I Make Games To Scare Crying Players

Chapter 95: The protagonist of "Face" is actually a villain!

  The protagonist of Chapter 95 "Face" is actually a villain!

   put it together?

  Why do you want to do this?

   Could it be that the last few are closely related?

  The players thought about it, gave up thinking, and continued to read.

  The screen in the video changed, and the game content of the protagonist chapter was released.

   Those are pipes. Countless large metal pipes criss-cross and densely arranged, connecting one huge water tank after another.

  Following the demonstration, Brother Banana spoke slowly.

  [In the small town of Riversdale, there is a water treatment plant. On top of this, there is also a pharmaceutical factory. These two factories are actually under the jurisdiction of the Federal Bureau of Control. ]

  [And the main character, Dwayne, was a young guy in the 1960s. He was doing drug research in a pharmaceutical factory as a researcher at the Control Bureau. ]

  [Until one time, he successfully developed an organic compound called 'LSD'. And the characteristic of this kind of thing is to make people produce hallucinogenic effects. ]

  [But this effect is not just as simple as an illusion, the most notable thing is that it can make people unconscious, and it is impossible to distinguish between true and false. To use another explanation, it is insanity, loss of reason. ]

  [In the 1960s, the protagonist Dwayne developed such a drug, and the Control Bureau directly promoted him. Then, prepare to experiment with this new drug. And the place they chose for the experiment was the small town of Riversdale where the protagonist is located. ]

  [They believe that since it is an experiment, there will be differences in the effect of individual individuals. The group response can be directly compared, which facilitates the collection of data. ]

  [However, since the protagonist Dwayne was born in the small town of Riversdale, he naturally didn't want to do this kind of thing. So after discussion, the scope was narrowed down, from the whole town to a certain family. ]

  [As for this experiment, the control bureau directly assigned the protagonist Dwayne to be in charge. After all, it was developed by him, so naturally he knows best. So, there is that 'you don't care about contract', which means, you don't care about the residents of the town at all. ]

  [The real content of the contract is definitely not this sentence, because the protagonist seems to care about the residents of the town. But why does the game process replace the content of the contract with this sentence? What's the point? Next, let's explore the process of the protagonist's mentality change during the experiment. ]

  The players who heard this knew that they were going to get to the point again.

   After laying the groundwork so much, isn’t this the explanation at the end?

   Now, the real story behind the scenes of "Face" begins.

  As the video plays, the commentary begins.

  [During the experiment, with the help of the Control Bureau, Devine bought a mansion in the town, remodeled it, added many darkrooms and observation rooms, and became a secret experiment room that is not easy to be discovered. ]

[His purpose is very simple. It is to rent out the house to attract people from outside the town, and then hide himself in the dark room of the mansion, inject medicine through the water, observe the mental state of the experimental subject, and see if it is easy to brainwash, and then collect data to study the drug direction of improvement. ]

  [Now you know why Lucy and Dolores are so prone to mental problems, yes, they were both given the 'LSD' compound by the protagonist Dwayne. This thing is explained in the game. It is easily soluble in water, colorless and odorless, very suitable for water transmission. ]

  [At the same time, it can be known from the comics that in order to better conduct experiments, the Control Bureau and the local police station have reached a cooperation. Once there is any problem in a certain family, the news must be strictly blocked. This is why no one knows about Lucy's death except for the neighbors across the street. And after the death of the Dolores family, no one knows why. The police blocked the news. ]

  [And the Control Bureau itself has a pharmaceutical factory in the town, so the local hospital is also under their jurisdiction. Therefore, it can be said that for the sake of the experiment to go smoothly, the hospital and the police station were all controlled by the FBC. ]

  [This is why the mental problems of the people in the mansion became more and more serious after they were sent to the hospital. Because the hospital knows what the house is doing, not only will they not be able to treat the residents inside, but they will even assist the protagonist Devine in conducting experiments. ]


  A thunderstorm exploded in the players' minds.

   No wonder.

  No wonder the hospital is not as simple as it seems.

  It turns out that in the game, there is such a function!

   Help the evildoer! ?

   It’s no wonder that when the residents of the house went to the doctor, their condition not only didn’t improve, but even worsened!

  The root cause is that the hospital is cooperating with the control bureau to conduct this experiment with the protagonist!

  Control Bureau

  Protagonist Dwayne.

   At this point, the players dare not think about it anymore.

   Their eyes returned to the video.

   As the play button is pressed, the sound continues.

