I Make Games To Scare Crying Players

Chapter 90: False but Existing Illusionary World

  Chapter 90 False but Existing Illusionary World

  A mysterious organization across four works?

  The Federal Bureau of Control hidden in "The Face" and "Sky Mountain"?

  The players just remembered that the person who first dug up the mysterious organization FBC was Banana Goba Nana.

   At that time, his video has been popular for a long time.

  Because the content inside is too unheard of.

  Three games that can't be played in eight lifetimes have the same world view!

   And there is the existence of the Federal Bureau of Control behind it.

   It's hard not to remember the instant vision of the big boss behind the scenes.

   At one time, the players wondered if the production team had made any big moves, otherwise why would they bury this clue.

   Today, after a lapse of several months, Ba Nana exposed this news again, and asked the producer to repost it and like it, what a great face!

   This made the players affirm the big move of the production team.

  So the players moved the mouse, played the video, and began to watch it.

   Guys, 30 minutes!

good! Enough!

  The video starts playing.

   There are no inked titles, and no long-drawn-out crap.

  The first sentence at the beginning is to go straight to the topic.

  [Do you still remember the one I posted a few months ago, exposing the mysterious organization FBC behind the scenes in the game? ]

  [There may be many friends who haven’t watched the original video, it doesn’t matter, we will find out later, now let’s talk about "Mountain of the Sky". ]

  [I believe everyone should have seen the 3 endings of this game. The degree of reversal matches one by one, which seems to be very powerful, but actually gives people a sense of ignorance. I thought about it for a while, and this is mainly because in the 3 endings, none of the protagonists have good results, and each of them died for no apparent reason. ]

  [The most critical problem is not knowing which is the real ending. Although the game has 3 endings, they all seem to be independent and have their own meaning of existence, as if any ending may be the true ending. ]

  The players in front of the screen nodded when they saw this.

   You are right.

   The players are not dissatisfied with these 3 endings, on the contrary, they say they are very good.

   But the problem is, among the 3 endings, one of them should be the official one, right?

  You are not an open ending, you are an ending with a beginning and an end!

  You make 3 endings at once, and you don’t decide on one ending, which makes the players always think that the ending they played is as nameless as an illegitimate child.

  There are still people on the Internet who are arguing about which is the true ending.

  Some support jumping off a building as the true ending, some support shooting as the true ending, but more support the awakening ending as the true ending.

  People from these three parties express their views, everyone has reason, and no one can persuade the other.

   Therefore, an objective explanation is urgently needed from the official or an analysis UP master like Ba Nana.

   However, Brother Banana's next sentence stunned the players watching the video.

  [If you must choose a true ending, none of the 3 known endings can be the true ending. ]

  [Because the real ending is a hidden ending. ]

  [To unlock this hidden ending, you need to enter room 1408, and then collect all the documents in the game to decrypt. Do not enter the code at the front desk after you have obtained it, and do not open the gate. Instead, go to the B3 floor where the elevator cannot reach. There, after killing the final boss in the garage, take the ventilation duct to a brand new place. ]

   Following Ba Nana's explanation, the pictures in the video are also constantly demonstrating.

   This is a video of the player's operation. Obviously, it was recorded by Ba Nana while playing.

  [After coming down from the ventilation duct, you will come to a brand new scene, which is the white laboratory in the ending of the awakening. Here, you will see your own body wearing a knight's helmet and lying on a lathe being studied by two researchers. ]

  [At this time, you will find that there are no mountains in the sky, no monsters, no nuclear explosions, and no hotels. Everything is just an experiment, an illusion. ]

  [Yes, you heard it right, "Mountain in the Sky" is an experiment on illusion from beginning to end, and all the experiences of the protagonist are almost real false illusions. And it was a hallucination in a coma, not while awake. This means that even if you discover that you are hallucinating, it will be very difficult to wake up from it. ]

  The players looked shocked when they saw this.

  Although I vaguely guessed something through the ending of the third awakening, but now the official Ba Nana who personally praised it said it, and the shock suddenly increased!

  It turns out that the game really happened in an illusion!

  Everything in it, those monsters, ghosts, broadcasters, NPCs in various random events

   don’t exist at all!

   Regarding this, Ba Nana once again gave the players a horrified explanation.

  [Although the game takes place in an illusion world, the people and things in it should all be real and have a set of rules for how the universe operates. ]

  [Do you still remember the conversation between the two doctors in the real machine demonstration? ]

  The video switched to the real machine demonstration of "Mountain in the Sky" at that time again.

  The conversation between the two doctors was played again.

  But compared to the bewilderment at the first viewing, the players who reviewed it for the second time gradually became creepy.


