I Make Games To Scare Crying Players

Chapter 63: The game scene is actually...

  Chapter 63 The game scene is actually

   This dynamic gave the players two emotions.

  One is shock and the other is worry.

  Surprised, Shuo Guang announced a behind-the-scenes production truth of the game that was enough to make players unbelievable.

   What is worrying is that this truth has cast a shadow over the hearts of the players.

Never imagined.

  Scene Design of "Mountain in the Sky"

   Actually referred to the Yingshan Mental Hospital that had been raging a few years ago!

   No, not a reference.

   It's a copy of the 70 to 80% similar!

   It’s just that some corridors have been added inside to make it look like there are a little more routes. In fact, the whole is the difference between the old and the new!

  His dynamic content is roughly:

  ‘Dear players and friends, hello, thank you for your support all the time. The only game that can develop to this day is entirely due to the enthusiasm of the players. '

  ‘Therefore, in order to feedback the love of the players, and to allow players to have a more realistic gaming experience. At the beginning of the design of "Mountain in the Sky", the previous scene design was abandoned, and the abandoned hospital with bad and strange rumors in reality-Yingshan Mental Hospital was chosen. Our policy is all for the players, and our design philosophy is to let players feel the charm of the game. '

  ‘So we went on site, measuring and painting day and night. Boldly walked around every corner, mustered up the courage to face the fear, all in order to present the player with the horror atmosphere of a mental hospital. '

  ‘Everything we do is for the players. '

'Hope everyone likes it. '

   Next, put a few comparison pictures below.

  For fear that the player would not believe what he said, he marked the names of each scene in bold red font.

   It's like the reincarnation of the Living Buddha!

   Let the players who saw this dynamic feel bad!

   Damn it!

   Originally, playing horror games is to exercise your courage.

   Then I kept comforting myself in my heart, all of this is fake, not real, there are no ghosts in the world, they are just games, they are all games.

   As a result, this shit? ? ?

  The game scene is applied to the real murder scene in reality! ?

  Production team, do you think the game is not scary enough or something! ?

   Well now, it was originally a VR game.

   Once inside, is it different from going directly to Yingshan Mental Hospital!

   On the contrary, it's even scarier!

  And another part of the players felt very confused.

  What is Yingshan Mental Hospital?

  So they didn't know why, and they searched one after another.

   It’s okay if you don’t search the results, but if you search, people will be stupid!

  Looking at the chilling news one by one, the players couldn't sit still on the spot!

   What's more, when seeing the picture of the broken female corpse, even through the mosaic, one can imagine the terrifying scene.

   As a result, the players complained one after another.

   "If you want to play to death, let's just say it! We have never been afraid of anyone in our life!"

   "Thank you, the only game from the horror game production team."

   “The production team was so kind to us.”

   "Just went to search this mental hospital, I cried, I was scared, I want my sister-in-law to squeeze tonight."

"Yingshan Psychiatric Hospital? I have seen this movie. The heroine is kidnapped, and the male partner went to rescue him. Then he had a hard fight with the kidnapper. In the end, the male protagonist who rushed over took advantage of it. I was disgusted to death. .a cover-up love movie!"

   "It was originally a bad film for money laundering, do you think it was made with sincerity?"

   "I really never thought that the way the production team would thank the players would be to make the game more terrifying and more realistic. How kind of you, sir."

   "The game is derived from reality, but not to apply reality!"

   "I have to say, if you do it like this, the game will feel more realistic when you play it."

  “As a person who has been to the scene, looking at these familiar scenes, I am completely dumbfounded. This is equivalent to revisiting the old place, and it is more terrifying and dangerous than when I went there before.”

  Although there are many people complaining about it, the likes are extremely high.

  A total of 1923 people liked it, and many hot comments were born.

  So this news was quickly captured and spread wildly among the major game groups.

   It didn't take long for more people to know that the scene design of "Mountain in the Sky" actually uses a mental hospital where murders have occurred in reality and there are various strange rumors!

  Suddenly, this dynamic content also began to be reprinted by various big V and UP.

  As a result, Yingshan Psychiatric Hospital has once again entered the public eye, uncovering the death incident that had been closed and sunk back then

  When this matter gradually came to an end.

   Unexpectedly, the next day, there was another news about "Sky Mountain".

   It turns out that the ratings of the major foreign game media came out.

  The players were taken aback for a moment.