  [Lucy is a little girl, coupled with her young age and ignorance, the dose that Dwayne gave her was not large. But then the dose given to her by the hospital was different. This was also the main reason why Lucy was completely insane, so much so that she tore off her jaw with her own hands. ]

  [When it comes to Dolores, Dwayne's overdosing her since she's an adult. She was so demented that she wandered around naked at home, and finally, under the effect of the medicine, she killed her husband and then collapsed and committed suicide. ]

  [The two experiments allowed the protagonist Dwayne to harvest a lot of data. The police also did a good job of sealing off the house. No one knew about the death in the house except the neighbors across the street. And the neighbors on the opposite side only learned about it through observation, and they didn't know much. ]

  [During the year of the experiment, the protagonist Dwyane also gradually changed into a different person. He began to stop thinking about the people in the town. For the sake of research results and status, he set his sights on the water treatment plant. Because here is the source of water supply for the whole town, and 'LSD' is easily soluble in water, colorless and odorless. ]

  [Here, relying on his connections, he got a job with a higher position. The purpose was to put 'LSD' into the water source, and he did so quickly. ]

  [Now, the 'you don't care' on that contract, has come true. With a year of experimental changes, Dwayne's heart has gone cold. He doesn't care about the townspeople, he only cares about the status that the results of the experiment bring him. ]

  [The opening gate of the treatment plant to release poison is the third resident of the house and an employee of the water treatment plant, Louis. ]

  [He had no idea that his daily routine was such a thing. When he knew it, it was too late]

  [So, he told the police what he found. But the truth in his mouth paled in the eyes of the police who were already a gang. At the same time, it made Dwyane keep his eye on him. Some tricks were used to make Louis lose his job and source of income. ]

  [Which is why Luis has a 'not looking happy' comment from neighbors because he's out of a job, a man out of a job in the 60's? ]

  [But why isn't there a Louis chapter in the game? In fact, Louis is dead. Because in Rakhan's chapters, we're not only being hunted by Rakhan's ghost, but also by a darkened humanoid. This humanoid creature, let me compare the two pictures, and you will know. ]

  In the video, two screenshots are displayed.

  One is the access card of the water treatment plant, with Louis' name written on it, and his portrait next to it.

  Another picture is a humanoid creature covered in pitch black with constant mucus.

   Even so, its appearance is roughly similar to the appearance of Louis on the access card.

  When the players see this, they don't need to identify it carefully to understand that this is a person!

   But why does Luis appear in Lakan's chapter?

  And why is it rotten, black and flowing mucus?

   Players' questions will be explained by Brother Banana.

  [Louis is dead, obviously Lakan did it, and the place where the body is hidden is in the boiler in the basement of the mansion. Because in the Rakan chapter, this humanoid monster will pull the protagonist into the basement boiler, so I personally think so. Therefore, in the game, Louis is completely black and rotten. ]

  [The one who instructed Lakan to do this is obviously the protagonist Dwayne, otherwise it would not be able to explain why Louis appeared in the chapter of Lakan and attacked the protagonist. ]

  [As for why there is no Louis chapter in the game, I personally guess that it is because Louis was not killed by the protagonist himself. So there is no Louis chapter in the game, only some scattered plots about Louis. ]

  [And Lakan himself is a former retired football player. After killing Louis, he was arranged to live in the house by the protagonist. Since the police news was well sealed, he didn't know what happened to the house. Here, he is also being targeted by the protagonist. ]

  [Due to Lakan’s sensitive nature, coupled with the fact that the house is large and empty, and he hid the corpse in the basement. So he can often feel that someone is staring at him. But he didn't know that this was the protagonist watching him in the dark room, and he always thought it was his own psychological illusion. Slowly, a kind of heart disease, staring phobia developed. ]

  [Because of this symptom, his temper became very violent, coupled with the medicine given to him by the protagonist, it directly made him suspicious. ]

  [Until one day, while eating, the radio suddenly failed. When Lakan checked cursingly, he suddenly found the mini monitor inside. ]

  [This time, it’s a big deal. ]

  [Lakhan, who learned that he was being watched, rummaged through the room in a rage. His behavior was also discovered by neighbors and called the police. Then, he finally found the mini monitor in the bookshelf. So, under the double influence of phobia and 'LSD', he hallucinated and saw the dead Louis. Frightened, he picked up his pistol and fired indiscriminately. In the end, he passed out and was taken to the hospital by the police. ]

  [Players who have played the Lakan chapter know that there is a maze chase in the hospital, and players need to run to room 323 to be safe. And the image of Lakan is leaning on a cane and rotting all over. So how did he die? ]

