacecraft went to the Jupiter space station. So he had to take up arms and start to be a soldier defending mankind."

  After Yang Ying finished speaking, the meeting room burst into applause again.

  But soon, a curious voice sounded.

   "Hey, but if this is the case, it's just an ordinary shooting game, with some alien elements added at most. If it's a horror game, where is the horror?"

"well said!"

  Yang Ying immediately liked it and began to manipulate the characters.

"We have discussed this issue for a long time. We are a horror shooting game, so we need to satisfy two elements. One is the thrill of shooting, and the other is the sense of horror. But in the early stage, we spent a lot of time and failed to perfect it. Integrating these two elements, so I kept exploring. Later, I finally came up with a way to get the best of both worlds!"

  Yang Ying clicked on the PPT, turned to the alien design page, and showed it to everyone.

  When everyone saw it, they immediately felt that the designs of these aliens were very weird.

   There are round lumps that look like meatballs, there are those with graceful bodies but ugly heads, and there are spider monsters that look like machines.

  In short, these aliens can't see where the horror lies.

  Yang Ying looked at the expressions of everyone in the meeting room, smiled, and continued speaking.

"First, the aliens are made weird and distorted to give people visual horror. Of course, this is a design draft, so it may not feel scary, it has to match the atmosphere of the game. Second, facing this monster, players can Picking up a gun and venting bullets and fear. In this way, players can feel a sense of relief and give players a chance to personally overcome their fear.”

   "Now, let's take a look at the horror of the game. In order to allow players to adapt to the game faster, I arranged a high-energy game at the beginning."

   As he spoke, Yang Ying began to manipulate the protagonist out of the cabin and into a corridor with a very sci-fi feel.

  Here, there is no fork in the road, only the end at a glance, and the left and right passages at the end.

  People in the conference room opened their eyes wide, wanting to see what the so-called high energy is.

  Yang Ying also walked straight to the end.

  As the distance gradually approached, weird music also emerged, echoing in the conference room.

   And when it was about to reach the end, suddenly, high energy appeared.

  A spider-type alien dragged a human corpse across it fiercely, coupled with a sudden loud sound effect.

   This scene really shocked the unsuspecting people in the front row of the conference room.

   Then they all praised.

   "I'll go, this is fine."

   "That's right, surprise surprises can really scare people."

   "The "Face" also used this method, I think if you polish it, your game can become a masterpiece of horror."

   "Very good, I think it is indeed possible to stand in the current market, although major companies have not been able to make VR games. But this routine is still very effective when used on PC."

  Listening to everyone's comments, Yang Ying was very satisfied.

  He glanced at Mr. An. Although he didn't say anything, he must have heard the voices around him.

   So, he proceeded to continue the presentation.

"I studied several horror games of the only game, and came to the conclusion that the fear stems from insufficient firepower. They are very smart. In "Blackjack" and "Face", they gave up the combat system and focused on making This is very aggrieved! It is also very uncomfortable! This is not playing a game at all, this is being played by a game!"

"So in my game, after encountering the first high-energy player, the player must have been scared. At this time, if they are given a gun that can kill all directions, they will be very excited, and they must have a kind of desire The psychology of revenge. This kind of psychological change before and after is also one of the means to mobilize the players' emotions."

"Think about it, since I can kill monsters with my own hands, what else am I afraid of? If you dare to scare me, I will shoot and kill you. I believe that players with this kind of thinking will experience the wonderfulness of this game .”

  After speaking, the meeting room burst into applause again.

   There are also some echoing voices.

   "It looks like a good game, come on, jump group!"

   "I hope your game can use sales to occupy a place in the horror market and add some credit to the company!"

  “I think players will definitely like this game. It’s both horror and shooting. Players can also use guns to deal with these scary-looking aliens, eliminate their fear, and feel lucky. Good, very good!”

  Hearing the praise from his colleagues, Yang Ying was relieved.

  At this moment, Mr. An stood up.

  The entire meeting room fell silent immediately, and Qiqi looked at him.

  But Mr. An just nodded and gave Yang Ying a thumbs up.

   "Not bad, come on, if you have any questions, you can communicate with other groups."

  Then, he glanced at everyone in the conference room and gave orders.

   "You too, try to help Yang Gong's jump team. This game company has given great expectations, I hope you can spare some time to come out and help a group of Yang Gong."

   "This game is called "Blood Scientist" right? Okay, I remember it. Do it well and polish it well. In this horror game market, we also want it! Do you understand!?"

  The members of each group in the conference room looked at each other, and then spoke in unison.


  (end of this chapter)

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