   This is the helmet!

  The dialogue in the video mentions that D-9931, wearing a helmet, evolved into a non-humanoid life form during the fifth experiment.

  Seeing this, most of the players thought of the columnist who was close to it before.

  He believes that this medieval knight helmet can create a false world.

  This point is the same as the hallucinatory world that Ba Nana said.

  The person wearing the helmet will enter a certain 'mysterious state', and his consciousness will enter this false/illusioned world.

  Due to the difference in the passage of time, D-9931 spent more than 2,000 years in the false/illusioned world, while the reality may only have passed about one day or less.

  Even if D-9931 has become a dignified and detached status in the false/illusioned world, he is still just an experimental subject in reality.

  This shows that the world of helmets does not exist!

   Instead read as false/illusion, write another world that 'really exists'!

  But whether this false/illusion exists in the first place, or whether it is derived from the experimenter's own situation is unknown.

  The columnist finally speculates that the ultimate goal of this experiment may be 'life evolution'.

   To put it simply, the researchers discovered that this helmet can create a false/illusioned world, and has its own set of operating rules. It allows the experimenter to complete the sublimation of spiritual consciousness after years of baptism.

  Thus allowing the body in the real world to complete its evolution.

  The analysis results of the columnist really surprised a large number of players at the time.

  They all felt horrified, and felt that the research organization in the game was really terrible.

   But the columnist is not sure whether this organization is the Federal Bureau of Control.

  His final conclusion is that the protagonist has returned to a normal life. But because of the sequelae of the helmet experiment back then, he was caught between reality and falsehood. Therefore, monsters and ghosts can be seen.

  He has always believed that the entire game world is real and reality, not an illusion as Ba Nana said.

   But who is right and who is wrong, judging from the ending of the awakening and the ending of the truth demonstrated by Ba Nana, it is already clear.

   The problem is, the helmet that creates a false hallucinatory world.

   What is it?

   At this point, Brother Banana's voice began to make the final narration.

  [Before I cleared the level, I entered a room with the house number 1408. This is a room that must be entered to hide the ending, and there are related introductions about the background of the characters. ]

  [Now, let's take a look at the background story of "Sky Mountain". ]

  When the players saw this, they immediately pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

   It is really difficult to understand the fragmented plot hidden in the game if it is not collected deliberately.

   What's more, not many people have entered 1408, because they couldn't find the key, and the unlocking level was not up to standard, so many people missed it.

   But even if they enter room 1408, few players think of going to B3 floor.

   Now that there is such a professional UP doing analysis, it is simply a blessing for fragmented time players!

   Soon, Ba Nana explained.

  [The protagonist we manipulated was originally an employee of a company. He has a happy family, a beautiful wife and a lovely daughter. ]

  In the video screen, what is playing is the happy video tape on the 1408 Tie Tuo TV. The little girl in it is wearing a foreign dress and happily showing off her cute appearance, looking extremely happy.

  [Until one day, a serious illness came. As a result, his daughter suffered from a terminal illness. As time went by, the high cost of treatment and the unimproved condition directly overwhelmed this small happy family and became somewhat fragmented. ]

  [The couple started to quarrel, the daughter was lying in the hospital, the smell of happiness turned into the smoke of the battlefield. Although neither of the couple has disclosed the situation to their daughter, the terminally ill daughter has already noticed the changes in her parents. ]

  [Then, the protagonist got divorced, and he no longer went with his wife to visit his daughter, but went alone. Under such multiple blows, he lost his job and lost his source of income in the end. ]

  [For this reason, the protagonist began to raise and borrow money in order to cure his daughter. ]

  [Until one time, after the protagonist visited his daughter, he went out to raise money under the pretext of buying donuts. I don't know how to raise it, the game doesn't explain it, maybe it's a part-time job? ]

  [But anyway, he met a person, the research organization in the game, who was an agent. ]

  [The agent reached a certain kind of deal with the protagonist. The specific content of the transaction should be to ask the protagonist to pay something and then give money. ]

  [In order to treat his daughter, the protagonist followed the agents to this research organization in the game, thinking that as long as he works here, he can get paid. But he never expected that this research organization would directly erase his memory! ]

  [The protagonist whose memory has been erased got the number D-5671, and then began his career as a test subject for more than a year. During this period, his daughter was kicked out of the hospital because of the delay in paying the treatment fee and the disappearance of her parents. She was lonely and hungry and died in the wild. ]

  When the players heard this, their scalps were all numb.

   Unexpectedly, there is such a plot hidden behind the game!

  They never expected that the protagonist they controlled would have such a tragic experience!