  [As I said before, the hospital is under the control bureau. For those who come from the mansion, it is natural to cooperate with the experiment of the protagonist Dewayne. But Lakan sensed something was wrong and tried his best to escape from the hospital. But whether it was digging tunnels, beating medical staff, or even destroying the power distribution room, they were all arrested and returned to the ward. ]

  [Until one time, he was completely insane from the large amount of \'LSD\' injected in the hospital, and chose to jump off the building. But Dwyane never expected that Lakan was not dead, he just broke his leg, and he will have to use crutches in the future. ]

  [Since suicide is unsuccessful, it is for unnecessary economic losses. Devine asked the hospital to anesthetize Lakan, then took him back to the house, and locked him directly in the basement. Let him rot inside like Louis, without food or drink. ]

  [And Lakan, before he died, discovered that the instigator of everything was the protagonist Dwayne! ]

   As he spoke, the video screen played the chasing scene in the hospital in the Lakan chapter.

  Among them, Lakan, the ghost who chased and killed the player, was howling and roaring constantly.

  'It's itchy. The white maggots are crawling around in the meat. It's itchy. '

  ‘I’m so hungry, I can’t find anything to eat in the basement. I’m so hungry. '

  ‘I hate it so much that you closed the door and locked it behind you. I hate it so much. '

  ‘It’s all yours, it’s all yours. Why choose me, why me.! '

  When the players saw this, they immediately understood what these four sentences meant.

   It turned out to be Rakan's death cry!

  It is telling its own painful experience!

turn out to be

   That’s what it means!

   Players have a feeling of sudden enlightenment at this time.

   There is also a sense of satisfaction of knowing the truth.

  When I was playing, I only cared about running for my life, and didn't even think about the meaning of these four sentences.

   Now after explaining, I understand that this tells the player that Lakan's death is related to the protagonist!

   But then, Brother Banana's voice sounded again.

  [From the beginning of Lucy's family in 1961 to the end of Lakan's death in 1970, this spiritual experiment has been a full 9 years. ]

  [The effect of the experiment is not satisfactory, the drug can indeed brainwash, and imply that the subject of the experiment will follow the instructions, even if it is to die. However, the experimental subjects themselves will also be mentally disturbed, which is seriously uncontrollable and will cause many accidental casualties. ]

  [After that, no more experiments were conducted. There is no follow-up to the results of the experiment, but in the protagonist chapter, it can be learned that a large number of people died one after another in the whole town because of the hallucinogenic drugs in the water, so that the police station couldn't hold back and was completely exposed. The experiment is a failure. In short, after the experiment, the protagonist got married and had children, happy and happy. ]

  [With the protagonist of the family, Dwayne, when facing his wife and children, he began to realize the mistakes he had made and began to regret them. Nearly half of the people in the whole town died because of him. Therefore, in order to suppress this emotion, he began to take anti-stress medicine regularly, which is the medicine that restores sanity in the game. Only in this way, so as not to be crushed by the pressure. ]

  [But it wasn’t until 15 years later, starting in 1985, that the main character Dewayne’s family of four was arranged to enter this experimental house by the Control Bureau]

   Seeing this, the players were startled again?

   Did you make a mistake?

  The protagonist actually went in by himself.?

   Wasn’t he the researcher back then?

  Then why. Could it be. Silencing?

  Is the Bureau so ruthless?

  When others are young and single, they are not arranged to enter the house.

   Now that other people marry wives and have children, and are happy and happy, they suddenly want to use the whole family for experiments?

   This is too vicious!

  However, the players didn't have much sympathy, after all, the protagonist himself destroyed half of the town.

  Some of them were just surprised, why did the control bureau choose this time to find the protagonist?

   With doubts, the players continued to play the video.

  [It’s really a turn of events]

  [The person in charge of the research back then has now become the subject of research. He knew that he was no match for a behemoth like the Control Bureau, so he tried his best to seal all the secret rooms and secret passages in the house that he knew. At the same time, he warned his family members not to drink tap water, only to drink bottled water they bought. ]

  [But he never expected that the Control Bureau actually changed his medicine! He replaced the anti-stress medicine he used to take from the pharmaceutical factory with his own research product, \'LSD\' improved psychotropic medicine! ]

  [Thus, the guilt and guilt he had suppressed for 15 years broke out instantly with the help of drugs. I couldn't control it at all, and became insane in an instant. ]

  [Then, there is the scene at the beginning of the game. He tied his wife and daughter to chairs in the basement, shot them to death one by one, and finally committed suicide. ]

  The picture in the video returned to the real-time calculation at the beginning of the game.

   The players once again witnessed the scene where the protagonist shoots and kills.

  Until now, they didn't understand the real plot of "Face".