   "Mountain of the Sky" sent to foreigners for evaluation?

   Does this mean that it comes with multiple languages?

  The source of the news comes from the Fourth Natural Disaster Network, which is said to be a screenshot from the media evaluation website.

   This caused many players to rush in.

   I saw the post hanging high on the home page.

  The ranking order is divided according to media authority and credibility, respectively:

  CA: 9.8 points

  Comment: This is a game that can shock the world and redefine horror.

  JM: 9.7 points

  Comments: The game has sufficient content, great playability, no procrastination, and a thrilling process. It is very worth playing.

  PO: 9.5 points

  Comments: The mechanism seems complicated, but it is actually easy to use. The map is big but not empty, and the details piled up are very realistic, which is a plus in VR.

  KL: 9.9 points

  Comments: The atmosphere of the game is very good, the AI ​​of the monsters is also moderately difficult, the side missions are very interesting, and the background setting of the game is very eye-catching.

  UC: 9.5 points

  GA: 9.4 points

  SB: Score not yet released.

  After seeing these comments, the players discovered it.

  It turned out that "Mountain of the Sky" was actually used for media reviews.

   They are all authoritative game media abroad!

   You know, the scores of these media can be seen by players all over the world!

  At the same time, their ratings also guide the consumer group to a certain extent, and may also affect the sales of the game after the game!

  Especially the uniform high scores, it's hard not to be attractive.

  Although there is a saying that has been circulating on the Internet.


  Believe in the media with a high score, and look at yourself with a low score.

   After all, a game is definitely not suitable for everyone. Some media may not like it, but players may like it.

   And there are quite a few such things, which have happened frequently over the years.

  But this time, foreign game media all gave high marks to "Sky Mountain".

   This also shows that the quality of the game is really good, so that these silly foreigners are stunned.

   It can be seen from various reviews that they love this game.

  When the players saw this, they suddenly became restless.

   You must know that domestic games have never had such high-scoring treatment!

   No, it should be said.

  Many domestic games have given up media ratings and only chose to sell them domestically.

   After all, the 30% commission is really unaffordable.

  In addition, there are two low-commission platforms in China to choose from. Naturally, no one goes to the cyber platform.

   Therefore, the players are not surprised that the only games "Dark Forest", "Blackjack" and "Face" were not rated by these game media.

  After all, domestic games are rarely released abroad.

   And only Chinese, no foreign language translation.

  But now it's different.

   "Mountain of the Sky" was actually sent for scoring! ?

   This means that after the release, players all over the world can play! ?

   I don’t know what kind of expressions those foreigners will have after they get in touch with VR games.

  At the same time, what will happen to them in the horror game for those who are used to playing gun cart ball.

   Really exciting.

  Chinese players can’t help but wonder how embarrassed the silly foreigners will be.

  By taking advantage of this rating, Shuoguang of Danmaku.com once again posted a dynamic.

   But this time, the players are no longer alarmed.

   Instead, he became excited.

   Dynamic content, very simple.

it means:

  The store page of the cyber platform has been launched, the game will be officially unlocked in three days, and then the pre-order activity will start.

   Players who buy now can get rich pre-order rewards at the beginning of the game.

   are two props and a weapon respectively.

  【Item Reward 1】

  【White Candle】

  【After the white candle is lit, drop the melted wax into the eyes to gain the vision of the monster/spirit closest to you on the floor, which lasts for 5 seconds and uses 1 times. Note: Your visual distance will be shortened by 30%, like a myopic eye, it is difficult to see things]

  【Prop Reward 2】

  【Bloody cheek】

  【This is the face of a ghost. When you put it on your face, you can temporarily deceive monsters/spirits. It lasts for 5 seconds, and the number of uses is 1. Note: You will see their world]

  【Weapon Reward】

  【Metal Bat】

  【This seems to be a decoration placed in the guest room, but fortunately it is real enough, and it is also very handy. Obviously, it can bring you a lot of help】

   Seeing this dynamic, the players cheered!

   There are three more days to play!

  At the same time, some players flooded into the cyber platform to search.

   Sure enough, the store page has been opened, and the game has been pre-sold on it.

   It's just the price

   A little expensive.

   It costs 298 yuan.

  But this can't stop the players!

   Sky Mountain itself has a skill system, but it needs to be unlocked every 10th floor. I created two life-saving skills here, and there will be a chapter later



  (end of this chapter)

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