  From the video, we can see how happy the protagonist's family is and how cute the little girl is.

   As a result, the serious illness came as soon as it was said, directly destroying a happy family.

   It's so easy, so easy

   And when people are in poverty, they will be unlucky and entangled in bad things.

   Players can't help but think, what would happen if they encountered the protagonist of the game?

  Video continues.

  [The protagonist has recovered his memory several times because of his concern for his daughter during his more than one-year experimental career. But at the end of each month, it will be cleared by the customary memory. After a long time, the sequelae of wrong concept of time occurred, thinking that he had just come to the research institute, and his daughter was still waiting for him to bring donuts back at the hospital. ]

  [But the research organization chose to tell him the truth in order to carry out the helmet experiment. When the deceived protagonist learns that his daughter is dead and he has nothing, his heart is full of resentment towards the world and human beings. He wants to destroy the world and the cold-blooded and ruthless human beings. ]

  [In this case, he refused to cooperate with the experiment. But how could this research organization be so simple? The end result, more advanced amnestics and sleeping pills. ]

  [Thus, the protagonist was put on a helmet in a coma, unconscious and lost memory, and started this hallucination experiment. ]

  [Next, it’s the content of the game. Although the protagonist's memory has been erased, the hatred for the world and human beings still exists in his heart. So in the hallucination he got his wish. The world was destroyed, and most of the human beings became cold-blooded and ruthless monsters, and he could do a lot of killing. ]

  [But his concern for his daughter is still there, and this concern can be said to be his last reason and conscience. So in the hallucination, I became the "I" in the mobile phone, and kept sending text messages to wake up the protagonist so that he would not be addicted to the hallucinatory world. ]

  The players suddenly realized when they saw this.

   No wonder, no wonder the "me" in the game often sends text messages such as "wake up soon", "the mountain in the sky does not exist", "everything is fake".

   At first glance, it is really inexplicable.

  But now, after Ba Nana's analysis, she immediately understood the meaning of 'I'.

   I have to say that the pit dug by the production team in the game is too big and too deep!

  And the game itself is terribly random and terrifying.

   It's too late to survive, so how can you still understand the plot of the game?

  So much so that the player couldn't calm down to explore the whole floor, and went to save his life.

   Fortunately, the ending of the third awakening is relatively straightforward, and the final truth of the game can be vaguely guessed.

   Otherwise, like "Face", who would understand it! ?

  Ba Nana's voice continued to sound, this time, he paused slightly.

  [Three endings, the first two protagonists died directly in the hallucination, which means that the experiment failed, and the reality must also be brain dead. ]

  [In the third ending, although he successfully woke up from the hallucination, he was shot and killed soon. It is not much different from the first two. The player and the protagonist are very confused. ]

  [Only the fourth ending is the ending where the player and the protagonist discover the truth of the world together! ]

  [Everyone can think about it. Will this game be so simple? ]

  [Why is the truth ending hidden? The reason is not just to tell the player the backstory of the main character. ]

  [Because in the truth ending, there will be things that you can't even imagine! ]

  [Just imagine, what organization dares to randomly arrest civilians for experiments? Who gave them the guts? ]

  [After the protagonist sees his body and understands everything, what will he do when he regains his memory? ]

  [What is the origin of this helmet, why do people who wear it enter the world of illusion, and let the life of the wearer evolve? ]

  [Finally, what is the origin of this organization? Do they have anything else besides this helmet? ]

  [I would like to remind everyone that the production team said that "Sky Mountain" is just a "branch game" of another "big game"]

  [I personally have a little guess about this large game, of course, it’s just a guess. Next, I will show you 3 pictures I cut from the game. ]

  In the video, three screenshots of the game popped up quickly.

  The players frowned suddenly, looking puzzled.

  Because the numbers above are all numbers plus letters, they are

    'Z-FBC-0825', 'W-FBC-0173', '0682'.

   I am really sorry for the slow update recently, because I am busy with work, I am really ashamed of everyone! But don’t worry, I will update as soon as I live, and my grades have not declined. Now the average subscription is 1151, and the number of subscriptions for each chapter is more than 900. In a few days, it is estimated that 1200 will be subscribed. Thank you for your support. !

   Thanks to ‘A Lai’ 4500 for your support! Thanks to 'Year_030'600 for your support! Thanks to ‘NIKJ Mo’ 500 for your support! Thanks to 'Wanderer' 600 for your support! Thanks to ‘Xiaoxiang’ for the support of 300 rewards! Thanks to 'Just passing by' for the 100 reward support! Thanks for the 100 rewards from 'The Clown's Eternal Life'!



  (end of this chapter)

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