   This is too shocking!

   The players couldn't think of this at all.

  The stories of the residents themselves are profound enough. I didn’t expect that there could be a main plot in series!

   What is even more unexpected is that everything that happened in "Face" is actually controlled by the protagonist!

  The entire town is under his control, reduced to a tool!

  Hospitals, police stations, water treatment plants, pharmaceutical factories, mansions.

  All are helping and facilitating this spiritual experiment!

  The entire plot seems to be scattered, telling the tragic events of each resident in that year.

   But connected in series, they form a complete big story.

   The players really didn’t expect that the big villain behind it was actually the protagonist!

  This is not acceptable to them who are used to playing justice heroes.

   Once lost in thought in front of the screen.

   What is even more exaggerated is that such a protagonist is just a researcher of the Federal Bureau of Control.

  Even a researcher can single-handedly create the "Face" spiritual experiment incident and destroy half of the town.

  The other researchers, or people above the researchers, what skills do they have?

  Control Bureau

   it's horrible

   At this time, a lot of emotional bullet screens brushed past.

   "I'm a real girl! I thought the main character was the victim, who was harassed by the ominous spirits of the passing residents and forced to commit suicide. I didn't expect it to be the other way around!"

   "+1, speechless, the protagonist is actually a villain, at the beginning he was thinking about the town, but later he directly took the town for the sake of the experimental results and status"

   "The production team is really skilled in storytelling. A good story is broken into a jigsaw puzzle."

   "Lucy is miserable. Dolores is miserable. Lakan also killed people for the boss, but was abandoned by the boss and became an experiment."

"Lakan must have been starved to death, because he failed to commit suicide by jumping off a building, so he was locked in the basement of the house with a broken leg and no food. "

  "It really didn't end well for all the staff. Lucy tore off her jaw, Dolores hanged herself, Lakhan starved to death, the protagonist got a headshot, and half of the town died, cheating."

   "The game has such a good plot, but it's made into a horror game. I hate it! It's so scary, there's no way to study and explore the plot well! It's too late to hide from ghosts, so there's no time to go around every corner."

"The only game now, apart from the plot popcorn of "Blackjack", "Dark Forest", "Face" and "Mountain of the Sky" are all mysterious and weird, and they are worth digging into! I hope the next game of the production team can also have these three s level!"

   "Indeed, the current FPS plot is not as profound as other horror games! Grandma, I hope that the game's "Blood Scientist" can give me a different feeling."

   "Me too, I hope "Bloody Scientist" doesn't collapse! At least the plot doesn't collapse!"

   Following the discussion of the players, in the video, Brother Banana made the final summary.

  [The entire process of "Face" can be understood as a form similar to a "revolving lantern". After the protagonist dies, go through the incidents of residents who have been hurt and destroyed by himself. To experience their past pain and despair, to reflect on their mistakes back then. ]

  [After personally experiencing what happened to Lucy, Dolores, and Lakan, re-examine yourself, walk into the inner world, recognize mistakes, and complete self-salvation. ]

  [Through a fascinating story and a terrifying game experience, the production team showed a protagonist from kindness to indifference, guilt to collapse, and finally a process of self-recognition. ]

  [Among them, the mystery and strength of the Federal Bureau of Control are expanded, and it also shows how small and pathetic ordinary people are in their eyes. ]

  [I don’t know what kind of organization this Control Bureau is, but after the intentional or unintentional hints of these four games, everyone more or less knows how scary they are, as well as how powerful and ruthless they are. ]

  [Also, the protagonist moved into the mansion in 1985 and died in it. And two years later, in 1987, somewhere, the "Dark Forest" incident happened. So there are still many things that the Federal Bureau of Control has to deal with. ]

  [Moreover, through the perspective of D-5671, the protagonist of "Mountain of the Sky", we can clearly see that there seems to be some kind of crisis inside the Federal Bureau of Control. ]

  [Whatever this crisis is, it should deflate them once, right? Specifically, there is too little information to verify. ]

  [So, let us look forward to the next game! ]

  [The premise is that the production team is willing to do it]

   Today, because the company organized a trip to the beach, I stayed up all night for a whole chapter, and it's over! In fact, I also know quite a lot about this chapter, but I can't help it. Because it is necessary to talk about the hidden ending of Sky Mountain, the concept of the contained objects, and the plot of the face at the same time, it seems that there are many chapters. But it's okay, it's finally over.

   Thanks to 'Book Friends 0825' for the 5000 reward~! Thanks to 'Book Friends 6444' for rewarding 400~! Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass~!



  (end of this chapter)

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