I no longer want to be a part of this triangle

Chapter 15- Punish him

In the manga she read in her last life, there was a character who acts up near the end of the story and kidnaps Katori. It was around the time of graduation when Katori had to finally answer Kazuki and Kohta.

It turned out that there was a psychotic yandere stalker of Katori who had been obsessed with her for quite a long time, and because of his obsession, he ended up kidnapping her and keeping her in an abandoned warehouse.

From that warehouse, Kazuki saves her and Kohta beats the stalker.

While untying Katori, she kisses Kazuki to show her feelings for him with tears flowing down her eyes. Kohta sees them like that and wordlessly backs off. The stalker gets reported to the police and the story ends with Katori and Kazuki getting together.

However, maybe the story shifted because of that slap from Katori, and she ended up pursuing Kazuki; the stalker also acted to protect her. He possibly wanted to defame Kazuki, so he completely broke off with Katori.

A very good plan was applied at a very critical moment.

'This is bad! If things go on like this, Kazu-kun will hate me even more and we won't be able to get together just like we did canonically.' While biting her thumb, she sat in the taxi and thought of the best way to deal with this situation.

Soon she reached the destination. A two-story house where 'he' lives.

Paying the taxi driver, she climbed the stairs and found there was a small camera installed at the door even though the apartment condition suggested that the tenant could barely meet their ends.

She looked around a bit and took a big breath before knocking on the door.

*Knock* *Knock*

It took half a minute but she finally heard someone approaching the door.

Her heart raced; this person was not easy to deal with. She had to be careful.

Squeezing her bag, she checked if she was carrying the pepper spray and the foldable metal stick. Fortunately, she was.


The door opened, and a nerd-looking boy with heavy glasses and long bangs appeared from the other side.

"N-Nanase-san..." He stuttered to even pronounce her name and looked shy enough to melt any moment.

"Subaru-kun. Can I come in?" She wouldn't have entered a boy's house like this in any situation unless they were someone she trusted, but right now, she was in a state of crisis.

Subaru panicked before he glanced inside and was about to make an excuse when suddenly Katori pushed her way inside—and was met by an expected scene.

A whole place devoted to her. On the wall, a big picture of hers hung. On the other side, several small pictures were sticking to the wall, and big red heart marks all over them. Even the lamp hanging down the ceiling had her name imprinted on the cover.

She marveled at those candid pictures with her brows raised before taking a seat on the chair resting by the wall.

"Stalking huh? I expected no less from someone who peeks at me during every class." She praised him in a mocking tone.

Subaru stood in a corner with his head hanging low. Sweat could be seen accumulating on his forehead and the boy seemed to be trembling as well.

"Tell me," Crossing her left legs, she asked, "Why did you upload that video?"

"W-What vi-video?"

"We both know what video I am talking about. Just tell me now when I am asking nicely, or you know what my father would do once he sees all this." She threatened him in the name of her father who was a senior police officer.

Subaru's eyes widened as he began to rub his hands together in apprehension.

Sighing in exasperation, she asked, "Why are you targeting Kazu-kun?"

He halted and then suddenly looked at her, startling Katori, before stating, "Because he is cheating on you."

He no longer stuttered and his tone sounded excited as the boy added, "Hurting Nanase-san while enjoying his life with another girl?! That's not acceptable!" He clutched his head and spoke in a frenzied manner.

Katori clutched her bag, ready to take out the pepper spray as she saw him moving toward the desk nearby and taking his laptop.

"See....see...a girl went to his house last night and hasn't come out the whole night." Katori frowned slightly and found that, indeed, a girl entered the apartment where Kazuki lived, and after fast-forwarding the footage, she never saw her returning. And since Katori had seen the girl's picture with Kazuki yesterday on social media, so naturally she must have gone to Kazuki's house.

"Now you see why Kazuki needs to be punished?! I also have taken out the information which could further hurt him." Pulling a file out of nowhere, he extended it toward Katori.

Taking it, she looked through the several news articles of the past dates—about an incident that involved a familiar girl who was currently with Kazuki.

Subaru possessed an evil grin as he added, "Once they nurture their relationship and become a couple, I will upload these news articles all over the school forums and ruin their relationship!"

Katori placed the file in her bag before asking, "Do you have any copy of this?"

Subaru blinked, suddenly getting conscious of the fact that he was seven inches apart from his goddess.

He instantly backed off while feeling his legs getting numb before replying, "N-No...are you taking it?" He asked while looking at the file she had just stored in her bag.

Katori nodded, "Yes. You don't mind right?"

"Of course not!" Like a puppy, he barked while sitting in a seiza on the floor.

Katori got up from her seat before softly ruffling his hair, and telling him, "Good work. Now stop stalking Kazuki, okay?"


"No buts, Subaru-kun." She scolded softly to which he diligently nodded.

With a smile, she picked up her bag and walked out of the house.

After boarding a taxi, she took out the file and while looking at the content, she called her father.


He answered instantly, voice holding a little concern. He must have been informed about the video—she realized.

However, she wasn't going to talk about that on the phone, rather she stated the matter for which she called,

"There is someone who has been stalking for a while now. He has my pictures and also, he is the one who made my video. Can you take care of him, please, Daddy?" She asked in a pleading voice.

[Tell me the name.]


A/N:- In a way, she is doing the right thing but from the general perspective she seems like a b****.

But well, gotta love the shoujo heroines. I am deeply inspired by a certain fl of a certain manga in which the fl also remained uncertain about her choice until the very end and I hate it. (Yes, I am talking about you, Machida Yuki.)

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